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Serial Number 1940/321.

GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of December, 1940.

Present: The Right Hon. P. Fraser presiding in Council. Pursuant to section 13 of the Finance Act (No. 2), 1940, as amended by section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations with respect to the right conferred by the said sections on contributors to any Government superannuation fund to elect to surrender portion of the retiring-allowances to which they would be entitled on retirement in order to provide for the payment after their death of annuities to their surviving widows or approved dependants.

REGULATIONS. V 1. These regulations may be cited as the Government Superannuation Funds (Annuities for Dependants) Regulations 1940.

- Definitions. 2. (1) In these regulations— Contributor includes a retired contributor who is entitled to make an election in accordance with the said section : “Nominated annuitant”, in relation to a contributor, means the person (being his wife or an approved dependant) in whose favour an election is made by the contributor in accordance with these regulations, and includes the person nominated by the contributor in his request for particulars to enable him to make an election, whether or not he afterwards decides to make an election : - “ The said section ” means section 13 of the Finance Act (No. 2), 1940, as amended by section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940.

(2) Where a contributor to whom these regulations relate is a married woman, references therein to the wife of the contributor shall be read as references to the husband of the contributor.

Procedure prior to the Making of Elections by Contributors.

3. (1) Any contributor to a Government superannuation fund may, at any time after he has become entitled to make an election under the said section, request the Board to ascertain the amount of the annuity that would be provided after his death for the benefit of his wife or an approved dependant, for every pound of his retiringallowance that he may elect to surrender in order to provide for such annuity. It shall not be necessary in any such request to specify the amount that the contributor may be prepared to surrender in the event of his making an election.


(2) Every request under this clause shall be in writing addressed to the appropriate Board, and shall state (a) The date of birth of the contributor : (b) The date of his retirement or the date fixed for his retirement, as the case may be, or, in the case of a contributor who, though not about to retire, is entitled to make an election by virtue of section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940, the date on which he would have been entitled to retire on a retiring-allowance if he had given the required notice of intention to retire: (c) The name and the date of birth of his wife or other dependant in whose favour any election that he may decide to make will be made : (d) The name of the medical practitioner (if any) whom the contributor nominates for the purposes of his medical examination in accordance with clause 4 hereof. (3) Every such request shall be accompanied by a certificate of the date of birth of the nominated annuitant, or by such other evidence as the Board may require of the age of the nominated annuitant. (4) On receipt of a request by a contributor, in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this clause, the Board shall cause the necessary actuarial computations to be made by the Government Actuary. (5) In making his computations the Government Actuary shall take into account the possibility of the contributor surviving his wife or other nominated annuitant, and shall furnish to the Board particulars showing separately (a) The amount of the annuity that would be provided (in the event of the nominated annuitant surviving the contributor) for every pound of retiring-allowance that the contributor may elect to surrender immediately ; and (b) The amount or the additional amount, as the case may be, of the annuity that would be provided (in the event of the nominated annuitant surviving the contributor) for every pound or additional pound of retiring-allowance that the contributor may (in the event of the contributor surviving the nominated annuitant) elect to surrender upon the death of the nominated annuitant. (6) Forthwith on receipt from the Government Actuary of the necessary particulars, the Board shall advise the contributor in writing of the terms on which he can make an election. (7) Whore in his request the contributor nominates a person other than his wife as the nominated annuitant, the Board shall, in its advice to the contributor, state whether or not the person so nominated is approved by the Board for the purposes of any election that he may decide to make. No election shall be made in favour of any such nominated annuitant so as to provide a rate of annuity in excess of the rate of the retiring-allowance retained by the contributor. (8) The Board shall also, in its advice to the contributor, nominate a registered medical practitioner to whom the contributor, in the event of his deciding to make an election, must submit himself for medical examination. The medical practitioner nominated by the Board may be the medical practitioner nominated by the contributor, or any other medical practitioner. Medical Examination of Contributors. 4. (1) Except as provided in subsection (5) of section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940, no election under these regulations shall be considered by the Board unless and until it has received a certificate as to the condition of the contributor’s health from the medical practitioner nominated by the Board for the purpose ; or, where the contributor has nominated another medical practitioner, unless and until it has received a joint certificate or separate certificates from the medical practitioners nominated respectively by the Board and the contributor.

(2) If the Board or the contributor is not satisfied with any such medical certificate the Board may, and if so requested by the contributor shall, require the contributor to submit himself for examination to another medical practitioner nominated by the Board for the purpose.

(3) Where the Board requires any further medical examination of the contributor in accordance with the last preceding subclause, the cost thereof shall be paid out of the appropriate fund. In all other cases, the expenses involved in obtaining any medical certificate for the purposes of these regulations shall be borne by the contributor. (4) Every medical certificate given for the purposes of these regulations shall be in the form No. 1 in the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof.

