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gS \ . Business Notices. mAYLOR'S FATisNT SEWING J , MACHINES Aus Simple to Learnt * . . QaiKT In Action, NOT liable to get out of order. Possess large and easily threaded Shuttles, . No Difficult! In getting Needles and Extras TAYLOR'S PATENT SEWING MACHINES should be Inspected by all desirous ot procuring a Thoroughly Good Maohlne, Alao, to be had at Low Prloos, TWISTED LOOP-STITOH MACHINES Of Best Construction. tr aobnti T PEACO ck, Optician, Bpootaolos, ToleßCOpos, Mlorosoopes, Baromotors, Elnotrlo Bolls, &o, Instruments and Maolilnoßßoiwlrcd, SHORTLAND • STREET, (Opposite the Poat-ofiloe). O IT O BATH to Rorn'a PnbUa Hot, Cold, and Showor Baths, Victoria-fltroot Kast. Chargo, Onk Siiillino. Open all week days from 7 a.m. to n p.m., and Sunday Mobnings from 0 till 10 a.m. Tho Bath-rooms are all private, and supplied with ovory oonvonlonao, Turkish towels, floßh and hair brushes, combs, respirators, soaps, &c Soloot bath-rooms (private) for Ladles every day at all honrs, with temalo attendants, Onk SniLLiNQ. Ploaßo noto tho address: ViotorlaBtroot Kast, above the Groyhound Hotel, and next tho Cheap Bedding and FurnitureiMart Anoklnnd YOUNG MEN'S CliKlSl'lAN ASSOCIATION. OOItNKH OF WKLLKBLKY AND AIBBOIT BTBBKTB Beading Room, Comfortably Kurnishod. AU tho Loading Papers on tho tables. Subscription, 2s 6d per quartar. The Library contains .upwards of 28(W vols. in tho various departments ol Literature. Subscription, 2s Od per quarter. Tea and Cot Tee providod. Employment and Boardlng-houso Rogißtors. Mooting for Young Men on Tuesdays, at; 7.30. Evangelistic Service Thursdays, at 7.30. BWe Reading and Prayor, Saturday, at 7.80. Bible Class, Sunday, at 3 p.m. ..._«• BTRANOKBB and others (ospeclnlly Yoang Men) oordiaUy ilnvltod to visit the Rooms. Whero all Information may bo obtained. Open rom 8 _m. till 10 p.m ___ * UUKLAND KAU UUMfAMY DARBY-STRE-T, AUOBXiAND, Open on FHDDAY and SATURDAY In oaoh week for tho Purchase of all kinds ot RAGS, METAL, &0.. FOR CASH mo DR AfERS, GROCERS, AND X OTHERS. A supply of MARCUS WARD & CO:3 GOODS has just been oponod at tho Star OUIoo, Inspootlon ot which Is respectfully Invited Tho Goods oonslets of Obnamkntal Gabdb of various descriptions and tho Latest Patterns, sultablo for Almanacs. Business Notifications and Advertising purposes generally. -pKO BONO PUBLICO TUB LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC COM PANY"S FRBK ART UNION PHIZES consist of'a Lady's Gold Hunting Watoh and Chain, Lady's Diamond Ring, Gente 18 karat Gold lUngo, Ladies' Portrait Brooches and other prizes, worth £50. A Tloket in the abovowill bo given with every 81tter. 600----iiviorabors wantad. Cartes do Vielte, 6s per hnlt-dozen; Cabinot Portraits, 12s Bd per half • dozon.— LolKhton's Buildings, Uppor Que6n-street.-C- H. MONKTON. Monater. OIL, COLOUR, AND GLASS MERCHANTS, W^ PaCLLIPPS & gON, 95 & 97, Queen.strkkt, Auckland, N.Z., IMPORTERS OF PAPER HANGINGS. Panel Decorations, GLAU3—Ptlishod. Bilverod, and Rough Plate English and Continental Shoot, Photographic, Glass Shades. WIIITK LEAD, Colours, Oil, VARNISHKS Brushoe, Mixed Paints. Carson's Antloor. roslve and Patent Silicate Paints. MOULDINGS-Gilt, Stainod, Veneered, for Ploturo Framo and Room Decorations, Fancy (Frames for Cabinot and O.D.V. PiOTUnxa of every description In groat variety Scbapb—Photos and Coloured, Albums for Photos, Scrape, &0.. tec, &o. Cut-out or Ovorlny Monnts, all slzos: Cabinet and C.D.V. Mount;); Artists' Requisites. W. P. _ S. having always on hand tho largest (took of tho above goods in tho North Island ot New Zealand, aro ablo to oxocuto olthor wholesalo or rotail ordors on tho most favourable terms. Bamplos of' PaparhangingH from open •took, or of original packages, sont on application. Now settlers In Auokland should lnspoot our