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\ Land and Bfitate Ageftta. n r% * i Risisw wood, * LAND _.ND ESTATK AGENT, ' Qr/BBN-STKKKT. PITXfSTRKKT— For Salo. a Superior Residence oC eight rooms, well and Butmtantially llnishod, laren freehold allotment (40 x 130), Bituated in Pitt-etroot, opposite (Jroy-Btreot; very suitable for a modical man, tho position boing good. Prioo £900— R, C. Greenwood. WAIKOMIH STATION-For Sale, 100 acres good Land, partly fenced and In gross, fifty acres good buab, good run at back (iolns Potter's bush and Relief's farm), well watered, together with good six-roomed House, cowwhod, Sec, and rlvo-acre orchard. Prloe fii.w --R. C, Greenwood. MOUNT ALBKRT-For Sale. 2 acres of Rioh Volcanic Soil, braced, In grass, and planted with frnlt and ornamental ««O/, oloao to main road and railway Btatiou; K«W viow Prioo, £325. EPSOM-For Salo, ne»r Auokland, a Gentleman's Itcsldonca-flontainlng 11 rooms, also i aoros land, orobard, garden, ooaoh-house, stable, and out-bufldlngs. LX)R IMMJIiIHATK SALK-25 mllos from X 1 AuokisW. on tho Groat South Road, a very superior fiirm of 190 sores, mostly all improvoa, BUDdi'idea Into ton paddooks, and laid down In gjnaß or In cultivation; valuable orchard good, NlnO-roomod Family House, slx-stallod stable, oowanod, storehouse, etc oto: throo miles from railway station, on tho main road. Prlco, £1850 Terms con bo made.—R. C. Groenwood. FOR SALK—2OO Aoros of Kauri Bush Land d _ uol??,, Ioi 16%, 8 nd N-W. part of lot lai. Parish of Okahu, Hobson County, Immediately adjoining tho Union Sash and Door Company^ proporty; stream through the land, Prloe low. Easy torms.-R. O. Groenwood. rniire other Farm oonslsts of 80 aoros good X land, fully Improved, 10 aores bush land, woll watorod; New i-roomod House, &o FOR SALK-Sevon-roomed Cottage, situated at tho Whau. main road frontage; good orohard, &o.; j of an aoro of land, good woll, (Co. Price, £280. (82) FOR SALK-Lot 37, Parish of Mongonnul, co talning forty aoros of vory cholcol and Prioo, £50, worth £100. Atso. South-western portion of lot 79, containing 33 aores of vory good land, joins lmprovod lands. Prlco, £50. Also, Lots 14,15, and 35 of the town of Mangapol, oontaining ono aoro eaoh. Prico for lot, *35. Tho above lot of lands are a capital investment, and witty terms oan bo made—say £25 oaah balanco by Instalments.—R. C. Groenwood. T7IOR SALE-5 miles from Auokland, a to 20 A1 Aores of Good Land (Unimproved); well watorod; olosotogood roads; 10minutes walk from railway Btation ; suitable for anyone wishIng for small dairy farm, and to koop a homo and live out of town, the aapoot bolng to tho North-_aat, and viow good; locality, Mount Albert, and tho land adioining bolng till taken up and valuod at four times tbo prioo asked for this land, viz., £1210s an aero, payablo on tho doforrad payment system, or as agreed. R. C. GREEN WOO D, AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT. OUBBN-STB-BT D. h\ E v As *sHOUSE, LAND, INSURANCE AND ESTATK AGENT. Noxt "Herald" OiUco, Quoon-Btroot, FOR SALE, ALL that magnlflclont Cornor Allotmont, Franklin ltoad and England-street, about 91 x 101, plantod with ornamontal troas, &o. This Is, without oxcoption, tho boat site In tho vicinity—both at present for a villa reßldenco, and prospootively as a grand business site, WELLINGTON-STRKKT-Buslnoss Promlec?, leasehold, For Sale (cheap). OKATO. Now Plymouth—For Sale, or exohanpo for property In or noar Auckland, 81 Acres, 60 of which are Improved, and tho re—talning 21 standing bush: 15 mllos from town ; fenced and subdivided, 3-roomod house, woll, nioe orohard, stock-yard, otc.; tolegrarli lino closo by; li-mlles from tho sea; at foot of Mount Kgtnont. Prlco £300; £200 can Btand at 10 por cent, 320 POMPALLIKR TEKRAOE, Ponsonby — A Vorandah Cottage of 5 rooms and allotmont, 60 x 100; nice garden in splendid onlor, Prlco £300. 