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Art. X.—Notes and Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. By E. Meyrick, B.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S. Communicated by G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. Part I. [Read before the Wellington Philosophical Society, Wednesday, 6th July, 1910.] These notes are again principally based on material received from Mr. G. V. Hudson and Mr. A. Philpott, for whose kind assistance I am very grateful. Caradrinidae. Leucania epiastra n. sp. ♂♀. 40–41mm. Head and thorax light greyish-ochreous, thorax with two pairs of fine oblique black lines or series of specks, prothorax with strong triangular crest. Antennae in ♂ moderately fasciculate-ciliated. Abdomen pale greyish-ochreous with fine black specks, densely hairy towards base. Anterior tarsi with two apical joints black. Forewings light-brownish, with scattered black specks, towards base and costa suffused with light greyish-ochreous; first line represented by two or three black dots, second line by a series on veins; two white dots longitudinally placed about lower angle of cell, connected by grey suffusion; a terminal series of black dots between veins: cilia light brownish-ochreous. Hindwings fuscous, paler and tinged with pale greyish-ochreous towards base; cilia whitish-ochreous, tips whitish. Makara; bred in October from larvae feeding in flowering-stems of Arundo conspicua (R. M. Sunley); two specimens received, through Mr. Hudson. Hydriomenidae. Chloroclystis melochlora n. sp. ♂♀. 20–27mm. Head green. Palpi 2 ¾, green. Antennae in ♂ with two series of filaments bearing long fascicles. Thorax green, patagia spotted with black. Abdomen green, more or less dotted with black. Forewings triangular, costa somewhat sinuate in middle, apex obtuse, termen bowed, oblique; green; striae represented by series of irregular black marks on veins and margins, partially edged with white posteriorly, but on anterior edge of median band anteriorly; median band broad, considerably narrowed towards dorsum, margins curved, posterior with a sinuation above middle more conspicuously marked with black and edged with white; a transverselinear black discal mark; subterminal line fine, waved, white, anterior edge strongly marked with black above middle: cilia green, barred with black. Hindwings with termen rounded; ochreous-whitish more or less tinged with greenish; sometimes some blackish dots on veins on dorsal half; a waved subterminal line sometimes indicated by pale-greenish anterior margin: cilia whitish-greenish. Otira River (Hudson); in December: three specimens. A handsome species, only comparable with muscosata, but with termen of forewings more

oblique, median band much narrower dorsally, termen of hindwings not crenate, all wings without grey suffusion. Notoreas leucobathra n. sp.* Dasyuris leucobathra. See Addendum, p. 68. ♀. 21–25mm. Head and palpi yellowish mixed with blackish hairs. Thorax blackish, patagia light-yellowish with some black hairs. Abdomen black, sides suffused with yellow, segmental margins slenderly white. Forewings triangular, costa faintly sinuate, apex obtuse, termen rounded, rather oblique; grey, suffusedly irrorated with blackish, and much mixed with bronzy-yellowish, especially on veins; lines moderately thick, white, subbasal and first more slender, curved, median straight or somewhat angulated in middle, second slightly curved outwards on upper ¾, sometimes rounded-angulated in middle, subterminal formed of a waved series of marks or reduced to a short mark from costa: cilia white, barred with grey mixed with blackish. Hindwings with termen rounded; colour and markings as in forewings, but lines sometimes pale ochreous-yellowish, subbasal and first absent, second more curved, subterminal forming a series of cloudy marks: cilia as in forewings. Otira River (Hudson), in December; two specimens. This species, allied to the mechanitis and paradelpha group, is at once easily distinguished from the other species of that group by the cilia, which are barred with white and dark bars to the base, whilst in others the basal half is wholly dark; the markings are also different in detail. Notoreas isoleuca Meyr. After considerable study of this and allied forms I am disposed to reinstate it as a good species, distinct from mechanitis. It is a smaller and shorter-winged insect (20-22mm.); blackish, with little or no yellowish admixture; the lines white, first curved, second angulated in middle, others slender and sometimes partially obsolete; cilia with basal half dark fuscous, outer half whitish obscurely barred with grey. Arthur's Pass (4,600ft.), Castle Hill (over 4,000ft.), in January. Notoreas mechanitis Meyr. This species is somewhat larger than the preceding (22-25mm.), largely suffused with golden-yellow, which extends both over ground-colour and markings, especially on median area and subterminal line; cilia with basal half grey or dark grey, outer half whitish without bars. Arthur's Pass (3,100ft.), in January. In my original description I wrongly included examples from the higher levels at Arthur's Pass which were really referable to the preceding; this error was the cause of the subsequent confusion, which I think is now cleared up. Notoreas atmogramma n. sp. ♀. 25–27mm. Head, palpi, and thorax black, mixed with whitish-ochreous-yellowish hairs and scales. Abdomen black, mixed on sides with whitish-yellow, segmental margins slenderly whitish. Forewings triangular, costa straight, apex obtuse, termen rounded, rather oblique; dark fuscous, with a few scattered pale-yellowish scales; lines cloudy, light-yellowish, subbasal, first (and second partially) whitish, first curved, median very indefinite, second angulated in middle, subterminal irregular: cilia white,

basal half fuscous. Hindwings with termen rounded; colour and markings as in forewings, but basal area irrorated with pale yellowish, subbasal and first lines obsolete, second somewhat bent in middle: cilia as in forewings. Under-surface of all wings light ochreous-yellow; first and second lines indistinctly indicated by whitish suffusion; forewings with some incomplete cloudy blackish lines; hindwings with a blackish discal mark. Mount Holdsworth, Tararua Range, north of Wellington, 4,000ft. (Hudson); three specimens. referred to by me previously (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1905, p. 221) as a geographical form of mechanitis; but I am now satisfied that it is specifically distinct. It is larger, more obscure, without the strong golden-yellow sufiusion, and the hindwings are wholly yellow beneath except the black discal mark, whereas in mechanitis they are marked with strong black lines. Monocteniadae. Dichromodes cynica n. sp. ♂. 17mm. Head, palpi, thorax, and abdomen blackish-grey, slightly whitish-sprinkled, palpi 3 ½. Antennal pectinations 6. Forewings triangular, costa faintly sinuate, apex rounded-obtuse, termen obliquely rounded; dark grey sprinkled with black and grey-whitish, veins partially suffused with yellow-ochreous irroration; lines obscurely indicated by whitish irroration, irregular, first somewhat sinuate, indented below middle, edged posteriorly with black irroration becoming broad towards costa, second slightly prominent near costa and dorsum, and with a moderate bidentate prominence in middle, edged anteriorly with black irroration also becoming broad towards costa, subterminal hardly traceable; a small blackish transverse discal mark before second line: cilia dark grey, slightly sprinkled with black and whitish. Hindwings with termen rounded; dark fuscous; a fine indistinct grey-whitish curved post-median line, sinuate inwards in middle: cilia dark fuscous. Lyttelton (Hudson), in November; one specimen. I have compared it with the type of niger Butl., but the lines are differently formed. The New Zealand species of Dichromodes appear to be scarce; they are probably very inconspicuous, and escape notice. Crambidae. Crambus schedias n. sp. ♂. 28mm. Head white, sides of crown and centre of face pale brownish-ochreous. Palpi 4, light brownish-ochreous, white above and towards base beneath. Antennal ciliations ⅓. Thorax brownish-ochreous, with broad white central stripe. Abdomen pale whitish-ochreous. Forewings elongate, narrow, somewhat dilated posteriorly, apex obtuse, termen at first straight, little oblique, then rounded off; bronzy-ochreous, deeper in disc; a fine white line beneath costa on anterior half; a rather narrow straight white median streak from base to termen; a white line along dorsum from base to ⅓, where it becomes broader and subdorsal, becoming obsolete about ⅔; four cloudy white lines towards costa posteriorly between veins: cilia ochreous-whitish. Hindwings ochreous-grey-whitish; cilia whitish. Wellington (Hudson), in March; one specimen. Nearest to callirrhous, but lighter-coloured, and without the more numerous, prolonged, and welldefined white interneural streaks of that species.

