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Thk Nbw Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Limited report for week ending January 25, as follows :— Store Cattle — The market continues fairly steady, a good number change handß, and doubtless more could be placed if the supply had been larger and the prices more in sympathy with those now ruling for fat stock.

Store Sheep — At the moment it is quite evident that there are a gre»t many more buyers than sellers. Pricee for the few selling are in consequence firm, and to »11 appearance likely to continue so. During the week we placed 2,590 crossbred wethers and ewes, also merino ewes and wethers. Crossbreds at 10s 6d to lla 3d ; merino wethers, 4s to 6s ; do ewes, 5s 3i to 6a 9d.

Wool — There is no news of any consequence to hand from Home, merely one telegram saying that at the wool sales that were to open in London yesterday prices would be firm, while another says that the Bradford wool market is quiet, with a downward tendency, in anticipation of the opening of the London series. In the local market there is little or nothing doing pending the opening of the third series on Friday, the 27th inst.(not Thursday), when good catacatalogues will again be submitted.

Sheepskins— We had the U9ual attendance of buyers at our weekly auction on Tuesday, when we submitted a moderately full catalogue, embracing the usual variety of classes. There was very good competition. Country dry crossbreds, inferior to medium, Is 6d to 2s lOd ; do do merino, 18 5d to 2s 7d ; full-woolled crossbreds, good, 3s 3d to 4s 4d ; best, 4s 5d to 6s 6d ; do merinos, good, 3s to 39 7d ; best, 3s lOd to 5s 8d ; dry pelts, 2d to Is 3d ; green crossbred pelts, bent, Is 5d to la 6d ; medium to good, Is to Is 4d : lambskins, Is 3d to Is 9d each.

Babbitskins — This beintr the off season the businsss passing is necessnrily of small importance. We sold a few lots on Monday, when all the buyers were present, prices ranging from 4£d to 10J per lb.

Hides— A considerable number of these come to hand from week to week, but very few can be described as prime, the greater part being light and badly flayed, and saleable at prices which must be disappointing to consignors. Heavy hides are scarce and in demand. Quotations for pood to best, 2d to 2£d ; extra heavy, 2^d to 3d ; medium, lsd to lsd ; inferior to medium, Id to l^d per lb. Tallow— A steady demand exists for both export and local consumption. Prime rendered mutcon, in snipping condition, is readily placed at from 19a to 21s Qd ; medium to good, 16a to 18a 6d ; inferior

to medium, 13s 6d to 15s 6d. Rough fat is readily taken up, best caul fetching 12s 9d to 13s 6d ; inferior to medium and good, 9a 6d to 12s 6d per cwt. Grain — Wheat : The business passing in this cereal at the present moment is within very small dimensions, buyers only purchasing from hand to mouth, just sufficient to keep moving till the new crop is available. For the bulk of the wheat now offering buyers are not disposed to give over 2a 6d. At the same tinae really prime, showing uo signs of sprout, would command 3d to 6J more, only in small lots, as there does not seem to be any desire to purchase for future requirements. The impression prevailing is that first-class wheat will be obtainable immediately after harvest at lower prices than have hitherto ruled. Quotations — For best milling, 2s 7d to 2a 9d ; extra prime, 33 ; medium to good. 2s 3d to 2s 6d ; inferior and whole fowl*' wheat, 2s to 2s 3d ; broken, Is 6d to Is lOd (ex store, sacks weighed in, terms). — Oats : The position of the market this week differs but little from that of the past. A moderate demand is experienced, but buyers are not in a speculative mood, and only purchase sufficient for present requirements. A good deal more business could be done, bat sellers,' ideas of values being somewhat beyond buyers' limits prevent the latter from operating to the extent that they undoubtedly would do if they could purchase at prices more in accordance with those now ruling at outside markets. Old 6tocks are pretty ntarly exhausted by this time, and most of the arrivals are being placed without much delay. On the whole, a very fair business is being done. Quotations — For best feed and mil tin?, Is 9d to Is lOd ; medium to good, Is 8d to Is 9J ; inferior, Is 7d to la 8d (ex store, sacks extra, net). — Barley : Old stocks have Ion? ago been cleared oat of first harjds, consequently no business of any importance h^s been done lately, and until the new comes on the market there will be no transactions of any moment. Quotatations, nominal — For prime full bright malting, 3s 9d to 4s ; medium to good, 3s 3 1 to 39 6J ; feed and milling, 2a 3a to 3s (ex store, sacks extra, terms). Grass Seed — A gooi deal more activity ia displayed in the tone of the market for ryegrass seed ; during the past week several parcels have changed hands, chiefly medium, anil at lower prices than those lately being quoted, but for prime seed off old pasture holders mean* time are not prepared to take leas than 3s 9i to 4j ; and for medium, 3s to 3s 6d ; ex store. Cocksfoot at the moment has little or no inquiry, quotations nominal, say for beat dressed, 3^ j to 3|d ; medium, 2d to 3d per lb. Potatoes— Tha supply during the past week was rather under than over, which caused a slightly better demand but made no difference in prices, which we quote for best loctl growa, L 6 to L 6 10s ; others, L 4 15s to L 5 15s per ton ; ex store, sacks weighed in. Chaff — Suopließ are light but sufficient for requirement?, which at this tima of the year arp never extensive. Prices remain as last week, say for really good bright and well cut, 52s 6 1 to 57s 6d ; medium, 45s to 50s ; inferior, 35s to 42s 6d per ton ; ex truck. Dairy Proiuce — Mincet quiet ; quo'ations unaltered. Flax — All to hand meet with fmr attention aod realising prices on a par with those lately quoted, which are for best, LlB 10s to Ll9 ; medium to good, Ll6 10a to LlB ; inferior to medium, Ll3 to Ll6 per ton. Messrs Stbonach Bros, and Morris report aB follows : — Shaepskine — We presented a moderate catalogue on Tuesday to the usual full attendance of buyers. All lots were well competed for, but puces ob aioed were a shade easier than those ruling last week We quote — Country dry crossbreds, inferior to medium, ls.6d, to 2a 9 I ; do do merino, Is 5J to 2s 8 1 ; full-woolled crosabreds, good 3s 4d to 4s 3i ; best, 4^ 4i to 6s 4d ; d> mennn, gwi, 3s to 3s 8J ; best, 3s 4d to 3s 7d ; dry pelts, 31 to la 4J ; green crossbred pelts, best, la 4d to Is 6d ; medium to good, la to Is 3d ; lambskins, la 31 to Is lOd each. Rabbitskina— There is no change to report for these. All coming forward are readily disposed of at full rates, quality considered. Quotations— Medium to good spring skins, 10i to Is ; summer, 7<i to