Btock ot rapui'liangingH and Pictures before fitting up their now homes; thoy will find something to sail tho moans of everyone. W. PHILLIPPS & SON, OUEKN-HTHRST. AUC—LAND. CROWN BAKERY, KAMANGAUAPK ROAD. Opopslte ritt-utmut Woeloyan Chapol, DAVID GKUBB, Bakkb, cojifbctioneb, and General STOIIKKKKI-K. A now and oxtonßlvo Shop latftly added to the formor ono. Tho best Dairies of Butter, Kggs, and Canterbury Chooses, &0., oantinuaily on hand. Goods guarantee 4 of tho bout quality, and at Quoon-streot prices. An early trial ruqueatod. TVTOTIUE OF REMOVAii, Mxesns H. and J. BINSTED wish to Inform tho Inhabitants of Ponsonby. and its environs, that thoy havo removed to those spacious new premises facing the foot of Vlotorla-stroot, West, to bo known as BUllngton's Buildings; whom thoy hope to merit a continuance of past favours. HOUSE H. aTcolson, STATIONER AND BOOKSELLER, VIOTOKI A-BTBICKT, AUCKLAND, Oomor Of Hobaou-stroot, Christmas and Now Year Cords, Sochots, Diaries, Dosks, Books, &c, In groat variety. Very modorate prloes. fIHOCKERY, GLASSWARE, &a, &C, vy I have to Inform the Inhabitants ot Auokland and surrounding dlstrlots that, having a largo stock, I have not boon able to dispose of It in tho timo agreed upon with Incoming tenant, so have made arrangements with him to continue tbe CHEAP CLKABING-OUT SALE OF CROCKERY and GLASSWARE for a Fow Weeks longer, and-thereforo solicit an early call,from all requiring goods In tho above1 lino Ono trial will oonvlnuo tho most sceptical that the Salo is Genuine. Tho premises boing positively lot, no reasonableo_erwlUb.refrid.ooM( Uwdeb Theatric Koya_, Qubbn-btrbet. SAWN HEART OF KAURI SHINGLES. 1 Tho Union Steam Saw Moulding Sash and 1 Door Company (Limited) Is offering a speciality in Sawn Heart of Kauri Shingles, specially manufactured to scouro a smooth taper surface, superior to and cheaper than split shingles, and In universal use in tho United States. Price 10s 6d nor thousand, not. AUCKLAND PICTURE.FRAMING AND GILDING DEPOT. J, R. DX .COURCEY , Begs to notify to his old frionds and the gene publlo that ho has nbdortakon the Management of tho above Establishment, whore GILDING, PICTURE-FRAMING, MOUNTING, ftc, in all its branches will be undertaken at prices defying oompotltlon. KSTIMATKB GIIVICN, A Large Stock of Mouldings, Picture-framing Materials, and Pictures of every deßortptlon alwnys on hand. queen-strekt, Junction of wakkfield-strskt. jyitiHT SOIL CONTRACT. All porsons In tho City or Suburbs requiring tho services of tho present Contractor at the HEDOOkd ratbs should make early application to G. WILSON, at his residence. Nelson-street, or nndor cover, ndtlrosßOd "G. Wilson, iNlght Soil Contractor. City Council Offlceg." V^UPERIOR CORRUGATED TANKS. k J, L. KEAN (Latk Alfred Smart), Has for Sale a numbor ot tho above, with Taps roady for uso, at. reduoud rates, at his Shop, Klliott-gtreot. Large quantities ot Spouting* Ridging, and Down Pipes always In stock. Vorandah Iron curved at tho shortest notloe. Country orders will always irooeive his prompt attention. Lead washers always on hand. rp a. jo h k s Bogs to Inform the inhabitants of Auokland and Its vicinity that ho has opened a HAIRDRESSER'S SHOP Wkst Quekn-btb«et. Hairdrebbikqi Men, Bd: Boys, 3d. SUPERIOR CORRUGATED TANKS. S, PARKER HAH FOR SALE a number of tho above, witTaj ready for uoo, &t and upwards, At uis'Steam Wokks, Victohia-gtbket, Or h_ ShOP WEX.LKSLSX-6TBEET, Lame quantities of Spoutlnnr, Ridging, and . Down vlpos alwftyoln stock. Verandah Iron -curved at shortest notice. Manufacturer \)f _oad ajad Conqio Pipe. A choice Helcntloa^tit Chandcliots, &0., at h_ . 'VellcsMHitreet nhop. Country orders will alrvoya roceivo his prompt ( attention. ; -icoußcd ;a Uj, on. Wator. . i SOLE PAEBKIBH' Of ' tlT* iM^ROTBDj LHAD J •#

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4