Crambus thrincodes n. sp. ♂. 29mm. Head white. Palpi 4, dark fuscous, white above and towards base. Antennal ciliations ¼. Thorax white, patagia suffusedly mixed with brownish. Abdomen pale yellowish-ochreous. Forewings narrow, rather dialted posteriorly, costa gently arched. apex obtuse, termen slightly rounded, rather oblique; light ochreous-fuscous; a broad suffused white costal streak, containing three elongate blackish costal marks, first reaching from base to ⅖, second from middle to near ¾, third from ⅘ to near apex; first line indicated on white streak by posterior margin of fuscous irroration, sharply angulated beneath costa, in disc white, incurved, edged with irregularly triangular blackish patches, beneath this obsolete; a circular white discal spot edged with blackish and centred with a fuscous dot, placed in a white longitudinal streak which does not reach first or second lines; second line between costal streak and dorsum white, slender, dentate, preceded in disc by some dark-fuscous irroration: cilia light greyish-ochreous, base suffused with white. Hindwings whitish-ochreous-yellowish; a spot of grey suffusion on costa before apex; cilia whitish-ochreous. Kaitoke, Wellington (Hudson); one specimen. A singularly distinct species, related to flexuosellus and tuhualis. Pyraustidae. Scoparia dryphactis n. sp. ♂. 30–31mm. Head and thorax pale ochreous, shoulders suffused with dark fuscous. Palpi 2 ½, pale ochreous sprinkled with dark fuscous, whitish towards base beneath. Antennae pale ochreous, ciliations ⅓. Abdomen whitish-ochreous. Forewings very elongate-triangular, narrow at base, costa posteriorly gently arched, apex obtuse, termen slightly rounded, rather oblique; pale ochreous, tinged with brownish or mixed with light fuscous, especially towards termen, somewhat sprinkled with dark fuscous on veins; a moderately broad streak of dark-fuscous suffusion along costa throughout; a short ferruginous streak from base on fold, surrounded with dark-fuscous suffusion; lines cloudy, pale, edged with fuscous suffusion, first oblique, second somewhat curved, indented beneath costa; spots indicated by longitudinal patches of ferruginous suffusion, indistinctly outlined with dark fuscous: cilia whitish-ochreous mixed with light fuscous. Hindwings 1 ⅔, with long hairs in cell; whitish-ochreous tinged with grey: cilia pale whitish-ochreous, with greyish subbasal line. Wellington (Philpott), in February; two specimens. A very distinct species, allied to the group of cyameuta. Carposinidae. Carposina amalodes n. sp. ♀. 15–16mm. Head and thorax white. Palpi 2 ½, white, dark fuscous beneath and towards base. Abdomen grey-whitish. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, posteriorly gradually dilated, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen slightly rounded, rather strongly oblique; white; a small blackish mark on base of costa; a transverse ochreous-yellow line near base, marked with black at extremities; a light-grey blotch irrorated with dark grey extending along dorsum from beyond this to ¾, and reaching more than half across wing, containing a yellow-ochreous ridge of scales much marked with black at ⅓, and a yellow-ochreous spot in a white ring

at ½; a small blackish spot on costa beyond ⅓, preceded by a black subcostal dot sometims marked with yellow-ochreous; five small spots of blackish irroration on costa posteriorly, and some suffused grey irroration beneath these; two indistinct ochreous-yellowish dots above middle of disc, and an undefined transverse yellowish streak in disc at ⅔, surrounded with white; a curved-angulated subterminal streak of blackish irroration, and some grey irroration towards termen: cilia white, indistinctly barred with grey irroration. Hindwings pale whitish-grey; cilia white. Otira River (Hudson), in December; two specimens. Very similar to contactella, and at present I have only females of each; distinct, however, by the rather broader forewings, with termen less straight and some what less oblique, the black costal spot beyond ⅓ and preceding subcostal dot (both of which are absent in contactella), and the less-grey hindwings. Tortricidae Pyrgotis eudorana Meyr. ♂. 18mm. Head and thorax reddish-ochreous-fuscous, thoracic crest ferruginous-ochreous. Antennal ciliations 1. Abdomen whitish-grey, anal tuft ochreous-whitish. Forewings rather elongate-triangular, costa gently arched, with moderate costal fold reaching ⅖, apex obtuse, termen slightly sinuate, somewhat oblique; fuscous-purplish indistinctly strigulated with dark grey; costal fold brownish-ochreous strigulated with grey; a triangular apical ochreous-orange patch, marked with some dark-fuscous strigulae between veins and on costa, its anterior edge straight, running from ⅗ of costa to tornus; central fascia indicated as an evenly broad band of darker suffusion preceding this: cilia reddish-ochreous-fuscous. Hindwings pale grey, apical half ochreous-whitish; cilia ochreous-whitis, on lower half of termen basally spotted with light grey. Kaitoke, Wellington (Hudson), in December; one specimen. This species was described from a female only; I feel little hesitation in referring the above to it as the other sex. Cnephasia microbathra n. sp. ♂. 18mm. Head, palpi, and thorax dark fuscous. Antennal ciliations 3. Abdomen rather dark grey. Forewings elongate-triangular, costa gently arched, slightly sinuate in middle, without fold, apex obtuse, termen hardly sinuate, somewhat oblique; brown, closely strewn throughout with whitish-grey dots arranged in series; a very small dark reddish-fuscous basal patch suffused with blackish, outer edge slightly curved; extreme costal edge whitish-ochreous with a few dark-fuscous scales; central fascia faintly darker, posteriorly rounded-prominent above and below middle, and anteriorly with an indefinite projection below middle, on costa forming a semioval reddish-ochreous-brown spot with its costal edge blackish; a fuscous spot beneath costa towards apex: cilia light brownish-ochreous. Hindwings and cilia rather dark grey. West Plains, Invercargill (Philpott), in September; one specimen. Though not conspicuous, this is a very distinct species. Eucosmidae. Bactra xystrota n. sp. ♂. 15–16mm. Head and thorax whitish-ochreous. Palpi nearly 4, pale greyish-ochreous, whitish towards base beneath. Antennal ciliations 1.

