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Art. XVIII.—Notes on the New Zealand Musci. By Robbert Brown. [Read before the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, 2nd August, 1899.] Plates XIV., XV. Genus Bartramia (Hedwig). The genus Bartramia is composed of beautiful mosses, with their habitats principally on wet banks and rocks, on stones in streams, and on rocks under the spray of waterfalls. They are an alpine and subalpine genus, and are popularly known as “apple mosses,” from the subrotund form of their capsules, which are large and very conspicuous. The generic description of the genus is: Capsules globose, furrowed when dry, erect, cernuous, or pendulous. Peristonme double, single, or none. Teeth: Outer 16, lanceolate, equidistant; inner membranous, bifid, sometimes with alternate cilia. Calyptra dimidiate. Leaves papillose. In the “Handbook of the Flora of New Zealand” some of the species placed in this genus have pyriform capsules, although the generic description is “globose”; possibly they have been placed in this genus owing to their specific characters being those of Bartramia. That arrangement I have followed in this paper. The species described in this paper as B. hallerianioides is the B. halleriana of the Handbook, which is a European species. The great general resemblance of the New Zealand moss to the European one has led to the mistaken description of these two as identical. A critical examination of the two plants has disclosed the following differences between them: The capsule of the New Zealand plant is nearly one-half smaller, obliquely subrotund, mouth oblique, insertion of the fruitstalk with the capsule very oblique. In the other plant the capsule is symmetrical, mouth not oblique, and the insertion of the fruitstalk is central at the base of the capsule. In the former the leaves are more spreading, and the back of the nerve is spinulose, serrated; while in the latter the back of the nerve is smooth. Another mistake has also occurred in the identification of one of the New Zealand species of Bartramia as B. pomiformis (a European moss) in vol. xxix., p. 443, of the “Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute.” Mr. Beckett has there recorded this identification, which was copied from a manuscript list of mosses sent by Mr. W. Bell to Dr. Brotherus, to be named by that gentleman. This

identification is evidently a clerical mistake, as Dr. Brotherus has not published it. B. pomiformis has no erect sheathing-base to the leaves, while in the New Zealand moss the bases of the leaves are erect and sheathing. I have seen no specimens of B. affinis, which is a Tasmanian moss, originally described and figured in the “Musci Exoticæ” by W. J. Hooker. The capsule is there figured and described as being spherical, and the leaves with their margins strongly recurved, while the capsule of B. affinis of the Handbook is described as being “ovoid.” This is evidently a mistake, some other moss having the margins of the leaves recurved having been mistaken for the Tasmanian one. In the species treated in this paper there are only two which have the margins of their leaves recurved; one of them slightly, the other strongly. The latter is the one which is commonly taken by New Zealand botanists for B. affinis. It is described in this paper as B. revisa. I have been unable to identify any of the following species: B. crassinervia, Mitt., B. affinis, B. consimilis. There are two characters in the leaves of the plants in this genus which are useful as a means of classification, forming two very distinct sections—First, leaves having erect sheathing-bases; second, leaves without sheathing-bases. I have adopted this arrangement in the key. Key to the Species mentioned and described in this Paper. Section A: Leaves more or less erect, and sheathing at the base. 1. Bartrania patens, Brid. 2. " gibsonii, sp. nov. 3. " brevifolia, sp. nov. 4. " robusta, Hook. f. and Wils. 5. " hallerianioides, sp. nov. 5a. " halleriana. 6. " papillata, Hook. f. and Wills. 7. Bartramia linearifolia, sp. nov. 8. " robustifolia, sp. nov. 9. " divaricata, Mitt. 10. " revisa, sp. nov. 11. " comosa, Miltt. 12. " bellii, sp. nov. 13. " sieberi, Mitt. Section B: Leaves without sheating-bases. 14. Bartramia hapuka, sp. nov. 15. " erwinii, sp. nov. 16. " ovalitheca, sp. nov. 17. " tenuis, Taylor. 18. " joycei, sp. nov. 19. " turnerii, sp. nov. 20. " australis, Mitt. 21. Bartramia pyriforma, sp. nov. 22. " remotifolia, Hook, f. and Wills. 23. " buchanani, sp. nov. 24. " pendula, Hook. 25. " elongata, Mitt. Section A. Leaves more or less erect, and sheathing at the base. 1. Bartramia patens, Bridel. Species diæcious, growing in dense tufts 1 in. high, yellowish-green above, dark-brown below, subdichotomously

