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News of the Union.

Keportt MIST,(1) Reach Editor by KMi of month. (t) IW written in ink, on one aide ol the paper only. (S) Or kliort lunl to the p-oint. NORTH AK KI.AM) IthTIUM. Arutapii-Te Kopum.— Oct. 11 Mrs. Jolli jpive an Interesting address on tin* iJistrh t Convention. Vov. 15tli. —Oapt. Brownlee of tin* K.A gave am address. letter read from Mrs. McLeod. Ihirgiu ille. Annual Meeting, Nuv. i:t!i Mis. Neale |irrii(led. Balance sheet read ami adopted and reports sliowed that tell meetings had been held during the year, all fairly well attended. Tin rV are -I iiuiiihers and 27 subscribers to the vN 1»i t• • Ribbon. Literature lias been plated in the Station weekly, a*ud the N\ hite Kibhon in the l’lunket Rooms. The Cradle It >ll lias lj2 members. and a successful Cradle Loll party was held In March. There have bct-i. f„ur meetings of the Baiul of Hope when different ministers have addressed tin* < Til I drill. Election of off ice t Pres.. Mrs. NY S. Neal; Vlce-Pres., Mestlaints Wordsworth, 11. Smith and Hay; See., Mrs. M Marten, Treas.. Miss Van Renin; Cradle Roll Supt.. Mrs. Wordsworth; W.R. Agent, Mrs. Brumey, Band of Hope Supt., Mrs. Jolly; Notable Bays Supt., Mrs. Jolly; W It. and NA. Times Reporter. Mrs. L>. H. Hay. I k dded to continue I riding the meetings in tin* Methodist Church on tin* 2nd Tuesday at 2.15 p.m. 'liniuguturoto. Nov. 28. Net) successiul Mothers' Hay ami Annual Meeting. All con re -e Itcted. West nueetin® to bt January. .short musical programme tendered. ’ Solo by Muss E. Cullen, duet by Mrs K. Cullen and Mrs Knightbridge, an I readings by Mrs Flower and Mrs Basle) Adjournment was then made to Manse grounds, where races were held tor children of Cradle Roll. Afternoon tea was dispensed, and enjoyed by all. I‘ukehuia. Not lllot ni hold ot Mrs M< Iran's. 1 >uring the meeting she, who ii \ seldom spoke, i»*|*e«ited a beautiful verse about God’s wonderful iove and care over us, and “to every tiny blade ot grass is given its wee drop of dew." A few days after word came that she had passed away in her sleep. We shall sorely miss her, for she was one of the four that regularly meet together and carried on in this little place. AK KIAM) DISTRICT. Auckland. —Nov. 13. Annual meeting Mrs. Cook presided. Large attendance •'ongratulat icus extended to two «»t out numbers who had celebrated their golden weddings during the month. S x number* had been called to Higher Service during the year. The annual report showed tend' work. Practical work had been given t* Major Gordon for the Christmas tea to women prisoners, to the work in the Buk Blocks, Loyal Temperance Legion. Eleven mpies of the W.R. are s*«nt every month to local institutions, to Maori I’nions and Niue Island. The Treasurer gave a satisfactory Valance sheet. The action of Miss Horotliy Round in refusing to play tennis on Sunday was appreciated ami regret expressed that the Auckland City Couin II had giv»u <<>»- Tt for Sunday tennis to be played. Mis. McCombs was appointed to the superinten demy of the Cradle Roll. Officers were • ■ t«4: Pn nii ■■ J ■ ft r,mi; Oor Sc . Mias N. I- w n Ti . Mrs. Swan; Vice Pres., Mesdames Taylor. Rudy, Pearce. Heard, Misses Paul and Meari. The l’nion goes into recess ti.l March. I>ev on port.— Nov. Annual Meetiiu Mr Williams presided. Mrs Carr complimented the officers and members on the work done during the year. Election of officers; l'res., Mrs. Williams; Sec.. Mrs. I>ay; Tivi * , Mi *. Burnett; NV.R. Agent. Mrs. Brewer: Ni.v.hc Raj 8, Mrs. Mclnnes; Cradle Roll and L.T L. Supt., Mrs. Wrack; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Hoverd and Burnett. Epsom,—Nov. 13. Good attendance. Mr Neal presided. Hearty welcome to MBs Edger, Mrs. llenius amd Mrs. Gilmour. Mr Bloo<l worth reported on matters discussed

at the N.C.NV., especially the matter dealing with delegates from the Council being appointed to the Citizens' Committee. Mrs. Uewa Bennett, J.P., who was exported to report on her work among the Maori people sent nn apology. kohimmanm -Nov. 21 Annual meeting at Mrs Lewis Lady's. Good attendance. Secretary's report showed progress all along the imc. Eight new members joined during the year. Superintendents’ reports were read, and Treasurer’s balance-sheet showed a credit balance, after donat'osi was paid to Maori N.Z. Organising Fund, and all fees pa d. Officers elected: Acting l’res., Mrs Hugh Kasper; Vne-lTcs., Mc.“dames Perkin.