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2 He \itiifAL miUdy. ■ _*__ * The above opera continues to draw %l ih< Theatre Koyril, anft will fee repented to Kigfiti ' v By the K'ro dt Sflnccliß, yestprclay, thd s South British CO. losfe cmly M) 0. t>'e gthei i half of the £800 having been re-insureu. W&nvsa. •I »»rANTED,^an Asaisiani Waitsr.— W iCityßnttcu __ . ArTf ED, Two (or more), GSooa »!CS t« Wila »h3uJ ft) Chains of Stono Wall at Mount Albert.-P»rtiou)aftl nt (ha otllee of this paper. , %&7AJNTJJD, for the country, a General ,-W- Qtfitmi G'rl,-Apply to Mrs Wells, Groy^streot, X .. . .-,- I^,m _, tTt7"ANT_DT^Youi)g fin I, to iiimd twO » f ' t^ildrenianfl assist Jn housework,—FM address apply Star O^ica - ••;-_ - VfrTANTED, a good Hand at iwicc ;' coT. » / atant work.—Apply to M. McGrath, Quoon-streot, Qnehnnga. ANTED, a Boy about 14 to assist vith horses and garden.—Apply to B. Tonks. Glenfoyle, Ramnera. WANTED, an aotivoLad as messenger, -^-Upton and Co. VI/'ANTED, at flanhafofd's Auckland V> ~, HeglsterJ (JCstfibllshod 18M), UHinopmberea Farm Couplaa. WANTED, a good ticneral Servant —■ Apply at once to Queen's Ferry Hotel, Vulctm Lane. ~~ \,\TANTED,.ftt once, a rospeptable Girl TV aaGonoral Sorvant.-Appl? Dr Evans, Pitt-streot. | WANTED, a Boy to make himself generally useful; must bo able to milk. —Apply to W. J. Markß, Chapel street. WANTED, a strong Girl to do housework, and mind chlldron: references required.—Apply W, Sanford, Yictoria-Btreet, oornerof Albert-street. AJffAZTfjSDj Man and strqng Boy to V» milk and matc^> tho!nseWe3 generally useful on, farm,—Apply CruiofubfiiiE ft MlUor, Qneen-Btreet. WANTED, a General Servant; no washing.—Apply (in- tho evening) Mrs Gabriel Lewis, O'Rorke-atreot, opposite Pollcoatatlon. ' _ WANTED, at Mannaford's Auckland ~ ,Rjl!gifltry (Bflfablishod .1.869), Femslo Sorvanto {town a'Sd oouritry). , ANTED, at Haunafor3'3 Aueklind Registry (Establlehed 1S03), Young Girls to bo nsefnl (town and country). WANTED, a Bpy for Parcels Delivery. Apply NewZoaland Clothing Factory. \\f ANTED, a General Servant.—Apply I! to Mrs Maxflold, Richmond House, Pitt-street. AINU ED^ Six Good Bushmen.— Apply Coupland and Co., 1 p.m. tomorrow. WAMTKD, Apprentices aud Improvers. VApply Ct ofle to Mrs BMrtmim, BroESmaker, Viotoria atfee^ West; ANTED, a Boy.'-rApply Jolin L. Kean.jllllott-Btreot. ANTiID, early in January, an ex- , perlonce,d Servant: muet be a good plain cook and laundress, W agcs,l2s por week. —For address apply this office. . ANTED, 2?~liushmcn.—Apply tQ James Baker, at Young's Fanoy Pape; Warehoufo. Qroystreet. Auokland. WANTED, a tidy induiitrious Girl as General Servant: one accustomed to children preferred.—Apply to Jffirs K. Ohatfleld, Btoneyhurst, Mount Eden. ANTJED, a Girl about 18 to assist with housowork (sleep at homo),—Knqairo Roberts's Btore, Pon»onby Hoad. WANTEu, at once, a Comfortable HonßO, Stable, nnd Trap Shod l must bo convsniont to towtl.—Addieds by letter. A.Bu Star ofllco. ANTKD, a General Servant; small family and good wagos,—Apply at once to Mrs liOry, 211, Quoen-street. AN'i' active Ladi—W. Falmcr, Pht-stroet. WANTKu, by a Youuf,' Pcradii, a Situation ns Companion or help ; wil ing to do anything not menial.—Addroas, "Help," Star ofßco. WANTED, at Hannaford's AucKlnnd Rogistry (Kutubllahrd 18631, Men (Single) td milk and drive; wages "Oa. TVrANTKD, a hespectdDle Boy to Vt doHver bread.— Apjily to Thomas Donglad, Prihcofl Btreet. WANTKD, a Situation as lompaniin by a lad; who speaks three language 6; or an aged couple.—X. lioudry'a Kogletry, Shortland-Btrcot. \\i ANTED, to Purchase a Horse for ah W Kxpross. Price not abovo £!).—Apply by letter to " Kxpreßß." i-r<K oflioe. WANTED, a Second Waiter and useful Boy for country hotel; -Apply United SorvicoHotel. WANTED, for Kawa Kawa Bail way, 20 Won.-Apply on tho Works, or to Jag. Larhln, Newton Road; ANTKD7 two Good Painters-Apply to George Taylor, at Mr Qrubb's, BekO •, Karangahapo Road. WANTED, a respectable Girlns General Servant (no washing).—Apply Mrs Conlatablo. Hobaon-streot, Qpponite MrOroorawn)'!). WANTKD, a General Sorvaht who understands cooking anil washing.— Apply to Mrs ahora. Arnoy Road, Hemuora. 7\/"ANTED, a good General Servant, l! also a Houabroaid.