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Art. XLIII.—Further Notes on the New Zealand Musci: Genus Trichostomum, with Descriptions of some New Species. By Robert Brown. [Read before the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, 4th November, 1896.] Plates XXXIX.-XLIII. In the genus Trichostomum many of the plants are very minute, growing in patches or small tufts, and are generally found at low elevations on damp rocks or clay banks. Plants found in the former habitat are never found in the latter, and vice versâ. The fruiting period of this genus is generally from the beginning of September to the end of November. On the capsules reaching maturity dehiscence speedily takes place, and it is very difficult after that stage has been reached to find operculums or perfect peristomes, these having been dispersed by the strong winds which prevail about that season. I have described and figured all the New Zealand species of this genus which have been collected by me during a large number of years. There will also be found some plants described and figured which lack some of their generic parts—viz., peristome or calyptra. Owing to this want their position in the genus is somewhat doubtful. I have provisionally placed them here, as the genus Trichostomum is the one to which they have apparently the closest affinity, owing to the similarity in form of the capsule, &c. I have, as usual, experienced an immense amount of difficulty in attempting to identify some of the plants collected by me with those already described (and some of them figured) in Hooker's “Flora of New Zealand,” Schimper's Mus. Eur. and Brio. Brit., owing to the brief and incomplete descriptions, and also little or incorrect figuring. I have only been enabled, with satisfaction to myself, to identify three—viz., T. laxifolium, T. elongatum, and T. setosum—but perhaps I may be wrong even here. For the assistance of those who may be desirous of following up this interesting branch of botany, I have carefully figured these three plants, but not described them. T. lingulatum is very correctly described and drawn in Hooker's “Flora of New Zealand,” and I have had no difficulty in satisfactorily establishing its identity, so I have not figured this moss. It used to grow near the Christchurch Museum, but I have not come across it now for a number of years. It is just possible I may have described and drawn plants

already treated of, but if I have done so my excuse will be found in the before-mentioned facts. In some instances I find that several different species would partly correspond with a written description of one plant, but owing to the above reasons I have been obliged to treat all as new species. I have divided this genus into two sections—Section I., leaves slender; Section II., leaves not slender—and it will be at once seen on reference to the Plates how particularly appropriate this subdivision is. I may again mention that my figures are all drawn with a power of 25 diameters; and, as the differences between each plant in almost every instance are microscopic, it is of the utmost importance that this scale should be adhered to. Section I. Leaves slender. 1. Trichostomum falcatum, sp. nov. " " var. β. 2. " calcareum, sp. nov. 3. " radiculosum, sp. nov. 4. " brevirostrum, sp. nov. 5. " avonensis, sp. nov. 6. " buchanani, sp. nov. 7. " filiformifolium, sp. nov. " " var. β. 8. " (?) hallii, sp. nov. 9. " moretonii, sp. nov. 10. " elongatum,* Not described in this paper. Hook, f. and Wils. 11. " setosum,* Hook. f. and Wils. Trichostomum setosum,var. β.* 12. " laxifolium,*Hook. f. and Wils. Section II. Leaves not slender. 1. " lingulatum, † No figures or description. Hook. f. and Wils. 2. " minutifolium, sp. nov. 3. " apiculatum, sp. nov. 4. " searellii, sp. nov. 5. " ligulatum, sp. nov. 6. " rostratum, sp. nov. 7. " linearifolium, sp. nov. 8. " cockaynii, sp. nov. 9. " gracile, sp. nov. 10. " binnsii, sp. nov. 11. " repandifolium, sp. nov. 12. " contortifolium, sp. nov. 13. " curvithecum, sp. nov.

