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News of the Union.

NORTH AIChIXNI) IHviltHT. Ihirgmill#*.—Oct. Evening meeting. 11 present, Mrs. J«>l1 > presided. Tribute paid tu the late Mrs. Simmons and sy input h) expressed for the relatives. Appreciation tor faithful work by Mrs. Hay as B. of 11. Supt., regret at her removal. Miss Edmed, report of work done for Poll and the distribution of literature. Oi:-e new member. Miiiitigakurunien.—Oot. 19th. Mrs. Weir presided. 7 present. Devotions, Mrs. l’urdee. Arrangements made for Convention. Decided to have a Bring and Buy at m xt meeting for school Bible lessons. Benzine I-'und. Solo by Mrs. Harvey iiiuch enjoyed. Mrs. tiillingham .and Mrs. 11. Walker served afternoon tea.

\l ( k!..\Mi IMMKK T. Auckland. <>-t. 11. Maori Da> observed, a collection :aken for Maori fund. Mrs. Btinipson presided and expressed deep gratitude and thankfulness to God for the wonderful deliverance from War which seemed so inuninen'. She read an article written by Blsho* Bennett on Oui N tivc Ran and his earnest appeal to ih« people of N.Z. to protect Ids people from the ravages of the Liquor traffic. Report of District Convention by delegates. Report of N.C.r. by Mrs. Swan. Mrs. Holmes reported U|N>n the successful Temperance Pageant recently presented. Am bland 'I- »i iinu i. 1 I t 1 " I';,\ I | Social. Mrs. J. H. Patterson in chair. District Executive report by Mrs. Kaspar. District Convention report by Mrs. McKay. Musical items rendered by Mrs. Patterson, Misses Evans and Cowan. Mrs. Tetineiit gave interesting talk on “Nutrition.” Two new members. Benediction. Supper. Birkenhead. Oot. *l. At Mrs. Dingle'' President in chair. Devotions. i’ledge. Temperance Fact given. Mrs. William gave a good report of t lie recent Dist. Convention. Hymn. Benediction. Mrs. Dingley kindly served afternoon tea. («rr> Lynn. G«t. Mrs. Pace pr* sided. Sister Grace spoke on Temperance. Mrs. Neal congratulated for increased member ship of Cradle Roll. hohi-M. llelicrV Sept. 2S 11 port ->! District Convention given by Mesdames Lediard ami L. Eady. Mrs. Kasper gave an address on how tlie women won Franchise and deplored that so little use had been made of it. Mesdames McLaren and Mills, hostesses. hohi-*■ t. HeHeiw. 1 1 dance. Mrs. Kasper spoke on Mental troubles caused by alcohol and other causes Successful Bring ami Buy. Solo by Mrs. Warburtoß. Children's Party on Dec li'th. Tlmnks for hospitality to Mrs. Phillips. I/Cigli.--Kept. 29. At Mrs. Grigg’s. Fair attendance. Mrs. Yearbury read an article ami gave the Temperance Fact. Interesting discussion on drink taken to the public Hall on dance evenings. Resolved to setid a letter of protest to the Chairman of the Hall Committee. Animated dismission on the coming Licensing Election. Hostesses, Mrs. Yearbury and Mrs. Grigg. 'lt. Ftleri.—-Sept. Drawing-room meeting at Mrs. Pickering’s. 30 present. Mr. Brock iehurst led devotion/ ami welcomed visitors. Solos by Mrs. Treudgt id and Miss es Mather and Riminer. Recitations by Mrs. Pooie. Mrs. Kasper spoke on "Wh> I am a Prohibitionist." Afternoon tea. Votes of thanks closed one of the best meetings yet held. Oneliiingti. Sept. R. Gootl attendance Earnest prayers, much business arranged Decided to ask local Ministers to hold United Prayer Meetings, also to print sample Ballot paper, with two top line* struck out. in their Church magazines previous to Poll. Very interesting and In struct!'e address by Miss Anita Webster oil her travels In Central Europe. Sept. 28. Evening "at Home" meeting at Church of Christ. Good programme ot musical and elocutionary items, competition, mill a very stirring address by Rev. J. O’phert. Onehimgu. «*- t. 13. Report and Bus ness. Reported members had assisted at Poiltng Booth. Enjoyable Home meeting on Oct. 2f>th.. at Mrs. Petrhell’a. Sister Jessie told of her visit to Honolulu.