8J ; inferior and mixed, 6i to 7d ; snekers and half grown, 3d 1o 5d por lb. Hides — A steady demand is experienced for all coming forward. We quote— Good to best, 5d to 2id ; extra heavy, 2?d to 3d ; medium, l|d to lfd ; inferior, Id to l|d per lb. Tallow is in strong demand, all coming forward bniag rpa^ily placed at the following prices :— Beit rendered mutton, 193 to 20s 61 ; medium to good, 16s to 18a 6d ; inferior, 13s 6d to 15a 6d ; rou°h fat fbest mutton caul), 12s 9d to 13s 6d ; inferior to medium and good, 9s 6d to 12s 6d per cwt. Wheat — We can report no improvement in this market. The demand is extremely limited, and little or no business being done, millers confining their purchases to such lots as they occasionally require for mixing purposes. Fowl wheat is in little demand. Quotations—Best milling. 2s 7d to 2s 9J ; extra prime, a shade more ; medium to good, 2s 3d to 2s 6d ; inferior and whole fowls' wheat, 2s to 2s 3d ; broken, Is 6d to Is lOd (ex store, sacks weighed in). Oats— A fair demand exists, but buyers are not disposed to give prices lately quoted ; in consequence, very little business h«s been done during the wtek. We quote— For prime milling, Is 9Jd to Is lOJd ; best bright short feed, 1b 9d to Is lOd ; medium to good, Is 8d to la 9d ; inferior, Is 7d to Is 8d (ex store, sacks extra, net). Chaff— This still remains in good demand, and can be easily plaoed at the following prices :— For best, 52s 6d to 55s ; medium, 45s to 50s ; inferior, 35a to 42s 6d per ton. Messbs Donald Reid and Co. report as follows :— Wool— The third sale of this season's series will be held on Friday first, commencing punctually at 9 o'clock. Babbitsktns — At auction on Monday we submitted a small catalogue. Quality considered, prices were quite as high as have been ruling lately . Sheepskins— Our catalogue comprised all descriptions of skins, bat a large proportion were from country clients, and were in dry condition. Competition was brisk, but prices showed no improvement on those of tbe previous week. Green pelts sold at lid to Is 8d ; do lambs, Is to Is 8d ; dry crossbreds, 2s Id to 59 7d ; do merinos, Is 5d to 4s 5d ; do pelts and boggete, 4d to 2s 4d. Hides — Market unchanged. We quote— Prime heavy, 2A-d to 3d ; medium, 2d to 2^d ; light, l±d to lfd ; inferior, bulls, Id to Ud per lb ; calf skins, 6d to Is 6d each. Tallow — The demand continues good, and all lots are readily placed. Prime rendered, 18s to 20s ; medium, 15s to 17e ; inferior, 12s to 14s ; rough fat, 9s to 13s. Wheat. — The market continues very dull, and only a small amount of business is being done. We quote — Milling (prime), 2s 9d to 2s lOi ; do (medium), 2s 6d to 2s 8d : do (inferior), 2s 3d to 2s 5d : fowl wheat, Is lOd to 2s 2d. Oats. — Arrivals have been in excess of requirements during tbe week, and prices have weakened considerably. Milling, Is B£i to Is 9£d ; bright feed, Is 7£d to Is 8d ; discoloured, Is 6d to Is 7d. Potatoes— We quote — Prime L 6 toL6 15s ; medium, Lsto L 5 15a. Chaff — There is a steady demand for prime heavy oatsheaf. Inferior and light are dull of sale. Heavy oatßheaf, well cut, £2 15s to £2 17s 6d ; medium and light, £2 5s to £2 12s 6d. Mb F. Meenan, King street, reports :— Wholesale price— Oats : Is 7d to Is 9d (bags extra). Wheat (sacks included) : Milling, 2s 9d to 3s 3d, demand dull ; fowls', Is 9d to 2s 3d. Chaff : Inferior to medium, good supply, demand dull, £1 10 aOdto £2 5b Od ; prime up to £2 15s Od, good demand ; hay, oaten, quality inferior, demand dull, £2 10a to £3 09 ; ryegrass, £3 On, ot good quality. Potatoes, old, none ; new provincial kidneys, £6 0a Od. good demand ; impoited, £5 Oa oi. Flour : Roller, £8 10a tn £9 0s ; stone, £7 15s to £8 ss, demand quiet. Oatmeal, bulk, £8 10s ; 251b8, £9 0s to £9 10s. Butter, fresh, 7d to 9d ; potted, demand easier, 8d for prime. Eggs lOd per dtzen.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 15, 27 January 1893, Page 13

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Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 15, 27 January 1893, Page 13

Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 15, 27 January 1893, Page 13