* and Parker; Hon. Sec., Mrs Lewis Eady; Tress.. Mrs Chan. Phillips. All the Superintendents re-elected. Mrs Grihhlc was elected L.W.R. Supt. The President urged the members to start now to work for the coining poll. Mesdames S. Williams and Herrick rendered songs. Mrs Statham gave u reariiMg. u: l Mesdames UcITcI alul Kud* contributed duets. Two new members initiated. North* cte. -Nov. 13. Annual meeting. Mrs Hulhert presided. .Miss Read gave an address. Election of officers: Pres., Miss Piper; Treas., Mrs McKinnon; “” Agent, Mrs Smith; Vice-Pres.. Mrs llulbert. lb port - of year's w ork read. A "Bring and Buy" Stale and Antique Exhibition was held. Afternoon tea -creed 1 Is, including 5s lonatlon, was taken. Onehnngu. Nov. V Annual meeting President rci chair. Re|vits: 10 month!.* meetings; most of tin* Notable Hays kept; a very successful mothers’ meeting and Cradle Roll party held. Number of members 72. Two members on School Committees. Members have helped in street collections. One member on Benevolent Society. Eight well attended home meetings Litth* White ltihlioners number 213; diir ng the year 21 ha * reached shears nr re cud tin* Superintendent lias paid 100 v sits since March. 21 subscribers to the; one sent to local library and six extra copies sold monthly. Maori Work: We have a Maori V Branch with Bister dittos as Superintendent; there a r e nine members. Meetings held 2nd and ?*h Thursdays. All officers u*ul Hup*Tinterdeuta re-elected. Treasurer's report read . nd adopted Letter of greeting to l»** sent to our oldest men.h r on her 9Sth birthday on November 2!»th. Mcsilanu - < 'onper. H'*dde,\ NN 1 glit. 11*■' im . and T i !< >r form Afternoon Ten Coin mlttec. Mrs. Laybourn gave a splendid report of the r« cent N.Z Alliance Convention and Mrs. Ashy a brief of her visit to Australia, t hie now member initiated Otah’ihu. Vov 16. Annual meeting. Mr Ec. ersall presided. Report by Secretary, Treasurer, NV.R. Agent, L.W.R. Supt.. AntiGambling a*.i«l llnmc Meet ng* were read and adopted. Officers eb**t***l: Pres., Mrs Ec, ersall; Vlce-Prea. Mrs. West and Mrs Crichton; Se.-,, Mrs. NV. Taylor: Treas. Mrs. Hall; NV.R. Agent. Mrs. West; b.NV.It. Mrs. Hand a de Home Mootings, Mssdsmss NVd l.amaon, Webb and Asheroft I’np itoetne. -Nov. 21. Annual meeting Mrs Long presided Secretary's and Treasurer's reports adopted, and considered very satisfactory. A general discussion of our work took place. The President uiged members to take up -ome of the branches of our work. Mrs Leonard offered to hold L.T.L. meetings in her home next year. Mrs Nesbett to help form a Cradle Roll. Two new members for “White Ribbon.” o Proa Mrs Long. Vi*ePres., Mrs Leonard; S**c., Miss Kempton; Treas., Mrs Nesbett; "NV.R.” Agent, Mrs Long; Reporter, Mrs Nesbett. Afternoon tea. Ponsonhy.—Nov. 15. Annual meeting. Miss Read presided. A devotional talk was given hv Mrs. Christopher. Report of th<* work done during the year was given by the Secretary. Tin* Treasurer’s report and tbo >* of the various departments wore al-o reeeived. Solo. "Thanks Be to God." r«»:i-------dered b.v Mr-*. I.*wig. Officers elected: Pres.. Miss Read; Viee-Pres.. Mesdames Frost. Keene ami Joiner; Sec., Mrs. Joiner; Treas., Miss Kitt. Supts. elected: Evangelistic. Mrs. Christopher; Cradle Roll. Mr.- Warren: White Ribbon. Miss Kitt and Mr*. Wheeler: Flower, Philanthropic and Notable Ha*.*. Mrs. Rracg; Sabbath Observance and Anti Gambling, Miss Read; Musical and Birth

days, Mrs. Lewis; Good citizenship and Press Reporter, Mrs. Joiner; Pianist, Mrs. Walker. Tin* following resolution was passed by tinmeeting:—'That the members of the I’onsonby Branch of the NV.C.T.U. strongly protests against con feet loner) manufacturers making sweets containing alcoholic liquors, and so causing the fumes to affect their workers." One new member. Next meeting February. Item era. Not Mrs Hugh Kasper presided. Secretary's report showed a year of progressive work. The Treasurer’s balance-sheet showed a credit balance. lunations were passed to Maori Fund, Organising New Zealand. L.T.L., jiTid Major Gordon’s Christmas tea for the women in prison. inieteating reports were given by the Superintendents of Departments: Mrs Hunter, for Peace ami Arbitration; Mrs Bond, Cradle Roll; Bistei Grace, Evangelistic; Mrs* Kasper, L.T L. ami School of Methods; Mrs Phillips, for Flower and Philanthropic. Mis Robinson gave tin* report of N.C.NV. The President addressed the meeting on the “Progress of the W.C.T.U.,” and the members were thanked for their loyal support. Election of officers: l’res., Mrs Hugh Kasper; VloePres., Mesdames Wright and Robinson; Her. Sec., Mrs H. S. NV right; Cor. Sec., Mrs Appleby; Treas., Mrs Ready; Evangelist, Sinter Grace All Superintendents were reelected. Members to forward comfort bags for sailors. Resolution passed and a letter of protest sent to press re ii*isstateme*rit in advertisement of vita stout. Svhun Avenue, 'lt. I idem Nov. 2V Annual meeting. Miss l’udiiey presided. At tendance good. Temperance fact given by Mrs. Ryaoli Decided to me* t on 3rd w «dm ida) Mrs CNU gavt a read ng on Peace. Election of officers: Pres., Miss Pudi.ex ; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Treacher; Treas., Mrs. Hash*; Sec., Mrs. Treacher; Peace and Arbitration. Mrs. E. G'll. Mrs. ranker Brown gave a very earnest talk on Peace and Temperance and made spe< ial mention of the increase in sweets being sold w huh contain alcohol and of the harmful fumes which affect the workers making them. Waiuku.