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(From our own correspondent.) July 3. From a local paper I extract the following item :—ln: — In connection with the Catholic school which is to be erected at Darfield, Mr. Peter Clinton has presented a house to be used temporarily as a residence for the Sisters of Mercy who are to conduct the school. He has also given two acres of land and the sum of £50 towards the building fund. Mr. G. O'Malley has also made a donation of £r>o, and other donations of from £20 to £.")0 have been received for the same purpose. The contract for the erection of the school has been let to Mr. J. Cowan, of Darfield. The building will be 50ft by 25ft in the clear, with two porches, and is to be completed in ten weeks. It will be well lighted and heated, and will be, when finished, one of the best school buildings in the district. At the High Mass on Sunday last his Lordship, the Right Rev. Dr. Grimes, made an epi.-cop*l visitation of the Pro-Cathedral parish, and at 4 o'clock administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 21.1 candidates — 12.$ girls, 7S boys, and 14 adults, of whom '.» were converts. At the ( .t 30 o'clock Mass, celebrated by the Very Rev. Father Le Menant des Chesnais, V.G., those about to be Confirmed received Holy Communion. Prior to administering the Sacrament his Lordship the Bishop, selecting for his text the 30th verse of the 103 rd Psalm, ' Thou shalt send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created, and Thou shalt renew the face 6f the earth,' impressed upon those prepared for the reception of Confirmation the import of the Sacrament. At the conclusion of the ceremony there was renewal of Baptismal vows, prefaced by a di.^courhe by the Rev. Father Crotty on its significance and the means for living steadfast in the faith. A procession of the Blessed Sacrament, in which the Children of Mary and those newly Confirmed took part, followed by Benediction, concluded the ceremonies of the day. The girls, under the care of the Sinters of the Mission, were attired in white with wreaths and veils, and the boys, in care of the Marist Brothers, wore cardinal hashes with badges. Their demeanour throughout was most edifying, and reflects conspicuously on the training and kindness of their devoted teachers. After the renewal of Baptismal vows on Sunday, his Lordship the Bishop said he desired each one to promise to abstain from the use of intoxicating drink of every kind until reaching the age of maturity, which they did with one accord. He said he wished to publicly remark that the native-born New Zealander was not addicted to the immoderate partaking of intoxicants, a view he had long entertained privately, but had never before publicly alluded to. On Monday night, June 26th, the St. Aloysius Catholic Hall, Barbadoes street, was filled to overflowing on the occasion of the concert and entertainment given in aid of the fund to liquidate the liabilities existing on the building. The concert, certainly one of the finest efforts in the line ever attempted here, comprised scenes from Planquette's opera, ' Les Cloches de Corneville,' by members of the Pro-Cathedral choir, assisted by the popular tenor, Mr. C. Read, who at all times cheerfully gives his services to almost every Catholic musical undertaking. The whole was under the direction of the Rev. Father Richards, who, it is pleasing to know, was amply rewarded for the great pains he took, and spare time (an almost unknown quantity, by the way) he employed in perfecting the arrangements. To Mr. George Cronin recognition is also due for the very able part taken in the rehearsals, and also in filling, on very short notice, owing to the indisposition of one of the principals, an important part in the concert, that of Gaspard the miser. As Serpolette Mrs. Mead was in excellent

voice and sang- and acted with taste and becoming grace. In the ' Hiring Chorus,' ' Legend of the Bells,' and ' Cider song,' Mrs. Mead performed pood work, and in her solo, ' I may be princess.' received ;i well-merited recall ; Mr. C. Read, as ' Grenicheux,' -was exceed '.ntrly good, and for his solo ' That night I'll ne'er forget,' received a well deserved encore ; in the duet with Gaspard, ' Love, honour, happiness,' he was again very successful. As Gaspard, Mr. G-. Croinn rang the 'Song of the beggary' remarkably well, and also in the duet with Grenicheux. His acting and get up, in adithcuit part, uete wmihj of admiiatioii. aud would have dono justice to a more elaborate operatic production. The accompaniments were played by Mlsh Fuustou and Mioa Kate Young, their efforts being worthy of appreciation. As scenic artist Mr. J. 11. Bradford further distinguished himself, the various sets bein^ exceedingly pretty The chorus was supplied by members of the Pro-Cathedral choir, the whole company being correctly and picturesquely attired. The second part of the programme was supplied by the pupils and ex-pupils of the Sisters of the Mission Their performance \v is mo-t creditable, hut space will not permit of details of their production of the cmtata, 'Red Riding Hood,' except to mention the name* of those who took part : — Red Riding Hood. Misq Lily Johnson : Her Mother, Miss Violet Falvey ; Woodman, Mi^-s Katie Pickci ; Wolf, Mi^s Marion Picken ; Robin, Miss Eva Brooking : Buttercup. Miss Elsie Perkins ; Rose, Miss Katie Gallagher. The following took part in ' Blue Bulls' : — Misses Delia Sullivan, Ettie Sulliv.ii, Doris Hall. Mary M'Calluui, Mabel Harrington, Winnie Harrington. M.id_><.' Donoghue. Amon st those present were his Lordship the Hi-hop, the Very Rev. Vicar-General, and a number of priests from surrounding districts and visitors. At the conclusion of the entertainment the art union in aid of the same object was drawn. Mr. Fraer. of Messrs Black, Beatde and Co., kindly acting as supervisor. Those taking part were afterwards entertained at the presbytery, where refreshments were dispensed.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVII, Issue 27, 6 July 1899, Page 5

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DIOCESE OF CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVII, Issue 27, 6 July 1899, Page 5

DIOCESE OF CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVII, Issue 27, 6 July 1899, Page 5