<Mnliiiliii. Oct. 20. Mrs. Ee< crsall presided. Devotions, Mrs. Venue, Mrs. Hutchinson gave interesting talk of work of Protection So-icty. Collection for Maori w'ork. Poitsoiiby. Sept. 15. Miss Read presided. Good attendance. Miss Read is leaving for a holiday tup to Honolulu, and was presented with a bouquet. Sister Jessie Just returned from Honolulu, spoke of life and work of people there. Pon-oith). (>ct. 20. Mu > Read presided. Officers elected for coming year. 1 Yes., Miss Read; Vice-Pres., Sister Jessie and Miss S. Ryle; Sec., Mrs. Joiner; Treas., Miss Kitt. Miss Appleby spoke on our dti:v t-> our Maori people. 1 new member. RmiiM I ! Mrs i e<l. Deotions, Mis. Haliburton. Pledge. Temperam e Fact. Report of Farewell to Miss Read. Maori I>ay observed. Mrs. Kaspar .‘poke on Maori work and prayer offered for its success. Titinmgi. <>< t Meeting lield at "Quaml»i." Session of Prayer for Elect ion and Licensing Poll and for World l’ea> e. Experimental Temperance Fact demonstrating effect of alcohol on the Brain. Miss A. McImy read a most interesting paper on Winning the Franchise for Women." Collection for Maori Fund, 7/-. Afteroon tea. Mnmln. Ocl IS M 19 B Smith’s, at Kobe Kohe. Mrs. J. K Hull presided, 22 present. Rev. Binet gave a splendid address on temperance matters, and Rev. Graham gave the Bible reading and n prayer. Temperance Fact. Mrs. Graham. Two new members, two Little \Vb t Ribboner* enrolled. £2/14/6 raised for the Willard Children's Home. \\ ark worth. Ot. Maori Da> meeting, nt Mrs. Roke’s. Fair attendance. Pledge aifirmed. Facts about the W.C.T.U. repeated. Roll call. Competition— Bowl of flowers. Mrs Hoke, Ist; Miss Martin, 2nd Rev. Hickman gave a very interesting talk on "Prohibition.” Prohibition is our opportunity to help our weaker brothers. Afternoon tea. Benediction.

SOI Til \M KLAND DIM’KItT. Hamilton. Oct. <’>. Maori Da> observed article by Bishop Bennett read by secretary—temperance fact in tin* form of a recitation (only sixteen) by Mrs. Ifurnett. Agreed to help In a street collection on Nov. Ist for Sunshine League, organised by Women's Institutes. A very fine and exhaustive report of District Contention compiled by .Mrs. Robertson was iead by tin* president In Mrs. Robertson’s enforced absence. The resignation of Mrs. Bartlett as President was accepted with regret. Thanks for her help and devotion to th** cause. A very hearty vote of thanks to Mr. E. J. Davey for his help in the Union's eflcrts r or Maori hostel was carried. Afternoon tea. Te .twnm-.’tn.— Sept. 15th. Fair day. Good attendance. Mrs. W. Alexander occupied chair. Mrs. Cj-uicksha.jk spoke on Faith and Prayer, and time vvf.s spent In prayer to (rod that the people might he led to record their votes aright on the license question—quite n number of ladies prayed. Report of Mrs. Kasper’s meeting in Hamilton. President drew attention to S.A. W.C.T.I'. Conference to be held In Cambridge and asked for a good representation. Snapdragon seeds received from Michigan were taken to be planted and distributed to members. Hymn. Hem-dic-tion. Afternoon tea. Ta-.tinaninui.—Get 13. Sister Allison in chair. Good attendance of members. Sister Allison opened with devotions. Business regarding the work in hand for the election campaign was dealt with. Mrs. Capt. lia* gave a most interesting Bible talk. Meeting closed with the affirmation of our pledge. ra'imngu. 1 ’ ' miii 1 1 im etlng attendance. All officers re-elected with uar Minus approval. Various reports read, and adopted. Arranged we send a regular opv of the White Ribbon to the Women' Institute i'luh Rooms, and also one to Women's Public Res* rooms. Arranged the W.C.T.I' and t lie Cradle Roll, both reopen with the same Garden Part) next year. Afternoon ttu. Benediction. Taiinmgvi.—Oct. I. Good attendance. Mrs. Christian in chair. Circular relating to keeping the Sunday Schools open during the holidays approved. Nasturtium seeds distributed. Fine address by Sister Francis of Ngaruawahia. Various facts relating to

tlie Maoris, given by members. Collection taken up for Maori fund. Afternoon t i Benediction.