branched. Branches ¼in. long. Leaves closely imbricating, erecto-patent from an erect sheathing quadrilateral base, subulate, semiconvolute, dilated or auricled at the apex; margins minutely serrated from the sheathing-base to the apex, papillose on the back, nerved to the apex. Areola: Upper quadrate; lower long, linear; leaves slightly flexuous when dry. Perichætial leaves smaller than the other ones, sheathing at the base. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk about ¼ in. long. Capsule oval, obliquely connected with the fruitstalk, furrowed when dry. Mouth small, oblique. Operculum convex. Hab. Wet banks, Mount Fife, Kaikoura; January, 1899. Collected by R. B. 2. Bartramia gibsonii, sp. nov. Plants monæcious, growing in dense tufts ½in. high, pale-green above, brown below, dichotomously branched. Branches ⅜in. long. Leaves closely imbricating, erecto-patent, subulate, with an erect quadrilateral sheathing-base, semiconvolute; margins minutely serrated from the upper part of the sheathing-base to the apex; nerve continuous, papillose on the back of the leaf. Areola: Upper quadrate; lower linear; slightly flexuous when dry. Perichætial leaves linear, subulate, tapering from the base into a slender point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk ½in. high, red, obliquely attached to the capsule. Capsule subrotund. Operculum shortly conical. Hab. On wet banks, near the River Hapuka, Kaikoura; January, 1899. Collected by R. B. 3. Bartramia brevifolia, sp. nov. Plants monæcious, growing in dense tufts 1 ½in. high, yellowish-green above, brown below, branched. Branches fastigiate, ¼in. long, densely radiculose. Leaves suberect, imbricating, short, subulate. Base erect, sheathing, quadrate at the upper sides of the sheath; margins minutely serrated; nerve indistinct upwards, excurrent; back ofleaves papillose. Areola: Upper small, dense, quadrate; lower linear-oblong; leaves introflexed near the top when dry. Perichætial leaves erect, subulate, slender, longer than the stem ones, without sheathing-base. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk red, slightly flexuous, ¾ in. long. Capsule ovate, slightly oblique. Mouth wide. Peristome double; outer teeth 16 lanceolate, red; inner, a membrane divided to the middle into 16 teeth. Operculum not found. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Wet banks and rocks, Mount Torlesse; January, 1886. Collected by R. B.

4. Bartramia robusta, Hook. f. and Wils. Plants monæcious, growing in tufts in patches 2 in. high, pale- or yellowish-green, radiculose. Stem fastigiately branched. Branches ½in. high. Leaves imbricating, spreading from an erect sheathing quadrate base, linear lanceolate or subulate, semiconvolute, somewhat brittle; margins serrated, papillose on the back; nerve excurrent. Areola: Upper dense, quadrate; lower oblong; scarcely altered when dry. Perichætial leaves short, slender, erect, subulate. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk slightly flexuous, red, ½in. high. Capsule inclined, subrotund, slightly oblique. Mouth small. Hab. Wet rocks, Mount Torlesse; January, 1886. Collected by R. B. 5. Bartramia hallerianioides, sp. nov. Plants synæcious, growing in large tufts 1 in.—5in. high, green or yellowish-green above, brownish below, radiculose, sparingly branched. Branches projecting above the capsules. Leaves imbricating, spreading, subulate; base erect, quadrilateral sheathing papillose. margins spinulose, serrated; nerve excurrent, spinulose, serrated on the back, crisped when dry. Areola: Upper small, quadrate; lower linear. Perichætial leaves small, erect, tapering into a long slender point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk red, ⅛in. long. Capsule oblique, subrotund. Operculum short, conic. Peristome double; outer teeth 16, lanceolate, dense; inner, a membrane divided for two-thirds of its length into 16 keeled teeth, bifid at the apex. Calyptra small, cucullate. Hab. Wet rocks, Port Lyttelton hills, and common near Lake Te Anau. Collected by R.B. 6. Bartramia papillata, Hook, f. and Wils. Plants diæcious, growing in small tufts, pale-green, ¼in.—¾in. high. Stems slightly radiculose, branched. Branches fastigiate, ¾in. long. Leaves imbricating, slender, erecto-patent, subulate from a narrow erect sheathing quadrilateral base, auricled at the apex, semiconvolute, minutely serrated on the margin, and papillose on the back; nerve excurrent. Areola: Upper small, quadrate, dense; lower oblong. Perichætial leaves erect, smaller than the stem ones, slender, subulate from an oblong-lanceolate base. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk 3/16;in., inclined. Capsule rotund, oblique. Mouth small, oblique. Peristome double; outer teeth 16, free to the base; inner, a membrane divided to the middle into 16 teeth. Operculum and calyptra not found. Hab. Wet banks, West Coast Road; January, 1886. Collected by R. B.

