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Wanted. WAN^EdTIjF f*o Respectable yoitp'g JUyijes (sisters), an unfurnished- room, with usuc/f -itsneri.—Apply to "Alpha"," S*ab '■ ojllco. __ I TTT7 ANTED—Wanted to Sell Vbout COO YV Niw Books^cheap; l' 2 dozen Apple Caßes; Engrared W.'na end Sherry Glasses, is £ 6d per dozen.—H. Watt, Fitt rtnd Grey atrGßta. r « mi anted jiJNuwjy—Tnat tiie no-* T T £«L<_and Tlmbpr Company are Belling all klnda oi Tlw^t, ?.nd Bn^dinjj Material e,t 1 the very lowest rates. VS!j BtTjpEipr White Kanrl, from onr now bush, jnat Gps?.i<_ ANT_._>, oraers lor oar Famous Trousers to measure, at 13a fid; alao, ths yro'ndfona.eJl gcits. Overcoats from 40s. Msrroifctfs va!c« at 3. D. Philllpo', Cheap Tailor. 170. Qncen-gtreot. ! - » t ANTED KisO WN-The three youfii* ! Y\ ' Gontlo.uCrlT. howero l)IftylnBPrransld3 ! lit the Park Hotel MO ideated to return the .! Bfilß t«ey too* a-wa? on Saturcu.7 ■ Wefc w I their natnoD QrS kSCttn, Of the mattoi1 Wu> P? , placed In the hands of th 6 J'cUce.—Appl.T C, A, Martin. Park Hotel. Wellosley street; i' WANTED KNOWN—That Munroan3 VV MiiHgan havo Removed from Ksrangai imps .Road to Larger and moro Central Prara!s?o fn Hpbsan-stJaeti _9M WslUngtonstreet. _ __.. \\r AN TED," person trlßhfrn ti.djspasfl Vt of Properties to.furnish iiie ftltS fttttlculars. No sale, no charge. Cheap B.uildiiig Allotments and Small Cottages find a ready sale.—l). F. Kvonu, Estate Agont, next "Herald,' Queen-street. ANTED KNOWN, that you can Drofla well for a small weekly payment by golns»to Mnnro and Milligan, See advertise mont on front pago. „_, ANTED KNOWN that the Victorian Loaa ana OidcbuntAgenoy'n AdrortlEOment appoara on itii nafre. Fth ooln-iru WANTED KN OW ft— ttKAlNii FESTIVAL MARCH and FLIRTATION WALTZ, only la fid, at Dumplor'a Branch Btora in the Market. Bo in time. WANTED KNOWN—Tnat J. a, Lambert & Co. have oponsd on Auction Mart in Wyndbam-streot, oppoaito til Stab office, for the Sale of all kinds of Stores anfl Sottlora' Produce Consignees acquainting the abovo ct (?o!?d>i coming either by boat or rail, will find every attention a™d oaro taken, po matter how large or small the cSnnignrasnt may be. For daya ot Bale, sco farther noiiC.3. WANTED KNOWN—Teat Professor , Unoaoott In the only Original and Practical Aihoncan fiorbaUstin the Colony, and also the most experisif o ffan tfs do bnalneßo with. He requires no information ;' hb oan decide at a glanoo the diagnosis of the case, taoretr refe?log the patient of a. great deal of nervouanoci and hesitation. Try and dlsprova thla If you oan. AWED KNOWN-The Cheapest and Mf'St, Dttrable J.)rem> in Auckland Is now soiling at J. Cosgfavfl atid. Co/a for 3a lid, itO.OOOyards dross staff, 7jd. W' ANTEJU, the JfuWio to know I hixvo determined to rfrivo the JmpQrted. Baking Powdors out of the Mar_it, And aij; succeed* ing whorpvor It haß boon tried. T»io plan I havo adoptod Is to otter you a Better Artiolo ao the samo prico. Before you use any more of tho imported, nsk for a jib Tin of Goodwin's Baking Powder, Sold by all the Grooars at Is 3s; Wholesale by all t!t<j Jfierehantt. — Manufacturer : F. Goodwin, OnOnUngn, WANTKju, two or tnrec urocctf In Auckland and District to take the Agency for Holson, Moato, & Co.'s Pare Blonded Toaß. Thcso Teas are acknowledged by the PreßS njifl Pilblxo to be tho Finest ovor Bold in tho Soctfiirn HfcMsphdre, afld are RUttHtflteod free from all sccntaa to*.