TARANAKI DBTKK T. New IM)mouth. Kept, x. Meeting v attended. Mrs. Jamieson presided. P.iv i’p social. Temperance Fact. Devotion-. Mrs. Elliot. Two questions re liquor trade to be sent to local Parliamentary candidate , before tlie |hill. Rev. V. Mead gave a tu k on Australia, remarking on tin* mrgi Tenperaiice Hotel in Brisbane which is a huge success. Miss Drew tlianked the speak-r. Benediction. Afternoon t>-a. New Ply month. Nov. 2. Good attend an Mrs. Jemison (chair). Sympathy with relatives of late member, Mrs. Wilnhurst. Maori Da). Solo by Mrs. Hawkins. Benediction. Afternoon tea. Stratford.—During the montli we entei • tained tile members of the W.D.F.U. Rev. Mr. Paterson addressed the ladies on "Social Problems." Two ailos rendered. I decided t<> hold a Bring and Buy for Headquarter's Fund early in New Year, il sent to Organising fund.. Busy witli Tin; Campaign. One new member. 12/6 donated to Prize for "Road Safety" Essay. MiMcCallum farewelled. A faitliful worker for over 3(> years.

\\ AM.AM I DISTRK T. Aruinolio. .“'pet. 29. President in t chair. Sympathy and liopes for speedy recover) sent to Mrs. Good and Mrs. Tizurd. Tlianks to collectors. In response to appeal for Makogai lepers one member donated gramophone and records. <lifts to be sent to Porlrua Mental Hospital. Scrutineers arratiged for, also refreshments to workers on election day. Social afternoon to be held early in November. Mrs. Greig gave report <>f District Convent.on. Aramoho invited next Convention. Afternoon teu. Aramoho. —Oct. 27. Mrs. Hallam in the chair. Devotions, Mrs. Greig. Temperam • Fact, Mrs. Read. Arrangement* for Ann nl Social Afternoon, on November Hth Proceeds t*> be devoted to Headquarters Fund. Allocation of Monies made. Chaplain Fraser gave a very interesting talk i-n tlie Maori rare and was heartily thanked. Afternoon tea. Mesdames Walker a 1 -l Withers. angntmi ( ent ml. Ocl Devo Mrs. L. Wilson. President took the chan ~nd gave a welcome to ail. Mrs. Biake gave tlie Scientific Fact, taken from tli * White Ribbon. Mrs. Grlnstead, Slip. K.S. Temperance, reported only two replies r ceiveil to her appeal. Mrs. Laird to in* . crutlneer on Polling Day. Two new “Wli t • Ribbon" subscribers received. Maori Dn> oliserv ed and chaplain Fraser (nativi ) ga e a most interesting address dealing witli tl» coming of Christianity to N.Z. w hen R* v Marsden gave the first Gospel address to t In* Maoris on Xmas Day in 1814. But unfortunately with tho con ing of the wh t< man canie tlie vices ol the European in--luding tin- introduction of alcoholic liquor which has so shamefully degraded tlie noble Maori. By request lie also gave hymn and invited ail to join heartily in tl chorus. Offering received towards Maori work. President announced Annual Meeting next montli, also Sale of Work. \\ ;m_aMli < ent i a l . o*l 1 dance. Mrs. K. Wilson, devotions, and ul~" gave tlie scientific Fact, taken from Wh Ribbon. Report of District Executive 1 president. Election of officers and Huptof departments. Mrs. A. li. Duxfleld, PreMesdames I’pton. (Joodey, and It- IN -1 Vice-IYc.s.; Mrs. Les. Wilson, Cor. Sec.; M Laird, Rec. Sec.; Treasurer held over. A’ Dual report and Balance Sheet to he prseated next month. Donation of £4 given low ants adopting a Chinese orphan for one year. Members regretfully heard of tl • illness of Mrs. Beal lev, a loyal and faith! member. Hostesses foi Dec., Mesdaiii' l»aird and Duxfleld Bring ami Bu> d go< tl business. Wanganui Fast. -Sept. 13 Mi- Da> ] dried. Good attendance. Devotions b> Mrs. Ogier. Temperance Fact. Mr- 1* reported on Imminion Kxet utive nieelim-R*-v T. Weston spoke on Where there I* no vision the people perish." He v\ > lieartilv thanked. Benediction. w mii an n Has*. 1 • ' 1 1 si'ieti Good attendant e. Devotions bv M'

lln.ii't. *liu read paper on "Remnants ol Temperance fact, Mr*. Harare) ( Yadle Roll Party on Xo\. a. Air*. i artel report on District Convention. Ap ,in i.ttioti of Mra. Beck's help as K\uu-L.di.-tic Supt.

