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AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Titirangi, March 20th: First meeting of the '■ear, 14 present, Miss C. McLay, president, i the chair. Pledge recited by members. Deotionx conducted by Mrs. Clark. Temperance iact given by Mrs. Shand. Decided to make more Seamen’s Comfort Bags. Mrs. Hiett rejorted 80 names on the Cradle Roll. Solo 'ung by Mrs. Campbell. Address by the Vucklarid District President, Mrs. Long, who spoke on the Dominion Convention at Dun(din. Warmly thanked, and presented with bouquet. Meeting closed with prayer. Auckland, April 10th: In the absence of Mis. Long, our vice-president, Mrs. Holmes, took the chair. Thanks received from the Henderson Union for the offer of extra prizes for the Temperance Essays by school children. A \ery inspiring talk was given by Miss McKay on “Women whom Jesus called to His Service." She urged the members to try to bring young women into the Union. Kohi-St. Heliers, March 15th: First meeting of the year was held at Mrs. Kasper’s house and took the form of a social afternoon, 12

members attending. Mrs. Kasper welcomed the members and gave the Temj>erance fact. Devotions were taken by Mr 3. Mach in. Pledge re-aflirnied. Musical and other items were contributed. Mrs. Kasper re;»rted on Dominion Convention and told of Mrs. Hieti’s impressions on the Invercargill working of Trust Control. St. Heliers, April 19th; Seccud meeting for the year was held at Mrs. Lewis Eady’s house. Mrs. Farr, the evangelist, made a plea that all members should be builders of the Kingdom of God this year. The president welcomed the membeis. The Temperance fact was that alcohol is a similar drug to cocaine. Resolutions oassed at Convention were read and discussed. Otahuhu, April 19th: Mrs. Taylor, president, ir the chair. Mr. Carlisle, of the Baptist Church, addressed the gathering and gave a most interesting talk on the failure of Prohibition and how he admired the few faithful ones. He spoke words of encouragement to all to keep steadfast in the cause. Ponsonby, April 19th: Mrs. Joiner presided, being welcomed back to the Union by Mrs. Long, district president, and suitably responding. Devotions were taken by Mrs. 1. Osborn in the absence of Mrs. Read. Seventeen members and two visitors present. Members asked to attend Mothers’ Day service on May 13th, and also to help ir. the selling of poppies. Temperance fact given by Miss Runcinian. Mrs. Long urged members to trust in God for the reconstruction of the world and also gave a report of IFommion Convention, dealing especially with the remits which came up. Report on Maori Hostel also given by Mrs. Long. President thanked Mrs. Long. Afternoon tea was served, pledge repeated and Benediction pronounced. Henderson, April 18th: Home meeting at Mrs. Chadwick’s residence. Good attendance. I>evotions. The speaker, Mrs. Kasper, gave a very interesting account of Convention. Sue-* cessful “Bring and Buy’’ table to help the funds. Thanks extended to speaker and hostess. Mount Eden, April 3rd: Attendance fair. Miss A. McLay presiding. Devotions conducted by chairman and the study of “Wine and the Bible" continued. An inspiring report of the I)ominion Convention was given by Mrs. Long, District President. Onehunga, April 12th: Busy, interesting meeting consisting of reports from different departments, arrangements for assisting in patriotic and many other organisations; also Cradle Roll party next month, and general business. Mesdames Fordyce and Chappell, recently returned from a holiday in the South island, told of a few interesting incidents of their travels, the former also giving a report on the Invercargill Trust and telling of their visit to the “Brown Owl,’’ while Mrs. Chapj*ell told of the persevering and successful efforts of the Invercargill W.C.T.U. in getting a Rest Room fi* women, an exceedingly good building, and opening it free of debt. March 22nd: Usual monthly and home meetings combined, and held in Methodist Hall, presided over by Mrs. Hatton, home meetings su|<erintendent. Scripture reading and an Easter talk followed the routine business, and a solo was sung by Miss Smith. Mrs. Mountjoy, the delegate to Convention, gave a comprehensive, interesting and concise report of llominion Convention, touching on all iml>ortant features, for which she was heartily thanked. Takapuna, May 2nd: Meeting held in Methodist Church, the president, Mrs. Mowday, in the chair. Good attendance of members and friends. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Read. Mrs. Blackburn’s resignation a* Press rel*orter accepted with regret, her faithfulness over a long |«eriod being greatly appreciated. Sister Jessie, of the United Mission, gave a talk on the Maori Hostels which are doing a great service in our city, by providing home life with a religious background. The Pledge, tea, and the Benediction closed a happy afternoon. Grey Lynn: March meeting held in S.A. Hall led by vice-president, Mrs. Holroyd, in the absence of the president. Letter received from the latter wishing the members a successful meeting, this being the first for the year. Devotions and temjierance fact. Paper from Mrs. Wright read, telling about drinking in Invercargill. Benediction. April 11th: President leading. Devotions, temi>erance fact and Pledge taken. President real a poem, which was much enjoyed, about Abraham. Then she gave her experiences during her journey to Convention at Dunedin and reported on the Convention, which had been greatly enjoyed. Benediction.

