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Election of Officers; The folowing officers were elected:— President: Dr. H. H. Allan (re-elected). Vice-President: Dr. P. Marshall (re-elected). Hon. Treasurer: Mr. S. Cory-Wright, M.C. (re-elected). Hon. Editor: Dr. J. Marwick (re-elected). Hon. Librarian: Professor W. P. Evans (re-elected). Co-opted Member: Dr. J. Marwick (re-elected). Managers Trust Accounts: Mr. Cory-Wright and Mr. B. C. Aston. Representative Tongariro National Park Board: Dr. P. Marshall. Representative Royal N.Z. Institute of Horticulture: Dr. W. R. B. Oliver. Representative Great Barrier Reef Committee: Dr. W. R. B. Oliver. Representative Observatories' Committee: Professors D. C. H. Florance and P. W. Burbidge. Election of Committees: The following committees were elected:— Hector Award Committee: Dr. J. Marwick (Convener), Dr. P. Marshall, and Professor J. A. Bartrum. Library Committee: Professor W. P. Evans, Dr. H. H. Allan, and Professor C. A. Cotton. Fellowship Selection Committee: Professor H. W. Segar, Dr. H. H. Allan, Dr. J. Marwick, Mr. B. C. Aston, Dr. R. A. Falla. Wild Life Control Committee: Dr. W. R. B. Oliver (Convener), Dr. H. H. Allan, Dr. G. Archey, Mr. E. F. Stead, Dr. R. A. Falla, Mr. L. E. Richdale, and Rev. Dr. J. E. Holloway (re-elected). Votes of Thanks: On the motion of the President, votes of thanks were accorded to Victoria University College, to the Press, to the S.I.R. Department for the use of its Council Room for Standing Committee meetings, and to the Secretary (Miss Wood). A very cordial vote of thanks was passed to the President, Dr. Allan, for his work during the year and for his able chairmanship of the meeting. Annual Meeting, 1945: It was decided to endeavour to arrange for a luncheon for members attending the 1945 annual meeting.

Reports of Member Bodies. Auckland Institute and Museum. Annual Report for 1943–44. President: Mr. A. H. Johnstone, K.C., B.A., LL.B. Director: Dr. Gilbert Archey, O.B.E., M.A., F.R.S.N.Z. The year which has just closed has been one of restoration. Members will recollect that after the threat of invasion by the Japanese many of the more valuable books and collections had been removed from the Museum to places of greater safety. It is a pleasure to report that the books have now been returned to the library and the collections brought back to their accustomed places in the Museum: the Maori houses which were partly dismantled have been re-erected and re-painted, and the great war canoe has been uncovered and re-decorated,