Section I. Leaves slender. 1.T. falcatum, sp. nov. Plants diœcious, growing in small patches, yellowish-green, about ¼ in. high. Stems unbranched. Leaves inserted all round the stem, imbricating, secund, falcate; upper leaves, base sheathing, obovate, tapering into a slender point, twice the length of the base; middle ones shortly oblong-lanceolate, tapering into a slender point, twice the length of their base; lower, very small, lanceolate, tapering into a slender point. Nerve running into the slender points. Margins entire. Areola oblong. Leaves unaltered when dry. Perichætial leaves cylindric, sheathing suddenly, tapering into a slender point, as long as the sheathing portion, nerved, apocarpous. Fruitstalk ½ in. long, erect or inclined. Capsule variable in size, cylindric, slightly oblique. Annulus deciduous. Peristome single, filiform, and short, granulate. Operculum about one-fourth the size of the capsule, slightly oblique or straight. Calyptra cucullate. Var. β. Capsule nearly one-half smaller. Hab. Damp ground, South Fiord, Lake Te Anau; December, 1889. Collected by R. B. 2.T. calcareum, sp. nov. Plants monœcious, growing in small dense patches, ½ in. high, green above, brown below. Stems simple or branched. Leaves inserted all round the stem, closely imbricating, erect or erecto-patent; upper ones shortly oblong-lanceolate, tapering into a slender point, one and a half times longer than the sheathing-base; middle ones subulate, tapering gradually from the base; lower ones smaller, similar in outline to the middle ones. Nerve disappearing in the point. Margins entire, erect when dry. Lower areola oblong. Perichætial leaves erect, cylindrical, sheathing, tapering into a slender point, about the length of the sheathing portion, nerved, apocarpous. Seta ⅜ in. long. Capsule oblique, inclined, ovate-oblong, slightly narrowed to the mouth, annulate. Peristome single, long, filiform, granulate, united at the base into a short tube. Operculum one-fifth the length of the capsule, stout, conico-rostrate. Calyptra cucullate. Antheridia gemmiform, axillary. Hab. On damp limestone rocks, Castle Hill, West Coast Road; March, 1891. Collected by R. B. 3.T. radiculosum, sp. nov. Plants growing in dense patehes, yellowish-green, ½ in. ¾ in. high. Stems nearly simple, radiculose. Leaves inserted all round the stem, closely imbricating, secund; upper leaves,

base erect, sheathing, ovate, tapering into a slender falcate hair-point, which is about twice the length of the base. Margins entire, nerved; middle ones similar to the upper; lower small, but similar in their outline. Areola: lower oblong. Leaves unaltered when dry. Perichætial leaves base convolute, sheathing, tapering into a slender curved hair-point, about twice the length of the sheathing portion, apocarpous. Fruitstalk slender, erect or inclined, 7/16 in. long. Capsule ovate, slightly oblique. Other parts not found. Hab. Damp ground, near Lake Te Anau; January, 1890. Collected by R. B. 4.T. brevirostrum, sp. nov. Plants growing in small loose patches, ⅛ in. high, yellowish-green. Stems simple. Leaves inserted all round the stem, imbricating, secund, small; upper ones sheathing at the base, oblong, tapering into a point, slightly longer than the base. Margins entire, nerved; middle, shorter, base ovate, tapering into a point, one and a half times longer than the base; lower, small, tapering from the base to the apex, unaltered when dry Lower areola oblong. Perichætial leaves erect, cylihdric, sheathing, suddenly contracted into a point, slightly longer than the sheathing portion, apocarpous. Seta ½ in. to 1in. long, red. Capsule cylindrical, slightly oblique, unequal, annulate. Peristome deciduous, short, single, granulate. Operculum short, conico-rostrate, oblique, a quarter to one-fifth the size of the capsule. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp ground, near Lake Te Anau; January, 1890. Collected by R. B. 5.T. avonense, sp. nov. Plants monœcious, growing in small dense patches, ¼ in.—⅜ in. high, green. Stems simple or slightly branched. Leaves inserted all round the stem closely imbricating, erecto-patent, slightly incurved towards the apex; upper ones linear-lanceolate, acuminate, minutely apiculate, semi-convolute. Margins entire. Nerve continued to the apex; middle and lower ones smaller, but similar to the upper ones in outline, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, small, dense; lower, quadrate. Perichætial leaves smaller than the upper ones, nearly erect, convolute, sheathing, then tapering into an acuminate point, shorter than the sheath, apocarpous. Seta inclined, slender, ¼ in. long. Capsule elliptic. Peristome single, granulate. Operculum nearly straight, conico-subulate. Beak slender, nearly two-thirds the length of the capsule. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp ground, plantations near the River Avon; October, 1881. Collected by R. B.

