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Land and Estate Agents. J' -m yf, TEIfN Of Estate Aqbkt and va-uatob, QUKKN-STHIircT, AUOKLANI). MONEY LKNT OUT FOR CAPITALISTS ON itibst - oiiAsa SEOURiTias; or inVBBTKtt.yr BANK. IN3URANOB, OBWHBR SHARKS. NO CIMiQE TO LEKSES OR INVKBTOR, T>_ItKSFORD - STREET (City)-A Largo JL> Family RosidOßoe, with 10 feot frontage to Boreeford-Bti-oet. This property is only ten minutes walk from tho Union Bank, and Is fitted up with ovory convenience.—J. M. Lennox, KStßte Agqnt, Auokland 2(521* MOUN%KD_N-A Beautiful Now7-roomed Rosidbnco, with vorandah and balcony, oommandlng a magnificent vlo w of tho harbour, The omnibus passee within a few yards, Prloc, £0000. —J. M. Lennox, Kstnto Agent IB3_ -P.I KA-FOUR-KOOMBD COTTAGE in DukO jjxov Btreot, with freeholdallotmont. Prioo, £150.-— J. M. Loonox. Sstate Agent 160 L J>ioK (a bargaln)-l-roomod House in tho mi ov commercial Road, with freehold allotment, 83 x 100. Prioo, J3135.-J. M. Lonnox. 163_ £1 fiO-c9'rTAGB' in Ponßonby. Terms: a/_uu £5o cash* balance can remain npon tha property.—J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. 165 L £«00-I'o INVESTORS : 3 Houses with froe*uuu hold allotmont, 156 x 133. Torrus can bo arranged.—J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. lOau "pONSONBy-5-roomod Houso with froohold X allotmont, 31 x Sl),' near the throo lamps. Prtco, *320.-J. M. Lonnox, Kstato Agent. lalL RKMUKRA-ViUa Residence and 51 acros of garden, Bhrubbory. and pasture. Prioo, -1,000.— J. M. Lennox. 160 L T>APAKURA (a Bargainl-Farm of 09 acres, X with small Houso, and W acres In grass. This beautiful Jittlo homoßtoad Is only 21 milos from town and 1 mile from a railway station, 2 miles from a church andßChool. Prioo, £310.-■ J. M. Lonnox. Katato A«ont. 63L a LLO'I'MKNT-A Uno allotmont 60 _ 120, __. fronting Quarry Koad, back of Kyber Pubs Road. Price, *„ 2s Od per foot.—J. M. Lennox, 147 L QUBURBAN ALLOTMENT - Allotmont in O tho Suburbs, near the l'arnoll Grammar School 40 x 200. Can be had in ono or moro lots. Price, £2 5s per foot. A most beautiful view ot the harbour.—J. M. Lonnox. 89L FOR SALE, la tho heart ot tho city, a Boautlfill 10-roomed Residence, with water and gas laid on. This raiidonco Is most healthfully situated, and Is only a fow minutes walk from Qaoon-Btreot—J. M Lennox, Kstuto Agent. IS9--171OR SALK (a bargain-Farm of 175 aoros at ._. Pukokoho West, unimproved, being part of Lot 18, This linn property Is mixed bush and fern, and woll watered. Must bo Bold. Prioo, £380; £200 of which oan remain upon tho property at a very low rato ot intereat.-J. M. Lonnox, Estate Agont, Auokland. 13SL ■ft! 3ft~A Bargain—Cottasre. Mount Eden, 3 *'iQV' apartments, freehold allotment S3 x 100. Prioo, £130: £8S cash, balanoo oan remain on tho property.—J. M. Lonnox,iKstate Agont. 131 L * FIR3T-CLASS FARM of 123 aoros In Wost __. Pukokoho, with good Uouso, cow-shods, dairy, _c. Tho farm is all in gross, and lo only ono milo from tho railway Btation,—J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agont. Auckland. latll, VILLA RBBIDKNCIC.-A Charming Villa, commanding a magniiloont vlow of tho harbour; about 6 acres ot pasturo and Bhrubbory, Prioo. £1000. •.!. M. Lennox Kstat nt, Auckland fjUVK-ROOMED VKRANDAH OOTTAwit.- _.' Commanding a vlow of tho harbour: freohold allotment. £50 cash, balance of £250 can remain upon tho proporty at 7 per cent.-J. M. Lennox, Katato Agont, Auckland. 130 L rpo FARMKH3.