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with in the Minister's letter be referred to the Standing Committee. It was agreed, also, to leave the appointment of a delegate to the Standing Committee. Annual Government Grant: A letter from the Wellington Branch regarding the need for an additional grant to the Society was read, and on the motion of Dr. Grange, seconded by Dr. Richardson, it was resolved that the Government be approached to restore the grant to £1250. Wild Life Control: Dr. Oliver, Convener of the Wild Life Control Committee, reported progress in his committee, and stated that he hoped to be able to submit a full report in about three months. Preservation of Miro: A letter from the Nelson Philosophical Society urging the protection and conservation of the Miro for the sake of the native pigeon was read. Dr. Miller stated that in the Nelson district, in connection with the hydro-electric scheme there, many Miro trees had been destroyed, and this gave rise to the above letter. In a discussion which followed the impracticability of preserving Miro trees which were scattered throughout the New Zealand forest was stressed. The matter was referred to the Wild Life Control Committee. Endowment Fund: Professor Evans stated that the meeting had to consider the following resolution carried at the last annual meeting:— “That the Council at its next annual meeting decide for what object or objects the capital of the Endowment Fund may ultimately be used, and as soon as possible thereafter take the necessary steps to have a statement of these objects inserted in the Deed of Trust.” He stressed the danger of having any fund with no expressed object. According to the present Deed of Trust the capital of the fund could not be used for any purpose whatsoever. A discussion on the origin of the fund took place, Mr. Hudson stating that he had always considered the fund had been intended to be utilised by the Society for building purposes. Dr. Marshall moved, and Mr. Hudson seconded—“That the Endowment Fund be used for the erection or the purchase of a building to house the Royal Society's Library and for meetings.” The motion, on being put to the meeting, was lost. After further discussion, Dr. Turner moved, Dr. Frankel seconded, and it was carried—“That the Endowment Fund be regarded as a fund for providing interest to be used for general revenue.” On the motion of Dr Allan, seconded by Dr. Marshall, it was resolved that the interest on the Endowment Fund for the year ended 31st March, 1944, be used for publication expenses. Notice of Motion: On the motion of Mr. Hudson, seconded by Mr. Aston, it was resolved—“That some special efforts be made to encourage and enlist independent workers in all branches of natural science.” Secretary's Salary: It was resolved that the Secretary's salary be increased to £360 per annum.