—Nov. 30 Annual meeting off* eers were re-elected: Pres., Mrs. J. Hallantine; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Speer; Cor. Sec.. Mrs. j k. Hull; Re*'. Sec., Miss Honking; Treas.. lira \, ... . ,*. Whitt H i d 1: Flower Mission and Philanthropic Work, Miss Hosking and Mrs. ll'Kweii; *''ttb* W hite Rlbboners, Mrs. C 1 maize. Mrs. Lilts welcomed. I*c< lded that a picnic fot L tth* White Rlbboners b«* hel«l at the Saiidspit in Jan uary. SOI 111 A 1 Chi.AND DISTRICT. Otaroliungu.—Nov Only three present. Annual meetiiiK postponed Bring and Bu\ stall for Headquarters Fund. Literature riven out for distribution. A beautifully iced cake presented by President. Mrs Toyer. Seven candles hjown out by Mrs 8011, out old ,-t member. Reported that Bring and Hu\ in Octoiler, held for Maori fund. l lb port had been sent to “White Ribbon, hut did not appear. Report never receiver!. Ever) report reaching this office is published. unless it is stale news. —Ed. “\N .R.’ > TARAN AKI l)l>Tltl< T. Haw cm I *• t IBM a tun.lHMce. Reports of Secretary and Treasurer read, and favourably commented on by members. Reports of various Department* given. Cradle Roll reported »3 name* on roll; 31 had been taken off during the vear, having passed age limit, five had p.ft the district, and 12 new names were added during the year. “White Ribbon reported 2ti subscribers. Election of offi- < eis: l’res., Mrs Hayward; Vice-Pres., Mesrtames Exley, Hill, anil Douglas; Sec.. Mrs Hartmann; Treas, Mrs Barren. Superintendents of Departments: "NVhite Ribbon." Mrs Spavin; Evangelistic, Mrs Douglas; Notable Days. Mrs Evans; Cradle Roll and Parliamentary, Mrs Bischoff; l’r«*ss, Mrs Hartmann; Maori. Sister Atawhai; Seamen’s Rest. Mrs .Simpson; Refreshments, Mr Sharpe. New Plymouth.—Nov. 28. Annual meeting. Miss Drew presided. Fairly good attendance. The Secretary’* report showed good work done, chiefly amongst the Maori people and hospital visiting. Four Maori Sunday Schools are well attended in the district, nud the members are Interested in Temperance. Pamphlets have been distributed to their homes, and classes for sewing

and hygienic knowledge carried on. Hospital visiting is murh appreciated. The Seamen's Rest GonumCee have done good work; 3000 visits have been paid by seamen during the year, and services have been conducted each Sunday a ship is in i»ort, the various churches taking in turn. The building has been paints-' .ad renovated. Tin* Treasurer's report showed 92 subscriptions j»aid to date. A special Emergency Committee has been set up to raise funds for local work; this report was read, showing a balance in hand. birthday greetings have been sent to all aged members, tene of whom has passed her 91st birthday. Miss hn w referred to the fact that although our work is along the same lines as several other women's organisations, we are the on!> organisation that stands definitely for Temperance. Permission was given Mrs Hickson to hold a small stall at each meeting for local funds. A Cradle Holl picnic well he held early in the Ne Year. All offii era were re-elected. Superintendents: Maori, Mrs Tuffrey; Cradle Roll, Mrs Ellis; Notable Hays, Mrs brown; Evangelistic, Mrs Malcolm; “White Ribbon,” Mesdames Hickson and brown; Peace and Art, Mrs Gilliver; Bible in Schools, Mrs Read; Hospital, Mesdames Wright and Wood; Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs Brash. UANAWAIT DISTRICT levin.—Nov. 9. Annual meet nig. Mrs Sorensen presided. Large gathering of members and friends. Mrs McKain gave report of District Convention, and thanks were accorded to her. Reports of the various 1 Apartments were given, and considered satisfactory. Dainty afternoon tea by .Xl.-a-ilanies Mew and Storey. Mrs Thorpe, to whom a very cord a I welcome was accorded, took the chair. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Ivct iierley; Vice-Pres., Mrs Sims; Her. Sec.. Mrs Young; or. Her , Mrs. Mew; Treas. Mrs Bi.