iI.HVKKS Ii.VA DISTRICT. liiikiiiigi*. Sept. 29. Franchise Pay «eh - t>i.ited with an open afternoon. A*tendance good. Mra J. B. Campbell gave a very dm address. Two soloist*, Mrs. 1 wees Kemp .uul Mrs. Colin Bartle (daughters of former \\ inte Ribbouers). ii, t. 3. special evening meeting for business. Few present. Decided to distribute leaflets etc. for campaign purposes, i;. |. .its received. Special Orphanage afternoon held. liiiNtuig*. October 27. tiood attendance. \.idress given by Kev. F. W. Marsliall, from u\;. "Other Sheep 1 have." An in. piling appeal for more work and workers for jUnm-i people. Good collection. 2 new ii.ember-. Decided send congratulations to in uly elected Woman M i*, for Wellington West. Havelock. —Oct. 2 8. At Mrs. Webb’s. 5 present. Apologies (2). Devotions, Pres., ,M - llill. Prayers by members. Annual mi. ling, Nov. 2.1. 1 relegates report com Napier Convention. District President to li,.- Me at Annual Meeting. 3 members dlec’cd lt/f* for Headquarters’ Fund. Bring and Huy 10/- for same object. Tea. Benediction. Napier... Oct. IS. Mrs. Lewis presided. Kmr attendance. Delegates to District Convent ion, Mesdames Ennor and Hruce, gave uiteresting reports. Sympathy with Mrs. Robinson in loss of lier husband. Miss Jerome Spencer, 0.8. E.. gave an interesting travel talk on two trips to Islands South of Stewart Island with a party of Naturalists. Three new members. A letter from Mrs. Thompson, of China Inland Mission. Mai ptlk urou. —Oet. Mrs. Knales presided. 8 members present. Report of Convention read. Nominations received for officers. we meet on 4th Thursday no meeting will In Id in 1 recember.

MAN AW ATI DISTRICT. It- Iding. -Oct. Mrs. Spence presided i>e\nt oils, Mrs. Wright Hepcrt of District on v ei. t ioti by Mrs. Wright. C.K. Day. (joi'd a tendance. Pastor Falla gave adIn items by the children much enjoyed. Sw.ets and balloons given to children. lla;>s•> meeting closed with prayer. |,e\ in. -Pet. 14. Mrs. Kennedy presided. U'\ >t ions l» Mrs. Roberts. Helpful and i*iii ournging address l»v Mrs. H. Pater?on. interesting programme by several members of I. T.L. Spray presented to speaker by Mr Nye. Successful Hrmg and Iftiy. Apron competition winnow, plain, Mra. Dm m>. fancy. Miss K. Dennis. Hostesses. M* ines Andrickseii, lletiskie and \\ K:in'on. Prayer and Benediction. PainMnton North. Prenidenl In 1 hail I•• itions, Mrs. (Major) Taylor. bait. M Sutherland. Greetings from W.C.T.t . of Sunshine, Victoria. Miss Thompson report.. I on C.K. Party ami helpers thanked. Mr <'arter reported on work done on Kir. tion Day. Solo, Miss laitig. Inspiring address by Mrs. Taylor. 1 new- member. ID ■ -si‘s, Mesdames liardisty and Dyer and Mis dimmer. I’alnierxt on North. -Cut. 4th. Pres, ill Devotions. Scientific fact and Pic! ... Miss Sutherland. Reports on Pist. «'onv intion, Mesdames Carter and Begga. 4rt ngenients mad** for Cradle Roll Party, <Vt Bth. Committee appointed to help with i .itering for scrutineers on Polling day. Koi ;s by Mrs. Manic. Mrs. Hulbert, Ist l'r« of Northeote Branch, spoke a few "••i hi reply to welcome. A mock Ballot tin i took place in order to assist members to vote correctly at the corning Poll. Atter>‘""i tea. Hostesses, Mr* Wilson and Miss I on. Good attendance. Bemtdiction.