SOUTH AUCKLAND. Taumarunui, April 19th: A small meeting of friends, including one Maori. Devotions. Temperance Fact. Pledge related. Paper sent by Mrs. Hiett read. Mrs. McDonald gave a talk on “Alcohol as a Friend and an Enemy.” Literature was distributed. Tauranga, May Ist: Good attendance. Devotions conducted by Mrs. Bensley who spoke on the value of all work in the great whole and urged the importance of each one’s carrying out her part in the whole. Afternoon given to the discussion of plans of work and familiarising the members with the “Wallis House Findings.” Miss Andrews’ visit in August discussed. Arrangements made for circularising women’s organisations reminding them of the monthly United Intercessory Service. Social evening planned for children, asking the co-operation of Sunday Schools, and including a temperance address, games an<! ' supper. Letter read from Police Headquarters expressing gratitude for appreciation sent regarding action taken concerning professional gambling in the town. Convention “W.R.’s” distributed. Sales table for Maori Fund. Busy afternoon closed with the Benediction. Waihi, April 20th: Sjiecial Cradle Roll afternoon, reported in C.R. Column. TARANAKI DISTRICT. New Plymouth: Monthly inerting. Good attendance. Devotions and Temperance Fact, Minutes, and report of Dominion Convention. President read the leading article i* *he “White Ribbon." National Council of Women• represented (three members). interesting studies to be taken Two members transferred from another Union. Benediction. (Dates omitted.) Mrs. Brown presided at the monthly meeting. Well attended. Devotions, Temperance Fact, report on Seamen’s Rest Social, items, and a talk by Archdeacon Evans on the motive prompting the work of the W.C.T.U. Afternoon tea, collection and donations, £l. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central, April sth: Mrs. Darfield presided and Mrs. Mercer led devotions, exhorting those present to endeavour to gam the interest of young people in our cause. A message of sympathy was sent to the relatives of Miss Hamilton whose death occurred in March. It was suggested by Mrs. Heatley that when a member is absent from two consecutive meetings she should be visited. Mrs. Grindstead, our delegates to Convention, reported on what transpired at Dunedin, which was enthusiastically received. A "Bring and Buy” stall was operated by Mrs. Mercer. Benediction. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT.

Hastings, Easter Meeting: Held in the Methodist Hall, Mrs. A. Hopf>er in the chair in the absence of Mrs. Hickmott. Attendance good. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. T. Thorpe and the Scientific Fact given by Mrs. H. Buckingham. Members all re-affirmed their pledge. Mrs. Hopper gave a short reading on a Hebrew legend, “The Vine of Noah Interesting letter read from the Rev. D. Gardner Miller and copies distributed to members. Mrs. T. Thorpe gave an inspiring Easter message on thoughts of women gathered round Christ at the Cross. Votes of thanks passed to tea hostess, Mrs. Warren, and Mrs. Turner for her floral decorations. Prayer closed a fine gathering. MANAWATU DISTRICT