-diop; Cradle toll, Mrs Wiley; Press Reporter, Mrs Bott; Membership Supt., Mrs Shirley; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs McKain; Band of Hope Supervisor, Mrs Sorensen Notes of thanks to Mrs Thorpe; to tin Salvation Army, for the use of the hall; to the Press; to the retiring officers for their willing work throughout the year just past. HAM KIPS HAY I>l>Tl<l< T. Hasting*.—Nov. 27. Annual meeting. Hood attendance. Resolutions of sympathy with Mrs Sutherland and Mrs de Forges in sickness. Votes of thanks to all officers. Flowers to Mrs Bamgurt, retiring Secretary. Annual report and balance-sheet received, showed good progress. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Hickinott; Vice-Pres., Mrs Thompson; See., \ti>s Mitchell; Treas., Mrs Hudson, Napier. —Hec. 5. Annual meet ng, well attended. Report show much activity in our I nJon Progressive work includes pledge-signing in Bible Classes, formation of Band of Hope, Garden party (aim being publicity). ' >fflcers of I’nimi re-elected t hie new member. < \ fine, com ijs: report.—Ed. “W.R.”) \N WHAM i HPTKM T. Arvmoho. -Nov 29. Annual meeting. Iht-sidtvit ,n the chair, better of thanks from Willard Home. Greetings •at to Jubilee Home. Letter of sympatic, to Mrs Nicholson in hospital. Secretary’- r „,, ort ivad and adopted, Allowing successful year’s work. Annual reports of departments rend ami adopted. Competitions: 1«t Mrs I) Good; 2nd Mrs. Richards. Points Prize: Mrs. Nicholson. President thanked outgoHn • mficers. Election of officers; Pres. Mrllallani; N ice-Prea., Mesdanies Oilmour nnd 1 ’llisswas; Sec., Mrs H Good: Kvang Pupt . Mrs. Ghesswas; Treas., Mrs. l»empster; Hick V’isitor. Mrs Hamer; NV.R. Agent. Mrs Walker; Afternoon Tea, Mrs. Read; Cradle Roll. Mrs Sleight; (Competition*. Mrs. Richard*; Press Reporter. Mrs. H. Good; 1 imiist, Nh ". Tizard. Meetings commence at 2.15 sharp In future, first meeting to bo held January 31st. Syllabus to he drawn up early In January for six months. Extracts read from White Ribbon. Meeting closed with the Benediction and afternoon tea served by Mesdames Wh >? and Sanderson. Oliiiknoe Nov 1 .”>. Mr- i’-'rr pn <i led Small attendance owing to sickness and inclememt weather. A verv Interesting account of District Convent ion read I>\- Miss Donald. Mr. E. Farr gave an in-p ring and helpful address on the “Meaning of the Gross,” Afternoon tea served.

NN ELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—Nov. 27. Annual meeting Mrs Peryman in the chair. better of thank- from Willard Home, and from Mrs Don. Annual report b> Mrs Htinsosi; 150 hiidren on t’radle Roll. Mrs Pearson reported oil “‘White Ribbon,” and Mrs Gitlin km read balance-sheet. Solo by Mrs Bennett. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Brewer; Vice-Pres., Mesdanies Haudinet, s‘;iwd« ii, Webster and Halve; Cor. Sec., Mrs Gillings; Rec. Sec., Mrs Stinson; Treas., Mrs Gifting*; Aj-s st. Treas., Mrs (’racknell; ”\X It.’ Agents, Mesdanies Pearson and Ihckering; Gntdle Roll, Mrs Butler; Hospital Auxiliary, Mrs Parson. Mrs Pickering presented posies to Mesdanies Peryman. Brewer, and the newly-elected officers. Mrs Perynmn gave most suspiring address, urging all to have faith in the power of God and to work and pray for victory. Afternoon tea served by Presbyterian ladies. Carterton. —Nov. Large attendance. Mrs. Avery led devotions. New' member was welcomed. Gaptahi Hoyle gave a solo, appreciated by aJJ. The tempera nee fact for the day was—'“Alcohol kills everything that lives, and preserves everything that is dead.” The President gave a very interesting talk and reading, and an excellent afternoon tea was served by the hostess for the afternoon. Grey town.—Nov. 27. Annual meeting. Mrs Anker presided over a good meeting of members and friends. Mrs Morrison was welcomed ba< k. after months of ill-health. Npology from Mrs \V. A. Tate. officeis elected: Pres., Mrs Xtiker; Vice-Pres., Mesdames White and Taylor and Miss Oates; Sec., Mrs Morrison; Treas., Mrs Haigli; < ’rndle Roll Supt., Mrs White. Decided to hold “Bring and Buy” at each monthly meeting. The usuai levies were passed for payment to World, N.Z., and District Funds; also 19/- to the Organising F*und. Miss Jones. District President, gave an Injuring and helpful talk on W.G.T.U. matters, and M’ss Jackson gave a most interesting account of XV.C.T F. In Australia, w here, it the present time there is no poll taken on the licensing question, and there arc nian> vme shops, including one at every railway station. Lower Unit. Nov. 28. Annual Meeting. Pie- dent in the chair. Good attendance of members. Greetings from England from Mrs. Moves. Secretary reported a box of cloth ng sent to the Willard Home. The monthly thought was; “The beat tilings never are the easiest, in every cross t’hrist hide-: His seed of light.” Our President urged all members to become efficient for the work before