\\ KI.I.INGTON Hl* FKICT. Brooklyn.— Oct. Mrs. Reed presiding. Pens by Mrs. Paine. Votes of sympathy *"li Mesdames Gluing and Bateman in 11 'nt sad bereavements. Temperance fact M lordan. Brief resume of licensing -nits hv Mrs. Reed. Mesdames Ra nt* ■ , gwvi interest Inc npt *i ts • ■ t a ■

nual Dist. Convention. Address on our Maori work by Mrs. Brewer. Arrangements made for jumb.e sale and social afternoon, also for a children s party for Supplement" competitions. Baptist ladies host men. BrooKtyit. Sept. Large attendance. Chain prayers for nomas of licensing jadl campaign. Every house in Brooklyn district aupp.ied with literature by our union. Posters displayed. United prayer-meetings after < hurcli services. Mesdames Raiue and Pearce delegates to Annual District («>.ivetition to be held at Katori. Address on "How we won tlie Franchise in N.Z.” by Mrs. Bauciiuet. Jumble saie arranged for Dom. Convention furds. Afternoon tea by I*re byterian ladies. Carterton. ~D< t. 5. 15 m< tubers present. Mrs. Tyler presided. Mra. Peters offered a Thanksgiving Prayer and The i ru.-adc Psalm was read. Mrs. Church s|H>ke of W.C.T.U. work in the Old Country most interesting. Tea served. Benediction. lower 11 nt t. mpt President in the chair. Devotions Mrs. Swift. Business foi polling done. Decided to put an appeal in the Hutt N"W», which is delivered to ever; householder signed by President and Seer*-* t;,r>\ re temperance lessons in 8. Schools. j. letter from Union sent to Ministers fraternal. For Headquarters decided to send i 3. Mrs. Heyes and TeosdlU appointed delegates to District Convention. Decided to vote that present district officers be re-elected. Isiwei 11,11 sided. Mrs. Swift, Devotions. Small attendance. Mrs. I eyes gave a re|M.rt of the District Convention. Several members gave readings and pa tiers. Hostesses, Mesdames Tea*dill and ciark. I decided to hold the Cradle Roll Party the last Saturday No vein her. Benediction. \\ eilingioai. No President in <ha i Devotions, Miss Kirk. ‘‘Break up yoiu fallow ground. *‘ Mrs. Ilowdem told of Queensland Temperance League’s so -essful venture into hotel tunning <**» ter per te e lines Stall for Convention Funds. \\. Ittmrton (« ut ml. Oct 1 1 T 1 • dent. Mrs. Israel, was in the chair, and Mrs. Weldon led devotions. A hen-*y welcome back from Australia given to Mrs. Hairy’, who carried the following greeting from the W.C.T.U. in Perth. Western Australia: —"Let us not be weary In welldoing. for In due season we shall r ap ii ,v« faint not," Hospital visitors for month are Mesdames Davidson and Weldon. Thanks weret expressed to Mrs Sired t o holding a Drawing room meeting at 1• r home In Koseneath, when Mrs. Perymaii spoke of the work of women in tin* Temperance Cause, ami songs were render'd ly Mrs. Andrew and Miss Low. Being '.’. on day Mrs. Perryman explained that '>.• hr.d asked both Lady Foma re and Mrs. H. D. Bennett to speak of the Maori work, but neither had been able to come. However, we hope to be able to h ,, nr iheni in »he I >lllll . and learn how we can lie'p our Mam 1 sisterß in the future. Miss Hendrickson gave great pleasure ly !w>r renderin': of two pianoforte solos. Host** -es for Cu afternoon were Miss Dyson, Mesdames .Veld) and 1 ’ullen.

N Hl.sO\ DISTRICT. HdMb 1 ' 1 i 1 " Maori I I dent it) the chair. Very good attendance Devotions, Temperance Fact. Sympathy passed to bereaved members. Good reports by delegates to District Convention. Donated fl to "Maori Fund." Jumble Sale t<» be held Nov. 2.

M \RI.BORHt (.11 1)1*1 KM I • Itlenlieiin. Oct. 5 Mi Glrli'U nresided. Splendid attendance <»f irren bers . amt friends. Beaut if j I pa pcr on "Ivayer" l»y Mrs. Stew ai t. Songs by Mrs. Underbill and Mrs. Rose and Miss M. Mills. Proceeds from "Bring and Buy” stall, and afternoon tea. £4. A member from another branch linked lip with us. Blenheim. Nov. 2. Annual Meet ing. A ery wet weather. Mrs. Girling presided. 13 members. Satisfactory reports of year’s work. Vote or thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Brad dock for her long and faithful vervbe as an officer. Inspiring report of District Convention given by Mrs. Stephens. Mrs. I licit, while in Blenheim presented long service badee to Mrs. Fir her. Thanksgiving and peace meeting. Dec. *’>. Address,