Abdomen grey, anal tuft whitish. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, posteriorly slightly dilated, costa gently arched, without fold, apex round-pointed, termen slightly sinuate, rather strongly oblique; pale ochreous slightly tinged with brownish, sometimes partially suffused with whitish on costal third, veins sometimes marked with fine fuscous lines, sometimes with a few scattered black scales; some dots of dark-fuscous scales on dor sum; an undefined median streak from base to apex more or less indicated by darker suffusion or fuscous irroration; a dark-fuscous discal dot on lower angle of cell: cilia pale ochreous. Hindwings grey; cilia whitish, with grey subbasal line. Invercargill, on coast sandhills (Philpott), in January; two specimens. Gelechiadae. Gelechia glaucoterma n. sp. ♂. 9–10mm. Head ochreous-whitish, back and sides of crown suffused with grey. Palpi ochreous-whitish, terminal joint shorter than second. Antennae dark fuscous. Thorax dark grey mixed with blackish. Abdomen light grey, segments 4–6 somewhat blackish-mixed, segmental margins whitish. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa slightly arched, apex acute, termen extremely obliquely rounded; dark grey; an oblique bar of white suffusion from costa at ⅙, reaching half across wing, accompanied with some whitish-ochreous scales, sometimes tending to extend along costa to base; an undefined patch of blackish suffusion in disc beyond this, representing first discal and plical stigmata, and a rather large roundish black spot representing second discal, with more or less whitish irroration between these and on margins of second discal; a white patch occupying apical fourth, mixed with dark grey or dark fuscous towards apex, anterior edge irregularly indented in middle: cilia whitish, with an interrupted fuscous subbasal line. Hindwings 1, grey-whitish, apex greyer; cilia whitish. Invercargill, on coast sandhills (Philpott), in January; two specimens. Oecophoridae. Borkhausenia paratrimma n. sp. ♂. 14–15mm. Head and thorax ochreous-fulvous. Palpi and antennae dark grey, antennal ciliations 1. Abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex round-pointed, termen very obliquely rounded; ochreous-fulvous, somewhat sprinkled with grey, towards all margins suffused with grey irroration; two oblique fasciae of grey irroration crossing plical and second discal stigmata, which are marked on them as indisitnct cloudy darker dots: cilia ochreous-fulvous irrorated with grey. Hindwings and cilia grey. Invercargill (Philpott); two specimens. A distinct though inconspicuous species, which may be regarded as an early form of the siderodeta group. Borkhausenia nycteris Meyr. ♀. 17mm. Head and thorax dark bronzy-fuscous, somewhat mixed with light ochreous. Palpi dark fuscous mixed with pale ochreous, second joint with erect projecting scales beneath. Abdomen dark brown, sides and margin of segments dark grey. Forewings bronzy-brown, base of scales dark fuscous, towards base of costa and in middle of disc mixed with yellow-ochreous; a yellow-ochreous blotch extending along basal ⅖ of

dorsum, its extremities grey; stigmata black, plical obliquely before first discal, connected by a black mark with extremity of preceding dorsal blotch, and edged beneath by a white dot; an indistinct spot of whitish suffusion beneath costa towards base, and a larger and more defined one on costa before middle; a white streak connecting second discal stigma with dorsum before tornus, preceded on dorsum by a black mark; apical third suffused with yellow-ochreous, including a subterminal shade of dark brown and blackish irroration sharply indented beneath costa, partially edged with whitish suffusion, especially towards costa: cilia light yellow-ochreous, towards apex and tornus suffused with dark grey, beneath tornus with a white mark. Hindwings grey; cilia grey, with darker subbasal line. This handsomely variegated female was taken by Mr. Hudson in cop. with a normal dark-fuscous male, to which it is superficially very dissimilar; both sexes, however, agree in the peculiar erect projecting scales of the second joint of palpi (not noticed in my original description), and could be separated from all others known to me by this character alone. My original description is stated as including the female, but I think this must be an error; at any rate, all the specimens in my series are males. Taken at the Otira River by Mr. Hudson; previously from Wellington and Invercargill. Borkhausenia plagiatella Walk. Tinea plagiatella Walk., Cat., vol. 28, p. 485; Gelechia contextella, ib., vol. 29, p. 656. ♂♀. 15–17mm. Head ochreous-whitish, face sometimes yellower. Palpi white, second joint dark fuscous except towards apex, terminal joint some times sprinkled with dark fuscous in middle. Antennal ciliations almost 1. Thorax whitish-ochreous sometimes yellowish-tinged, shoulders dark fuscous sometimes dorsally suffused with fuscous or marked with dark fuscous. Abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex round-pointed, termen very obliquely rounded; white; markings brownish-ochreous irrorated with blackish or dark fuscous; a fascia from base of costa above fold to plical stigma; costal blotches at ¼, middle, and ¾, last sending a curved dark-fuscous line to tornus; discal stigmata black, second crescentic, filled with ochreous-yellowish beneath, plical represented by an oblique black mark above which is some ochreous-yellowish suffusion; a dorsal blotch of ochreous-yellowish suffusion towards base; a triangular patch of ochreous suffusion occupying middle of dorsal area, irrorated with blackish posteriorly; a fascia of ochreous-yellowish suffusion variably sprinkled with dark fuscous running from middle costal blotch to tornus; an irregular apical spot more or less produced along termen: cilia whitish-yellowish, with apical and tornal blotches of dark-fuscous irroration. Hindwings and cilia grey. Wellington, Otira River (Hudson), Nelson, in December and January; eight specimens. Distinguished from its nearest allies, contextella Meyr. and hemimochla, by the well-marked partial yellowish suffusion of forewings and grey hindwings. Borkhausenia contextella Meyr. Oecophora contextella Meyr. (nec Walk.), Trans. N.Z. Inst., 1883, p. 37 ♂♀. 14–17mm. Hindwings and cilia should be described as grey-whitish. This species is, so far as I can determine from an examination

of the type, not the true con'extella Walk., which, as shown above, is a synonym of plagiatella, but under these circumstances may still be known as contextella Meyr.; the absence of the yellow dorsal blotch and other yellow suffusion, and the grey-whitish hindwings, distinguish it from plagiatella. The geographical range is apparently quite distinct—viz., from Christchurch to Invercargill. Borkhausenia amnopis n. sp. ♀. 16–17mm. Head whitish-ochreous, sides and back of crown sprinkled with fuscous. Palpi moderate, whitish-ochreous irrorated with dark fuscous, apex of joints ochreous-whitish. Thorax fuscous irrorated with ochreous-whitish, sometimes with dorsal area whitish-ochreous. Abdomen brownish, segmental margins whitish-ochreous. Forewings elongate costa gently arched, apex round-pointed, termen almost straight, rather strongly oblique; whitish-ochreous irrorated with fuscous; an undefined band of brown suffusion and dark-fuscous irroration from base of costa to an oblique raised black mark representing plical stigma, posteriorly whitish-edged; discal stigmata formed of black irroration, second rather large, subannular; a subtriangular spot of black irroration on dorsum at ¾, posteriorly whitishedged; a fascia of brown suffusion irrorated with dark fuscous running from ⅗ of costa across second discal stigma to tornus, edged with whitish anteriorly on lower half; a subterminal line of black irroration edged anteriorly with whitish suffusion, indented beneath costa: cilia whitish-ochreous beneath apex and on tornus with patches of fuscous and dark-fuscous irroration. Hindwings grey; cilia light grey, with darker subbasal shade. Invercargill (Philpott); two specimens. Somewhat intermediate between the groups of griseata and plagiatella. Though obscure and liable to be passed over, it is not very close to any other species. The black subterminal line, more sharply indented than usual, is a noticeable character. Borkhausenia asphaltis n. sp. ♂. 22mm. Head, palpi, and thorax purplish-grey; antennae pubescent-ciliated (1 ½). Abdomen grey, segments dorsally dark brown except on margins. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, slightly dilated posteriorly, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen very obliquely rounded; grey, with scattered purplish scales, indistinctly suffused with dark-fuscous irroration towards base and anterior half of costa and on a triangular tornal patch; some scattered dark-fuscous scales towards dorsum; stigmata blackish, plical hardly before first discal; traces of a curved indented cloudy darker posterior line: cilia grey tinged with purple, on costa paler and suffused with rosy-purplish. Hindwings grey, darker posteriorly; cilia grey, tips grey-whitish. One specimen received from Mr. Philpott; exact locality unknown. It is allied to scholaea, but distinct. Trachypepla ingenua n. sp. ♂. 18mm. Head rather dark fuscous irrorated with whitish. Palpi dark fuscous second joint sprinkled with white towards apex, terminal joint white with two bands of dark-fuscous irroration. Antennal ciliations 1 ½. Thorax dark fuscous. Abdomen brownish finely irrorated with whitish, segmental margins whitish-grey. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, termen very obliquely rounded; white;