us in 1935. Annual report bowed 10 meetings and one special. Treasurer reported Balance in hand of £4 2s. White Ribbon Agent repo.ted two new members. t'radle Roll lft I members on the roll. 25 attaining 8 years of age, and 12 new babies Officers ele ted: Pres., Mrs. Lopdoll; Vice-Pres., Mesdanies Rout ley. Garlnk, t'r.vwt a I, and Rallantyne; See,. Mrs. Aldersley; Treas., Mrs. Cooper, 27 Maiu Ft.; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Taylor, Tui St ; NV.R. Agent. Mrs. Baigent, King's Orescent; Librarian. Mrs. Green, Bristol Square; Devotional Supt., Mrs. Rallantyne, Western Hutt Road; Organist, Mrs. Clark; Reporter, Mrs. Crawford; Monthly Thought. Mrs. irirrell. Decided next meeting Jan. 3ftth, to open at 2 15 pin. PdoiM*.- 1 *ec. 4. Annual meeting. 15 present. Mrs Playter presided. “Thought” I>\ Mrs Mui gat rny<l. Secretary's annual r< port rend, also Hand of Hope report and bnl'inm Meet. Mrs E. Battersby conducted elect" n of officers: Pres.. Mrs Jensen; VicePr»*s. Mesdanies Playter, T. L. Battersby, .••ad c rter; flee., Mrs Chalmers; Treas., Mrs Murgatroyd; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs Fianklyn. Remaining Superintendents left over until February. Mrt Garter and Mrs I'Hmio hue spoke in eulogistic terms of the worl done by the retiring officers. Afternoon tea served. (Thanks for roncise annual report.—Ed. "NV.R.") 1 pper Nov. 22. Annual meeting. Smallest attendance for the year. Five minute talk on “Promises in the Bible.” Pledge repeated. All members stood in ilence as an expression of sympathy with Mrs. Wh t'm m in her loss. Polo. "Ninety and Nine." Report of year’s work given '■y Secretary. Treasurer’s report received.

Dwemher 18, 19*1

Mrs. Peryman was our very welcome visit'>r and her message uplifted us all. Mrs. Spencer, President; Mrs. Oowie, ffeeretar Mrs. Roberts. Treasurer, all re-elected. Mi Ross, t 'or. Sec. XVelliiiglon.—Dec. fi. Annual meeting. Mrs Murray presiding. The minutes of last annual meeting confirmed. Mrs Harris, Hospital Visitor, read the report of the Ladies Auxiliary, showing many kindnesses done for the sick. A statement of the Reserve Fund was read, also the ordinary bulaiitesheet, bv Mrs Porte. The recent Jumble Sale realised £2 ltis 3d. Mrs Ross' annual report was very encouraging. Mrs Chisholm whs elected to represent us at the meetings of National Council of Women. Tea was then served by Mesdames King and Harris and Miss Clifford. Sonic notes <m the return of liquor to America were read, showing an alarming increase In crime and motor accidents. Tf)e election of off. cers was .conducted by Mrs Peryman, and resulted us follow s:—Pres., Mrs Murray . Sec. Mrs Ross; Treas., Mrs Porte; VicePres., Mesdanies Rowe and Perry; Assisi Sec., Mrs Chisholm. Mrs Peryman addressed members re the importance of tin Licensing Poll next year, ami urged sacrifice to help No-License. NX ellingtou (’entrtth —Nov. 21. Good ut tendance. Mrs Peryman presided. An nual report showed the Branch was very active. s'necial mention of the work of Mrs Long, C.R. Supt . who has enrolled 7u babies this year. Treasurer’s report read and adopted. Election of officers: Pres. Mrs Burrow; Vice-Pres., Mesdanies Pery man, Webb, Harry, (Hlell, and L. J. Boulton Smith; Cor. Sc< , Mrs A. A. t’ullen; Eli Sec., Miss XV. Thompson; Treas., Mrs Hel yer. with Mrs Childs as assistant, “’ Agent, Mrs Barrow; Musical Director, Mr Andrew; Cradle Roll gupt., Mrs Long; Tea Supt., Mrs Hoult; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs F K. Harry; League of Nations Representative. Mrs Israel. The report stated that all were extremely sorr r to part with Mrs Peryman as President, for she had served faithfully and well for the last six years. Two songs by Mrs Brownlee. M ARI.BOKOI (ill DISTRICT. Blenheim.—Nov. 30. A Bring ami Huy social afternoon Attendance small. Good business was done by the various stalls, and a sum of £3 13s 6d was taken. A duet was given by Mrs and Miss Madill; songs by Miss Eckford, and a recitation by M rs Forbes. De<\ |. Mrs J. Stewart presided, 31 present. Mrs Stewart made an appeal for H’.i increase of subscribers to our “White Ribbon” paper. Decided to hold summer meetings in the evening. Adjutant Hawkes gave a stirring address on the high ideal" of the XV.C.T.U., and begged us not to be discouraged in the face of seeming failures, but to pres.* on, remembering that we belonged to a world-wide organisation, ami though singly we might appear to be making little headway, we were collectively exert ng a great influence for good on the peoples of the world. Hearty vote of thanks to speaker. Afternoon tea. Tun Xlitriiiit.—At the home of our IVesi dent. Mrs. Burroughs, 15 preset*Social half hour and a Bring and Buy. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson. — Dec. 4. Annual meeting Good attendance, Mrs Telenius presiding. Mrs Brown gave a very interesting address on “Home Life,” also sang a solo. Mrs Ross gave a very comprehensive report on tile year’s work. Very satisfactory reports from all Departments. Satisfactory Variety Sale held on the 21st. All standing officers re-elected. A vot« of sympathy passed to our President in her illnera. Afternoon tea. N. ' NNTEKIH RY DISTRICT. Grr> month. Nov. 27. Annual meeting, Mrs Burrell in the chair. Fair attendance One new member. Reports from the Secretary. Treasurer, and Superintendents of 1 *epartnients received. Particular mention made of the work of Mrs Gilbert with the Birthday League. Hnd of Mrs Stewart aR caretaker of the Sailors’ Rest. A J 1 officers re-elected. Resolved that on the next Notable Day. namely, Frances AViilard ]>ay, the meeting he held in the Sailors’ Rest. The President repeated the Prayer Sigil before tile Benediction. As an appreciation

„( tin- service* of Mrs Parkinson, xvln* linn | t it f»>r Nelsoni, a copy of tin* book "Temperance ami Prohibition in New Zealand.” has been sent to iier. Mrs Parkinson wan oU r oldest member, both In years and length of membership. Iva'.,i|*©i.—--Nov. 28. Mrs Vickery in the i-lmir. Oftkeis elected: Pres., Mrs A. Stocking; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Burnet. Baker, Bright In*, Carter, and Vickery; Sc., Mrs Rinaldi; Cor. Sec., Mrs Blackwell; Treas., Miss 8. K. Evans; Cradle Koll gupts.. Mrs H. Rinaldi and Mrs linker; Hall HuptK, Mrs Rinaldi and Mrs Keetley ; Birthday league, Mrs H. Carter; Band of Hope, Mrs Stocking and Mrs Keetley•; Temperas Instruction, Mrs Stanton. New IliiKlitdß. —Nov. Annual meeting Mrs. 11. M. Hall presided. Excellent attnidamv. Invitation to attend Church mi v H on Woniesi'H Sunday, November 25tli. was accepted. Secretary's report showed membership 65 with 6 honorary members, tlie Cradle Roll 69 members, 23 subscribers (n the White Ribbon Good work had been done in a number of the departments and i keen interest maintained. Complimentary remarks on the report were made by Miss Hail. and and Mesdames Hall and Moses. Miss It. M. Harband expressed their loving appreciation to Mrs. H M. Hall. President, who was retiring after 20 years' service and -poke of the untiring work Mrs. Hall had done during her long period of leadership, olid asked Mrs. Hall to accept a silver tea sci vice as a tangible token of the apprecia tmn of the members. Mrs. Hall responded, thanking tin* members for their gift and hei allow officers and superintendents for their i operative Help 111 the working of the I nion. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs. J. S • »rn an; Vice-Pr***., Mesdames Hall, Moses, Eilis, and 8. J. Smith; Sec., Mro. F. M Mitchell; Treas.. Mrs. N. C. Fraser; K\ mg., Mrs. ». Bailey; Good Citizenship .•id Scientific Temperance, Mrs. M Moses; Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs. S. J. Smith; Pnuile Koll. Mrs. F. Good; Notable Hays. Mrs. lairgclly; Peace and Arbitration, Mrs. Holloway; Press Reporter, Mrs. F. M Mitchell. North Brighton. -Nov. 20. Annual meet mg. Mrs Richards presided. Good attendance. Thanks received for help at Provincial Convention. Mrs Lawson up pointed Y Supt. Secretary's report showed good progress in all departments. Hearty thanks to Secretary. Decided to hold Ifring and Buy on December 12th. Y Gar den Party on December Bth. and Cradle Roll P ■ nic December Ist. Song by Miss Betty Florence. Thanks to officers and Superintendents, also to Miss Harband for dainty afternoon tea. Officer* elected: Pres, Mrs A. Florence; Sec., Mrs H. Claridge; Treas.. Mrs R. 11. Mahan; Evangelistic, Mesdames S G. Goring and E M. Mcllraith; Cradle Roll, Mrs L. PeppereJl; Y Supt., Mrs M C. Lawson; Press Reporter. Mrs I). Goldman. Oxford.—Nov. 22. Annual meeting, opening exercises, Mrs C. Morris. Sacred solo, Mrs \V. Dailey. Secretary's and Superintendents' reports read and adopted i'radle Roll, 62; Band of Hoi>e, 36; "W.R..' 2x subscribers anti seven I'nion copies; N Branch. 2o "Beacons.” Balance-sheet reuti and adopted, and vote of thanks to Auditoi Fiction of officers: Pres., Mrs R. Comvns; Miss M. Waterman; Treas., Mrs C. W. Tritt; Vice-Pres., Mesdames D. Hawke and c, Hyde; Evangelistic, Mrs C. Morris; "M R.,” Mrs D. Hawke; Cradle Roll, Mrs Roi and Miss H. Waterman; Band of Hope. Mrs I»ewer; Y Supt., Mrs Coinyus; Notable Hays, Mrs Ryde; Home Meetings, Mrs F B \ter ami Mrs Walsh; Flower Mission, Mrs J. Baxter and Mrs McGregor; Press Reporter, Miss Cavertiill; Pianiste, Mrs W. Fen w it k. Reef ton.