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The monthly meeting of the Ashburton County Council was held yesterday. Present—Messrs John Lambie (Chairman), John Cairns, J. Studholme, C. Reid, E. Gates, W. J. Dickie, Hugo Friedlander, W. Morgan. An apology was read and accepted for the absence of Mr S. S. Chapman. v The usual reports of water rangers, together with diaries and other correspondence ■ and returns, were laid on .the table for the perusal of members. At this 6tage of the meeting Mr Friedlander said that he, t had a personal statement to make, and he moved that the Council should go into committee. This was seconded and carried, but on resuming m open Council, nothing was reported. OVERSEER'S REPORT. The Overseer (Mr C. Morrison) reported as follows : Ashburton-Rakaia Water Supply.— The yearly overhaul^ of races was commenced on the 3rd of May. The work being carried out m sections and the water was turned off to the last section m the Wakanui District on the 31st May. In the Upper or Methven district the Auxiliary Channel has been thoroughly overhauled from the North Ashburton river to Methven, a distance -of five miles. One flume which was indispensible has been renewed, and the head works and mains' from this source are now m good state of repair. In the Rakaia or lower district the main races have been overhauled not continuously but where necessary, and should now be serviceable for the, next twelve months, with little more attention m respect of cleaning. The Seafield main has yet to be cleaned, as time and the amount of available labour -would not permit this race being cleaned when the w,ater was shut off. Water can be shut off intermittently from this race to admit of its being cleaned at some more favourable opportunity. In the Wakanui district 114 lineal feet of fluming has been removed, and embankments substituted. A timber culvert has also been removed, and concrete pipes have been put m. Ashburton Rangitata Water Supply. —The main race from the South Ashburton river to Ballantyne's, and from Anama to near Valetta, a total length of about 18 miles, has been overhauled where necessary, and the contract system (as formerly) has been adhered to m all cases where circumstances would permit. The head works have also been overhauled, and are now m a fair state of repair. The flumes over the North and South' Hinds have, been 1 patched up so as to render them serviceable for about another year, but it is indispensible that the box of these flumes should he renewed m a short time. The pile-stringers are m a good state of preservation, but the box cannot now be depended upon with any degree of safety for any length of time. I would suggest that one flume be renewed early m the spring, and the other when water is shut off for the yearly overhaul,, or about a year hence. The flumes are 920 feet and I 440 feet, m lengtlurespectively. Ruapuna District-—The lower half of the main race has been thoroughly overhauled, and the retaining walls are now being extended at a nuntber of weak points near to the lower end of the terrace. Water will require to be shut off m the spring to admit the upper end of the race being/cleaned, but, as a rule, the water from the Hinds Gorge is plentiful at that season, and should give a sufficient supply for the races within this district for the time being. In the Forks district the main races have been overhauled, and, generally speaking, owners have given a fair amount of attention to the distributing races within their respective properties. From a personal inspection over various sections of the county, and from the general source of the Ranger's reports which are of a favourable nature, the indications are that owners have paid more attention to the cleaning of their races, than has been the case for some time past. By next meeting of the Council —which will give the Rangers an opportunity of inspecting all the races under their charge—a better idea can be formed of the quality and extent of work done. The Ranger has definite instructions that m any case where neglect of maintenance is shown the work must be carried out by the Council at owners' expense, with as little delay as possible. Race from Remmington's Creek.—l have taken levels over this creek to the Mount Somers railway, so as to obtain the best possible point of intake, and staked out the balance, the aggregate length being six miles. Detailed estimates have been prepared, showing the amount payable by each owner. /When their amounts have been handed m, tenders could be called for the work, should the Council so decide. Lagmhor Creek. —The cleaning of No. 2 contract has been completed, and I expect that the work of No. 1 and 3 contracts will shortly be m hand. County Bridges.—A supply of decking is now being delivered for renewals to Pudding Hill and Hood's crossing "bridges. .. County Saleyards.