a dark purplish-fuscous basal patch occupying ⅖ of wing, outer edge straight, mixed with chestnut-brown towards edge from above middle to near dorsum; some scattered grey scales in disc beyond this; an irregular-triangular dark purplish-fuscous blotch on costa beyond middle, reaching more than half across wing, posterior edge excavated beneath costa, its lower portion mixed with chestnut-brown; a ring of dark-fuscous irroration preceding apex of this blotch in disc, and partly limited by it; a narrow transverse suffused grey patch in disc following this; a curved cloudy line of dark fuscous irroration from ⅘ of costa to tornus, forming a triangular darkfuscous spot on costa, and indented beneath this: cilia whitish, round apex tinged with grey and somewhat sprinkled with dark fuscous. Hindwings light grey; cilia whitish. Otira River (Hudson), in December; one specimen. Nearest nyctopis, but very distinct. Trachypepla amorbas n. sp. ♀. 19mm. Head, palpi, and thorax dark fuscous irrorated with whitish, second joint of palpi beneath with rather long dense projecting hair-scales. Abdomen dark brown, segmental margins whitish. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa slightly arched, apex rounded-obtuse, termen obliquely rounded; dark fuscous, finely irrorated with whitish on basal third, costal patches at ½ and ⅔, and two or three small costal spots posteriorly, and slightly elsewhere; stigmata forming small tufts, discal edged above with brownish-ochreous, plical beneath first discal, second discal united with a similar tuft beneath it and both edged posteriorly by a whitish line; an indistinct curved subterminal line indicated by whitish irroration: cilia fuscous, with dark-fuscous subbasal shade. Hindwings dark fuscous; cilia as in forewings. Invercargill (Philpott); one specimen. This species is distinguishable structurally from the rest of the genus by the peculiar scaling of palpi, but it does not seem necessary to separate it. Trachypepla lichenodes Meyr. ♂♀. 14–15mm. Antennal ciliations of ♂4. Light-yellowish markings of forewings variable in development; anterior dorsal blotch sometimes wholly absent; subterminal line sometimes reduced to a series of dots, sometimes continuous and enlarged into a blotch on costa. Otira River (Hudson); three specimens. Gracilariadae. Gracilaria elaeas n. sp. ♂♀. 12–14mm. Head and thorax light-brownish, more or less mixed or suffused with whitish. Palpi rather stout, whitish, terminal joint suffused externally with dark grey. Antennae whitish ringed with dark fuscous. Abdomen grey. Forewings very narrow, elongate-lanceolate; brownish-ochreous with a strong brassy-yellowish gloss; in one specimen the wing is suffused with deep purple, except a moderate dorsal streak and costal edge; more or less numerous variable deep purple-fuscous dots arranged along fold, and in an irregular longitudinal series above middle; some dark purple-fuscous irroration towards apex: cilia brownish-ochreous, on an apical bar sprinkled with dark fuscous. Hindwings and cilia grey. Castle Hill; bred in February from larvae feeding in January between spun leaves or shoots of Coriaria ruscifolia, thymifolia, and angustissima;

twelve specimens. I have now recognized that this insect, which I formerly recorded as identical with linearis, is a good and distinct species, easily separated by the grey hindwings, and also differing in several other respects. It is interesting to note that the food-plant Coriaria is highly poisonous. Gracilaria linearis Butl. ♂♀. 13–15mm. Head and thorax brownish, sometimes with lilac reflections, face whitish-ochreous. Palpi rather stout, ochreous-whitish, terminal joint suffused externally with dark fuscous. Antennae whitish ringed with dark fuscous. Abdomen pale whitish-ochreous. Forewings very narrow, elongate-lanceolate; ochreous-brownish, sometimes with purple reflections, more or less strewn irregularly with small scattered dark purplish-fuscous dots or strigulae; costal area sometimes tinged with brassy yellowish anteriorly; a triangular ante-median costal patch slightly paler, edged with several variable dark purplish-fuscous dots or marks; some dark-fuscous irroration towards apex: cilia whitish-ochreous, round apex more or less brownish-tinged and irrorated with blackish. Hindwings and cilia ochreous-whitish. Wellington, Otira River, in January; four specimens. Immediately known by the ochreous-whitish hindwings, and always perceptible triangular costal patch. Butler's types include one example of each species, but his description mentions the “white” hindwings, which fixes the identification. As recorded above, the larva which I described as belonging to this species was really elaeas; the actual larva is unknown. Plutellidae. Simaethis colpota n. sp. ♀. 13mm. Head and thorax dark bronzy-fuscous sprinkled with whitish. Palpi with whorls of dark-fuscous scales tipped with white, second joint with rough projecting scales, whitish towards base beneath. Antennae black ringed with white. Abdomen blackish-fuscous, segmental margins brownish. Forewings elongate, rather dilated posteriorly, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen bowed, rather oblique; dark bronzy-fuscous, basal and terminal areas finely sprinkled with whitish; two parallel rather curved irregular transverse lines of whitish irroration about ⅖; a transverse line of whitish irroration from a white mark on costa at ⅗, its upper ⅔ forming a strong irregular curve outwards, thence right-angled to dorsum at ⅗; its upper ⅔ forming a strong irregular curve outwards, thence right-angled to dorsum at ⅗; a transverse linear mark of whitish irroration terminated beneath by a white dot lying within this curve and almost touching it at both ends; a thick subterminal shade of whitish irroration, somewhat interrupted above middle: cilia dark fuscous with some whitish points, beneath apex and above tornus with some whitish points, beneath apex and above tornus with white apical patches. Hindwings dark grey, terminal half blackish; two parallel lines of whitish irroration towards termen on lower half, posterior less marked: cilia dark fuscous with blackish subbasal shade, beyond this suffused with whitish on lower half of termen. West Plains, Invercargill (Philpott), in March; one specimen. Allied to combinatana, but very distinct by the discal mark and form of second line. Glyphipteryx bactrias n. sp. ♂. 14–15mm. Head and thorax light ochreous-bronzy. Palpi whitish-ochreous, second joint with appressed scales, with two blackish rings towards

