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Train arrangements for Timaru Show next Wednesday are published. The petition of the Marchioness of Qoeensberry for a decree of nullity of marriage has been successful. The Waihi mine, Thames', obtained £7835 worth of bullion from 2100 tons of ore, for twenty-eight days' work. Attention ia directed to an advertisement of Messrs Sheartnai Bros., which appears on our third page. Tlte Victoi iin Premier approves of South Australia's proposal for intercolonial freetrade and consolidation of loans. Mr Felix Campball, merchant;, is appo'nted interim miiyoe of Greymouthowing i;n the death of the late Mayor, Mr Waters. For running a sly grog shop at Cheviot a boarding house keeper named D<tvid J. Scott has been lined m all £30, with £13 of expenses, and the police have been instructed to prosecute him and one of his witnesses for perjury m connection with the case. R. J. Jfail for selling a bottle of beer along with a dish of flounders* m his shop m Manchester street, Christchurch was fined £5 yesterday and costs. The famous Forth Bridge, said to be the most marvelloua structure m the world, it now undergoing its triennial painting. The contract for this work is a rather ' large order,' as no less than 60 tons of raw material are required, which is supplied from the mines of the Torbay Paint Company at Brixham, Devonshire, and the surface to be covered comprises 120 acres. A most horrible outrage has jast been brought to light m Clay Count]?, Kentucky. The other day, m a remote part of the bush, some lumber-men found a young woman stripped and crucified on a wooden cross. Large nails were driven through her hands and feet, and the marks on her body indicated that she had been otherwise maltreated. The per<petrators of the fiendish eutrage were several other women, prompted by motives of jealousy. They have not yet been dis^ covered. A young woman who was concerned m a case m the Magistrate's Court, Wellington the other day informed the Bench that she did not know how many days there are m a year, how many months m a year, or how many weeks there are m a month. She was also ignorant of the name of the present month, she did not know how old she was; and she did not know the whereabouts of her father. Her mother, she said, was somewhere down South, and her relations ud here would have nothing to do with her. The steamer Thermopylae, which sailed from Melbourne recently, took away some 10,000 froaan sheep, shipped by Messrs John Hotson and Co, from the flocks of M ssrs Wenfcworth, of Burra>ogie, Hew South Wales, Ricketson, Barratta, and Wragge. of Bulls, lew Sonth Wales. Messrs John Hotsnn and Co state that they do not remember having shipped a finer lot of sheep i« one line than the Burrabogfe lot (nearly 500) averaging dressed 671 b, besides 131 b each of inside fat. These sheep were all merinos. The Friendly Societies Fete is to be held this year on Anniversary Day. The promoters, are the Foresters and Druids pnly, the Oddfellows taking no part m it. Anniversary Day this year falls on a Sunday, and m Christchurch the celebraI tion will take place on the day following. As most of the athletes of note will be engaged at the Christchurch meeting, the promoters of the Ashburton gathering are anxious to have the anniversity celebration on the Wednpsd^y, December 19th, which will give the competitor^ $n opportunity of entering for the Ashburto^ fixture. As Wednesday is the usual weekly half-holiday £hat day might very easily fre fixed lor the | annjyep^ celebration without jncbn-1 ye»ienee to %m one, and jts selection "'<teerfcainiynplp'"fcb«wds} tfte gu'ecess of the Friend Soeiefc*9* demonstration. Fop. Indigestion, the best renu y ll^ doubtedly NpRTON's Camomile Pills, 'Ant, can confidently bp recommended as being mild m operation a^d free from injurious drugs. Acting at ojnicv as a splendid tonic and a gentle aperient. l°or nijqyrly 100 y«s^i they have proved une ( qualle,d for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, sick Headache and for Liver and Stomach oompla /*ts. Sold m bottles Is lsd, 2a Std, an# He, by # Med*cfcyj Vendors throughout the ' \ytyfid. A , simple, safe,, and certain remedy.