—The paving of alleys has been satisfactorily completed. In speaking to the Overseer's report,' the Chairman made reference to a race m/ the Rakaia township, which was at present m a bad state -of repair. He was not sure whether the Council was responsible for the cleaning of the race, but no matter what body was responsible, the race required a thorough overhaul. Mr Friedlander moved, and it was seconded, and carried, that the Overseer be instructed to report at next meeting on the race m question. Mr Dickie drew the attention of the Council to the necessity for bridging over a number of water races on the Lyndhurst road, to enable children to reach the school without wetting their feet, - which was impossible as things were at present. —It was decided that the matter, should be attended to. It was reported by the Overseer that a large number of owners had delayed cleaning out their races,. and several members of the Council desired to know what was the reason of this ? The Overseer, m reply, said that m most instances the delays were the result, of neglect. . Mr Studholme said it was impossible ( to clean out the whole of the races m the few days during which the water was shut off. Tliis was a physical impossibility ; but he urged that farmers m all cases should at least commence! the work immediately the water was shut off. '. Mr Dickie said that the Council should have full confidence m its officers, and they "had not been given a show." He had the fullest confidence m the officers, and he thought that when they reported neglect on the part of farmers m the matter of cleaning out their races, the Council's resolution should be carried out to the letter. It was subsequently agreed that the resolution of the Council respecting the cleaning of water races be strictly adhered to, as it affected the list of delinquents placed before the Council. The Overseer's report, as a whole, was adopted. PLANTATIONS. Mr Gates referred to the comparatively large number of pine trees that were from time to time blown over. He suggested tha> where necessary the trees should be topped. No resolution was passed on the subset, but the Overseer was instructed to take a note of the ■frees that had been blown over. ' l ' INSPECTOR'S REPORT. The Inspector (Mr Andrew Christie) reported that several roads m the South Rakaia district had been badly cut up by traction engine traffic. He appended a list of the alleged offenders. The Chairman said he was pleased to be able to say that the Inspector had recovered from his accident, but he believed that traction engine owners had taken advantage of his <}.bgence and had infringed the by-law;*-.~-rathor-'seriously, he thought, m several instances. The repor.fc jyas adopted, and it was decided to take action against the o^vnel■s of several traction engines for damaging the roads. ENLARGING THE COUNCIL'S OFFICES. " ' "■/"■■ The commit tee appointed to .consider the ra&tter of the enlargement of

the brick store at the rear of the Council's offices recommended that the present store should be enlarged by 14 feet, by taking out the end of the wall and extending the building. The committee also suggested that suitable shelving should be provided for the many valuable documents belonging to the Council, which m most cakes, date from the inception of the Council m 1878. Small repairs m the Clerk's residence had been attended to. Thd report was adopted. PUDDING HILL BRIDGE. , Messrs' Lambie and Dickie reported as follows : Your committee beg to report that they inspected the Pudding Hill bridge on the 17th of May m connection with the proposed shortening of this bridge. On the South side of the river where it was proposed that the shortening should be carried out, the terrace is high and well defined, and on the North side there is practically little or no terrace, and a considerable extent of protective works has beer carried out along the northern bank of the river to protect the adjoining reserves, and also with the view of keeping the 'river from encroaching on the head works of the Auxiliary Channel. Before the shortening of the bridge could be carried out it would be imperative that two or more groins should be erected on the up-stream ■ side, which would naturally have the tendency to throw the main body of water on to the north land, and the low-lying land, which m our opinion should be avoided, as there is no saying what the ultimate result might be. For the above reasons _we would recommend that no shortening of the bridge be carried out under present conditions. We would recommend that some planting be done on the up-stream side of the southern approach, which would be a step towards any protection which might be required should the shortening of this bridge be deemed advisable at some future time.—Adopted. DAY LABOUR. The committee appointed to go into the matter of the advisablenesa of cleaning water races by contract reported that it had no recommendations to make. Speaking to the report, Mr Friedlander said that the committee had gone carefully into the question. Mr Studholme suggested that the Council should consider the advisableness of erecting small portable whares at various points, for the purpose of providing accommodation for the Council's employees and rangers when visiting outlying portions of the county. ' The report, with Mr Studholme's recommendation that the v Overseer should report on the advisableness of erecting huts, as he had suggested, was adopted. MILL CREEK INTAKE. It was, decided, after adopting a report submitted by a V committee, to give the occupier of the Council's property at the mill-intake notice of'the termination of his agreement with the Council. The committee reported that the property had been well kept, and was m a good state of repair. However, gorse and broom were spreading along the road frontage, and would require to be grubbed. The land is mostly all m grass and has been well sown down. PAYMENTS. Accounts anwranting to £1203 2s lid were passed for payment. POWERS OF PUBLIC BODIES. The following resolution, bearing on powers of public bodies, and drafted by Mr Purnell, was adopted : "That this Council respectfully requests