Feilding, April 4th: Mrs. Spence in the chair, devotions be tig led by Mrs. Tremaine. Miss Jamieson led in prayer. Members gave items of helnful thoughts and verses. Miss Jamieson of Palmerston North gave a good report of the Convention, a vote of thanks being accorded her. Eleven members present and apologies from two. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Cummin. Levin, April 13th: Mrs. Kennerlev presided and Mrs. Foston led in prayer. Mrs. Burnham. Convention delegate, reported in detail, thanks being accorded her. Miss V. Hudson read a paper from the Dunedin Alliance. Mrs. Cuttell was appointed as reader of the Scientific Fact, and Mrs. Moxham as press reporter. On behalf of the members Mrs. Rose, Senr., presented the president. Mrs. Kennerley with a beautiful posy and expressed the good wishes of all the members to her on the occasion of her silver wedding. Mrs. Kennerlev thanked the members. A box of flowers was also sent to Miss Merle Kennerley, with their love and good wishes for a speedy recovery from her illness. Mrs. Moxham brought greetings from the New Plymouth W.C.T.U. Benediction. Palmerston North, April 3rd: Devotions conducted by Mrs. Wilson. Correspondence read

by Mrs. Sexton. Superintendents appointed: Mrs. Hodder, lagal and Parliamentary; Mrs. Clandge, Maori; Miss Edwards, Seamen's Rest; Mrs. Clandge reported on Dominion Convention, thanks being expressed by Mrs. Holland. Meeting closed with prayer. May Ist: Devotional exercises consisted of “Texts that hav«- hel]>ed me" given by meinhers, concluding with prayer by Mrs. Shearman. Speaker, Mrs. A. 11. McLean, who >|»oke on “Thy will be done,” stressing the ini|tortance of obedience, and mentioning intercession as being a form of service that all could render, even the weakest and oldest. Decided to raise funds to help Europe's starving peoples through the Red Cross. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn: Mrs. brewer presided and welcomed Mrs. burn and all present. Devotions led by Mrs Gieenwood. Pledge repeated. (>nhl attendance. Sympathy was expressed with, and a letter to be sent to the relatives of the late Mrs. Mowlem; also letter of sympathy with flowers to Mrs. Jamieson, a much loved member whose eldest son, Flight-Sgt. Laurence S. Jamieson, R.N.Z.A.F., was killed in action overseas; and to Mrs. Peryman in appreciation of her work. Correspondence received from Mrs. Christian re special announcements in “W.R.,” from Wellington Union, inviting members to a special meeting in May; from the league of Mothers, Brooklyn branch, extending an invitation to attend their Church Parade at the baptist Church on Mothers’ Day; also their meeting in May, when Mothers’ Day will be observed; also from the President and Committee ot in. barnardo’s Homes to the annual tea and concert, letter of friendship to be seat to Dalefield Union. Two weeks’ hospital ’isiting had been carried out by Mesdames P.ewer, buck, Pickering, Pearce, Dudley and Gillings. Various wards in the public hospital, also Ewart and Central Park were visited. Flowers, magazines, “White Ribbons,” “Vanguards,” fruit, cakes, sweets and other dainties were distributed, and lonely patients cheered. Mrs. brewer gave a talk on the Royal Commission on Licensing, and Mrs. Pearce gave her impressions on the discussions that took place, benediction, baptist ladies were hostesses. NELSON DISTRICT.

Nelson, April 16th: Mrs. Toomer presided. Good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Goring. Mrs. Duel elected and welcomed as new secretary. Mrs. Toomer read pamphlet by Dunedin branch of Alliance re findings of Wallis House commission. Decided to write to Mrs. Hiett for further information. Grant made to 1..T.L. Thanks to Mrs. Keeble and Miss Lammas for meeting seasonal workers. Over * event v people accommodated during season. Mrs. Toomer rejxirted visiting Richmond and Motueka Unions. Members invited to next Richmond meeting. Meeting closed with hymn and Sigil. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim, April 3rd: Mrs. Forbes presided, hair attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. A. T. Milgrew. Letters of cheer sent to sick and absent "members. £2 for Cradle Roll Sut>criiiteiulent. i 5 for Head<;uai ters Fund, and £1 for N.Z. Fund were voted. Members and friends are to lie asked to give cash donations for our work instead of having a Street Stall. The President gave an interesting report of the Dominion Convention and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks, benediction.