apex, terminal joint with blackish anterior line. Antennae dark fuscous. Abdomen blackish-grey, apex whitish. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex produced into a long slender acute projection, termen beneath this sinuate-indented, thence very obliquely rounded; ochreous-bronzy; a moderate white median longitudinal streak from base to termen beneath apex, terminated by a shining leaden-metallic mark extending along median portion of termen: cilia greyish, base ochreous-bronzy, on costa mixed with dark fuscous, with three whitish wedge-shaped marks, round apical projection dark fuscous, with two silvery-whitish dots on its lower edge near base. Hindwings and cilia blackish-grey. Invercargill, on coast sandhills (Philpott), in January; two specimens. Very distinct. The form of forewings is unique in the genus. Tineidae. Tinea astraea n. sp. ♀. 12mm. Head dark fuscous mixed with white hairs. Palpi white, bristles dark fuscous, terminal joint dark fuscous except apex. Antennae blackish lined with white. Thorax blackish, margins of patagia marked with fine white lines. Abdomen bronzy-fuscous, segmental margins white on sides. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen extremely obliquely rounded; all veins separate; blackish; apical ⅖ bronzy-fuscous; five fine white longitudinal lines from base in disc, second and third reaching to near middle, others shorter; two very short white marks on costa near base; pairs of oblique white streaks from costa at ¼ and middle, reaching half across wing; pairs of short broken ochreous-whitish streaks from dorsum at ¼ and ½; posterior area with four or five less-oblique diminishing white streaks from costa, and three iridescent silvery-whitish from tornus and termen, nearly meeting in disc: cilia whitish-bronzy, with a black basal line interrupted by silvery dots beneath apex and in middle of termen, and posterior half suffused with dark fuscous. Hindwings grey, with purplish reflections; cilia grey, with dark-grey basal line. West Plains, Invercargill (Philpott), in December; one specimen. A very remarkable insect, superficially quite unlike any other of the genus. The general type of marking suggests a Glyphipteryx (to which, of course, there is structurally no relationship), and I was disposed to suspect mimicry, but there is no close similarity to any New Zealand species known to me, nor is it a likely explanation in this instance; it is an interesting case, deserving of special investigation. Addendum. Mr. Hudson has since informed me that the male of the species described above as Notoreas leucobathra has not pectinated antennae; it should therefore be referred to the genus Dasyuris. The following three species, forwarded to me by Mr. Hudson, and captured in the first instance by Mr R. M. Sunley, can only be regarded as accidental introductions. In no case are the circumstances sufficiently known to make their occurrence comprehensible, and further investigations should be made to explain this. All three are alike unexpected, but where so much is unknown all things are possible.

Gelechadae. Symmoca quadripuncta Haw.: Meyr., Handb. Brit. Lep., p. 611. Nelson, in February (Sunley). A British species, widely distributed in the European region; not known from Australia. Oecophoridae. Phloeopola confusella Walk.: Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1883, p. 354. Nelson, a series (Sunley); Wellington, one specimen (Hudson). Common in New South Wales and Victoria, on trunks of Eucalyptus. I suspect the larva feeds in the bark. If this is so, the species might have been introduced with trees, but I should not expect to find it on saplings such as would be transplanted. Tineidae. Opogona comptella Walk.: Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1897, p. 416. Nelson, in February (Sunley). Common in south-east Australia. Its larval habits are unknown, but the larvae of other species of the genus feed in dead woody fibre, in such varied situations as the stems of plants and the nests of Termites (white ants). Part II. [Read before the Wellington Philosophical Society, 5th October, 1910] For the specimens here described I am principally indebted to my valued correspondents Messrs. G. V. Hudson, A. Philpott, and R. M. Sunley, but have also discovered one or two overlooked species from my own collection. Caradrinidae. Dasygaster Gn. This genus, allied to Leucania, is recognisable by the abdomen, which appears unusually thick from being expanded at the sides with fringes of dense hair, longer in ♂; it has a dorsal crest on basal segment. The genus is characteristic of Australia, and includes half a dozen species, of which one has now been found in New Zealand. Dasygaster hollandiae Gn. Dasygaster hollandiae Gn., Noct., vol. 1, p. 201; Hamps. Cat., vol. 5, p. 476. D. leucanioides, ib., p. 202. Graphiphora facilis Walk., Cat., vol. 11, p. 745. One specimen received from Mr. A. Philpott, taken at Waipori in January, 1889. The species is common in south-east Australia and Tasmania, and is doubtless a recent immigrant to New Zealand, very possibly accidentally introduced by man. I should add that the specimen has lost its abdomen, but I showed it to Sir George Hampson, and we are agreed as to its identity.

Leucania lissoxyla n. sp. ♂. 38mm. Head light brown. Antennal shaft grey, becoming whitish towards base, pectinations a4, b3, terminating bristles minute. Thorax clothed with hairs, pale ochreous, more brownish anteriorly. Abdomen whitish-ochreous. Forewings elongate-triangular, apex rounded-obtuse, termen rounded, rather oblique; light brown; vein 1b, upper and lower margins of cell, and veins 2–4, 6–8, and apical third of vein 5 marked with lines of mixed blackish and whitish scales; faint streaks of pale-ochreous suffusion beneath cell and between veins 5 and 6: cilia pale ochreous, tinged with brownish towards base, tips whitish. Hindwings grey; cilia whitish-ochreous, tips whitish. Mount Arthur tableland, 4,000 ft., in February (Hudson); one specimen, but Mr. Hudson has a second (♀) from same locality. Closely allied to unica and toroneura, but these three species are undoubtedly distinct, the structure of antennae in ♂ being different in each—viz., unica, pectinations a2, b 1 ½, terminating cilia moderate, shaft ochreous-whitish; toroneura, pectinations a3, b2, terminating cilia moderate, shaft wholly white; lissoxyla, as described above. Hyssia Gn. I think this genus may be adopted as defined in Hampson's Catalogue, vol. 5, p. 278. Hyssia inconstans Butl. One female specimen received from Mr. A. Philpott, taken at Wellington in November. I have carefully compared it with the original type, and it is undoubtedly identical, and a good species. The second example (♂), however, referred to by Sir G. Hampson is in my judgment certainly only a male of moderata, and therefore the male characters assigned by him must be disregarded, and the true male remains to be discovered. The species appears to be scarce, but the group is so difficult. owing to the similarity of the species, that it may be overlooked. Hyssia falsidica n. sp. ♀. 43 mm. Head whitish mixed with grey and blackish. Thorax grey mixed with whitish. Abdomen ochreous-grey-whitish. Forewings rather elongate-triangular, apex obtuse, termen slightly waved, obliquely rounded; fuscous-grey, mostly overlaid with white suffusion; subbasal line cloudy, dark fuscous, not reaching dorsum; first and second lines indistinctly margined with dark-fuscous irroration, first slightly curved, second waved, strongly curved outwards on upper ⅔; median shade of dark-fuscous irroration, bent near costa; orbicular-suboval, whitish, edged laterally with dark fuscous; reniform whitish, lower third fuscous-grey edged with whitish; anterior edge of subterminal line formed by a waved shade of dark-fuscous irroration. Hindwings fuscous. Mount Arthur tableland, in February (Hudson); one specimen, in rather poor condition. Mr. Hudson possess others, also poor, but the species seems sufficiently distinct. Hydriomenidae. Tatosoma Butl. I am indebted to Mr. A. Philpott for calling my attention to the fact that two (or, as I find on examination, three) species have been confused

