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j To l_et. FTtQ LET, a handsome newly erecte I j J .Cottago, cgntMning cix rooma and was! i house; f?as and water laid on; situated i: [ Grammar School roati, Paraell. irorMriiculaft apply to Mra A, Chithara, Sooona Atenn: Conceal Place. ______ rflO BE LETI,' rm right-roomed House ii X Franklin Koad. — AJjjly fo J. lieror rpO* "t.:&?i sT^Rqomed Cottar;, in Claf JL encc-strjpt, Fc'n?*rnbT, well and tank ront Oa.—Avolj opposite, oi'Mta Parfcer, Dress ffi'ak-er. Ponaonby Road. TO LET, a desirabli House o£ 7 ifroims,, outhouse, &p.; gocx well, nioo Rarden. very deßirabl?,—Apply to D F. Evans, Katate Agent. Quoen-Btreoij. rpO LET, two New Shops—one at thi JL coiner of Howe-street and Karangahapi Roiia, at'd ££o oJfier adjoining.—Apply to M: Walker, Batcher. Karaagahape Road. HRO LET, a iwo-3-o.Ed House and Shop JL -irith fittings; gas laid cB snd #ater f nox to Audkland Jjairy, Hobson-street, Be*S r ft_ pc frftekj—Apply on the premigea. . rpo L-iJT,B fivo-roomed Cottage in Day A street, off BefesfoS.-strdefc.—Apply 310 Queen-street. _~^__ TO LET, Two OiGces, first Hoor, niwlj dona tip.—Apply Mutual Life Association Pf Aiffltrßlaßia, 81, Queen-atreot. PjncTi'ET, n 2-roomed' Cottage —H. J, JL Rlordaii, Ael-Viin-atreet, near Cook-street. O BE LET, for oue iff Wore year's, a very desirable Residence wii-ia e^By dißtnncu o( town. The house is new, containing two largo public-ruoms, five bed-rooms, dreßS-ing-room, bath-room and kitchen; there are utables, coach-house, fto.; about eight acres of paddocks, all well-fenced—Apply to J. M. & J. Mowbray, Lacd Agents, i 2, Qaeon-strcct. T~~ O LET, for Three Months, a pleasantly situated House in Parnell: rent very moaerstc.—Apply to J. 31, and J. Mowbray, Queen-street. TO BE" LET, 114'airda~Vo}can3c"Land, two miles from town, elea'red, fended, and laid out in paddocks and orchard, and well watered. There Is. a 5-roomed House on the grdisd, also stables and convenient outhouses; a railway 4att°n ia within 200 yards of the house, and 'duohm pass to tind fro about ovcry hour.—Apply to F. (~ Kw-agton.^ For Bale. FOX SALE, a fcVgain, two Kob Roy Boats.-Apply to Mr Jofc Hftrvey, Ire-lr.nd-atrcct, off Franklin Road. ___ fl/10-tSALE. 2_ Acres of Green Oats, Tt P Etoufl; Albert.-Ariply G. Battorsby, Mount Alberf Pflflt-offloe/ Bj.OR SALE, a Fqiu-horJS power Steam JD Kngino and Boiler, complete. PrJoo low. —Apply to T. & H. Cooke, Victoria-street, Auckland. jQ'iOli SALE, cheap, or to Let at 12a per IT week, ifi Kxmouth-Btreot, Newton Road Hast, an Right •rooinert bouse and Out-houßesj Bood w.oll, tank,,,and g^refflnj ?eran_ah baok and front.-Apply from i to 1 p.m. IjiOK^Aiiß/ fin Old-established Clothitig 8- Bueinees, witn n6vr shop, in best part of Qaer n-street.—J. Phillips. gjiUKSAXE, tho Lease and Good-will of _P ono of tho best paying Country Hotels In (Ke province—Apply Box liO, Poßt-offlce, Auckland. . . , fciiUK SALE, cheiip; s Rood Jfortable X? Office, on wheels.—Apply {& BnUnntini) & Cnmmoll, wharf, or Mr Thomas Usshor, Stit«hbarj'a, Queen-atreet. i Bj-iITTINGS JfOK SALE. - Apply on I? Sftard barqno May Queen, any day. /^A'NT.EftSURY BACON and HAMS, \J Peak and Joli'nßon'a Jb,&, Koillor'B Marmalade, Cutting Salmon, B\viß3 lifik, Qtiartor Sardines, Teas, Sugars, Chocolato and Cpjoa, American Brooms, Candled Pool, Cnirranta (in oasoe), and General Grocory Goods always in bCoA Rt <J!1S8. Burton & Co.'s, No. 3, Queenstreet. NCw and Old Potatoes for sale cheap; also Buyers Cl Cheioe New Potatoes, either Kidnoy or from Uobart lovrfi Eood; 1,000 Cocoanuts at very low frlce. ANGSHAN FOWLS.