6.T. buchanani, sp. nov. Plants growing in dense patches, ½ in. high, yellowish-green above, brown below. Stems simple or branched. Leaves inserted all round the stem, erecto-patent or slightly secund; upper ones, lower half linear-lanceolate, upper tapering into a slender point minutely toothed at the apex, semi-convolute; middle smaller, but very similar in outline. Nerve continued to the apex, crisp when dry. Areola small, quadrate below, linear above. Perichætial leaves erect, cylindric, sheathing, tapered into an acuminate point, one-third the length of the sheathing portion, apocarpous. Seta erect or inclined, slender, ½in. ¾in. long. Capsule small, ovate-oblong, slightly narrowed to the mouth. Other parts not found. Hab. Damp banks, old bed of River Waimakariri; September, 1883. Collected by R. B. (Named after Mr. John Buchanan, of Dunedin.) 7.T. filiformifolium, sp. nov. Plants diœcious, growing in dense tufts, yellowish-green, ¾in. to 1in. high, very slender, and but slightly branched. Leaves inserted all round the stem, loosely imbricating; upper leaves, lower portion oblong, erect, sheathing, suddenly contracted into a slender hair-point, two to three times longer than the sheathing portion, minutely toothed at the apex, erecto-patent or spreading, nerved; middle ones similar to the upper; lower, small, erect, oblong, sheathing, suddenly contracted into a slender hair-point, two to two and a half times longer than the lower portion. Areola small, linear. Leaves erect, and spirally twisted at the apex when dry. Perichætial leaves slightly longer. Base cylindric, sheathing, suddenly tapered into a long slender hair-point, two and a half times longer than the base. Fruit terminal. Fruitstalk slender, 1in. long, erect. Capsule ovate-oblong, slightly narrowed towards the mouth. Other plants have been destroyed by insects after collection. Hab. Damp banks, on River Teremakau; February, 1889. Collected by R. B. Var. β: Hab. At the River Bealey. Collected by R. B. 8.T. hallii, sp. nov. (? Tortula). Plants monœcious, growing in dense tufts, 2 ¼in. high, yellowish-green above, pale-green below. Stems branched, radiculose. Leaves inserted all round the stem, subsecund; upper ones with a short sheathing ovate or obovate base, tapering into a long slender point, four and a quarter times the length of the base; middle, shortly ovate, tapering

into a point four and a quarter times the length of the base. Nerve disappearing below the toothed apex, scarcely altered when dry. Areola linear, oblong. Alar cells quadrate. Perichætial leaves with a short convolute, sheathing-base, suddenly contracted into a long slender point, two and a half times the length of the sheath, apocarpous. Fruit-stalk slender, erect or inclined, 1 ⅜in. long, pale. Capsule ovate-oblong, narrowing to the mouth. Other parts not found. Hab. On decaying wood, South Fiord, Lake Te Anau; January, 1890. Collected by R. B. (Named after W. Y. H. Hall, Esq., solicitor, Invercargill.) 9.T. moretonii, sp. nov. (? Tortula). Plants monœcious, yellowish above, pale-brown below, 1 ½ in. high. Stem subdichotomously branched, radiculose. Leaves inserted all round the stem, flexuous, imbricating; upper ones, base erect, adpressed, oblong or oblong-obovate, tapering into a subulate point, recurved or incurved; middle, broader at the base, shortly ovate-lanceolate, tapered into a subulate apex. Nerve disappearing at the apex. Margins entire, very crisp when dry. Areola: upper, small, quadrate; lower, oblong. Perichætial leaves long, erect, innermost longest, convolute, sheathing, suddenly contracted into a slender, point, shorter than the convolute portion, apocarpous. Fruitstalk 2in. long, slender, pale. Capsule ovate-oblong, narrowing to the mouth. Peristome broken and imperfect. Operculum and calyptra, not found. Hab. Decaying wood, head of South Fiord, Lake Te Anau; January, 1890. Collected by R. B. This plant is described from a small patch found growing in the middle of a tuft of T. hallii of this paper. 10.T. elongatum, Hook. f. and Wils. Hab. Port Lyttelton Hills; damp banks. Collected by R. B. 11.T. setosum, Hook. f. and Wils. Hab. Port Lyttelton Hills; damp banks. Collected by R. B. Var. β. Capsules smaller and leaves longer. Collected by R. B. 12.T. laxifolium, Hook. f. and Wils. Hab. Damp banks, Lake Te Anau; West Coast; Banks Peninsula; and in the North Island. Collected by R. B.