by me under the name of agrionata. These are now characterized below as follows; besides these, lestevata Walk., timora Meyr., and topia Philp are good species, making six altogether. Tatosoma agrionata Walk. Cidaria agrionata Walk., Cat., p. 1417. C. inclinataria, ib., p. 1418. Sauris mistata Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. 131, p. 12. This and the next species are extremely similar in colour and markings, but in agrionata the black markings on the striae of forewings are more strongly developed, especially on the subterminal line, where they form strong dashes, and above dorsum towards base; the forewings are also somewhat less elongate; an immediate distinction is furnished by the lobe of the hindwings in ♂, which is nearly twice as large as in tipulata, reaching from the base to nearly the middle of the wing in length. I have this species from Christchurch, and Mr. Philpott sends it from Wallacetown. Tatosoma tipulata Walk. Cidaria tipulata Walk., Cat., p. 1417. C. collectaria, ib., p. 1419. Tatosoma agrionata Huds., N.Z. Moths, 40, pl. 6, pp. 26, 27. Forewings more elongate than in agrionata, less marked with black; hindwings in ♂ with lobe not exceeding ¼ of hindwings in length; abdomen of ♂ more elongate than in agrionata, but less to than in timora. I have examples from Wellington and Nelson, and Mr. Philpott sends it also from Wallacetown. Tatosoma transitaria Walk. Cidaria transitaria Walk., Cat., p. 1419. This is a distinct species, of which both sexes are represented in the British Museum collection, but otherwise not known to me; somewhat smaller than the two preceding, forewings duller, more grey-green, striae more obscure, with a characteristic distinct cloudy small whitish spot at lower extremity of transverse vein, hindwings smaller, rather dark grey, lobe in ♂ hardly larger than in tipulata. Hydriomena lithurga n. sp. ♂. 25mm. Head and thorax pale greyish-ochreous mixed with whitish, transversely barred with blackish-grey suffusion. Palpi 1 ½, blackish-grey, lower longitudinal half whitish. Antennae somewhat stout, shortly ciliated (⅓). Abdomen pale greyish-ochreous, mixed on sides with dark grey and whitish, segmental margins white preceded by a black mark on each side of back. Forewings triangular, costa rather strongly arched towards apex, apex obtuse, termen rather obliquely rounded, crenate; pale greyish-ochreous, marked with indistinct waved striae of grey irroation becoming blackish on costa; margin of a small basal patch indicated on lower half by a blackish stria edged with white posteriorly; median band formed by two fasciae of several rather irregular suffused grey striae each, well marked except beneath costa, margins marked with black edged exteriorly with white except near costa, anterior margin twice sinuate, posterior with median third forming a rather strong subtriangular obliquely bilobate prominence; a transverse-linear black slightly whitish-edged discal dot on anterior of these fasciae; subterminal line of ground-colour, slender, strongly waved,

preceded by some grey suffusion towards dorsum and above middle, and cut by an oblique dark-grey streak from apex marked with blackish, a fine black terminal line: cilia whitish with two grey shades, with undefined dark-grey bars. Hindwings with termen rounded, crenate; grey-whitish, median band and subterminal line indicated by faint grey striae obsolete towards costa; a blackish-grey linear discal dot; cilia as in forewings, but dark markings nearly obsolete round apex. One specimen received from Mr. R. M. Sunley, reared from pupa in loose cocoon beaten from Muehlenbeckia, Makara Beach, in November. Xanthorhoe cedrinodes n. sp. ♂♀. 40 mm. Head and thorax dark grey mixed with brown-reddish. Antennal pectinations in ♂ a 2, b 1 ½. Abdomen grey. Forewings triangular, costa moderately arched towards apex, apex obtuse, termen waved, slightly rounded, rather oblique; reddish-fuscous, more or less sprinkled with black, tending to form curved waved transverse striae; costa marked irregularly with black; a curved band of several pale whitish-ochreous striae separating basal patch and median band, former edged with blackish and both slightly with white; median band broad, variably marked with black on edges and veins, middle third of posterior edge forming a moderate obtuse double prominence, partially finely edged with white posteriorly; beyond this a band of two or three cloudy pale whitish-ochreous striae, veins on this marked with black; subterminal line slender, waved, indistinct, pale whitish-ochreous; a black terminal line marked with ochreous-whitish dots on veins: cilia dark fuscous mixed with brown-reddish and whitish. Hindwings with termen somewhat rounded, crenate; pale rosy-greyish-ochreous, with traces of faint grey striae; posterior edge of median band more marked, angulated in middle, blackish-sprinkled towards dorsum; some reddish-fuscous suffusion along termen; a black terminal line: cilia reddish-fuscous mixed with ochreous-whitish and dark grey. Mount Arthur tableland, 4,200 ft., on Veronica blossoms at night, in February (Hudson); two specimens. Xanthorhoe practica n. sp. ♂. 24 mm. Head, thorax, and abdomen fuscous-whitish mixed with black and brown-reddish. Antennal pectinations a 7, b 6. Forewings triangular, costa moderately arched posteriorly, apex obtuse, termen slightly waved, somewhat bowed, oblique; light ochreous-grey sprinkled with dark fuscous; basal patch mixed with brown-reddish and white, with several blackish striae, outer edge slightly curved, separated from median band by a narrow whitish fascia; median band moderately broad, grey edged with two fasciae of three black striae each with their interspaces suffused with brown-reddish, first hardly curved, second somewhat irregular, nearly straight; a minute black discal dot; a fascia of two or three whitish striae following median band; subterminal line slender, waved, whitish, anteriorly dark-edged, and a similar stria near before termen; a blackish terminal line: cilia grey-whitish mixed with brown-reddish and obscurely barred with dark fuscous (imperfect). Hindwings with termen hardly waved, rounded; pale grey with whitish, with waved grey striae, towards dorsum more distinctly striated with blackish and tinged with brown-reddish, with two distinct white striae beyond middle; a blackish terminal line: cilia whitish sprinkled with dark fuscous (imperfect). Motueka, in January (Hudson); one specimen.

