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Platyptilia ferruginea n. sp. ♂ 21 mm. Head bright ferruginous with many white scales. Palpi ferruginous, terminal joint mixed with white. Antennae ferruginous-grey. Thorax bright ferruginous sprinkled with white points. Abdomen ferruginous, segmental divisions mixed with white. Legs, anterior pair ferruginous mingled with white, posterior pair ferruginous, tarsi broadly annulated with white. Forewings cleft from ¾, segments rather narrow, termen of first sinuate, of second evenly rounded; bright ferruginous densely sprinkled with white; costal edge blackish-red to ⅔; an elongate dark reddish-fuscous mark on fold near base; spots of similar colour beneath costa at ⅓ and on dorsum at ½, the latter large and suffused; a triangular blackish-brown blotch on costa at ⅔, its apex below cleft; a white spot on costa following blackish blotch; a thin white subterminal line crossing both segments, broadly margined anteriorly with blackish-brown; costal edge above subterminal line narrowly white: cilia ferruginous mixed with white; a dark basal line, within cleft almost wholly whitish, on dorsum mixed with black scales almost to tornus. Hindwings, first cleft from middle, second from ⅕; pale ferruginous: cilia ferruginous-grey; on dorsum a basal line of blackish-red; spatulate scales extending almost to tornus. Somewhat resembling P. falcatalis Walk., but smaller and more brightly coloured. The forewings are narrower and the termen of the first segment is less concave. In the hindwing the prominent median tooth of scales present in falcatalis is absent in ferruginea. A single example, secured on the Mount Arthur tableland at an elevation of about 4,500 ft. The specimen was taken late in February, on the bank of a small stream in an open place in the forest. Holotype (♂) in coll. Cawthron Institute. Tortricidae. Epichorista emphanes Meyr., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1901), p. 571. E. theatralis Philp., Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 50, p. 128, 1918. The acquirement of abundant material from the Mount Arthur tableland has shown me that the above correction is necessary. The female of emphanes is very variable, and the handsome theatralis is but one of the extreme forms. Tortrix spatiosa n. sp. ♂ 27 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax purplish-brown tinged with grey, Antennae ochreous-brown, ciliations 1. Abdomen ochreous. Legs ochreous, anterior tarsi brown. Forewings moderate, fold extending to near middle of costa, costa oblique to middle, moderately arched, apex rectangular, termen subsinuate, rounded beneath, hardly oblique; purplish-brown, with ochreous suffusion; median band slightly darker, very obscure, broadly dilated on lower portion, anterior margin indented beneath costa; some whitish scales on costal edge at ½; a triangular area on costa before apex darker; terminal area ochreous: cilia bright ochreous. Hindwings whitish-grey obscurely mottled with darker: cilia whitish, tinged with ochreous round apex and termen. ♀ 28 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax pale purplish-brown tinged with pink. Abdomen pale ochreous. Legs ochreous. Forewings extremely strongly arched basally, slightly sinuate before apex, apex round-pointed, termen sinuate, not oblique, rounded beneath; ochreous, crossed with