—For Sale, the above (puro brod; also, Kggs.-Apply Mr JSonnell. St"ri>kßopor. Klleralie. KAL^sii'or Sale, at Park Brewery Nowmarket, Fresh oterr day.—D. MoNab and Co. iffONPOKT. - For Sale, a neWiy bnilt Cottage, on volcanic allotment, (5 rooms); ownor leaving; will be sold cheap, and on easy terms.—Olitsr Mays, Devonport^ G~nTl. A.-Itangiriri.a well iiiipJoTsd Form of • 300 acroß, good Uouße bosides out-JioaßOß, Sec, the farm ia woll watored and fonoed; boH rlcl), warm. To be sold very low.—X. W. Hickcanj _ 155 GN.L;A."Tho Offices ot tho Groat Northern . Land Agenty vfill be closed on tho 2nd and 3rd of Jannary.-T. W. Hlgkaon, GN.T/. A.—Awitu; 207 acres partly ierprqved, . Binill cottage, really good grazinK lana In Bood position, only 303 per acre.—l. W. HlckBSm 120. /•"i N.L.A.-lfcomod 'CottaKO, man road XX- frontage, quite new, well finished, at Otariuhu, for aala oheap,—T. W, Hioksou. N.L.A.-Very llandeqine Uudk Cottaso for "• Salu, built on tho latest ncoflern prlnoiple, contains 6 rooms, bosides wsgp-nonfle &c;. i» boautifully sitriiitcd.—T. W. Hickcun; 120 N.L; A.—Tho demand for City and Suburban •' Prooertloß fa steadily on tho increaao; owners of nufth properties wiahiDg to sell would Co well to furnish particulars to mo, ols I haYo several requirements now on th 6 books.—l. W.J Hickßon. GN.L.A.— Hclonßvillo, 320 Acres Kioh LaniJ. • partly improved, roqaircs only about 80 chain of fencing, good water frontage; included aro ploush. Jiarrowß. Bcarlfler, and a boat. To bo told cheap.--T. W.Ulckaon. 157 N'L.'iT^Pokeno, Srilall Farm, suitable . for man with amall oapltal, contains 21 acros partly croppod, good 5-roomed liouao, Btabling, and dairy, all well fenced, good water power, »nd Only 5 minutes from Railway Btation. Must be BQlfl.-T. W. Hickson. 165 GN.L.A.— Very desirable Property for Sale • in tho centre of Onohunga—sJ acres of land laid down in grass and planted wth ornamontal trees, aleo a comfortablo 6 roomod Hoiibo and ecullory with every convenience. Price low,— T. W. Hickßon. JWa, N.L.A.-Very desirable Grazing .Land lor . Sale at Waiplpi; is nearly all fenced and amaned, close to Cattle Market; thoro are about 800 acroa; only two mlloa from wharf and ton mlnQtos walk fMm schools and ouuiobeß. A raro opportunity.—T. W. Hickßon. 125 7VlfXrA^Manukau~Koad, Parnell, comVT. fortable 7-roomod Houso, beaides vfashhouso, to bo sold a bargain.—T. W. Hickson. 100. GN.L A.—Good invoatment on easy terms. . A lirowory in full working order, now dolne a Hood trade oipablo of being greatly increased, tho locality a rising one; to an enorgetla man sn opportunity olrerod of matting hi* formnc-T. Walipkaonj 218 a~*"NT!IA.-ilombay, a" really «ood farm of • 203 noree, 100 of which are grassed and orop, too balance buah) soil volcanic, now iroomod cottage, besides aUnecoasary outboUdines within oaay; dlstanco of Hallway Stations and cattlo markets. Very deairablo property.— T. W. Hlckaon. li 9 . G1 N L A.