Section II. Leaves not slender. 1.T. lingulatum, Hook. f. and Wils. Hab. Christchurch Domain; 1888. Collected by R. B. 2.T. minutifolium, sp. nov. Plants growing in small dense patches, ⅛ in. high, dark-green. Stems simple or branched near the base. Leaves small, few, inserted all round the stem, imbricating, spreading; upper ones oblong, rounded to an acute apex, concave. Margins entire, slightly recurved or flat. Nerve stout, keeled, minutely excurrent; middle, oval, minutely apiculate; lower, ovate, acute, crisp when dry. Areola small, quadrate, larger towards the base. Perichætial leaves smaller, the innermost smallest, ovate, acute, nerved to the apex, apocarpous. Fruit-stalk ⅛ in. long, inclined. Capsule small, elliptic, inclined. Peristome minute, single, granular, united into a short tube at the base. Operculum conico-rostrate, oblique, one-third, shorter than the capsule. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp rocks, gorge of the River Hurunui; April, 1893. Collected by R. B. 3.T. apiculatum, sp. nov. Plants monœcious, growing in patches, ⅛ in.—3/16in. high, pale-green above, simple or branched near the base. Leaves inserted all round the stem, erect or erecto-patent, closely imbricating; upper ones oblong-lanceolate, apiculate, incurved at the apex. Nerve excurrent, concave. Margins entire, recurved; middle ones slightly longer and narrower than the upper ones, but otherwise similar; the lower are smaller, and crisp when dry. Areola: upper, opaque; lower, quadrate. Perichætial leaves ovate-oblong, apiculate, innermost smallest, apocarpous. Seta ¼ in. long. Capsule ovate, narrowed to the mouth. Peristome single, small, granular, united by a short tube below. Operculum oblique, conico-rostrate, two-thirds shorter than the capsule. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp banks, Port Lyttelton Hills; September, 1882. Collected by R. B. 4.T. searellii, sp. nov. Plants monœcious, growing in dense patches, ¼in. to ⅜ in. high, green. Stems simple or branched from the base. Leaves inserted all round the stem, imbricating, erecto-patent, oblong, rounded to an acute point, or oblong, tapering into an acute point, concave at the apex. Margins entire, slightly recurved. Nerve keeled, slightly excurrent, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, small, dense; lower, quadrate. Perichætial leaves smaller than the upper ones, oblong, acute, rounded at the

base, apocarpous. Seta erect or inclined, ⅜ in.—½ in. long. Capsule ovate, narrowed towards the mouth. Operculum oblique, conico-rostrate, about half the length of the capsule. Peristome single, granular, united at the base. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp banks, Port Lyttelton Hills; October, 1890. Collected by R. B. 5.T. ligulatum, sp. nov. (? Tortula). Plants monœcious, growing in small dense tufts, ⅛ in.—¼ in. high, olive-green. Stems simple or branched from the base. Leaves inserted all round the stem, erecto-patent, imbricating; upper ones oblong-lanceolate, acute, slightly incurved at the apex. Margins entire, flat. Nerve keeled, reddish-brown, ending at the apex; middle shorter than, the upper ones, otherwise similar, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, dense; lower, oblong. Perichætial leaves shorter than the upper leaves, erecto-patent, oblong-lanceolate, acute, apocarpous. Seta inclined, ¼ in. long, spirally twisted when dry. Capsule subelliptic. Operculum and calyptra not found. Hab. Damp rocks, Mount Torlesse; March, 1891. Collected by R. B. 6.T. rostratum, sp. nov. (? Tortula). Plants growing in small, dense, pulvinate tufts, ½in. high, dark-brown. Stems branched near the base. Leaves inserted all round the stem, densely imbricating, erecto-patent; upper ones ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; middle, ovate-lanceolate, acute. Nerve keeled, reddish, slightly excurrent. Margins entire, slightly concave, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, very small, dense; lower, oblong. Perichætial leaves erect, linear-lanceolate, acute, nearly as long as the upper ones. Nerve continuous, apocarpous. Seta ⅜in. long, erect. Capsule cylindric. Operculum slightly oblique, conico-subulate, about as long as the capsule. Calyptra not found. Hab. Crevices of limestone rocks, Broken River, West Coast Road; March, 1891; fruiting very sparingly. Collected by R. B. 7.T. linearifolium, sp. nov. Plants monœcious, growing in small dense patches, yellowish-green, ¼ in. high. Stems branched near the base. Leaves inserted all round the stem, closely imbricating, erecto-patent, recurving towards the apex; upper ones linear, obtuse. Margins entire. Nerve keeled, ending immediately below the apex; middle similar to the upper ones, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, small; lower, oblong. Perichætial leaves smaller than the others, innermost smallest, linear, obtuse. Nerve ending below the apex, apocarpous. Seta erect, red,