331 DUBLIN-STRKICT, Pondonby-Voro nlco gableond Verandah Cottage; niooly furnuhod, bow window, 5 rooms (largo), protty flowor iranion in frout; allotment 33 x about 100. Price £320. 33G BHKKHAN-STREET, noar Poosonby HallNice Cottage, four rooms, _c., vorandah In front, porch at back; good position; £230. Also, the allotment at roar ot same, with frontage to King-street Of 313 feet, at 35s por foot. SOD PARNKLL-A Comfortable Family Rostdonco, consisting of Drawing-room (30x15), Dlninßroom (30 x 15). Parlour. Flvo Bod-rooms, Kitohon, &q,; wash-houso copper, water laid on, gas and other comforts and conveniences. UPPER QUKKN-STRKKT-Houso. four rooms, wash-houee, and skllllon attached, all in Rood ordor; nice garden. Two AUotmonts; deßirable position. 237 PONSONBVT-Wood strcot. new and splondldly ilnlehed Houee of Ton Apartments; gas and iltttngs complete; largo Coruor Allotment thoroughly drained and plantod. £860. PONSONBY—Commodious Roaidenco, consisting of Drawing-room (18 x 16), Dining-room (25 x 12), Parlour, Four Bed-rooniß, Kitohon, Bath-room, _0., fro.; gas laid on and other comforts; splendid viow; largo Allotmont all planted and drained; very desirable 271 PONSONBY—A good investment, consisting ot largo Cornor Allotment, on which Btand Throo Houses, for £800; 270—full particulars from D. F. Kvans. ANGLKSKA-STH-UT-llouso (In good order), Six Rooms, stable, wash-house, wood-Bhed, good well, largo Cornor Allotment (about 132 x 118) fenced and fully stocked with fruit trees, (lowers (very choice); splendid vinw of city and harbour; £550. 269 NKWTON-STRKKT-A very nloo and protty Cottage of 5 rooms; allotment about 33 x 150; splendid llttlo garden, good well, _c Must be sold. Price only £120. 839 MOUNT ALBERT-House, Hix Rooms, stable and outhouses. Four Acros rich volcanio land, sub-divided by hedges and walls, corner lot, and within throo minutes walk of railway Btatiou. 61 PONSONBY—Houso, Seven Roouib, Pantry, Store-room, stable, &c, standing on high ground;surrounded by some flno old forest trees, commanding a splendid viow: largo orohard and padd joks, in centre of which is a nover-falUng surface spring of water; altogether about Flvo Aores; 61—full par* tioulara from D F. Kvans. i Besides numerous other Proportlos large and small, full particulars of which can be had on application to D, F. Evans. Farms and Country land from 7s 6d per aoro upwards. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS-SPRING-STREET, Fonsonby-at 20s and 25a por foot. SPRING-STREBT, Alma Placo-at 37s por (pot. IRELAND-STREKT-at 37s Od per foot. v PONSONBT TERRAOK-at 60s per foot; , r ,Wood<troet,lsls6d per foot. KING-STRELT-at 35s per foot, And various other Lots, Full particular!! on application to . D, F. EVANS, House, Land & kbtw_ Agent, 139, QUEEN-STRKET next Herald Oilloo, F. J. .M oss & G o' LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, SHORTLANDSTREET. TWO SPLENDID FARMS In tho oholcost positions in Waikato, tho soil of urßt-rato quality, well fenced, well graßsed and watered, and buildings in excollont order. Those are valuablo properties of 130 and 180 aoros respectively, and will be sold separately aVa vory low prloe BHd on easy terms.