7. Bartramia linearifolia, sp. nov. Plants growing in small tufts ¾in. high, yellowish-green above, brownish below. Stems slender, radiculose, branched. Branches few, ¼in. long. Leaves closely imbricating, erecto-patent, linear, subulate from an erect sheathing-base, semiconvolute; margins serrated, back papillose; nerve indistinct, excurrent. Areola: Upper dense, quadrate; lower oblong, slightly dilated at the apex; leaves nearly erect when dry. Perichætial leaves longer than the stem ones, erect, linear-lanceolate, acute. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk in- clined, ¼in. to 3/16;in. long. Capsule oval. Mouth small. Hab. Wet banks, near Broken River; January, 1886. Collected by R. B. 8. Bartramia robustifolia, sp. nov. Plate XIV. Plants growing in large tufts 2in. high, pale-green. Stems radiculose. Branches subdichotomous, ½in. long. Leaves imbricating, spreading, stout, lanceolate, subulate from a broad obovate erect sheathing-base, semiconvolute; margins serrated; back papillose; nerve excurrent. Areola: Upper dense, quadrate; lower narrow, oblong; leaves flexuous when dry. Perichætial leaves as long as the stem one, erect, ovate-lanceolate, tapering into a subulate point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk ¾in. long. Capsule erect, ovate. Operculum conic, obtuse. Hab. Clinton River, head of Lake Te Anau. Collected by R. B. 9. Bartramia divaricata, Mitt. Plants growing in tufts or patches 1 ½ in.—2 ¼in. high, yellowish-green above, brown below. Stems densely radiculose, branched sparingly, ½in. long, fastigiate. Leaves closely imbricating, spreading, lanceolate, acuminate, from a short, erect, quadrate sheathing base; margins flat, serrated, papillose on the under side; nerve slender, excurrent, becoming spinulose, serrated towards the apex. Areola: Upper small, oblong; lower linear; leaves unaltered when dry. Perichætial leaves very small, erect, oblong, rounded to a short hair-point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk red, flexuous, ⅝in. long. Capsule subhorizontal, pyriform, furrowed when dry; other parts not found. Hab. Stones in streams, West Coast Road; February, 1883. Collected by R. B. 10. Bartramia revisa, sp. nov. Plants diæcious, growing in dense patches, yellowish-green or green, 1in.—3in. high, subdichotomously branched. Stem radiculose. Leaves closely imbricating, spreading, or erecto

patent, linear-lanceolate, tapering into a slender point, semi-convolute; base erect, short, sheathing; margins papillose, strongly recurved, papillose on back and nerve nerve excurrent. Areola: Upper small to near the base, dense; lower small, quadrilateral; leaves erect, and points of the branches cuspidate when dry. Perichætial leaves small, oblong-lanceolate, apiculate. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk ⅓in. to ½in.long, curved at the apex. Capsule ovate, pendulous, variable in breadth, furrowed when dry. Peristome single, 16, slender, distinct. Operculum conic. Hab. Wet rocks, Port Lyttelton hills; 1886. Collected by R. B. and by Donald Petrie. 11. Bartramia comosa, Mitt. Plants diæcious, growing in dense patches, yellowish brown above, brown below, 1in.—2 in. high, densely radiculose, subfastigiately branched. Branches ¼ in.—⅝in. long. Leaves closely imbricating, spreading, upper ones slightly sheathing, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; middle ones shortly sheathing; margins slightly recurved at the middle, serrulate towards the apex, papillose, plicate near the base; nerve excurrent, long, slender. Areola small, dense, above quadrilateral, below linear, erect when dry. Perichætial leaves erect, one-half smaller than the upper ones, deltoid, acuminate; nerve disappearing below the apex. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk ¼in.—⅝in. long, curved at the apex. Capsule elliptic, horizontal, or pendulous, furrowed when dry. Operculum small, conic, minutely apiculate. Peristome double; outer 16, linear-lanceolate; inner, membranous. Hab. Wet rocks, Beaumont; October, 1891: D. Petrie. 12. Bartramia bellii, sp. nov. Plants growing in dense patches 2 in. high. Stems radiculose, subdichotomously branched or nearly simple, unequal in length, ⅜in.—⅝in. Leaves closely imbricating, spreading, or erecto-patent from a short erect sheathing-base, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, tapering into a slender point; margins minutely toothed, slightly recurved near the base, minutely papillose; nerve excurrent; leaves not plicate. Areola: Upper small,. linear, becoming longer towards the base. Perichætial leaves shorter than the upper ones, erect, oblong-lanceolate, tapering into a slender point; nerve ending about the middle. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk flexuous, 1 in. long, curved at the apex. Capsule broadly ovate, oblong, furrowed when dry. Hab. Wet rocks, near Lake Harris; February, 1895. Collected by W. Bell.