—-Nov. 13. Annual meeting. Ten piest-nt. President in the chair. Rc-retai iml Treasurer’s report read and adopted. Mi's Watson reported nineteen li&bies *m the *'ia• 11Roll. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Waddell; Vice-Pres., Mrs Thompson and M -- Watson; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Watson; Se< . Mr- Gilmour; Treas., Mrs. Switzer; Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Switzer served afternoon tea. Munner.—l >t*c, I. Report of work for 1934 read and adopted. Mu. Ii interest in I’radle Roll report. Great regret nt 1.s ignatiou of T reusurer. Mrs Booth, win* lias I,*-,-n m office for 13 years. The ele. ’ion of Miss Kilnei as Y President gave the .i*m.iPt satisfaction. Tea hostesses were

Mis Hay and Mrs Hutchinson. Mrs Sindh led devotions officers elected: Pres., Mrs McCombs, M.P.; Vice-Pres., Mesdames 1. Wilson. Heslop, Sherrard, Topping, Wells, end Miss Killner; Devotions, Mrs Smith. Supts: Cradle Roll, Mrs L. G. Carter; ••W.R.,” Mrs G Hay; Music, Mrs C. W. Henderson; Tea. Mrs Tate; President \ Branch, Miss Killner; Sec . Mrs Hutchinson; Treas., Mrs Wells. M)' Nov. 13. Mis. Donald presided. II present. Mrs. Marv.ick read temperance fact. Vote of sympathy to Mrs. McJuirow. Garden party to be held on Novemtn ' 2-U 1 . Reading by Mrs. Lowe. Spreydo*.—Nov A note of thaMk-gviog struck because of our President’s recovery anti tin* assurance that she will be w Hi us so«>n again. A full i«port of the Di;.tn<t < 'on\ cation given by Mrs. Muthesoii much appreciated. Hostesses. Mesdames Clark and Sim. Weslyort. '«• lent. Mrs. Partill in the chair. Scripture reading. White Ribbon cuttings and other valuable reading by members. Decided to dost* meeting for this year with Novembci meeting. >. ( WI I KIUm IllM KItT. Ashburton. —Dec. 4. Mrs Aitkenliead presided. Dirge attendance. Decided to write to Mrs T. E. Taylor re date available for meeting early in 1935. Synopsis of Miss Andrews' address given by Mrs Bu< tiler. and enjoyed. Tea served, and presentations of L.B. badges, and bouquets, were made to Mrs <Baker and Miss M. Jacksou, and gracefully acknow’ledged. Annual reports read, and Trasurer submitted balanced budget. Reports adopted, and a hearty vote of thanks accorded officers and Superintendents for work done during year. Election of officers as foPows: —Pres., Mrs Aitkenliead; Treas.. Mrs Tulloch; Sec., Miss Trexurza; Assist. Sec., Mrs D. S. Osborn; Vice-Pres.. M •sdaruts Petrie, R. S. Watson, Vickery, Beckweil, Robinson, McEwen, sister Mildred and Mias Jackson; "W.R.' Agent, Miss E. A. Watson; Peace, Mrs Bu' hler; Maori, Mrs Holmes; Hospital and Sitk Visitor, Mrs H. Tinker; Sabbath ‘M>servance. Mrs Tulloch; Bible in Schools, Mrs Petrie; Anti-Gambling. Mrs R. S. Watson: Good Citizenship, Mrs Robinson; Literature. Mrs Tutker; L.W.R., Mrs Harw -od; W.R. Badge Agent, Miss Ford; Press, Legal and Parliamentary, and LetterWriter, Miss Trevurza; Rest Tent, Mrs Aitkenhead; Ministry’ of Friendship, Mrs Right; Social, Mrs Tilley and Mrs Forifr; Pianistes, Mrs Tucker and Mrs Holmes. The present N.Z. officers were nominated for re-election. Decided to again thank Mrs E. M. Begg for donation of £1 Is to A. ami P. Show Prize Fund, and Press for courtesy and consideration received. Kx ecutive to arrange syllabus and L.W.F. picnic. The President wished all the compliments of the season, anil closed till February, 1935. Itakaia. -Nov. 15 Annual meeting. Mi> Hoag presided. Reports of Provincial Convention given by Mrs M< George and the Secretary. Article, "Yes. We're on the Air." read by Miss Oakley. Decided to get literature early in the New Year. Arrangements mad’' for Church Parade end Cradle Roll party. Vote of thanks passed to Mr and Mrs Allan for their services at Band of Hope. Officers all re-elected for 1935. Afternoon tea. Hostess, Mrs Boag. N’«n„ 25. Annual Church Parade held in the Methodist Church, service being conducted by Rev. W. E. Moore. Tcniukn —Nov. 28. President presided. Good attendance. Mrs Bnmbrldge sang a solo An interesting report of the District Executive was given by Mrs Buck. Literature to be procured for distribution amongst the mothers of our Cradle Roll members. Arrangements made for our Cradle Roll gathering in January. The annual reports were very encouraging. H aimute. No 1 1 loouil moot n< Mrs Roy presided. Small attendance. Reports presented and adopted. Cradle Roll party arranged for. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs A. Roy. Vice-Pres., Mesdames Buckingham and Ni< liol ami Miss S. Hayman; Bec., Mrs II Palmer; Treas., Mrs W. Simpson; L.W.R., Mtxsdames Johns and Busking; "W.R." Agent, Mrs Tooley. Votes of thanks passed to all helpers. Afternoon ten served, and a sociable time spent.

