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Art. 14.—Notes and Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. By Alfred Philpott, F.E.S., Assistant Entomologist, Cawthron Institute Nelson. [Read before the Nelson Institute, 14th September, 1921; received by Editor, 16th September, 1921; issued separately, 12th February, 1923.] Noctuidae. Aletia dentata n. sp. ♂♀ 34–36 mm. Head and palpi grey mixed with fuscous, paler in ♀ Antennae grey, in ♂ fasciculate-ciliate, ciliations nearly 1. Thorax and abdomen grey, anal tuft in ♂ tinged with ochreous. Legs fuscous-grey, tarsi annulated with ochreous. Forewings moderate, costa subsinuate, apex rounded, termen evenly rounded, oblique; grey tinged with ochreous and irrorated with dark fuscous; a black dot on costa at base; first line very obscure, irregular, deeply indented above dorsum, whitish-ochreous, anteriorly margined with black; orbicular circular, pale-ringed; claviform very indistinct, touching first line; reniform blackish, in ♂ very indistinct, in ♀ ochreous-margined, dilated on lower half; an obscure dark median shade; second line strongly dentate, excurved to middle, thence incurved to dorsum, dentations tipped with white; a dark interrupted terminal shade, dilated on costa and enclosing three whitish-ochreous dots: cilia ochreous-grey mixed with fuscous. Hindwings dark fuscous, becoming ochreous towards base: cilia ochreous with traces of a dark basal line. Hindwings beneath ochreous with a broad fuscous band on termen; a dark-fuscous striga from base almost touching a prominent fuscous discal spot. Near A. cuneata Philp., but distinguished by the dark coloration and the prominent ochreous cilia of the hindwings. Tongariro, 5,000 ft., in January. Mr. J. G. Myers discovered this interesting species. He found several resting during the day on rocks, and many others dead inside the mountain-hut. The types are in the collection of the Dominion Museum, to which they were presented by Mr. Myers, and a single paratype is in the collections of Mr. Myers, the Cawthron Institute, and the describer. Hydriomenidae. Chloroclystis punicea n. sp. ♂ 25 mm. Head green mixed with yellow. Palpi ochreous. Antennae, shaft ochreous, annulated with brown, ciliations 4. Thorax green, densely mixed with ochreous and golden scales. Abdomen green, much mixed with blackish on basal segments and with ochreous on apical ones; anal tuft whitish; a black spot on five or six median segments. Legs whitish-ochreous, anterior tarsi annulated with dark fuscous. Forewings, costa almost straight, apex abtuse, termen evenly rounded, bright green irrorated with fuscous and sprinkled with yellow; an indistinct curved reddish-brown basal fascia; first fascia broad, irregular, curved, reddish-brown, posterior margin broadly indented at middle; two or three indistinct curved waved lines preceding first and the whole area flushed with pink; median band traversed by several indistinct irregular thin fuscous lines; posterior edge of median band twice incurved on upper half, thence irregularly incurved