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Ameeing of this Council was held on Present — Messrs. Pettig'ew Chairman), Bruce, Montgomery, Reid, Scott, Thacker, aud E. E. Lehevre. Mr Montgomery apologised for the absence of Mr Harris, through illness MINUTES. The minutrs of the previous meeting were revd ana confirmed. CORRESPONDENCE. Outward eonesjuoudeuco wtu ieid and appioved. chairman's statement. The Chairman's sta emeut was rtad and considered as under : — Lake Forsyth.—Owing to the melting of the snow, a' the beginning of thii mtnth, and the subsequent v«ry rough weather, Lake Forsyth rose qu;ckly to a very high level, and the main was covert d in places and blocked for A< the delay * f adver.isitig f>r tenders would luie been very inconwiiieni for slock owners, the Engineer arra. ged with Messrs Myers aud Thomp-ou to put ou tlnir horses and three scoops, and en itavouied to borrow addilonal tcooj -) fiom tho Kailway Department. In this he was i.ot successful, and therefira sent the Council's fjrem»n, Mr Breitineyer, to town to buy two new oats. Thus five scoops were Bet to work under Mr Breitmeyer's supervision, and thauks to the wind continuing Northerly, and the eeergy of Metsrs Meyers and Thompson the lako was successfully let out at a comparatively low cost. '! he usual difficulties wete increased on the preterit, occasion by the formation in the la'<e of a muddy flu, caused, no doubt, by ni'terul b iiight flown he creeks fl iwing into it, in the teceut stormy weather. When iln Engineer was at the ftpit ou the 19th of last mouth, the distance from water to water was ten chains wbh a long regular slope ou the lake side. As the lake rose the distance was diminished to seven chains. Fermerly, when a channel was opened there was a good head at the inlet and owing to the more abrupt slope on the lake side, and the pres rure quickly deepened the cut, but now, owing to the long flat bsing comparatively shallow (though too deep to scoop a channel through), the diminished head of water at the inlet takes a very long time to deepen the cut. This difficulty will probubly increase in the future.

The Engineer asks the Council to endorse the action taken, and the purchase of two sciopß, instead of the one, authorised at last meeting.

The Clerk's action in procuring two scoops instead of one was approved.

The Chairman said the Engineer was to be congratulated on letting the Luke out so successfully at such a low cost.

Mr Montgomery suggested either the removal or forming a channel through the silt before the sea stopped the outlet. This would facilitate letting out the Lake next year. Mr Thacker thought the Euginear should see what distanco it wouli be necessary to cut a tunnel through the rock to make a permanent outlet. Several members said the cost of such a tunnel had been estimated at over £20.000.

Stone Crushing.—Referring to the Council's resolution of last meeting, owing to the rough weather, it was impostible for Mr Clough to re-start work on the day agreed to. As soon as the weather permitted he started again, but after a few hours wo>k broke the s*me casting as before He proposes interviewing the Council to day. The Chairman explained he had seen Mr. Clough on the subject. Mr. Clough was called in, and he explained that the crusher was now again in working order, aB he had had the casting repaired. He had crushed a yard cf stone and the machine worked well, but he should like a crusher expert to see it a? he began to think he must have a faulty method of working The machiue worked well everywhere but at the Bill Top, where the metal was too tough.

The Chairman said they might try breaking at Red John's and Bee whether it was the difference of stone that made the crusher work badly at the Hill Top. Mr Clough said the Hill Top atone was not so hard as the Little River boulders but was exceedingly tough. He wanted the Council to help in these haavy repaira. In answer to the Engineer, Mr Clough no doubt the stone would break more easily if it were burnt.

Mr Bruce moved that a local oasting be procured at once to replace that temporarily repaired, aod also that another oaating should be or i'ered from England, Council to pay for both.

Seconded by Mr Montgomery and carried. The Engineer was authorised to crder one or both as might be necessary. Mr Clough was satisfied with the resolution. He waa informed that there seemed no possibility of procuring an expert to examine the machine.

The malier of of arranging about the carting was left in the Chairman's aud Engineer's handa.

Slaughtering Licenses.—>& letter has been received from the Deputmsnt of Agriculture in reference to slaughter iog licenses. Justices of the Peace.—Mr R. H. Rhodes, M.H.R., writes acknowledging the Council's letter, asking for the appointment of a few more J.'sP.

"Counties Bill."—Part 27.—Water.—Mr Rhode also acknowledges the Oouici'U letter of 31st July on tha subject of the control of water.power.

Wainui Wharf.—ln compliance with the Council's instructions the Clerk has looked np the Order in Council vesting the Wainui Wharf in this County. It is dated the 9th day of May, 1887. and is for a period of 14 years, consequenlly it expired on the Bth of May last.