May Ist: Meeting held in Wesley Hall, presided over by Mrs. N. Forbes. A good attendance of members and friends. Devotions led by Mrs. Girling. A minute's silence was observed in memory of Mrs. C. E. Thompson, a faithful member just passed away. Most interesting talk given by Mrs. bailey, representing Poona and the Indian Village Mission, on the life of native women and children in India. Sympathy extended to Mrs. Tom Pike and Mrs. L. Rodgerson in their illness, benediction. Prior to the meeting, members took part hi fifteen minutes of intercession for the World War and San Francisco Conference.

Spriuglands, 1/th April: Mrs. V. Underhill presided over small meeting. Devotions taken by Mrs. F. Led ir, the theme of which was

“The Resurrection.” A message of love sent to Mrs. J. Stewart in the illness of her daughter. Sympathetic reference made to the sudden passing of Mrs. W. Lamb, of Spring Cteek, who had been present at the combined meeting last month at Tua Marina. Decided that Mav meeting be observed as Mothers’ Day. Afternoon subject, "Easter Thoughts,” and all present contributed ajiprojiriate readings or poems. Helpful meeting closed with Benediction.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Reefton. March 13th: Mrs. Thompson presided. Miss Florence Smith, retired missionary from India, gave a most interesting talk on her work among the jieoplc of India, showing also some interesting curios. Thanks were expressed by Mrs. Thompson on behalf of the members. Meeting closed with prayer. April 24th: Mrs. Thompson presiding. It was decided to join the N.C.W. Mrs. Absalom read the last chapter of the Life of Frances Willard. A letter of thanks was received from Mrs. Watson. Meeting closed with prayer. Kicc.irton. April 12th: A large attendance in rewjionse to invitations sent out to sister or-gaui-ations. Meeting oj>ened with devotions conducted by the President, Mrs. Griffiths. Invitations were received from the National Council of Women, and the Home Service Association; also the Woolston W.C.T.U. Letters of sympathy were sent, and one of farewell to a member leaving the district. The Mental Hospital Rejiort was given. Agreed that the May meeting begin with half an hour’s prayer for Peace. Literature again given out for distribution in letter boxes. A most interesting and instructive address given by Miss Hunt, of Auckland, entitled “New Zealand: Home of a Nation.” Mrs. Harrell moved a vote of thanks to the shaker, and the President closed with prayer. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Uouniham and Anderson. Christchurch, March 14th: Miss Henderson presided. Our Union holds the banner this >ear for the greatest number of new “VV.R.” subscribers. Re|iorts given by Mrs. Hawke on her visit to the Mental Hospital; by Miss Gordon on Svdenhain Union Birthday Social. Mrs. Hawke, Convention delegate, rejiorted on the proceedings. Miss M. B. lx>vell-Smith also present and endorsed all her remarks.

March 25th: Miss C. Henderson presided. Sympathy letters sent to Mrs. Frank Thompson in the loss of her sister and to Mrs. Adkins in her illness. Elected Mrs. Neutz as delegate to the N.C.W. Ixrtter sent to Mrs. Peryman on her retirement, and appreciating her work. Two dozen Convention numbers

"W.R.” distributed to members. Royal Commission proceedings discussed. Letter from Mrs. Hiett read from ‘‘W.R.’' re Church’s supi>ort of State Control Poll issue.

New Brighton, April sth: Mrs. Flower presided at monthly meeting. Two visitors welcomed. Devotions led by Mrs. Flower. Treasurer’s rejiort received and certified correct by the auditor, Mr. Coo(*er. A letter of thanks to be sent to him for his services. Invitation to Woolston Birthday Party received. It was decided that a presentation be made to Mrs. H. Hale for her many years of loyal service as Secretary of the Band of Hope, and also that a letter of thanks be sent to the Rev. and Mrs. Allon Carr for their work in the W.C. T.U. and Band of Hope.