-For Sale, a bargain, a Fine X Compact Llttlo Form of 100 acres in one of tho best farming districts In tho Walkato. Tho farm is all fenced, and has a dwelling-bouse upon it; in grasß. Is otforod at a very low price owing to tho ownor leaving the distriot. Prlco, £400; £150 cash, balance can ronialn upon tho property. 12L. MT For HotlBOS, Hanng, and Allotmnnts, boo my long advortisomont in ' Weokly Herald.' J M. LENNOX, ESTATK AdKNT. AnOKLAND. "naerra-ere ESTAIILIHHKU 1860. HENRY P. HAYW A RE UrUOt.HTKKKU, Matt ebb Makrk, ami Funk Undertaker, GKBV STREET AUOKLAND Mattresses Ro-mado. Furniture Ro-stuffed and Ropalred at tho Ownor's RRsldonco, or at the WorkBhop, Groy-Btroot. Medical. A WANT SUPPLIED. BOTANIC DISPENSARY, IC3, QUICKN-STHKKT. MESSRS. NEIL & CLIFFORD, Mkuioal I a, of Gkokqk-strkkt, DUNKDIN, [KBTAIILIBHKD 1873] Havo Oponcd a Branch Disi'knsary In Auckland, at tho abovu address, next to Mr Wlso man s now promises, whore THB PKOI'LK'S MEDICINE, A. Cbolco and Well-solectod Stock of British and Amurloan Herbs (hitherto unobtalnablo In Auokland) can now bo had at prices wilhln tho roach > OloU. Among our well-known and far-famod romodios our BLOOD PUKIKIKU deierves spooial mention, being unequalled by anything hitherto known by that name; also, THE BALM OF GILKAD, for Colds, Uronchltls, and Asthma; togotlior with Tonic and Nervine, Liver Tonlo, Worm Tonic, Composition Powdor, Sploo and Stomach Bitters, Dandelion Coiluo, Dandelion Pills, and a great variety of specialties of Btcrllng merit. Dispensary open daily from 0 a.m. till 8 p.m. ' Conßultatlonß, either personal or y letter, FBKK OF OHARQE. nHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. 8. GILBERT, DIBPKNSING AND FAMILY CHKMIBTI 223, QU-EN-STREBT, (Next to this Albert Uotel). Prescription and Family Rocelpta carefully prepared and dispensed. Just Landed— A Largo Btook of Porfumery, Fanoy Soaps Proprietary Modloines, Drugs and Chemicals, etc., oto. Country Storekoopors and Settlers' orden executed with oaro and dispatch, and at lowest rates. Communications by latter will receive Immediate attention. S. GILBERT, OUEKN-SXEKKT. iVTOTICfi OV REMOVAL HUDSON (liATK HILL AND HUDSON), „ CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Begs to Inform his Irlonds and customers that ho has REMOVED bis Business to NEW AND COMMODIOUS PRKMISES at the comer ot VIOXOIIIA & nOBBON-STRBErtJ. Boots and Bhoea |>«OTS! TgOOTSH TJOOTS IJIJ H. SAWKINB Begs to inform his friends and the publlo gontrally that ho has commenced in hu old line of business with an ENTIRKLI NEW AND WEL_-S__ECTED \ * STOCK, And hopes b/ strict attention to business, and moderate oWges to merit a fair share of their patronage and support. Wholesale and Retail. BOOTS AND SIIOES MADE TO ORDER, Repairs Neatly Kxecuted. ■ Please noto theWreas— THE RED iwr WAREHOUSE, 03, Victoria-etreot, jA J -r__e_-Z3_» TIKAW NKARI • _vShH__^^ Tromondous BarA^lrfei_B:/Tv^^D taim ' ~ WILtIAM )g^fe^MfW ~**t»^ Ptoplo's Boot and '_*W_i:__eߣ3ss2_a Shjomakor, of Vlc'''iJUL *TlM_iiiij_i'r» ter_-Btreet,hosnow rf»'#^l»_^_^ v*u * au»oatookof Boots sizeSr at Lowot City Prices. jj ° °. X o v TI BLUE BOOT I ffll BLUE BOOT! Just Landed, Per Arawata, Hero, and Looh Urr, 20 TRUNKS 01^. LADIES' FANCY Boots and Sbow^Z^A?** Also, a Labor Stock of BEST ENGLISH BOOTS. AH Seaßonablo Gooi'.d, C. BROOKES, OPPOSITE GARLIC- AND CBANWEU/S, QUKKN-STR__T. "t J, a. u«x F w & v 0,, _OOT AND OHOB MANUFACTURERS. A Ijitbo StocK ot PjtaGKD, RrvnTTßn and Bsws Qoom ot ali dorts and bleos to gnlocv &o_ti ■ ,je ."-_ AU; OrScra h.ivo Qnloi DoHpatoh, '■ COLONIAL B^OOT FACTORY, \t, WyrJDHAM-SXiJKJT, AUOK!6AND, *

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4