Kev. .A White law. Musical programme. Afternoon tea and stall. Effort for Head- , Harter's Fund. Spriuultinds. —lMli. Mrs. \. I uderhil! jm.Ued. Attendance fair. Mrs. Cunningham gave i. port ot the D.sll'iet l ouvelitioit. Frce.dtnt ;uid it was gratifying to know that the no-license area.- wou.d stm remain so, but more detminitiation to carry on the work of education and uplift was needed. .Several inemhera spoke in relation to the suhjei t. Annual meeting in Nov. Tm Main.a. Oct It Am 11 present. Good reports of year s worn given. Soios by Mrs. Carr much appreciated. 1 new member. officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Harris; Vice Pres., Mrs. Burroughs and Mrs. Smith; Sec., Mrs. Knight; Evangelistic, Mrs. Robinson; W.R., Mrs. Smith; C.R., Mi a. M' Its; Pmu • Mra Oarr; Press Reporter, Mrs. oinaH. Sprays sent to absent members and letter of appreciation to Miss Tarrant.

NORTH ( ANTEKBI lt\ DISTRICT. Uliristchurvh. Sept. 28. Franchise l>ay. Major Brice gave a helpful address. Members offered help in Kindergarten Street Day collection. Votes of sympathy to relatives of Archbishop Julius and Mrs. Harris. Members took posters for K.S. rooms and literature for distribution. UliristcliuiTh. Oct. 12. Miss Henderson presided. Sympathy with hei.uved members. liepjrt on mental hospital visiting. Mrs. Wood gave report of Provincial Convention. Oct. 21. Miss Henderson gave Interesting figures in connection w ith licensing poll. Address on Maori work by Miss Henderson telling of great help given by N branches to Presbyterian and Methodist sisters. I .in wood. — Sept. President presuln.g. .food attendance. Mrs. J. Black ga\e h.i impressions of the re« eiit District Convention and Mrs. Fuller, the Scientific Fact. Mesdames Anstice and Robinson rendered un elocutionary item and songs respectively. Tno President gu\e a short paper on the subject "We come to Uplift," taking the initial letters of the words. Womens Christian Temperance Union, and also a talk on our Pledge Three new members joined. Decider, to pur< base literature and systematically distribute it Benediction. During the month the President organised a Social gathering at Ballantyne’s in honour of two members Mesdames Anstice and Black, and a very happy time was spent. Both ladies were the recipients of a book each. The T Brandi held a combined meeting at Linwood when Sister Alice gave an inspiring address ami one new member was received. Arrangements arc in hand for a "Y" '’amp to he held at Heathcote on Labour Day week-end.. Tin President is entertaining all helpers at Convention at her home on the Ktli inst. North Briglitoii. >V| T 2" Mr** P '■ man in chair. Sympathy with Mrs. H. Iraqi in bereavement, also to relatives of late Miss Jessie Mackay and Bishop Julius Scientific Fact by Mrs. Noonan. Band of Hope work reported on by Mrs A. Noonan • Pepperell. Mrs. M. K. Cbuhlge reported that two big parcels had been sent t<» Sister Morgan’s Maori Mission. Report of Convention was given by Mrs. It. Parker. Benediction. Oct. 19th. "Bring and Buy” afternoon to augment funds for the purchase ot gilts for the Mental HospUal. Devotions. Mr-. J. H. Mcllraith, 8< ienCfir Fact, Mrs. A. Noonan. Miss Henderson gave an address on "Maori Mission Work." Benedh tion. o\f< ril. (V t 19. Good attendance. De votions. Sr< r»'<i solo by Miss Jctin • omjns. Sympathy with the relatives of tlie late Miss E. Meyer. Thanks to Mrs. laeve and the Band of Hope Committee, ami appr«*i - it ion was expressed of their work for tla* children. Annual meeting, when all Kupts. reports to he presented next month. Mrs. 11. Cederman gave a r p it of the Provi’U’ial Convention. Collection for Maori turn!. Fapamii. Sept. 30. Mr.- Graham presided, Good attendance. Arrangements made for <Yadle Roll meeting t»> be held in Oct. Report on Convention was given. Afternoon tea served. PniNttmi. -Oct. 26. Annual Cradle Jtoll meeting. Devotions, Mrs. Carr. .Mis. Gra-