13. Bartramia sieberi, Mitt. Plants diæcious, growing in dense patches 4 ½in. high, yellowish-green above, brown below. Stem radiculose, branched, simple or dichotomous, ½in.—1in.long. Leaves short, closely imbricating, spreading, and erecto-patent, subulate from a short broad sheathing-base, lanceolate, concave, plicate; margins serrated, recurved near the base, papillose on the back; nerve excurrent. Areola: Upper small, quadrate lower narrow, oblong; scarcely altered when dry. Perichætial leaves short, erect, deltoid, acute; nerve slender, excurrent. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk flexuous, red, 1 ¼in. long. Capsule horizontal or pendulous, furrowed when dry, oblong, pyriform. Peristome double; outer 16, linear-lanceo-late; inner, membranous, 16. Operculum shortly conic. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Rocks, banks of Teremakau River. Section B. Leaves without sheathing-bases. 14. Bartramia hapuka, sp. nov. Plate XV. Plants growing in dense patches 1 ½in. high, yellowish-green above, brown below. Stems radiculose, 1 ¼in. high; innovations fascicled. Leaves closely imbricating, small, erecto-patent, ovate, acuminate, concave; margins recurved, serrated; nerve excurrent. Areola small, quadrilateral; leaves erect when dry. Perichætial leaves similar to the upper ones. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk pale, ⅝in. long, flexuous. Capsule inclined very obliquely, subrotund. Mouth small, oblique, furrowed when dry. Peristome double; outer teeth 16; inner shorter than the outer, membranous, divided into 16 processes. Operculum convex. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Wet banks, River Hapuka, near Kaikoura; January, 1898. Collected by R. B. 15. Bartramia erwinii, sp. nov. Plants diæcious, growing in dense patches ½in.—1 in. high, yellow-green above, brown below. Stems slender, radiculose; innovations fascicled, ⅜in. Leaves small, closely imbricating, secund, erecto-patent, lanceolate, acuminate, ending in slender points; margins slightly recurved, serrated, nerved, keeled, excurrent. Areola quadrate; leaves scarcely altered when dry. Perichætial leaves smaller than the stem ones, otherwise similar. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk ⅝in. long. flexuous, reddish. Capsule ovate, inclined, obliquely connected with the fruitstalk. Mouth oblique, furrowed when dry. Peristome double; outer teeth 16, free to