-7'Jl acres, of whioh IWI acres aro in . grasß, 30 acres cropped, 300 bosh, balance opon land, all boundary foncedandsub-dlvidod, watered by streams, comfortable cotta™ stablo. cowshed, barn, stockyards, &o. Sou black lonm, Uinestono bottom; good lnvoatmont. -T. W. Hickßon. "3 r»iO SMALL CAWTALISTS.-ForSale, I a payablo Clothing Bnßioosß, not far from Auckland. Keturna, about £1.000 a-year. Stook to be taken at cost price. Cash down £250, and balanco on approved bills at 1, 2. 3, 4. 6, and 6 months. A sober, indUßtrloua man oan rely on making a competonoy.—Apply to F. 0, awington. - EKaONS with small capital of, say between £200 and £300, wishing to enter into firft-clasß Hotel Business will find it to thelradvuntago to at once oonsult Lambett|and Co.. Wyndham-etreet, Auotioneors. who have two Hotel Business-, to dispose of. These are a grand ohanoe for BUltablo persons, who will get further assistance. FUK SALE (a bargain), a nice rartn ol 150 Aoros Good Land, House, Stable, Sheds, &c, and largo Orohard (average roturn from it alone, about £70 per annum.) Therelß also a good ruu for oattlo joining the fam. Only U miles from Auokland.-Apply to John Soppot. No. 8. Queen-street (upatalrg). -I/I OK SALE (a bargain), at £100, Ten JC Aores Fine Land in the Village of Howiok. It fronts tho street, and adjoins tho ohurch property. Tho plaoo ia fenced on three aides, and part is a paddock. Oats havo been grown upon tho place, yielding 10 bushels to the acre, the coil ia rioh blaok loam, asd is splondidly aitnated for fruit-growing at d garden purposes. Iherc iaaboautifulaea viaw, thoboach being only o Bhwtmstancoaway. Tho place iB well watored, a nice little oroek running throu«h the Property. To a man wishing to make a nioo homo, this is a good ohanco. Quarter cash, and the balance ol tho purchase money can remain, or be paid.or on Land Society ptinciples. Title under Land Transfer Act,-Apply to PubUahor StakHOB. LEASED OK SVLU (ownei 1 leaving Auokland). Private Rosldenco oi 1 rooms with moro than an aore of grounds conminl-Bfrmt and ornamental trees a^novor failing well of water, wnk, &c.; frontage 01 230 ft to Rutland-street Bast and 180 ft to St Goorg ™b Bay Koad. The house is on an elevato site '1 he property occupies a moßt healthy am pleasant poßitlon, and poflßODßes the rural atoao tlon and pure atmosphere of the country, wit the advantage of olobo proximity to town, a the beach road to be made there will in th course of time be ft perfectly level approaoht. Queen-Btroet-ADply on the premlßes; to M Yates. Grocor, Parnell; or to Mr, W. Aiticon Shortland-Btreot. i? 1 O 1! S A Ii iS 7 Tub Undermentioned am-otmbntb :- Ponßonby (near Mason's G(jrdenß)-2 Allot menis, 132 x 261; price £175 eaoh. 1 Ponsonby (near Mason's Garden_)-2 allot mental, 132x261: £125 each. ; Kmmott-street-2 Allotments, 66 x 160; £10 : each. j garsaeld-Btreet-2 Allotments, 68 x 200; £12 , each. > Curran-street-2 Allotments, 71 x 117; £11 ' each. ; AnKleseastreet-3 Original Allotments, 1C 1 feet deep. ] Kybor Pass Koad-1 Allotment, 33 x 09; £9 '• Poroival Square-AUotmont, 71 x 100; prloi •: £ioo. a i Salu-stroet-r-iTtfO Allotment, 265 links I 1 avorago oflOO linka; £-100. r Mount Albort-3 VUla Koaidenoca: £00 'l £1,030, and £1,3C0. '" Other Proportios on application to THOMAS MBLTIIiLB, a Accountant, High-stroai, 18 o AuokianO,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 3