His Excellency the Governor to revoke the Order-in-Couneil made on the sixteenth day of August, 1888, and published m the New Zealand Gazette of the same date, declaring this Council to be subject to the provisions of The Public Bodies Powers Act, 1887, and m lieu thereof, by Order-in-Council, to declare this Council to be a leasing authority within the meaning of The Public Bodies Leases; Act, 1908." RAILWAY WATER SERVICE. lue following letter was read, ironi the District Jiiiigmeer of itaiiways: "m reply to your letter of May iUth, i Have to intorm you that the quantity or water supplied by your county to this Uepariiuuat. equals little more than, halt the quantity supplied tor similar purposes uy the iSelwyn County uouncil. Mhe amount paid the Welwyn County Council is £JLUO per annum, and. it is considered that the otter to your Council of £60 per annum is a liberal one. Therefore, I shall be glad if your Council will reconsider the matter." it was decided to reply to the letter that the Council can dispose of the water, to better advantage to the settlers than to the Railway Department m the terms of its letter. COUNTY COUNCIL'S CONFER- ■ ENUJffi. The Chairman (Mr John Lambie) was appointed the Council's delegate to the Conference of County Councils, to be held shortly. MIaOEiiLANEOUS. It was decided to olfer a, number oi leasts or reserves that had. expired, m \ uuo usual way. After discussion it was decided to striKe off a number of small amounts owing m rates to prevent their continual appearance oxi the balance i sheet. A letter was read from Mr Askin, Shepherd's Bush, complaining that part of his property was unwatered. The Council stated that it had no power to alter the boundaries of the uistrict, as proclaimed. j A circular from the Clifton. County Council on the system of differential rating m special rating districts was read. —It was decided to recommend m reply, that the matter should be a subject for its representative at the county Council's Conference m Wellington. At this stage' the Council adjourned ior luncheon. The Council resumed-at 2 o'clock. ■ Mr James Croy interviewed the Council m regard to monetary charges made against him with respect to the JJorie-Rakaia telephone service. He contended that he had sighed an agreement and had been assured by; the Council that no further charges' for maintenance would be made against him, as one of the guarantors of, the service. Ho presumed he would have to pay the amount that had been charged against him, but he did not do so with any good will. Mr Oroy also introduced the question of the drain cut through his farm m respect' to the Acton irrigation channel, find contended that he had been a great loser. He could take legal action against the Council regarding the position, but he did not intend to do bo, A large channel had been cut through his property, and his paddock had been cut up m such a way that his stock could not cross from one isolated part to the other, for the reason that no bridges had' been constructed over the channel. Mr Croy then challenged the Chairman's statement at the opening of the irrigation extension channel regarding the dimensions of the channel. The spoil that had been taken out of the channel had not been properly spread, and he objected to spoil being taken out of another man's property and put on to his farm and to his loss and detriment. It was decided to construct one bridge over the channel on Mr Croy's property four feet wide, should Mr Croy so desire. In regard to the telephone subscription, it was pointed out that Mr Croy was labouring under a misapprehension, and his objections to the Chairman's action m the matter were unfounded. DOG REGISTRATION PROTEST. A protest was received from Mr H. Bates, Alford Forest, regarding the expenses lie had been put to respecting the registration of two dogs. An explanation was read from the Dog Registrar (Mr A. Christie),"which was m the,main corroborated by the assistant clerk (Mr F. Pritchard), and Mr J. Fitz-Gerald (Clerk of the Court) on the matter, and this was deemed fully satisfactory. It was further decided to send a typo written copy of tho explanations to Mr Bates. TAXATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Mr Studholme said that when ho gave notice at the last meeting of the Council m the direction of taxing moi tor cars and bicycles, ho was unaware that the Act did not admit of tho Council doing so. '■ He■ thought that some' such tiixation should b.e' made, and he nioyed the following motion' jti place of that which he had given notice ojf at tiie Usb meeftsg ; "Tfeat, >n $is|

opinion of this Council, -the Motor Regulation Act, 1908, should be so amended as to permit any , County Council to levy on all motors registered by it an annual tax of not more than £1 on any motor having not less than four wheels, and of not more Mian 10s m the case of a motor haviu^ less than four wheels ; the proceeds of such tax to be expended m the improvement of the roads within such county ; and that this matter be brought up and supported by this Council's representative at the approaching County Councils Conference." ' The motion was seconded by the Chairman and carried unanimously.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXIX, Issue 7814, 5 June 1909, Page 4

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ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXIX, Issue 7814, 5 June 1909, Page 4

ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXIX, Issue 7814, 5 June 1909, Page 4