ham presided over a good attiudame of mothers and children Mi>. Muchin, a mem I er of the Pan-Pacific delegation, nave an interesting Travel Talk on her visit to Honolulu and Canada. Afternoon tea. Each child received .sweets and a halloon. Hic<-urton. — Sept. 8. Attendance 18. - Devotions. Mrs. Harris. Votes of sympathy to relatives of late Miss Jessie Mackay ami late Bishop Julius. Satisfactory reports on Mental Hospital and Band of Hope given. Children gained 12 prizes at Band of Hope competitions. Two sacks of clothing sent to Maori Mission at Opotikl. Temperance Films on Scientific Facts uud ‘How to Vote" being screened at local Picture Theatre. Brigadier Mrs. Grey addressed the meeting, speaking of the untiring work done in the various Homes under the control of the Salvation Army, there being 33 Homes, 200 institutions and *>oo officers in New Zealand. Literature distributed. Hostesses, Mesdames Donaldmn aim Laughlln. Iti««art on.- Oct. 13. Cradle 801 l l*ay. Good attendance of mothers and children. ■< ?igratulations to Mrs. C. W. Harrell, Presi dent, on her appointment to 1 dstrict Presldeiit. Arrangements made for churches in the 1 listriet to be left open for Prayer on Polling Day. Band of Hope members rendered items, the following taking part. Helen Itendell. Hetty Piper, Betty Brown, ] torotliy Turner, Jim Itendell. Brian (lainsford and lan Hayes. Members assisting with provisions etc. for Y camp, at Heathcote, Labour week-end. iVspite a wet night, good Band of Hope meeting had been held. Visits paid to Mental Hospital. Miss Hammond give an address on Dr. Barnardo's Homes ami Nursery School*. Literature distributed, also toy* to the children. Members dispensed afternoon tea. Kangiont.—Sept. 18th. Mrs. 11. Ryan presided. Devotions, Miss S. Ayers. Solo, Mrs. Horsley. Sympathy with Mrs. Logan in the death of her husband. Arrangements made for the Women’s meeting, day before Poll. Reports of District Convention given by Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Kills. Bring and Buy. Collection for N.Z. Fund. Itcerton. —Oct, 11. Mrs. Thompson presided. Good attendance. Flower seeds received from Miss Kirk. Mesdames Waddell and Kbbert to plant same. Treasurer reported 10/- sent toward* memorial to Mrs. McCombs. 1 tedded to celebrate 11th Birthday next month. Balance on hand to tie sent to Headquarters’ fund. siydenlitwn.—Oct. 7. Mrs. .1. K. Archer presided. Devotions and temperance fact. Mrs. Davies. Reimrts on mentr 1 hospital visiting, district executives' meeting and on contributions towards the E. K. McCombs Memorial Fund. Mrs. Davies (delegate) gave a concise report on the recent Provincial Convention. Solos by Mrs. Reeve Maori Day. Most interesting and Instructive address on “The Maori—his origin, characteristics, religion, customs and legends,” given by Mrs. Taylor. A special •’Maori Day” collection taken up, hearty vote of thanks to speaker. Benedii tion. Sprry'kwi. —Oct. 11, at 7.30 p.*n. Good attendance. Presided over by Mrs. Ancall. Great regret at losing Mrs. Goring, r Vii ••- President who is leaving the district. Appreciation of her work. Mrs. Bowden gave report of the District Convention and received thanks. Mrs. Genimel and Mrs. Billcliff dispensed supper. Short prayer meeting. Wool stun. —Sept. 27. President presiding. Rev. French took the Devotions. Mrs. Hamsay read the paper of Bishop Bennett’s on the native race. Mrs. Lawson gave report of the District Convention. Collection of 4/- for N.Z. Fund. Benediction.

sot Til O'NTERIH Mfl DISTRICT. Ashburton. —Oct. 1 ss Jackson presided. Good Sympathy with Mrs. Drayton, Mrs and relatives of late Mrs. Hansen. . ■ nancl.vl statement by treasurer. Special afternoon arranged for October 28. Maori Day, a collection taken for Maori Fund. Address by Mr. G. Andrews on Maori race their life and character and received ** hearty vote of thanks. Arrangements for taking charge of Women’s Rest Tent end the A. and I*. Show.

