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to dorsum, broadly margined with a pink area posteriorly which is traversed by several indistinct fuscous lines following the contour of the band; a serrated clear green subterminal line; termen marked with an almost continuous blackish line: cilia greyish-green barred with black. Hindwings white, tinged with pink round termen and dorsum; numerous irregular fuscous transverse lines, those on the basal half reaching only middle of wing; a dark discal dot before middle; an interrupted blackish line round termen, preceded by a greenish shade: cilia whitish-grey obscurely barred with fuscous. Hindwings beneath with a prominent blackish spot at ⅓ and a median chain of blackish spots sharply angulated at middle. Near to the bilineolata-paralodes group. The pink suffusion seems to be a good distinguishing character. A single ♂ taken at Rowallan, Waiau, in December. Holotype in coll. A. Philpott. Crambidae. Tauroscopa notabilis n. sp. ♂ 20 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax black mixed with ochreous-whitish. Antennae black. Abdomen fuscous-black, anal tuft mixed with ochreous. Legs fuscous, tibiae and tarsi almost wholly whitish-ochreous. Forewings rather short, costa slightly arched at base, thence straight, apex rectangular, termen faintly rounded, little oblique, blackish-fuscous sprinkled with ochreous and white scales; an indistinct basal line, curved, irregular, white; first line from ⅓ costa to ⅖ dorsum, dentate at middle, white, suffusedly margined anteriorly and narrowly posteriorly with black; a discal blackish blotch in whitish median shade; second line from ¼ costa to ⅘ dorsum, weakly dentate, roundly projecting above middle, white, narrowly margined anteriorly and suffusedly posteriorly, except at middle, with blackish; a subterminal whitish shade; a series of round black spots on termen: cilia grey, tips whitish. Hindwings pale fuscous: cilia fuscous, tips whitish. Somewhat resembling T. trapezitis Meyr., but at once distinguished by the shape of the first and second lines. Mount Peel, Nelson, in December. The unique specimen was given to me many years ago by the late Augustus Hamilton, and I deferred describing the species in the hope of obtaining further material. Holotype (♂) in coll. A. Philpott. Pterophoridae. Platyptilia pulverulenta n. sp. ♂ 23 mm. Head whitish, with a projecting conical tuft of hair. Antennae reddish-brown mixed with whitish. Palpi reddish. Thorax reddish-brown densely mixed with white. Abdomen greyish-brown. Legs reddish-brown broadly banded with ochreous-whitish. Forewings narrow, apex acute, termen of first segment concave, of second evenly rounded; reddish-brown, densely sprinkled with white on basal ⅔ and more sparingly on second segment and lower half of first; a blackish-brown triangular blotch on costa at ¾, its apex below cleft: cilia brown mingled with white. Hindwings pale reddish-brown: cilia paler; third segment with fairly even basal series of dark spatulate scales extending to near tornus. Nearest to P. aeolodes Meyr., but without the subterminal white line; the evenly rounded termen of the second segment of the forewing is also a good distinguishing character. The unique example was taken at Nelson in November, and is now in the collection of the Cawthron Institute.