the base; inner, a membrane divided nearly to the base into 16 processes. Operculum shortly conic. Calyptra cucullate. Named after Rev. Dr. Erwin, Christchurch. Hab. Stones, in streams, Benmore; January, 1897 Collected by R. B. 16. Bartramia ovalitheca, sp. nov. Plants diœcious, growing in dense patches 1½in.—2½. in.long, yellow-green above, brown below. Stems slender, radiculose; innovations slender, fascicled, ½in. long. Leaves closely imbricating, nearly erect, small, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, tapering into a slender point, concave; margins serrated; nerve excurrent, serrated. Areola quadrate, leaves erect; appressed when dry. Perichætial leaves erect, slightly smaller than the stem ones, linear-lanceolate, tapering from the base into a slender point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk slender, reddish, ¾in.–1 in. long, inclined. Capsule ovate, nearly symmetrical, furrowed when dry. Operculum shortly conic. Peristome double; outer teeth 16, lanceolate, free to the base; inner, membranous, perforated and laciniated. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Wet rocks, Mount Torlesse; January, 1886. Collected by R. B. 17. Bartramia tenuis, Taylor. Plants diœcious, growing in small loose patches ½in. high, yellowish-green above, brown below. Stem short, slender; innovations fascicled, slender. Leaves small, closely imbricating, erecto-patent, ovate-acuminate, point slender; margins serrated, papillose; nerve slender, excurrent. Areola small, quadrate; leaves unaltered when dry. Perichætial leaves about one-half smaller than the upper ones, ovate-acuminate. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk ½in. long, inclined. Capsule oblong, obliquely attached to the fruitstalk. Mouth oblique. Operculum conic, furrowed when dry. Peristome double; outer 16, linear-lanceolate; inner, membranous, laciniated. Hab. Damp banks, Paterson's Creek, Otarama. Collected by R. B. 18. Bartramia joycei, sp. nov. Plants growing in loose patches 1 in. high, yellowish green above, brown below. Stem radiculose; innovations fascicled, ¼in—⅜in. Leaves closely imbricating, secund, recurved, ovate-acuminate, tapered into a slender point, concave; margins serrated; nerve excurrent. Areola quadrate; leaves scarcely altered when dry. Perichætial leaves as long as the upper ones, but narrower, erect. Fruit acro-

carpous. Fruitstalk inclined, 1 in. long, reddish. Capsule very obliquely attached to the fruitstalk, horizontal, 1to 4 in the perichætium, very oblique, oval, ventricose. Mouth small, oblique. Capsule furrowed when dry. Peristome double; outer 16, linear-lanceolate, free to the base; inner, 16, membranous, bifid. Operculum and calyptra not found. Named after John Joyce, Papanui. Hab. Wet banks, near Lake Te Anau; January, 1890. Collected by R. B. 19. Bartrami a turnerii, sp. nov. Plants growing in loose patches 1 in. high, yellowish-green above, brown below. Stem radiculose; innovations fascicled, ½in. long. Leaves small, closely imbricating, spreading, subsecund, slightly flexuous, shortly lanceolate, tapering into a slender point, concave; margins serrated; nerve excurrent. Areola quadrate; leaves scarcely altered when dry. Perichætial leaves, inner smaller than the outer one, ovate-acuminate, tapering into a slender point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk slightly flexuous, inclined, 1 ½ in. long. Capsule ovoid, irregular in outline, very obliquely attached to the fruitstalk, horizontal, ventricose. Operculum small, short, conic, acute. Peristome double; outer teeth 16, linear-lanceolate, free to the base; inner, 16, bifid at the apex. Calyptra cucullate. Named after Thomas Turner, seed- merchant, Christchurch. Hab. Wet banks, near River Teremakau, West Coast; January, 1886. Collected by R. B. 20. Bartramia australis, Mitt. Plants diæcious, growing in dense patches 1 ½ in. high, yellowish above, brown below. Stems radiculose, stout; innovations fascicled, stout, ¼in.—⅜in. high. Leaves imbricating, erecto-patent, lanceolate, acuminate, tapering into a slender point; margins serrated, papillose on the back; nerve excurrent. Areola: Upper small, quadrate; lower slightly larger; leaves scarcely altered when dry. Perichætial leaves erect, slender, smaller than the stem ones, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, continued into a slender point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk flexuous, reddish, 1 ¼in. long. Capsule horizontal, very obliquely pyriform, gibbous at the base, furrowed when dry. Mouth small, oblique. Peristome double; outer teeth 16, free to the base, linear-lanceolate; inner, 16, opposite the outer, thickened on the margins, bifid. Operculum shortly conic and acute. Calyptra small, cucullate. Hab. Wet rocks, near River Teremakau; January. 1886. Collected by R. B.

