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Wanted. WANTED, a Strong Boy used to horiaß.-J. Paries. Orooer. Pitt ttraot. ANTBD, a Good Painter. — John Taylor, top Franklin Road. ANTED, a Striker for xmitb's shnp; and an Improver for body work.—Verrall and Co., Newton Coach Factory. WANTED, a Man for the country ; must be ablo to drive a horso and cart, and bo generally useful.—Apply to Hosketh and Altkin, (jneen-atreot. Wa NT KD, Two Good Carpenters; none but good hands need apply.—W. Gill, WolHngton-a-rcot. WAN I'tUD^at one*, Shioglers.—T. N. Horsly,!' Builder, O'Neil-streot, Ponsonby. vyANTtfD, two Koy« ; also two TinT1 , smiths; good wages, and constant employment.—Apply to H. Waite, Tinsmith, lllghstroct. STIJtTNTED. a'RwpectaUe Girl as V T Genoral Servant; must have good roferences.—Apply on Monday (between tho houra of two and £our),to Mrs Maguiro.Victoriaatreet West. a«TED. aCompeteul Miui to take tTin nunnKsiuent oc the Pinmbago Mine.—Aiwly io tho Snoretary, 19, New Zealand Inuurnnco Building. ANTED)" a Smart Errand Boy, who o*n writs; one Uvt»« at Poaaonbv preferred. -Apply. R. Tudohopo, Plumbor, Uppor Qneen-stroot. WANTBD, a Strong Boy used to worklu smith*' shop.—Kdwtn Huvle. Ooaob Bnlldtr, Upper Queen-anett. ANTED, two A.B. Seaman, for for Barqtentlue Kitten lying at Mon-goani--Apply on board a.S QUuelg, WANTED, a Servant Girl about 15. — Apply to Mrs MoLeod, next Pain's Bnkory, St. Mary'a ltoad, Ponsonby. WAJNTED, an Kriand Boy.—T. Stort, _, Queon-fltreot. WANTED, a G#'nerai"Servant.—Apply to Mra Heywood, Romuera (second house below St. Luke's Church). WANTHD","a"Cook"and Steward" for tho Island Lily.—Apply to tho Shlppinjr Maatej\___ ___ vn> ANTaD, a respective Hoy to rido » » out for orders.—Apply E. M. Hallott, Butohor.JParnoU. _ W ""ANTED, for Mount Eden, a thorough Gonoral Servant; roJeronoea required. —Apply Mra Uharlaa Kulaoy. Mount Kdeo, u»ur Pobtlo Sohools; or to Charles Kolsey & Co. Queon-Btreet. » va/ANTED, a Young Man used to » t oarpenteilnpr.-Apply M. Marks, Oily Market, % Tkf ANTKD. a strong active Errand Boy, >y —J. and J. Dloteay, Queen-street. WANTED, a smart Lad; must be a good writer.—Apply. Box 7, H.P.O. ANTED, Good Trousers and .Ve.t Matters; constant employment. —Q. Campbell, Quopn-atraot. WANXKU, two rospuctarae young mon Boarders In a qutot family, where no others are kept—Mnt Ueorge Payne, top of Franklin Hotid, the third hocsa off Ponsonby Road, on the right hand side. W ""ANTED KNOWN-Infants' Whips, 3d; Work Boxes, Is,ls 6d, 2s, and 3s; Writing Deskß, Is 9d; Watering Pota. Od—At Danipier's, Hobson-etreot. »^, r A'^TUD, a Uooeral Servant or stioua Ti Girl to assist In housowork.—Apply Mrs Llnton, Grafton Road, near Millor's Btoro. mdi ANT-D, a Fireman.