— For partlcularn apply to Noleon, MofttOi & CO,, TjsK P^enfleJH Importors, tUgh-Btreet, ChristchnrcJ. . ANTED KNOWN7tISt. Mr A. W, Gardnor, M.P.S. Bng., Chomist of- Tipwards of IS loars' experience, and from July, 1859, till September last with Messrs Sharland and Co., has Opened a Ftmrmaoy at l&f, QueonBtroot (next Now Zealand Hocoo)* for DicponaiiiK Prescriptions, Compounding Family MCditlnea, and tho Bnpply of Pure Drugs, Pbarmaoeuticai Preparatlona, and General Domestic Kcqulsitee. ANTED KKO.WN—That William Went, cornor ot Wyndharo and AlbortBtrcot, ia prepared to Supply the Trndo in its dltl'ercnt branchca of good Cano Soat and Windsor Chairs. A Rood Stock of Bocoh Windsor in store, Crdera punctually attended to , TTrANTKB, tha Public to Kcad my T T Advertlsoiiioflt oh Front JrVgo of 3TUU JOHN LOW Amorlcan Portrait Rooma, 13 Groy-Btroet. WANTED, all who arc uivinp; their Houses a Christmas clean-up to call at J. Kendsll'a, CKIGU'f JN HOUSK, top of HroyBtrcot, and see tho Stsok ct Not Cnrtainp, from S3 !)J to' 15s; noirio pretty designs, .'Uyila lolij;, 10s (id and 12a Gil, pood valdß; aldtot Children's Costumes, to lit from 3 years of ago to 10, commencing at 33 Gd, half-prlco; Ladies' do. for holiday wear, from Ja lid; Whito Striped Muslin, Is lid for 12ydB; Galnteas, Jid; Lase Mitts, la Dor pair;- jHorrook'a Calico, 3s 8d doz; HonoycOiTib Qiiilta. Sa lid; 70-inoh White Twill Shooting. Is, la 3d; Dress Beiges). 7W. 10^; Prints, 3]d. B\iy a parcel and compare. Ccnfitry orders oarnago paiil. . WANTED, the Public "to inspect if, Watto'a stock of Baths. Toilot Cahq. Slop Palls, Show Canlßtoro, Dairy (Joods. ana every description of Tinwaro (japanned, painted, llgiinid, and plain); also. Fruit, Jam, Moat, Baking Powder, Insect Powdor, Coffee, and Poppor Tina, &c, &c. H. Waito having fitted up his Factory, and imported the latest machinery. Is now able to koop a large mock of the abovo on hand, and as everything Is commsneed and finished on tho promises, ho can sell lower than any othor manufacturer in tho oolony. H.W". asks a fair field and no favour.—H. Waitb, WholCaalo and Retail Tinsmith, Iron and Zlno-workbr, next old I'olleo Station, HlghBtreet. | ivr ANTED KNOWN. CHHIBTMAS and NKW YKAK CARDS In great variety at Ihe followlnic prlcoa: Id, 1 for Id ; 2d, i for 6d; 3d, 5 for Is: 1d.4 for Is; 6d,l for Is lid, and so on ; extra good valuo; nico assortment. Also, Birthday Cards, Perfumed Sachets, Silk U'ovrn Bookmarks and Tranfore, equally cheap. Liberal reductions to ahopkoopora. C. MACKAY, liookaollor (into Mackay Bros.), Junction of Quoon and Groy-stroete, and at Branoh Shop, Corley's Buildings, llobaonstreot, near Wel-losloy-atroot, , \Y~A N TE D .KNOWN, HAMS AND BACON FROJI THE BEST CUKEKS, AT LOWEST MAHKKT PUICK3, "O E W'S, Victoria-street. AN'MiyTi'SoVvN —Specially (3hcap I.lncs now for salo at J. Clroon's, nnp they must bo soid 1 Ladioß' Undorolothing very ohi ap indeed; Night Drosaofl, 3a 3d each; Chomlßds, Is slil each; Druwure, 2* lid por pair; Stooklngs, W pair; Bluok Brußaols Not, la yd ; Blaok Spotted Not Falla, 1b (original prico was Bt least, 2a lid ouch; Largo Pocket Uandkorohiofs, 4d ouch, or 3s Cd por doz; Men's Largost Llnou Handkorchlofß, Is ench; a sonoially good lino of Ladioa' Llnon Ilandkorohiofn, Ud oaoh cannot ho boaton); Durablo bilk Umbrellas, C 3 3d each (vdry bout valuo); Kmbroiijory, 3ld yd ; Real and Imitation Maltese Lace; Ladles Rush Uats. blookod, In oaoh ; Ladles' ijtraw Hutu, 1b each (now shapes); very pretty LadlOß' Fancy Baßkots, 9d oaoh; tho Ponny Pin Book is a wonder ot choapness; 1 paira of Mnn'a Brown Cotton Soaks for Is; a singlo pair 3Jd: Moa'a Kxtra Long Braces, lOd tho pair; Men's Bolta from 6d eaoh; Mon'e Morlno &nd Cotton Undervoata; Men's Linen-faced Collars, Id por box; Small Mou'a or Youtbs' Shirts, 2s each, or three for in Ud; a few very largo Men's White Folt Hats, Is 6d each; Mon's Whlto Linon Shlrtß; Moil's Llnon and Cotton Handkerchiefs; Mon'a Gruy Cotton stockings, 9d cor pair. Krorytliiiig ia short will bo cold at such prices that even a llro would hardly reduce them.