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Wellington District \nmi: 1 ( nn\ri»li«»i. held in Kin>\ llall, .Mnslerton, on Thuntdiiy, October Is' Thirteen out of the II Unions were represented. The delegate* were received and welcomed by Mrs. Rlamires. letters of sympathy were suit to Mr; Wood, who had lost h»*r hunhand; our beloved Dominion President, hoping for her speedy recovery; and to Mrs. Anderson (Treasurer) hopes for her recovery and thanks for nba ears of faithful stewardship, and i«Ki'et that she was no longer able to carry on. Mrs. l'er.vman was thanked for her untiring efforts for the success of “White Ribbon,” and it was earnestly honed thut. very soon, finance would improve ufficiently to allow of mor* help. Keen regret was expressed 1 >y I that the Alliance should have approitchI the Government and asked for a postponement of the Licensing doll. Eleven delegates were appointed to the \<\W Very encouraging hh ids were received from the l nions, showing that they were very much alive and in earnest. In the afternoon, the Ministers of the District came to offer a weieoiiK; they were pleasingly surprised at the large •'■athering (about Hrt); each Minister spoke for two minutes, and they were encouraging and helpful, (Juesttonaire of Talents tilled in by delegates; reported elsewhere. Officers elected were:—Pres., Mrs livery, (tarterton* Vice-Pus., Miss Kirk, J.P., Wellington Centra!; I tec. Sec., Mrs Smith. Masterton; for. Sec., Mrs. H D Priestley, Wellington Central; Treas. Mrs. Sawden. Brooklyn. The President. Mrs. Every, voiced th*thanks of all the delegates to the Masterton ladies. who had spared neither labour nor expense, and had provided lavishly for their comfort. So ended a very happy day. Perhaps, the I test of all was the wonderful atniospnere a deeply religious optimism. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT m INVENTION. A ver> happy ami successful District Convention was held in September, when reports of th** branches and 1 hcii efforts in the cause of Temperance were given by the various delegates. Morning tea was dispensed to the visiting delegates arriving from Pic ton. Seddon, Tua Marina, Havelock and Kai Valley. Canvastown, the only branch not represented. Convention called to order at 10.30 by the District President (Mrs. W. B Wilson). Very fitting words of welcome and good cheer were extended to the members by Hev. Stoekwell (Methodist), Kev. J. I). Madill (Presbyterian), Rev. Saunders (Church of England), Rev. Milgrew Church of England, Havelock), and Mrs. Wyatt for Salvation Army. Mrs. W. B. Wilson, President, thanked all for their good wishes und cheery messages which, she !elt sure, indicated a good start for a

successful Cotiventlon. The sun shone gloriously . as if to combine v.ith them in their welcome. She ini rod deed Miss Kirk, Dominion Recording Secretary, and welcomed all the visiting delegates, including the “V’s." Sincere regret was expressed at the Illness of our much-loved President, Mr*. T. E. lay>r. and prayers were offered for her ( )*edy recovery. Mrs. W. M Smith. Blenheim President, presented Miss kirk and Mrs Wilson with beautiful Itouquets, on behalf of the members. The morning Devotions were taken l>v Miss Kirk, who exhorted alt to go forward faithfully, realising that God was working through them, and stressd great encouragement to all. Mrs. Madill led In prayer. Greetings read, including one from Blenheim “Vs." “Be ye faithful unto death, and I v ill give you a crown of life. ’ District Secretary’s Report and Y'earners Balance-Sheet read and adopted District President gave a shod resume of ,ear’s work uniongst the branches those that were not visited were kept in touch with by correspondence. Pan vast own had had no meeting since the big dood, on account of the bridges being down, but was in hopes of starting again very shortly. The reports of all th< branches showed progress In the work, and the new “Y.” Branch at Tua Marina was congratulated on winning the Banner for most members gained during th** yea r. Afternoon Devotions by M:*s. Stock well. A short address by the District I 'resident on “The Work of the Union,’ anti why we follow the lead of our wonderful pioneer women who blazed the trail for the great Pause- -our wonderful Deader, Frances Willard, and all the sacrifices made by the liund of noble women since, proving by medical testimonies and from scripture reteiences. the warrant for upholding the Great Temperance Campaign. and quoting our Temperance for God. Home and Humanity, leaving this message with her hearers, “He ye not weary in well-doing, for in due season ye shall reap, if .ve faint not." Miss Kirk then addressed the meeting, dwelling on reforms achieved by the VV.C.T.I ~ ami particularly on those connected with the welfare of women and children. Miss Kirk, a JT. herself, gave interesting accounts of personal experience in helping the fallen and down-trodden ones, whose conditions were so often definitely traced to the evil <>t strong diink; and concluded her address by urging every member to "be not weary in the work, because no sacrifice is too great, and none too small, when Gwd is with you in every task’ A very hearty vote of thanks for her address carried by acclamation. Election of Officers: Pres., Mrs. VV. IV Wilson; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Head (I’icton); Rec. Sec., Mrs. Knight (Tua Marina); Par. Sec., Mrs. Parkes (Blenheim): and Treas., Mrs. A. M. U. Mills I Blenheim) Musical and vocal items were given by Mrs. and Miss Tunnicliffe and Mrs.

W. M. Smith, and much appreciated, and afternoon tea enjoyed by all. Votes of thanks passed to our esteemed visitor, Miss Kirk; Mrs. .lames for her gift of presentation bouquets; the ladies in charge of the morning and afternoon tea and the luncheon, which was very beautifully laid tint; the Blenheim Plunket Society for invitation to use Rest Room; the Press; and to all who had helped in any way to make the day so great a success.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 436, 18 November 1931, Page 3

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DISTRICT CONVENTIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 436, 18 November 1931, Page 3

DISTRICT CONVENTIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 436, 18 November 1931, Page 3