OTAtrO DIMKKT. Dunedin Central. l>e<. 4. Annual meet ing. Good attendance. Mrs limit in chair. Sorrow expressed at passing ot Mis Macartney, a staunch worker, and onetime Secretary and Treasurer of Union. Mrs Hiett appointed Convenor oi Hospitality Committee for Dominion Convention. Annual report, presented by Mrs Hotting, showed good work in ajl departments. Cradle Roll, special mention, with 307 on roll; -13 nexv babies enrolled tins year. Note of thanks and appreciation to Miss Winifred Powell (Supt.). Officers elected: Pres.. Mr- Hiett; Cor. Sec., Mrs Tu«.kwell; Roc. Sec., Mrs Bolting; Tiyas.. Miss Mm undrew . Raikorui, —«Nov. 27. Aiinuul meeting. Election ol officers: Pics., Mrs Adcock; Vice-Pres., Mrs Axcry and Mrs Smith; Sec., Miss Dobson; Treas., Mrs Masterton; Devotional, Mrs orr; "W.R.,” Mrs Grant; Sick Visitor. Mrs Raurige; Back blocks, Mrs Ellis; < radle Roll, Mrs McKenzie; Juvenile Temperance A cent, Mrs Flett; Press Reporter and Scientific Tcinperutic* Agent, Mrs Orr. Mr Blanchard's lecture re \meric i sine* the repeal of the Eighteenth A mend in out was read and commented on. Reported thiit Mis Bedford presented medal and certificates to successful competitors in examination on "Scientific Temperance." Afternoon tea. IciwTMirr. Nox. 6. Mrs. Edie pii-sid.-d Annual meeting. Balance slieet showed credit balance of tl 11s Mrs. J. M.-Kinlay was ejected President. Mrs. Etlie and Mrs. Barton Vice-Presidents and Mrs Kmu Seer* tary. The office of Treasurer not filled. An invitation to parade at the Metbodi.t Church on November 111li lias been accepted. Afternoon tea served. Mosgiel. Nov. 1. Pay -up Social. Attendance good. Mrs. Bedford presided. Election of officers; all off icers were re-elected except Secretary, Mrs. J. White elected. Mr. It. Graham gave a most instructive and interesting address. Various recitations ami musical items rendered. Supper was provided. .N. 1.. \ alley No - Good attendance. Miss (hay presided. So totaly read reports of officers and superintendents oi Departments, which were adopted. Mrs. liiett, Imm. Vice-Pres., congratulated the Union <»n its year’s work and took chair for election of officers. All officers re-elected except i’ll, Supt., Mrs. Johnson. Miss Rcgg. Corn. -nor of Hospitality Committee for Dominion Convention. Two solos by Miss Turner much appreciated. Supper served. (htimtrii. —Nov. Miss Smyth presided. Small attendance. Annual reports read and adopted. 9s members on the roll. Offi cers elected: Pres., Mrs Bridgman; VicePres., Miss Milligan, Mrs Snell, Mrs Gro cott, Miss Beckingsule, M.A.; Treas., Miss Smyth; “W.R.” Agent and Press Reporter, Mrs (’orlett; Scientific Temperance, Miss rowan; Cradle Roll, Mrs Simpson and Mrs I*. Brown; Pianistes, M s * 'orlett and Mrs Dodds; Sick Visitors, Mesdames Blackgrove, Donagliy, and Miss Cowan; Hospital Visit- i. Mrs Armstrong; Social Committee, Mesdames Donaghy, Black grove, Parker, and Patou; Flowers, Mrs Bridgman. Mil MILAND DIMRMT. Invercargill s«ii(|i. —Nov. 13. I*resid»nt (Miss McCallum) In the chair. Arrangements matured for the running of tea rooms and rest rooms at the forthcoming Royal Show. Election of officers: Pres., Miss McCallum; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Cole and Walker; Treas., Miss Griffiths; RecSec., <'or. Sec., and Press Reporter, Mrs Reid; Cradle Roll Supt.. Mrs Crozler; Maori Supt., Mrs Sharpe; "W.R." Agent, Mrs Main; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs Richards; Notable Days, Mrs Hopgood; Ba«-kl»locks Supt., the* President; Sick Committee, Mrs Dale; custodian Hall Properties, Mrs Latham; P i ani*te, Mrs la-a; Birthday League Supt., Miss J. McCallum; Social Committee, Mrs Sharpe (convenor), and Mesdames Crowley and I>rnk«. (Hautim. Not . 8. Good i HcikLuk Nriaiigtd a delegate to iltelnl Disti l I Cot xeution oil November 17th A report was read from < losing social of Bund of I h pc, which was a decided su«-t e*s. Arranged to hold Cradle Roll GarJeai Party in February, xve have gained 45 new babies this year.

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White Ribbon, Volume VI, Issue 6, 18 December 1934, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume VI, Issue 6, 18 December 1934, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume VI, Issue 6, 18 December 1934, Page 7