—Apply M. Jtl. v v Ho*). Ouebunga. AN I'HJJ—Buyers for Floor Oilcloth, yari wide, at IB Gd per yard,—Mronnau'a, Victorla-Btratt. WAJJTKD, a good General Servant, where there »ro four young children ; references required. — Apply. Mra P. B Maolndoe, Uaaeell-atroot. Pornonby. _ WA^TED KNOrtn-Selling off at Sampler's to make room for 03 oaten of Goods of various kin 3» from Kugxvnd. ANTEu, Buyers lor Oxtord Shirtinj;, 52a jtrd ; Blannul nndkrihlrta. 2» 9a; Hard Fait HsW, St M.—Brennan'4, Vloxxla-^t. W"A~NTKD KNOWN—Tumblers, 3d i Cupa and Saucers, Id; Brown Tenpois, 9d; Plo Dishes sd; Moat Dishos, lOd; Dinner Plates, 4jd—At Damplor'g, Hobson-atreet. WA N X X D LiDIKB TO KNOW That WUilam Bittray ha* ooftfwd IMI Pairs JBbACK (Napioi) KID OLOVKs. AtM sd. '• 173, 181, ana 183, Qa&en-stre&t. "tIjTANTiiD KNOWN, »hat a new Mipply TT of Kagia Ink fonol1* and he&ia tma been i reoeived at Lonrui'a. late WayteV. WAWTEu KNuWN, thatT. B. s>mith, of Eyber Pass road, had just received per Loon a.we a l&rgo consignment of p«.p«r~ haiifinpa (newest patt«ras), which he 1b Boiling &a losv aa any houße In the trade. • 11/ ANTED, a Rood General Sorvant, T T with reference*—Aoply to Mrs I) v-, Evapp. Glenbnro, near Hhally Bsaoh, HOEBcflby WANI'KD KNOWN, that Thomas Nloholson delivtre milk of tho best aaality to the Inhabitants oC D*vonport at 3d per quart; also, oroim at a reneo&ablo r*te. ANTED, a Partner with £300 to run a Bsrt,'e; advertiser h»a conatant and paying trade.—Addreaa t1.8.. Bt.>R Uffljei \X/ A * TEIJ~KNO VVN— Frtßh Bargains v v at every ono of Dampler's nbop. ParHoniara Boon. \\r ANTED, Boarders ; excellent accomT T modatinn; t«rms v*ry moderate.—J, Bolabury. Heafleld Vlaw. Br»fton Koad. W~ A N TED KNOW N—A grand line of Speotasle-i. Is the pair; Nate Paper (unrulod.V 5 quires 8d; Bnvelopea. id; Windsor Mip, 8 o»kea U —At Oampler's. Hobeon-Btreer. W"ANTEC>, Buyers can Shop until 9 at Hronuan'B Vlotori*etreo*.~N. B,—Thoo vho wn shop In day time not attended to ax eight \*"ANTkD, a Bond General servant; TV must have Rood relerencea. Waahlng pnt out—Apply to Mrs Wilson U orrlson. St. Uecrje'B Bay Rod. "^S/ANTttD KNOWN. — Allotmrnts, v with ohoioe viows; rich soil, and conTenlcnt.—Apply, Dovonport Land Agonoy. ANTKD -Tbo Customers of Munro and MilUgan to know that the; are now prepared with a lull and cboioo aotortment of Tweeds and Drapery Haodu la all dopirimcnta tor the coming soißon. . % \T ANTED KNOWN—lnfants' Magajl sine, 1b ; *11 Ihe Tear Kound, Js ,• Corrhiu Masszine. ss; Golden Hears, 5a Gd—At Damplers. Hobson-etreet. WANTJBD KNoWN. - The MelroßO Estate la the Cheapest Property for sale In Dovonport.—Apply, Devonport Land Agency, Beach Road, or B. Tanner. No. 8 Queen-strcot, ANTKD KNOWN—Zinc Biwkets, Is 6d; Wash-bowls, Is 3d; Fire-ehovelß, 8d; Corkscrews, 2d; Peppor-boxes, 2d: Scis^ cora, 2d.-At Damplor'a, Hobson-street. WANTED, Buyers for Horrocks's Lonnoloin. at 3s Hd dcz: All Wool Flannel, 7frt- BrennHß'a. V;otorra-3t. WANTED, Secoud - hand Household Jfurnitcro in any quantities. U-Btiud-v««d on Merohandha or Bills of t^aint a* irasonablo rateu.