—J. Green, 85, Vlotorla-atreeU ANTED KiNOWN—For Chkistmas PaKSBNTBandNKW YKAH'H GIPTB, f SICK TUB X Kloctro Plato Department -a W Clock and Watch Department P 9 Jowcllery Department g S Cutlory Department m China and Glaea Department z 3 stationery Department p? Brushwaro Department > fc I Perfumory Department I ? O Fancy Goods Department f 2 g Japanoao Dopartraont g 5 Picturo Department S j Puzzlo and Trick Department *■ Musical Inetrumonta Department g £ Mechanioal Toys Department a g Doll Departmont g Toy Dopirtment 3 LOno Shilling Donartmont7 P Kach department is rosplondont with attractions unparalleled in tho city. All goodß nro marked in plain llguros at prices hitherto unknown in Auckland. A considerable accosslon has boon made to tho staff of sorvltors for tho holiday season, that customers may rely upon promptitude and olvility. Tho Christmas and Now Year Cards, from Id to £1, aro BUrpassingly boautif ul. See tho S Windows, which aro but a fcoblo representation of tho attractions within, of which an inapestlon is invited ifrcapoctlve of any purchase being made. Sco and peruse tho 8 page Catalogue of Goods in stock.—GoodßOn's London Arcade^ ANTED KNOWN — Dampicr has now Throe Shopo-tho Drapery Shop in Wakeflold street; tho Fancy Goods Shop in tho Market, and now be has just taken that enormously large brick Btore next to where ho used to be three years ago in Hobson street, and be is now waking up that neighbourhood with somothing like Christmas Bargains; nearly ono thousand Money Boxes—those with ono compartment, 3d; Double do (with lock and key), 6d. Look at these first and see if they are not a Wondorfnl Bargain; after that oxamine tho other goods in the window and ccc if they aro not also Wonderful Bargains!, though to Bave money that advertising coats, I will only mention some of them:—Tho newly Invented Lovely Organ (patented in Kngland only 13 months ago), £2 5a to £1, they play 6 tunes each, but other tunes can be added to them to any extent, at la 3d the tune; come and hear them ! Attitude Figures, with moveablo joints, 2d eaoh; a great Wonderful Bargain. Mantolpiece Ornwne- ts, 2d ;nioo lot of other Toys, lid, worth Is; Magic Lantern (with slides) Is; largo pretty Mngs. lOd; Boats, 6d; very large imitation stuffed Parrots, 6d; Wax Dollfl, with hair, 6d and la; handsomo Howes, lOd, &0., &c.; also, fitted Work Boxes, Is to 3a: Writing Desks, 1b ; Framed Slatea, 2d to B<i; Tea Sets, 6d to 3s 6d; Ladies' Fancy Bags, la to 3s 6d ; Real Hand Mirrors, 9d to 2s ; Fancy Toilot Sets, 13 6d ; Grand Lot of Brackets, Is to 3s ; Lovely Tea Caddies, 9d to Is 9d; 5 cases Books, including Novels, Gilt Edged and othera; Splendid New Eoofea. from 2d to 6a ; aloO, Watohes, 81 and la ; Handeomo Japanned Tea Trars, la 3d ; Do, 2 feet Long, 2s; Whito Handled Knives and Forks, 6d to 8d tho pair ; Prottr Pannikins, 3d ; Dnat Pana, 9d ; Ladles, Od ; Waßhbowls, 1b 3d; Tin l!andloBtIoks, 111 ; mi., &c, Don't forgat the address, W. H.DAMPIKR,p Hpbsou-atrcct.—N.B. — Many of the abovo good may also bo obtained at my brunoh Btoro City Market. 0 PAIN IBES.—Wanted, Good Brush Hands.—Apply to Sargeson & Head, Nowton Road. A LADY wishes to Educate and Boavd a , j _c_L limited number of Boya under 12, Teruu ■ modornto,—Ad.dr.oßo. Stab

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3