Mr Reid moved—That the necessary steps be taken to get thß wharf re-ve-ted in the Council during the remaining cuirency of the loan. Seconded by Mr Lelievre and carried. Mr Reid B»id that certain people had been shooting at the notice board at the back and had sriintered it, rendering some of the letters illegible. It was ag-eed the police he communicated with to put a stop to the practice The Ranger.—The Akaroa and Wainui Road Board notify that the cattle ranger's term expires on 11th Sept., and intimate their intention not to continue hia services. They offer, however, to pay 5a per week towards the salary of a ranger if the Council will appoint one. Mr Brufe thought the foremen should do the pounding. I hey are on the roads and in a position to see to the matter properly. The Chairman thougVt a man from outside lhould be employed at intervals.

Mr Bruce moved tl">t the foremen in the Council's employ be duly appointed to impound all stock on Coun'y raadc Feconded by Mrr'o!t, Carried.

It was also arranged that should be payable to the Council during working hours, before and after to the impounder.

Proposed Footpath from Lfotle River Station to Coop Town.—Tho Engineer has examined the old tramway and has made a routh list of woaks required and an approxi mate estimate of probable cost

The Clerk *aid the cost of making the footpath would be some £45 without gravelling. Gravelling would cost £94. Boughly the total cost would be £140.

Mr Montgomery said the expense was large and the Council could harlly be expected to spend such a sum. lull the track was now very bad, esqecially the part between t> c Maori Hall and the Station, and just above the Hall Mr Lelievre proposed that the footpath be made a* far as the Maori Hill.

Seconded by Mr Montgomery. Mr Tbsckpr thought the money could be bet f er f xpeoded elsewhere.

Mr Mnn'gonicry said the worst part of the track wa« just above the Maori Hall, where there were deep ditches on both sides of the formation.

Mr Reid thought £50 or £60 seemed a large expenditure, and suggested a smaller sum migl t bo annually sp<?nt. The resolution on being put was lo3t.

Somerset Hotel—Mrs Shadbolt applies (through the Engineer) for permission to make a footpath ,in front of the net? dining ror.m. The Engineer will explain what is asked for.

Af'er lonL* difcussion, Mr Keid rmvedThat Mim Rlmdb It's request be granted subject tn the supervision of t!ie Fng'neer, path noh tn pxce> i sft- in widih. Seconded by M-. Thacker and carried.

New Zealand Census, &c.—The Government forwards Census Returns which are laid on the tibV. Also a report on United Fire Brigades Asfociation. The Bil nee Sheet of tie Akaroa Borough is hid on tho table. NOXIOUS WEEDS. Mr Bruce moved the riotica of motion, standing in hia name : " That the portion of tho second schedule of the ' Noxious Weeds Act, 1900,' including goise and broom !be brought into force ou the County roads uodf r the Cjunty Council's control./ Seconded by Mr Scott. In moving the resolution Mr Bruce said it was necessary to put the Council on a footing to be able to get rid of the gorse and broom where it encroached on the roads. The Chairman said the resolution reallyput it in the power of the lusp ctors to act in such cases where needful. The resolution was fhen put and oarried, CULVERT AT LITTLE RIVER SCHOOL. In answer to Mr Montgomery, the Engineer reported re ditch opposite Little River main school. It would require a long culvert. Mr Montgomery said a culvert would save the Council the coit of maintaining 6 chains of ditch, as against maintaining a culvert of |of a chain. He moved the matter be left in the hands of the Engineer to make an estimate of the exact cost and report next meeting. Agreed to. Wainui Recreation Ground. Mr Reid said he had received a letter from Mr Bates, saying he would see residents on the eubject on next Sale day, and see the Wainui people on the f Uowiog day. when general arrangements would be mid? aad possession given on I) cemher Ist. The matter was left in the hands of Mr Reid. The E gineer was instructed t> replace the money on deposit for another three months. TELEPHONIC COMMUNICATION. Mr Bruce raised the question of a telephone for the Council. The Chairman was requested to make inquiries regarding putting the County Counc 1 offices in telephonic communication with Akaroa. FINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. Sinco last meeting of the Council the Clerk has recived the following amounts : — Rates 1900 1, 3s ; rates 1901-2, £302 8s 61, dag tax, 7s 6d ; sale of bricks £2 9s 6d ; refund, 11s ; miscellaneous, 2s ; total £305 4s 6d. The County Fund Account with the Bank of New Zealand shows a balance at debit of £370 17s 2d, and accounts amounting to £203 16? 3d are presented for payment. The Lake Forsyth Drainage Account with the Bank shows a credit balance of £140 9s 7d, accounts presented to-day for letting out Lake and cost of ?roop« £74 2< 10d, leaving available balance of £66 6s 9 1. The report was adopted. SUMMIT ROAD. The Chairman reported that the fencing near the drinking trough on the Summit Road, by Mr Latter's, had been completed, and the drinking trough repaired. ADJOURNMENT. Tho Council then adjourned to September 28th.

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LII, Issue 2603, 3 September 1901, Page 2

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AKAROA COUNTY COUNCIL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LII, Issue 2603, 3 September 1901, Page 2

AKAROA COUNTY COUNCIL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LII, Issue 2603, 3 September 1901, Page 2