Xanthorhoe prymnaea n. sp. ♂♀. 32–35 mm. Head and thorax yellow-ochreous, shoulders mixed with ferruginous and dark fuscous. Antennal pectinations in ♂ a 6, b 4. Abdomen ochreous-yellowish. Forewings triangular, costa posteriorly moderately arched, apex obtuse, termen waved, rounded, oblique; ochreous-yellow; a small basal patch formed by three or four more or less marked strongly curved red-brown striae, marked with black on costa; median band enclosed by fasciae formed of one inner and two confluent outer rather waved dark red-brown striae marked with black on costa and on edges of band, sometimes connected below middle, anterior fascia narrow, somewhat irregularly curved, posterior moderately broad, dark and strongly marked posteriorly and somewhat edged with whitish suffusion, median third forming a broad obtuse double prominence, these fasciae in ♀ little marked except on edges of band; a black discal dot between these fasciae, space round it somewhat whitish-tinged; terminal area more or less tinged or striated with red-brown, including a slender waved white subterminal line edged anteriorly with fuscous suffusion, with an oblique subapical patch of dark suffusion: cilia crimson-fuscous, outer half barred with dark fuscous alternating with paler suffusion. Hindwings with termen rounded; ochreous-yellow; a small linear dark-grey discal dot; traces of two or three short grey strigae on dorsum; a fine dark-fuscous terminal line: cilia crimson-grey, indistinctly darker-barred. Mount Arthur tableland, common in limestone valleys, 3,600-4,200 ft., in February (Hudson); five specimens. Pterophoridae. Platyptilia epotis Meyr. Mr. Hudson sends a ♂ and ♀, taken in a swamp on the Mount Arthur tableland in February. These are more ochreous and less white than the type, with apical oblique streak less marked and in one specimen nearly obsolescent, but are certainly this species. At first sight they much resemble lithoxesta, but may be easily distinguished by the patch of white on costal cilia towards apex, and the black mark at base of terminal cilia on lower angle of first segment, and also in same position on first segment of hindwings. It hardly seems natural to separate the two species generically, but epotis shows slight traces of black scales in dorsal cilia of hindwings, whilst lithoxesta certainly has none. Tortricidae. Epichorista emphanes Meyr. ♂. 13 mm. Antennal ciliations 1 ½. Forewings without costal fold; deep ferruginous, crossed by numerous oblique irregular series of very small subconfluent purplish-leaden-grey spots, without defined markings, but central fascia and costal patch sometimes indicated on costa. Hindwings blackish. Mount Arthur tableland, 4,200 ft., in February; two ♂, one ♀, sent by Mr. Hudson as probably sexes of same species, which is doubtless correct; the ♂ differs considerably in appearance from the ♀, and has not been previously described.

Harmologa achrosta Meyr. ♂. 12–16 mm. Antennal ciliations 1. Forewings with costal fold moderate, extending from base to about middle, termen slightly rounded; dark fuscous, variably strewn with scattered ferruginous-yellowish hair-scales; basal patch, moderate central fascia, a narrow fascia from ¾ of costa to tornus, and some streaks posteriorly formed by darker strigulation, space between these somewhat leaden-tinged, but all very indistinct and sometimes obsolete even in fine specimens. Hindwings dark fuscous or blackish. I describe four fresh specimens from Mount Arthur tableland, 4,200 ft., in February (Hudson); also, the insect lately described by me under the name of epicura from Castle Hill, 3,000 ft., in January, is now seen to be the same species, a lighter-coloured example. Harmologa pontifica n. sp. ♂. 21 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax dark grey, forehead with a whitish transverse line. Antennal ciliations 1 ½. Abdomen dark grey, anal tuft pale greyish-ochreous. Forewings suboblong, costa moderately arched, with moderate fold extending from base to beyond ⅓, apex obtuse, termen slightly rounded, little oblique; greyish, with ashy-purplish reflections, irregularly sprinkled with dark fuscous and a few whitish scales; costal fold dark fuscous; outer edge of basal patch indicated on lower half by an erect fasciaform blackish mark from dorsum before middle; central fascia narrow, from before middle of costa to beyond middle of dorsum, blackish, mixed with ferruginous-reddish in disc; a blackish discal dot at ⅔; a small blackish spot on costa beyond central fascia; costal patch narrow, formed of three confluent blackish spots; a transverse irregular blackish streak from near this to tornus; some irregular blackish markings before lower half of termen: cilia grey mixed with blackish. Hindwings grey, becoming darker posteriorly; cilia grey-whitish, with grey subbasal line. Mount Arthur tableland, 4,200 ft., in February (Hudson); one specimen. Tortrix indigestana Meyr. Two specimens reared from larvae feeding on Pimelea laevigata, Makara Beach, in October and November (Sunley). I had previously only one specimen from New Zealand, but the species is common in Australia, where it has been bred from Hibbertia linearis. The genus Pimelea is, however, common and characteristic in both regions. Cnephasia holorphna n. sp. ♂. 18 mm. Head fuscous mixed with whitish-ochreous. Paipi 2 ½, clothed with very long rough projecting scales, whitish-ochreous sprinkled with fuscous. Antennal ciliations bifasciculate, 2 ½. Thorax fuscous, sprinkled and edged with whitish-ochreous. Abdomen fuscous, segmental margins and anal tuft whitish-ochreous. Forewings suboblong, costa gently arched, with moderate fold extending from base to ¼, apex obtuse termen slightly rounded, somewhat oblique; fuscous, with irregularly scattered whitish scales, especially on margins, and with scattered strigulae of dark fuscous and blackish scales, but no defined markings: cilia fuscous, towards tips whitish. Hindwings fuscous, darker towards termen; cilia whitish-fuscous, with a fuscous subbasal line, towards tips whitish. Under-surface of hindwings grey (in latomana whitish). Mount Enys, 5,600 ft., in January (Hudson); one specimen. Allied to latomana

Oecophoridae. Cremnogenes monodonta n. sp. ♂♀. 17 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, thorax, and abdomen dark fuscous; antennal ciliations 4, whorled. Forewings elongate, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen very obliquely rounded; dark bronzy-purplish-fuscous; a small whitish-ochreous elongate mark on fold before middle of wing, and a few ochreous-whitish scales towards dorsum before tornus, in one specimen these markings confluent so as to form an obscure semioval dorsal patch: cilia bronzy-fuscous, mixed with darker towards base, beneath tornus with an ochreous-whitish spot. Hindwings dark bronzy-fuscous; cilia bronzy-fuscous, with darker subbasal shade. Mount Holdsworth, 3,000-4,000ft., in November (Sunley); three specimens. Cryptolechia Zell. As explained elsewhere, I have merged in this genus Phaeosaces Meyr. and Leptosaces Meyr. Cryptolechia semnodes n. sp. ♂. 16 mm. Head, antennae, and thorax dark fuscous. Palpi dark fusccus, second joint sprinkled with pale ochreous. Abdomen dark purplish-fuscous, beneath with last four segments suffused with brassy-yellow. Forewings elongate, somewhat dilated posteriorly, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen slightly rounded, somewhat oblique; 7 to termen; dark fuscous, with slight bronzy-purplish tinge; second discal stigma very obscurely darker; two or three whitish-fuscous scales towards costa about middle and ¾: cilia dark-fuscous. Hindwings blackish; cilia fuscous, basal third blackish. Mount Arthur tableland, 4,200ft., in February (Hudson); one specimen. Cosmopterygidae. Stathmopoda plumbiflua n. sp. ♂♀. 14—15 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, and thorax pale whitishochreous, shoulders and subdorsal stripes of thorax leaden-grey. Abdomen pale grey, anal tuft pale whitish-ochreous. Forewings very narrow, elongate-lanceolate; pale whitish-ochreous; extreme costal edge leadengrey; a leaden-metallic subcostal streak from near base to beyond ¾; a similar streak running near above fold, confluent with subcostal towards base, continued very near above termen to apex; space between these two streaks more or less sprinkled with dark fuscous; a more or less marked leaden-metallic patch above dorsum towards base, edged posteriorly with some dark-fuscous scales; a slender leaden-metallic streak along posterior half of fold, terminated anteriorly with some dark-fuscous scales: cilia pale whitish-ochreous. Hindwings grey; cilia ochreous-grey-whitish. West Plains, Invercargill, in November and January (Philpott); two specimens. Glyphipterygidae. Glyphipteryx leptosema Meyr. One specimen, larger than type, 11 mm., with dorsal curved wedgeshaped whitish mark sharply defined (as also in a second example obtained