At the annual garden partv held in the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. H. if. Hall’s home a very successful "Bring and Buy” war held, the proceeds to help various funds. Oxford, February 10th: Meeting held in the Coronation Hall. A resolution w’as passed regetting the passing of the late Mr. E. Wells, a staunch friend of temjierance. Temperance Fact given. Satisfaction expressed at the financial result of catering at the A. and P. Show. Decided to hold a Cradle Roll Rally ami Band of Ho|«e party in the May holidays. Majtrr Fletcher (S.A.), gave a most interesting talk- on her work as Matron of a Maternity and Rescue Home. Meeting closed with the Benediction. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton. April 3rd: Mrs. Robinson presided and took devotions. Mrs. Rooke gave the teui|>erance fact. A pamphlet sent by Mrs. Hiett was read by the president and a letter of thank • was directed to be sent to her. The -jieaker was the Rev. I). M. Steedman who advocai'-d more teni|>erance teaching in schools. Education along these hues would show the youth of the Dominion that drink was their greatest enemy. Mrs. Steedman was thanked by Sister Mildred and Mrs. S. J. Buckles. An invitation was received from the Tinwald Union to conduct the meeting on April 2f>th, also an invitation from Mrs. Adjutant Smith for April 11th. Thanks were expressed to Mrs. Lion for a successful Cradle Roll picnic and to the sfieaker of the afternoon. Arrangements were made for the carrying on of the Band of Ho|ie during the illness of Miss M. lack son, su|»erintendent. A very satisfactory financial statement was presented by the treasurer, Mrs. Tuliooh. showing a substantial credit balance. Mrs. Browning closed the meeting with prayer.

Temuka, March 28: fleeting well attended and presided ov-r by Mrs. Grocott in the absence of Mrs. W. Hewson. Mrs. Grocott led devotions which included the singing of two verses of several fiopular hymns. Roll call was responded to with a verse containing tne word “Power.” Nitxt month’s meeting to tx* Tuesday, April 24th, Anzac Day falling on the usual day. Part of Convention Report given by Mrs. Grocott who had attended foe the first time, this to be continued at the next meeting. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Grocott, and closing prayer by Mrs. Butler. OTAGO. Lawrence, March 15th: Attendance fair. President in the chair, who also took devotions. It was decided to increase the nuinlier of Y.P. Supplements taken by the Union. The t’-ecretary gave a comprehensive rep< rt of Convention which was followed by discussion. Pledge rejK-ated and Benediction pronounced. Oamaru: Mrs. Winn, president in the chair. Devotions led by Mr*. Elder. Mrs. Winn irj«*rted on her visit to the Waimate Union. Next meeting to be in the evening, and Mothers’ Day observed. Ai»preciative refei. ence w.i* made to the work of Miss Tosh w*io had left the district. Mrs. Winn spoke on the |>ower of f'hrist to do what the law cannot do, and as He works through human channels. everyone has a part to play in bringing about His will ir. regard to the drink evil. Vote of thanks to the s|>eaker. Afternoon tea and benediction.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Winton, March 20th: The first meeting of the year held in Salv/.uon Army Hall, the president, Mrs. Thompson in the chair. Devotions taken by Mrs. Wilson, reading from Corinthians, and *|>eaking on “Courage.’’ Thanks given for a very successful Cradle Roll Party, Mr:. Dixon, su|ierintendent, having been in charge. Agreed that a special party be held in April to celebrate the twelve "king service" records and to present appropriate badges. Solo by Mrs. F.dgerton. Re ports on Convention were given by the President and Miss Lindsay who had attended a> Wmton’s delegate. Benediction.

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White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 4, 18 May 1945, Page 7

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UNION REPORTS White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 4, 18 May 1945, Page 7

UNION REPORTS White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 4, 18 May 1945, Page 7