twisted spirally when dry. Capsule ovate-oblong. Peristome single, immature. Operculum oblique, conico-rostrate, one-third shorter than the capsule. Calyptra not found. Hab. Damp rocks, near Lake Te Anau; January, 1890. Collected by R. B. 8.T. cockaynii, sp. nov. Plants growing in small dense patches, ¼ in.—½ in. high, dark-brown. Stems branched, branches very short. Leaves inserted all round the stem, densely imbricating, erecto-patent, slightly recurved, small; upper ones linear-lanceolate, acuminate; middle, shorter lanceolate, acuminate, concave. Nerve linear, continued to the apex, reddish, keeled. Margins entire, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, small, dense; lower, oblong. Perichætial leaves smaller than the upper leaves, linear - lanceolate, acute, nerved to the apex, apocarpous. Seta slender, ¼ in. long. Capsule cylindric, gibbous. Peristome single, teeth free to the base, granulate. Operculum and calyptra not found. Hab. Crevices of rocks, Broken River, West Coast Road; March, 1891. Collected by R. B. 9.T. gracile, sp. nov. Plants diœcious, growing in dense patches, ¼ in. high, green. Stems branched, branches short. Leaves inserted all round the stem, imbricating, spreading or erecto-patent, all very similar in outline, but increasing in size towards the apex of the stem, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, concave. Nerve keeled, disappearing at the apex. Margins entire, crisp when dry. Areola dense above, quadrate below. Perichætial leaves narrower, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, erect, apocarpous. Seta ¼ in.—⅝in. long, erect, reddish, slightly flexuous. Capsule elliptic. Peristome single, united at the base by a short tube, granulate. Operculum oblique, subulate, about two-thirds the length of the capsule. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp rocks, Port Lyttelton Hills; July, 1882. Collected by R. B. 10.T. binnsii, sp. nov. Plants growing in small dense patches, ½ in.—⅝ in. high, pale-green. Stems simple or slightly branched. Leaves inserted all round the stem, closely imbricating, erecto-patent, ovate-lanceolate, acute, slightly flexuous; upper ones longest. Margins entire, concave. Nerve keeled, excurrent as a minute apiculus, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, dense; lower, oblong near the base. Perichætial leaves flexuous, ovate-lanceolate, acute. Nerve continued to the apex, apocarpous. Seta ⅜ in. long, red. Capsule slightly inclined, elliptic, oblique. Peristome single, united close to the base, granulate.

Operculum oblique, conico-subulate, nearly half the length of the capsule. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp rocks, Port Lyttelton Hills; September, 1888. Collected by R. B. Named in honour of Mr. W. Binns. 11.T. repandifolium, sp. nov. Plants monœcious, growing in very dense patches, ¼ in.—½ in. high, green. Stems simple or branched. Branches short, fastigiate. Leaves inserted all round the stem, closely imbricating, erecto-patent, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, flexuous, recurving near the apex. Margins entire, slightly crisp, concave. Nerve slightly excurrent. Leaves all very similar in outline; lower ones smallest, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, dense; lower, oblong. Perichætial flexuous, narrow, linear-lanceolate, nerved, apocarpous. Seta slender, erect, ¼ in. long. Capsule inclined, cylindric, recurved. Peristome single, slender, granulate, united near the base by a very short tube. Operculum narrow, subulate, longer than half the length of the capsule. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp rocks, Weka Pass; November, 1886. Collected by R. B. 12.T. contortifolium, sp. nov. Plants monœcious, growing in patches, ⅛ in.—3/16 in. high, pale-green. Stems branching at the base. Leaves inserted all round the stem, imbricating, erecto-patent, upper and middle ones oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, flexuous, concave. Margins entire. Nerve keeled, pellucid, disappearing at the apex, crisp when dry. Areola: upper, dense; lower, oblong. Perichætial leaves smaller, narrow, linear-lanceolate, erect or recurved, nerved. Margins entire, apocarpous. Seta erect, 3/16 in. long. Capsule cylindric, oblique. Annulus persistent. Peristome slender, single, granulate. Operculum conico-subulate, one-third the length of the capsule. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. On banks, West Coast Road. Collected by R. B. 13.T. curvithecum, sp. nov. Plants growing in small patches, ¾ in. high, yellowish-green above, reddish-brown below. Stems dichotomously branched. Leaves inserted all round the stem, closely imbricating, erecto-patent or slightly spreading, incurved, upper and middle ones ovate-lanceolate, subacute, minutely toothed at the apex. Nerve continued to the apex, reddish; crisp when dry. Areola: upper, dense; lower, oblong. Perichætial leaves erect, oblong-lanceolate, subulate, sheathing at the base, nerved to the apex, apocarpous. Seta inclined, reddish, ½ in. long. Capsule cylindric, curved, annulate. Peristome single, granulate, free to the base. Operculum narrow,