The Salvationists hold special meetings to morrow to fcake farewall of Mr and Mrs Veal. A committee has been formed to arrange for the seventh annual Chess Congress, to be held at Wellington during the Christmas holidays. AtWespnrt yesterday Mr Greenfield, S.M., ruled that the Postmasler-Gnneral wis not liable undf v nn order of attachment on a telegraphist's sa'.ary. The negotiations for the purchase of a large line of dress fabrics have been brought to a successful issuo. and the whole will be offered at bargains at Kaiapoi House. A Wellington Press Association telegram i reports that it h stated *hat Mr Thomas Waddington, of Wellington, haß won the second prize (abot £3000) m one of the sweeps on the Caulfield Cup. Oa Tuesday evening Mr Knott, the! temperance lecturer, will occupy the platform ot the Oddfellows' H»IL. One half of the evening will be devoted to a lecture on temperance, while during the other portion Mr Knott will exhibit magic lantern views of New Zealand scenery. At Woodville the other day, there was found a peculiar eel m sotue grass. Ib has a beautiful golden colour, a series of suckers on either side of the body, and long prominent teeth. Ib ia a species of lamprey, and ia known to the Maoris as piharau. Last evening as Mr Mullaney, letter carrier, Aahburton Post Office, was at the top ot a ladder placed m the Masonic Hall, the ladder slipped, and he fell a distance of about twenty feet, fracturing the bone of his arm, near the wrist. The injury was quickly attended to, and the knitting of the limb is only a question of time. The Nelson Evening Mail has the following paragraph:— * The action of the Mayor, Mr Trask, m connection with the recent defeat of the Midland Railway Bill, has been very much appreciated, and we under stand that a number of his friends will shortly present his Worship with a memento aa a token thai his services have I been duly recognised. At a meeting of the Prohibition Leagues of Christchurch and district yesterday it was resolved to write to the Commissioner of Police and the Minister for Justice, stating that certain police officers stationed m Christchurch had relatives engaged m the liquor traffic there, and urging the transference of those officers to other districts. A lecture of unusual attraction is announced for delivery m the Wesleyan Church next Monday evening. The lecturer will be the Rev W. Morley, who, at the present time, ts the most eminent minister m Australasian Methodism, and ranks high both as a pulpit and platform I orator. The lecture will deal with the stirring times of *The Founder of Methodism,' and will be illustrated by a large number of lantern slides shown through Mr W. G. Murray's stereopticon. I Th<* Ne» Zealand Wesleyan Church I Extension Society celebrates its anniver sary m this district do ring the coming week. To-morrow special sermons will be preached m the various churches-, and an appeal will be made on behalf of the Society's funds. The Rev W. Morley, j of Christ church. President of the Austra iian General Conference, and orgaDising Secretary of the Socwy, will be the deputation. The Ashbunon pulpit will be occupied by the Rev T. G Brooke m the morning and the Rev W. Morley m the evening The litter gentleman will preach at Willowby m the morning. The details of other services c^n be seen by reference to the advertisement. Ths members of the Ladies' Orange Lily Lodge, No.'s. held their usual monthly meeting m the Orange Hall on Thursday. The chair was taken by the President—Sister Huffam. Correspondence vtats dealt with m the usual way. The Committee reported the progress of arrangements for the coming social, to be held on November 5. Visiting brothers from Lodge No. 23 were present. Bro. Nelson, P.W.M., installed the officers for the ensuing year. The Lodge was then closed m the usual way until the last Thursday m November, Light refreshments were handed round, which brought a very pleasant evening to a close at 9.30. Duiing the gunnery trials near Wienen Nsustadt, a ciptive military balloon escaped from its moorings, and m a few minutes reached an immense height. It then encountered a current of air which carried it down the Danube with extreme velocity. For some time, considerable anxiety was felt regarding the fate of its occupant, a lieutenant of Artillery, who was without food or water and was unprovided with an anchor. Late m the evening, however, a telegram addressed to the director of the Aeronautical Institution was received announcing that the lieutenant, after being dragged along the ground for a considerable distance, had safely landed m a wood near Suprava, a small Croatian village situated on the Bosnian frontier. The lieutenant had been^ thirteen hours m the balloon without nourishmant of any kind. Eye-wit-nesses say that when the balloon broke loose from its moorings it ascended with such rapidity that it reached the altitude of 4000 metres m less than twenty-five seconds. Holiday's "Pius. —Nervousness and want of energy.-r-When first the nerves feel unstrung, ana listnessness supplants energy the time has come to take some such alterative as Holloway's Pills to restrain a disorder from developing into a disease. These excellent Pills correct all irregularities and weaknesses. They act so kindly, yet so energetically on the functions of digestion and assimilation, that the whole body is revived, the blood rendered purer, while the irusclea become firmer and stronger, and the nervous and absorbent system is invigorated. These pills are suitable for all classes and all ages. They have a most marvellous effect on persons who are out of condition; they sqon rectify whatever is m fault, restore strength to the body and confidence to the mind. For the past quarter of a century there has been one continuous flow of letters bearing estimony to the truly wonderful cures, effeted by Clarke's World-fAmed Blood M xture, the finest Blood Purifier that) snience and medical skill have brought to light Sufferers from Scrofula, Scurvey, Bad Legs, Skia and Blood Diseases Pimples arid sores of any kind are solicited go give it a trial to test its valqe, Sold eyerwher at 2a 9d per bottle. Beware of worthies imitations and substitutes. (6)

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XV, Issue 3421, 27 October 1894, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume XV, Issue 3421, 27 October 1894, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume XV, Issue 3421, 27 October 1894, Page 2