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Art. II.—Notes on the Land-system of the Iliad. By Henry Belcher, Fellow of King's College, London, Rector of the High School, Otago. [Read before the Otago Institute, Tuesday, 8th October, 1889.] The general word for wealth springs from a radical ✓KT. Hence κυήμαυα, κυέαυα (κυέαρ), κυη̑σιç, κυέραç, πολνκυήμων, κ.υ.λ In the early reckoning of Wealth the notion of property in Land is not included. Thus, as noticed by Varro (L.L.), cattle (pec-ora) are the staple of wealth. Pec-unia is used of crops, goods in kind, and coined money. So νόμισμα, νομὸç, νόμοç, νέμω, numus, to denote custom, customary coin, custom in land, assigned land out of the common land. In Greek literature no coined money is mentioned prior to Hdt. i. 94, on which Rawlinson and others state that no coined money has been found in Assyrian or Lydian ruins. There is no reference to money as coined by the Jews prior to 1 Maccab. xv. 6. Wealth is reckoned, then in kind or cattle; not in land or money. So, a wealthy person is called— πολυκυήμων     πολύχαλκοç πολύμηοç     πολύκληροç πολύαρνι     πολύλήιοç πολυπάμων     πολβούυη ç πολύχρυσοç     ἀλφ∊σίβοια Many of these words are restored from oblique cases. Of these, three alone have any traceable reference to property in land: πολυκυήμων,πολυλήιοç, πολύκληροç. V. κυα̑σθαι, according to L. and S., is not used of property in land, in any place in Greek literature. It is not used of land-property in the Iliad. In Il. ix. 402 (wherein the form is Ionic) it is used of the capture of a town: Ἴλιον ἐκυη̑σθαι ∊ὐ̑ ναιόμ∊νον πυολί∊θρον. In Od. xxiv. 193 it is used of wining a wife: ἠ̑ ἄρα σὺν μ∊γάλῃ ἀρ∊υῃ̑ ἐκυήσω ἄκοιυιν (A wife of worth abundant hast thou surely gotten thee.—W. M.); The meaning of wealth vanishes from the noun in Babrius, Fab. lii.:— ὠ̑ παγκάκισυον κυημάυων υίδὴ κρώζ∊ιç πολυκυήμων is ၵπαξ λ∊γόμ∊νον in Homer, wherein the caution of Phrynichus (§ 206) may be noted: ἡμ∊ι̑ç οὐ υοι̑ç ἅπαξ ∊ἰρημένοιç προσέχομ∊ν υòν νου̑ν, ἀλλὰ υοι̑ç πολλάκιç κ∊χρημένοιç. The ἅπαξ in H. is Il. v. 613: ὁç ῥ᾽ἐμὶ Παισῳ̑ ναι̑∊ πολυκυήνωμ πολυλήιοç