—F, J. Moss iml Co. 383 TTiOR SALE—22I aores ot good l.nni i_ the J? Fukekohe Distriot, 30 aores of br«u; tho whole well watered, and near a Railway Station. —F. J. Moes. . 281 TTIOR SALE or To Let—A Now Hom 9 at J? Remuera of 8 rooms, with an aor« of land; ten minutes' walk from the railway; £150, easy terms, Also, a Cottage and j'-acro of Lauij; five minutes' walk from Parnell Grammar School; only £2GO, easy terms.—F. J, Mobs and Co. FOR SALE—II 2 acres finest land, with abundant water, and good throo-roomed House. Tho land Is bush, with 20 acros felled, and excollont feed on all tho land throughout the year. Fow miles from railway station: price only £280.-F. J. Moss and Co., Shortl_adBtreet. TTiOR SALE—I2O acres of fine Land, mostly JT fenced; port In grass, part bush; 15 miles from Auckland; to be sold cheap on easy terms. —F. J. Moss & Co., Shortland-btreet. "EIOR SALE—Ten-roomed Houso conveniently JO situated at Parnell—£4so.—F. J. Mobs and Co., Shortland-street. 328 TJIOR SALE—A valuable and compact Farm J? of 155 acres, within 12 miles from Auckland, and 3 from a railway station. Laud of finest quality in first-rate condition, warm, and wollaltuated, with abundance of water. House, and all requisite farm buildings.—F, J. Moss & Co., Shortland-streot. 221 Tj»OR SALK-875 Acres vory fine Land, with -T oasy access by water, and ouly a fow milos from a railway Btation.- F. J. .Moss & Co,, Land and Estate Agents. 200 FOR SALE—Wo have for sale a considerable numbor of Houses and Building Allotments, Farms, and other properties, improvod and unimproved,.of which we shall bo glad to give full particulars on application.—F, J. Mobs & Co., Shortland-Btreet. FOR SALK — 30 Aores, with comfortable Dwelling - houso and Farm Buildings, beautifully situated, near Lake Takapuna.—F. J. Moss and Co., Shortland-streot. 11l TTIOR SALK—Building Allotments, BrlghtonX load (Parnoll), near the City Park (Ponsonby), and othor localities in town and suburbs. —F. J. Moss and Co., Shortland-street. ITIOR SALE—A very line farm of 550 Acres, a _? few miles from Tauranga.on the main road to tho Hot Lakes: 200 acres in grass, remainder open fern land. There is a comfortable residence of 12 rooms, and the farm buildings are all in good order and complete, Tho land is very superior and well watered. Terms easy,—F. J, Mobs & Co., Shortland-street. 187 FOR SALE—IOO _croß at Mangare, in whole or in part. Very flno land and a rare opportunity, in that well known district.—F.J.Moda& Co. fchortland-Btroet, 178 TJIOR SALB—Farm of 265 aoros, a large part £ in grass and crop, remainder fine land in fern, with small part In husb. This form is beautifully Bituated near Tauringa, and has a good 8-roomed dwelling House and out buildings. To be sold ohesp and on eaßy terms, the present owner being anxious to sell.—F. J. Moss and Co., Shortlana-street. 366 fJiOR SALK—A comfortable House of 9 rooms, J/ with 1 aoro ot garden and orchard; a few minutes only from Post-olHco. Terms easy.— F. J. Moss & Co.. Phortland-strnot, 3i 170R SALIC—IO Acreß, with deepiwater frontage, ono mile from railway station.—F. J. Moss & Co., Shortland-street. 371 IPOK SAliK—House ot 6 rooms, with 6 aoros, at Onshnnga.—F. J. Moss & Co., Shortlandstroct. 311 MONEY TO TjKND, In sniriß of £20 and up- . words, on freehold security, at current rato of interest. Tho intorest ana principal repayable on same tenna ay those of the building Societies, or on Buch othor torma as may bo arranwd to buU the convcnlonco of borrowers. —F. J. Moss es Co,, Land and Kstato Agents, 1 Shortland-Btreet

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 4