—Apply to Mia Johnatono. Prlncoa-Btrcot. WANTED, thoroughly respectabio Voting Woman for houso work at Poverty Bay; nb washing; pasoago pu!d,~ Apply to Y.W. Institute. WANTED niimeaiately a pood Plain Cook, whero othor sorvants are kopt.— Apply Y^pung Women's Instltuto. ' ANTED, n stroiiß Lad for tho Bakehoune! ono who can mould proferrod,— G, W. Whltoombe, Baltor Ponaonby Road. ANTib, a Storonian. — Apply to Kobcrt l*oal. (Juoon-etroot. WANTED, at Hannaford's Auckland Registry (Established 1SK1), Boys to ml.'k and bo Usef uh j__ WANTED, Country Storekeepers to ordor Goodwin's Baking Powdor from their Merchant. Ono trial will satisfy tho most fastidious of its purity. Sold evorywhoro, in half-pound tins, at la 3d, Wolght and quality guaranteed. ANTED, tsitttatlon as Baker.—Apply by lottof. to A.8.C., Office of thla papor 11/ ANTED KNOWN, that E. MltchelT I aon & Co., No. 19. Quoon-Btroot Wharf, aro soiling Maize, Onta, Bran, Sharpa, Flour, Oatmoal, &o, &c, at lowost market ratoa. ANTED KNO \VN — That tno Auckland Timber Company (Umltod) nro Manufacturers ot all doaorlptlon of Goods, with aoperlor Machinery and despatch,—Workai Cnatom-houao-Btreet WeßtANTED to Sell, Mixed Paints in gAllon tlna: Ktnri Oil, 2/9 per gaUon ; Priming Paint, fi/6 per gallon.—Atkinson & Co., Freeman's Bay I Wholesale Agents, Messrs X, Porter fc Co. _____ \\TANTED KNOWN—There uro 600 TT paira of good Twood Trousers to bo Bold at J. Oosgravo and Co.'b. for 6s lOdpor pair._ \\/ ANTED KNOW N" — That the T T Cheapest ana Beat Honae In Town for Flrat-olaaa Grooerles ia the Auckland Caah Grocory Store, corner of Quoen and Greyatreetß. . YI/ANTED, Empty Oil Drums in any TT quantity. Good price given by Adam Laybonrn, Fortatreet. . WANTED, by Married Couple, Furnished Bod and BittlDg-rooms, with übo of kitchen, where no other boarders or lodgors aro: no attendance, oloso t • yuoen-street; terms moderate.—Address, Beta, Stab Offloo. WAfITED, Situation as Book-keeper; charge of a net in small business preferred ; nine years' experieDoe and good rcferoncos.—Apply to H.A.H., Star oftlce. ANTED KNOWN, the Penny TimeTable published this day at all atailonera. New 'yriaco and local inaila. ANTED KNOWN, that A. Mackie has For Sale about 200 feet of Purirl Souse Block,—Apply to 4 and 5 Durham-street, Weat. ANTED KNOWN—J uosßraveand Co. are Selling Mon'a Buits of tho Beat Bluo Sorge at 25s 6fl ; fanhlonable make. ANTED, Ueaierß to Know that Paddy's Market is now fitted up with ahles and lighted with gas. Open every Saturday Morning at 9 o'clook until 11 o clook at nigH, whero Fish, Settler's Produce, and Dry Goods cm be oflored for sale. Space allotted for amusement. No gambling or illegal gamoa. —For hire of stand apply to Thomaa Slater, Welgh-bridge Office. Leasce of City Market. _ WANTED KNOWN—You will save money by purchasing at the Auckland Cash Grocery Store, corner of Queen and GreyBtroeta. WANTED KNOWJN, tnat tne central Freehold Land and Investment Agency has Removed to Cornor Queen-atreot and Vulcan Lano, whero the Land Business in all its branches is now carried on under the Bpeoial Baperintondenoe of Mr G. Fraser, Valuations made, Burveya for land transfers effected, and titles perfeoted at minimum cost. No charge made for registering properties for sale. WANTED KNOWN-That J. Cosgrave and Co. have the Largest Stock ot Hats In New Zealand to ohooae from, and are now Selling at Half-price. WANTED KNOWN, William Gaod is now selling a choice stock of all kinda of Fruit. Bananas. 4d pec Ib, cheaper by bunch; Coooanute, 2d eaob, none better.—Note tho address, Corner of, Victoria and Nelsong_treeta_ ___^ V\7 ANTED KNOWN, that Mrsfladley W has a largo assortment of Pinafores, Children's Costumes, and Ladies' Undercloth* ing.—Hobßon-Btreet.noar Welleßley-streot. _ V^ANTKD~KNOW_I, J. Halliciay, V V Boot and Shoo Maker, is prepared to execute all orders in the trade; repairs neatly and promptly dono, patches put on with solution.—Ploaae note the addroßS, AberorombieBtreet, fourth ahop from Symonda-etreet. ANTED—Everyone to know I have Ladies' First Quality Hunting Genevas, warranted five years, £3 eaoh.—F, H. Lswisson, opposite Union Bank, Auckland,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3