Asli hurt on. Nov. 1. Sister Mildred presided. Welcome to Mrs. L'vingstone, a transfer from Mosgiel. Decided to take up collection for Chinese Refugee children. Special effort raised £7. Letter of eongratuiatUms to Borough Council on opening of new Women's Rest Room. Mrs. Tinker spoke on N.C.W. and Mrs. Altkenhead reported on Provincial Convention. Afternoon tea. Bent diction. Itakttin. Oct. 13. Pres. Miss Dak ley presided. Good attendance of -15 friends and members. A very interesting address by Mrs. Moss, a former Maori deaconess, on ’The Havoc caused by drink among the Maoris.” A sales table, in aid of Headquarters' Fund realised over £f>. Annual meeting In Nov. Afternoon tea, all members being hostesses. I'rintiku. —-Oct. 26. Mrs. Hewsi-n presided, li present. Mrs Itnuglas, devotions. Arrangements for Garden Bale to be held shortly. Prayers offered for sick members. Letters of cheer to go to two aged members. Pledge repeated. Afterm on tea. Prayer and Benediction. I' —Oct. Miss Fyfe presided. Fall • ttendanee. Band of Hope ami Loyal Temperance Legion superintendents reported g od progress in work. Headquarters devoted a silver cup for copipetition between the two classes. Special Collection for Chinese niiigee fund amounted to £l/1/- forwarded to Mayor's Fund. 1 kidded to proceed with painting and renovation of Bailor's Rest. Mrs. Thomson gave a special report of devotional sessions at recent convention at Lin wood.

OTAGO DISTRICT. Iktlclutliu.- Nov. 1. Annual Meeting, fail attendance. Hymn, prayer, and talk by Mrs. Miller on * Thankfulness.” Annual re port of branch read and adopted. Band of Hope discussed. 1 kixology. Benediction. Afternoon ten. Officers elected: Vice-Pro*., Mesdames Clark and iJawson; See., Mrs. Moody; Treas, Mrs. Tie; Band of Hope Sec., Mrs. Tie; Cor. See W.C.T.U., Mrs. Gegg Dunedin Pentnd. -October 4. Mrs Hiett presided, good attendance, re|*>rts of District Convention given by' Miss Macandrew and others. Members urged to spend much time in prayer. Arrangements made for distributing literature. Kuikorai -Sept. 28. A fair amount of business was dene. A small booklet was read by the President. Leaflets were distributed among members. Final arrangements made about the forthcoming Distiict Convention. The captain of the lan-ai Salvation Army Corps, gave a short talk on the work being done by them with regard to the coining election. Afternoon tea. Knikonii'. Oct. 26. Well attended and though the result of the poll was not what we would wish, yet ve mean to go forward knowing that victory would come *'«- one glad day.” Mrs. Adcock read * lie report >f District Convention, listened to with interest. Afternoon tea. 1 4iw retire. —Oct. 1. Attendance fair. Mr* J. McKlnlay presided. I>etai!s arranged for the |>oll. Also questions to be put to tin* candidates for the coming election, Sister Alice Hatcher's visit also arranged for Benediction. Mosgiel. —Sept. 27. Mrs. Graham presided. Attendance fair. Pay up social about 20tli November. Interesting reports of District Convention by delegates. North East Valley.—Sept. Miss Grey presided over a-good attendance. Mesdames Sanders and Bruce and Miss Begg were presented with long service badges. This was the first function of the kind In connection with the Valley Union which was formed thirty years ago. The recipients briefly responded. Miss Campbell addressed the meeting on the evil effects of t..e licensed liquor trade on the Maoris in certain areas of the North Island. It being a special day afternoon tea was served and a social cha* enjoyed by ail.

ML INLAND DISTRICT. <»onr. —Sept. 27 Good attendance, Mr K. C. Smith presided. A time was spent in prayer for world affairs. Decided to have extra meetings for prayer until the *• o<t:o»

The Rev. A. L. Kent spoke relative to tU coming poll. Members to help to disti butt, literature. Benediction. (dire, —Oct. 26. Good attendance. M . jj. Smith presided. Hearty vote of tin• nk> passed to Rev. A. T. Kent for his interest „ng and instructive address on a "Fot an Campaign for Temperance” Tlim „• epeciar prayer. Decided to send tl t, Maori Fund. Motions of sympathy pa Members asked to attend the Annua: !ii* rict Convention in Invercargill, on Nov a Afternoon tea. Benediction. lit v ervargill Pent nil. Oct. 5. Mrs. i i. McGregor presiding. Fair attendance. MnGilmour lead Devqtion*.> bus re.-t of time devoted to prayer meeting foi forthcoming poll. Hostesses for AfteiruHH t>Mesdames McGregor, Brown and Ay>ob Distribution of leaflets.

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White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 517, 18 November 1938, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 517, 18 November 1938, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 517, 18 November 1938, Page 8