— Simpson, Pltt-stffe«, next Falmor'e, butcbei'j . W"~AMT BD," uwners wishing to SbL Propertlee to send me parusulare to ensure ready s&lcu No ealo.oo charge.—w. v< t'tevenr. 187, Qaeen-Btreot. ,___ . _ XJkf ANTED KNOWN™ That Mrs Gus«- ---* t cott is Selling E»ec»ihlnK nt a meat Raduotlon. Kvtry aroo c Rnßranteedjpure. JNTED"KN6WN"_ Mrs Welsb, Teaoher of Mnelo and DanoUlf, hag TOmoved to 151. <-rfj-3treet; is Ii;8?o»b ___ i*TANT*D KHK'WN.—That an HieW mtnurs Stosbß Ohm will be opened In the Cliristtanß- M<rjti«K Houss, ojf.f.^Co"^ «nd Kobaon-straeta. by Proforfor OeUiiaU, on Towdiiy, Octwbf t SUf, at 7 .W. Terras: he^lee, 89:Ben5i«msp, 04 per qnarter, lh advanp*. tha Rail on opening night. ty */• £ NT 6U, Buyers for Straw Hats, 9d ; V> LodUa linen Co)l«8. 2d :,ÜB)e Gloves, 6-1: Cor«et ! '.2»3i polr.~i\reun&n'>, V(o'or.agt. SaTAJ*TKn KN<»W» -The Young W ', njje,- Journal, London Journal, and Family Herald Prory mall, considerably below usnal priceß-Dampfer's. ifobson-streer, "sa/aNTEU KNOWN.-Melrose; five W jnlnutea walk from Victoria Wharf.Ap r w Ttarniiport Land Agency. Beach Road. T.}'ah XJBD. Tenants for Two oix. VV roomed Hocse* ocntraiiy situated, at «j «4K Hhnra. within two miaules walk of lower wbwU Splendidly flnUbeO. nt>d with aU jgggjjS^Apply R. rfnd it. Dnder. WANTED Known—Carved Brackets, 3d; Knife Boxes, 3s; Frying Pans, Is 2d* White Handled Knives and Forks, 6d; Doormatg, la lOd-At Dampler's, Hobson-street. ANTED KNOWN, Brennan's Auckland H&nsa la at the foot of Vlotoriartreof. next Hoiagworth'a Cheap Boot Bhop. "niiyANTBD, tor the AijcKland Com* W .^merolal'oiub (Limlted»-Kr a t Walter, Peoond Waitor, Seoond Cook, Souileryman, X Row Aiao, tenders for Mea», Milk. Auckland, Ootobar SO, 1882. WANTED, Buyers for Fast Colour Print, i}d; Sateens in aU tf*s<™"* Bhadea, 104 jard.-wennan'a, foot of Vlotorlantreat — — WANTED Known-Children's Money Boxes, 2d; Superior do (with toys), 6d; Movable China Figureß, 2d; lot ot other Toys, 2d-At Dampier's. Hobson-streer. yy ANTED KNOWN—That Mrs Gu.'Sortt wIU BtlU oarry on the Baelneßß, aa Medical Herbalist, pursued by her late husband, Pictensor Goßßcott, In Shetland Crsaoent, opposite toeAnokland Club. ANTED KNOWN, that nownere are better Qualities In Te?»P r«J n™^ l ? liS" at tha Royal Tea Mart. A trial wW furnish the best test of their exoellenoe; the taore^ng eale is proof that they please l he«f??h^r^: Prioe la, 2a 4d. 2s Bd, 2s lOd, and 8s per lbr; ConBon Teas, Ib Bd, Is Bd. and Is lOd per lb. Genoral Qrooeitlea and Provislona, we keep the WHt quallUM, tor quality alone la the n true test of ooeapuOTa. Ourmotto )a quality and oheaDittfH combined. FaialUos waited ori for ordo aI li all puns ot the olty and Bnbarbs, Goods deuvered. -B. B-KKNOH Gtooor. Tea ?aa ProvWon Dealer. Tbo Rojal Tea Mart. KarangahaiO _j|ofl4i,AwktoOfl» .;. • • .■■■■■ -' : .

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3