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Hutton Grants: An application from Mr. L. E. Richdale for £20 for ornithological research at Stewart Island was approved. An application for £40 from the Southland Branch towards the cost of erecting a hut on Whero Island for observational purposes in ornithological research was approved. Hutton Award: The President read a letter from the Otago Branch asking the Council to reconsider its decision of the previous annual meeting that the Hutton Fund may not be used for publication purposes. Dr. Turner moved, and Dr. Grange seconded—“That this Council approves the principle of making grants from the Hutton Fund to defray cost of approved papers in botany, zoology, and geology which otherwise would be charged to authors provided that such action is first confirmed by written legal opinion.” A good deal of discussion on the interpretation of the terms of the award took place, and at the suggestion of Dr. Archey the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to delete the words “provided that such action is first confirmed by written legal opinion.” On being put to the meeting the motion was lost. Lunch Adjournment: The lunch adjournment was taken at 12.45 p.m. Roll Call: On resuming at 2.15 p.m., the roll call was taken as follows:—The President (Dr. Allan), the Vice-President (Dr. Marshall), Dr. Archey, Dr. Oliver, Mr. Pycroft, Dr. Grange, Dr. Richardson, Dr. Falla, Dr. Frankel, Dr. Turner, Mr. Hudson, Dr. Miller, Professor Evans, Dr. Marwick, all being present. Publication Costs: Dr. Turner moved, Dr. Falla seconded—“That the rule restricting any one paper to £20 be rescinded. Dr. Grange stated that the Wellington Branch supported the above motion if the Society's annual Government grant is increased to £1250. He moved an amendment, which was seconded by Dr. Richardson—“That the rule restricting any one paper to £20 be rescinded if the annual Government grant be restored to £1250.” On being put to the meeting the amendment was lost. Dr. Turner's motion was then carried. Science Teaching in Schools: Dr. Allan read the report of the Sub-committee consisting of Dr. Allan (convener), Dr. Oliver, Dr. Marwick, and Dr. Grange, which had been set up by the Standing Committee to consider the published report on the post-primary curriculum. A general discussion in which members expressed their views on the various points raised took place. Finally, on the motion of Dr. Archey, seconded by Dr. Falla, it was resolved to ask the Sub-committee to add to its report an outline of “the more logical and ordered arrangement of the syllabus” that it recommends. Education Conference: The President stated that the Minister of Education proposed to hold an Education Conference in August in Christchurch and had invited the Society to send a delegate and to express its opinions on the topics for discussion. On the motion of Dr. Archey, seconded by Dr. Marshall, it was resolved that the Society send a delegate to the Conference and that the matters dealt