by myself from Auckland); bred from larvae in flower-stems of Gahnia setifolia (Cyperaceae) at Kaitoke, emerging in November (Hudson). Glyphipteryx erastis n. sp. ♂♀. 8–10 mm. Head and thorax fuscous-bronze. Palpi with appressed scales, white, with four black bands. Antennae dark fuscous. Abdomen dark fuscous, segmental margins somewhat whitish-suffused. Forewings elongate, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen somewhat sinuate, rather strongly oblique; rather dark bronzy-fuscous, median third suffused with bronzy-ochreous; an oblique whitish fascia near base, more or less indistinct towards costa, dilated into a triangular spot on lower half; a wedgeshaped rather oblique whitish mark from costa at ⅓, reaching more than half across wing; two narrow straight prismatic-silvery fasciae in and beyond middle, becoming whitish towards extremities, first more broadly; three short wedge-shaped whitish marks on costa posteriorly; an elongate black blotch along lower half of termen containing three violet-golden-metallic spots; space between this and costal marks traversed by six longitudinal suffused whitish streaks, separated by blackish scales; prismatic-silvery dots beneath costa near apex, at apex, and on termen beneath apex: cilia whitish, basal third bronzy-ochreous limited by a dark-fuscous line indented with whitish beneath apex. Hindwings and cilia dark fuscous. Christchurch, Castle Hill (2,500ft.), and Lake Wakatipu, from December to March; six specimens. Glyphipteryx dichorda n. sp. ♂♀. 10–11 mm. Head and thorax rather dark bronzy-fuscous. Palpi loosely scaled, white, with four black bands, and anterior edge of terminal joint black towards apex. Antennae and abdomen dark fuscous. Forewings elongate, somewhat dilated posteriorly, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen faintly sinuate, oblique; dark shining fuscous-bronze; curved wedge-shaped white spots from dorsum at ¼ and beyond middle, reaching fold, second broader; light-fuscous rather oblique streaks, edged with dark-fuscous suffusion, from costa at ⅓ and before middle, reaching ⅓ across wing; a violet-golden-metallic dark-edged line from a whitish dot on costa at ⅗, rather abruptly bent round in disc, terminating in apex of second dorsal spot; a violet-golden-metallic dark-edged line from ⅔ of costa to tornus, curved or obtusely angulated in middle; three short whitish strigulae, dark-edged anteriorly, from costa towards apex; a violet-golden-metallic streak along lower part of termen, and a dot below apex: cilia whitish, basal third bronzy limited by a dark-fuscous line indented with white on subapical dot. Hindwings and cilia dark fuscous. Whangarie and Wellington, in December; two specimens. Simaethis antigrapha n. sp. ♂♀. 10–11 mm. Head and thorax dark fuscous irrorated with white. Palpi with whorls of dark-fuscous white-tipped scales. Antennac dark fuscous dotted with white. Abdomen dark fuscous, with series of white scales on segmental margins. Forewings suboblong, moderate, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen nearly straight, oblique; dark fuscous; basal patch and two irregular rather curved shades of purplish-white irroration almost wholly occupying anterior half of wing, last running from a small white spot before middle of costa to middle of dorsum; a small transverse-linear pale golden-metallic mark on end of cell; a linc of purplish-white

irroration from ⅗ of costa to ⅔ of dorsum, median third irregulary curved outwards so as to touch following fascia; a straight fascia of purplish-white irroration from ⅘ of costa to tornus, this and preceding line both forming small white spots on costa; a series of scattered white scales before termen: cilia dark fuscous, with basal fourth blackish-fuscous, tips mixed with white, with a broad white patch extending from near apex to middle of termen except on basal fourth. Hindwings ovate-triangular, termenslightly rounded; dark fuscous; in ♀ an irregular white subterminal line on lower half of wing, in ♂ represented by a few scattered scales: cilia fuscous, more or less whitish-suffused towards middle of termen, with dark-fuscous subbasal shade, tips whitish. Kaitoke and Karori, in December and March (Hudson); three specimens. Simaethis iochondra n. sp. ♂. 16–17 mm. Head and thorax dark brown, with a few whitish specks. Palpi clothed with whorls of dark-fuscous whitish-tipped scales. Antennae dark fuscous dotted with white. Abdomen dark fuscous. Forewings suboblong, moderate, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, termen rounded, oblique; dark bronzy-brown; basal area sprinkled with violet-whitish specks; a very undefined irregularly dentate shade of violet-whitish specks from ⅖ of costa to middle of dorsum; an irregular fascia of violet-whitish specks at ¾, constricted above middle, dilated on dorsum so as to coalesce with preceding shade; a light brownish-ochreous patch in disc between these; a terminal streak of ochreous-brown suffusion: cilia ochreous-brownish, mixed with darker at apex and tornus, tips whitish. Hindwings ovatetriangular, termen slightly rounded, hardly perceptibly sinuate; dark fuscous; cilia grey, with dark-fuscous subbasal shade, tips whitish. Mount Holdsworth, Tararua Range, 3,000ft., in February (Hudson); two specimens. Tineidae. Decadarchis hemiclistra n. sp. ♂. 15–17 mm., ♀ 22 mm. Head and thorax ochreous-whitish, sometimes brownish-tinged, hairs of forehead sometimes mixed with dark fuscous. Palpi whitish, second joint suffused externally with dark fuscous, beneath with whitish projecting scales increasing to apex, terminal joint moderate, slender, with appressed scales. Antennae fuscous-whitish. Abdomen whitish-fuscous. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa moderately arched, apex round-pointed, termen slightly sinuate, extremely oblique; ochreous-white, on dorsal half and towards apex in ♂ tinged with brownish, in ♀ more strongly infuscated, with variable scattered dark-fuscous and black scales, especially in ♀; a dark-fuscous streak along costa from base to middle, posteriorly dilated and truncate; an elongate suffused dark-fuscous mark beneath costa about ⅔; a blackish-fuscous streak from ⅔ of disc to apex, interrupted before apex, edged above with an ochreous-whitish line: cilia ochreous-whitish, with more or less marked dark-fuscous post-median line, at apex with a blackish bar, round apex with a blackish-fuscous subbasal shade. Hindwings in ♂ whitish-grey, in ♀ light grey; cilia ochreous-whitish. Wellington, in December (Hudson); reared from larvae and pupae in flower-stems of toetoe (Arundo conspicua), at Makara, emerging in November

and February (Sunley). The larval habits is very interesting. The natural food of species of this group of genera appears to be dead woody fibre. Tinea dicharacta Meyr. Tinea dicharacta Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1892, p. 536. ♀. 10 mm. (Australian ♂ 6 mm.). Head pale ochreous. Thorax dark fuscous. Forewings dark fuscous, with four fasciae represented principally by groups of two or three white strigulae each, indistinctly connected by glossy purplish-leaden striation, last supapical. Hindwings dark purplish-fuscous. Wellington, in November (Hudson); one specimen. Described originally from one specimen, taken at Sydney, New South Wales, in November, which has hitherto remained unique. The species is a very distinct one, and its identity is undoubted. Mr. Hudson has another specimen, but regards the species as very rare; it is probably semi-domestic in habits

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 43, 1910, Page 58

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Art. X.—Notes and Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 43, 1910, Page 58

Art. X.—Notes and Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 43, 1910, Page 58