21. Bartramia pyriforma, sp. nov. Plants diœcious,. growing in dense patches 1 in.-3 ½in. high, yellow-green above, brown below. Stems radiculose, simple or dichotomously branched below; innovations slender, fascicled, ½in.-1 in. long. Leaves small, closely imbricating, secund, erecto-patent, broadly ovate-lanceolate, acuminate or cordate-acuminate continued into a slender point, concave; margins serrated; nerve excurrent, minutely toothed near the apex, papillose. Areola quadrate; leaves nearly erect when dry. Perichætial leaves smaller than the upper ones, but otherwise similar. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk flexuous, red, 1 ¼in. long. Capsule horizontal or inclined obliquely, obovate, with a tapering base, slightly gibbous, furrowed when dry. Mouth small, oblique. Oper-culum small, conic, acute. Peristome single, 16, linear-lanceolate. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Rocks dripping with water, near Lake Te Anau; January, 1890. Collected by R. B. 22. Bartramia remotifolia, Hook. f. and Wils. Plants diœcious, growing in loose patches ½ in.-1 in. high, glaucous, pale-green. Stem simple, radiculose; innovations fascicled, ⅛ in. long. Leaves imbricating; lower stem ones erect, ovate, acuminate; upper spreading, with an ovate base, tapering into a long slender point; papillose margins, sub-recurved, slightly serrated towards the apex; nerve pellucid, excurrent; leaves closely imbricating, spreading, papillose. Areola quadrate; leaves nearly erect when dry. Perichætial leaves narrower and shorter than the upper; stem leaves linear-lanceolate, tapering into a long slender point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk 1 in. long, inclined, red. Capsule large, obliquely attached to the fruitstalk, obliquely oval. Mouth, small, oblique. Operculum convex, furrowed when dry. Peristome double; outer 16, linear-lanceolate, free to the base; inner, 16, membranous, free to the base. Calyptra not found. Leaves on the male plant erecto-patent. Hab. Wet banks, Port Lyttelton hills; January, 1886: banks, near Waimakariri; December, 1887. Collected by R. B. 23. Bartramia buchanani, sp. nov. Plants diœcious, growing in dense patches, yellowish-green above, green at the middle, brown below, 1 in.—3 ½ in. high. Stems radiculose below; innovations fascicled, ⅜in.—½in. high. Leaves, upper closely imbricating, spreading, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, tapering into a slender point; margins serrated, back minutely papillose; nerve slender, excurrent. Areola small, linear-oblong; leaves flexuous when dry. Perichætral

leaves erect, smaller than the upper ones, lanceolate, acuminate, tapering into a slender point, innermost smallest. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk flexuous, red, 1 ½in. long. Capsule inclined, obliquely pyriform, gibbous, near the base Mouth small, oblique. Capsule furrowed when dry. Peristome double; outer teeth 16, free to the base, linear-lanceolate; inner, membranous, 16. Operculum not found. Hab. West Coast Road; February, 1883. Collected by R. B. 24. Bartramia pendula, Hook. Plants diœcious, growing in dense patches 1in.—3 ½in. high, yellowish-green above, brown below. Stems erect, radi-culose; innovations fascicled, ¾in.—1 ¼in. long. Leaves closely imbricating, erecto-patent, ovate-lanceolate, acuminiate tapering into a slender point; margins serrated; nerve slender, excurrent, under-surface papillose. Areola: Upper small, quadrate; lower linear; leaves incurving when dry. Peri-chætial leaves erect, smaller than the upper ones, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, tapered into a slender point. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk flexuous, red, 1 ½in. long. Capsule horizontal or pendulous, oblong-pyriform, furrowed when dry. Operculum convex. Peristome double; outer 16, free to the base; inner, membranous, bifid to the middle. Hab. Damp banks, Milford Sound; January, 1890. Collected by R. B. 25. Bartramia elongata, Mitt. Plants diœcious, growing in large loose patches 2in.—7in. high, yellow-green. Stems very stout, curved, prostrate, ascending; innovations simple or dichotomously branched. Leaves closely imbricating, secund, spreading or erecto-patent, recurved, falcate, furrowed, pellucid, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; margins distantly toothed; nerve slender, excurrent into a papillose hair-point. Areola oblong-linear; alar large, quadrate; leaves scarcely altered when dry. Perichætial leaves smaller, erect, linear-lanceolate, innermost acute, outer acuminate with a short hair-point, nerveless. Fruit acrocarpous. Fruitstalk stout, red, slightly flexuous. Capsule horizontal, large, oblong, pyriform, slightly gibbous at the base, furrowed when dry. Peristome single, 16, with membranous margins. Operculum and calyptra not found. Hab. Wet rocks, near Teremakau River; January, 1886; and near Lake Te Anau; January, 1890. Collected by R.B.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 32, 1899, Page 137

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Art. XVIII.—Notes on the New Zealand Musci. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 32, 1899, Page 137

Art. XVIII.—Notes on the New Zealand Musci. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 32, 1899, Page 137