conico-subulate, short, one-seventh the length of the capsule, curved upwards. Calyptra cucullate. Hab. Damp rocks, Broken River; March, 1891. Collected by R. B. Explanation Of Plates XXXIX.-XLIII. Plate XXXIX. Fig. 1.—Trichostomum falcatum, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Upper stem leaf. 3. Middle stem leaf. 4. Capsule. 5. Peristome. Fig. 1A.—Trichostomum falcatum, n.s., var. β. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Lower stem leaf. 6. Capsule. Fig. 2.—Trichostomum calcareum, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Capsule. 6. Operculum. 7. Peristome. Fig. 3.—Trichostomum radiculosum, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Capsule. Fig. 4.—Trichostomum brevirostrum, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Lower stem leaf. 6. Capsule. 7. Peristome. Fig. 5.—Trichostomum avonense, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule. Fig. 6.—Trichostomum buchanani, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaves. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Capsule. Fig. 7.—Trichostomum filiformi-folium, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4, 5. Lower stem leaves. 6. Capsule. Plate XL. Fig. 7A.—Trichostomum filiformi-folium, n.s., var. β. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule. Fig. 8.—Trichostomum hallii, n.s. 1. Pericætial leaves. 2. Upper stem leaves. 3. Capsule. Fig. 9.—Trichostomum moretonii, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaves. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Capsule. Fig. 10.—Trichostomum elongatum, H.f. and W. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Capsule.

Plate XLI. Fig. 11.—Trichostomum setosum, H.f. and W. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Upper stem leaves. 3. Middle stem leaf. 4. Lower stem leaf. 5. Capsule. Fig. 11A.—Trichostomum setosum, var. β. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule. Fig. 12.—Trichostomum laxifolium, H.f. and W. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaves. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Capsule. Fig. 2.—Trichostomum minutifolium, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Leaf outside perichætial. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Lower stem leaves. 5. Capsule. 6. Peristome. Fig. 3.—Trichostomum apiculatum, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Leaf outside perichætial. 3, 4. Upper stem leaves. 5. Lower stem leaf. 6. Capsule. 7. Peristome. Plate XLII. Fig. 4.—Trichostomum searellii, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule. Fig. 5.—Trichostomum ligulatum, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Upper stem leaf. 3. Middle stem leaf. 4. Capsule. Fig. 6.—Trichostomum rostratum, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule. Fig. 7.—Trichostomum linearifolium, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule. Fig. 8.—Trichostomum cockaynii, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule, with peristome. Plate XLIII. Fig. 9.—Trichostomum gracile, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Lower stem leaf. 6. Capsule. Fig. 10.—Trichostomum binnsii, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule. Fig. 11.—Trichostomum repandifolium, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaves. 5. Capsule. 6. Operculum.

Fig. 12.—Trichostotomum contortifolium, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaves. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Capsule and operculum. Fig. 13.—Trichostotomum curvithecum, n.s. 1. Perichætial leaves. 2. Outside perichætial leaf. 3. Upper stem leaf. 4. Middle stem leaf. 5. Capsule. 6. Peristome.

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Bibliographic details

Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 29, 1896, Page 478

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Art. XLIII.—Further Notes on the New Zealand Musci: Genus Trichostomum, with Descriptions of some New Species. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 29, 1896, Page 478

Art. XLIII.—Further Notes on the New Zealand Musci: Genus Trichostomum, with Descriptions of some New Species. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 29, 1896, Page 478