5. (1) Where, in accordance with the said section and these regulations, a contributor is required to submit himself for medical examination, no election shall be accepted by the Board unless it is

satisfied, in accordance with a medical certificate received as aforesaid, that the health of the contributor, having regard to his age, is satisfactory and that there is no definite evidence of any condition likely to reduce his normal expectation of life. (2) If the Board, in accordance with the medical evidence, decides to reject any election, its decision shall be final. Elections by Contributors. 6. (1) Every election made by a contributor in accordance with these regulations shall be in writing in the form No. 2 or the form No. 3 in the Schedule hereto, as the case may require. (2) Except as provided in subsection (6) of section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940, any election made in accordance with these regulations may be revoked by a contributor at any time before his retirement, or at any time after his retirement and before any instalment of his retiring-allowance or of his reduced retiring-allowance, as the case may be, has been paid. (3) If a contributor, having made an election under these regulations, dies before the date fixed for his retirement, or if the wife or approved dependant in whose favour an election has been made under these regulations dies before or after the retirement of the contributor and before the first instalment of his retiring-allowance or of his reduced retiring-allowance, as the case may be, has been paid, the election shall, except in cases to which subsection (6) of section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940, applies, be deemed to have been revoked. (4) The revocation of an election by a contributor shall not debar the contributor from making a fresh election within the time limited by the said section or by section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940.

SCHEDULE. Medical Certificate. [Form No. 1. I (We) hereby certify that on the day of 19.., I (we) examined Name of contributor of a contributor to the Superannuation Fund, and that lam [We are ] of opinion that, having regard to his age, his health is [is not] satisfactory, and that there is no definite evidence of any condition likely to reduce his normal expectation of life, or [as the case may require] there is definite evidence of a condition likely to reduce his normal expectation of life. Dated at , this ........ day of 19.. [Signaturef s) of Medical Practitioner(s).]

[Form No. 2. Election by Contributor to the Superannuation Fund to SURRENDER IMMEDIATELY PORTION OF HIS RETIRING - ALLOWANCE IN CONSIDERATION of the Payment of an Annuity to his Widow or Approved Dependant. To the Secretary, Superannuation Board, Wellington. Pursuant to section 13 of the Finance Act (No. 2), 1940, as amended by section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940, and to the regulations thereunder, I, the undersigned, do hereby elect to surrender the sum of £ per annum, being portion of the retiring-allowance to which I am entitled as a contributor to the Superannuation Fund, in consideration of the payment after my death to [Name in full and description of nominee of an amount to be computed in accordance with the terms of your advice dated the day of fin the event of the nominated annuitant predeceasing me, I also elect that my retiring-allowance shall continue without further reduction after the death of the nominated annuitant Or, — In the event of the nominated annuitant predeceasing me, I also elect that my retiring-allowance shall be further reduced on the death of the nominated annuitant by £ per annum. Dated at , this day of , 19.. [Signature of Contributor.] * Here state whether nominated annuitant is the wife or husband, or approved dependant of contributor. t Contributor to strike out alternative that he does not elect to adopt.

[Form No. 3. Contingent Election by Contributor to the Superannuation Fund to surrender Portion of his Retiring-allowance on the Death of his Wife or other Approved Dependant. To the Secretary, Superannuation Board, Wellington. Pursuant to section 13 of the Finance Act (No. 2), 1940, as amended by section 16 of the Finance Act (No. 4), 1940, and to the regulations thereunder, I, the undersigned, do hereby elect that, in the event of my surviving [Name in full and description of nominee]*, I will, as from the date of her death, surrender the sum of £ per annum, being portion of my retiring-allowance from the Superannuation Fund, in consideration of the payment to her in the event of her surviving me, of an annuity computed in accordance with the terms of your advice dated the day of , 19 .. Dated at , this day of 19.. [Signature of Contributor.] * Here state whether nominated annuitant 13 the wife or husband, or approved dependant of contributor. 0. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Serial Number 1940/325.


GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of December, 1940.

Present: The Right Hon. P. Fraser presiding in Council

Pursuant to section 12 of the Domestic Proceedings Act, 1939, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, make the following Order.

ORDER. 1. This Order may be cited as the Destitute Persons (Crown Servants) Attachment Order 1940. 2. This Order shall come into force on the day following notification in the Gazette of the making hereof. 3. In this Order, unless inconsistent with the context, — “ Servant of the Crown ” means any person in the service of His Majesty in respect of the Government of New Zealand, other than honorary service, and includes temporary and casual employees but excludes persons serving in any of the armed forces of the Crown : “ Employing Department ” means a Department of State in which a person is for the time being engaged. 4. The provisions of section 43 of the Destitute Persons Act, 1910, as extended by section 11 of the Domestic Proceedings Act, 1939, shall bind the Crown to the extent and subject to the conditions hereinafter set out. 5. An attachment order made under subsection (2) of section 43 of the Destitute Persons Act, 1910, may, in proceedings in which the defendant is a servant of the Crown, be made against the Crown as employer: Provided that in any such case the employing Department shall be named in the order as the employer. 6. Service of an order so made shall be effected on the Permanent Head of the employing Department, and if the defendant is a temporary or casual employee of the Crown shall also be effected on the local paying officer. 7. Service of an order so made may be effected either as provided by subsection (3) of section 43 of the Destitute Persons Act, 1910, or by sending the same by registered-post letter addressed to the person to be served, and in the address of any such letter it shall be sufficient to describe the person to be served by his official title or any sufficient description without his personal name. 8. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, the Crown shall not be liable to pay twice in respect of the same services, and accordingly the Crown may, notwithstanding the making and service of an attachment order as aforesaid, be entitled to make directly to or to the order of a servant of the Crown any payment affected by such attachment order, and the receipt of the person to whom payment is so made shall be a sufficient discharge therefor to the same extent as if no such attachment order had been made. 9. Where a retiring-allowance in respect of which an attachment order is made under section 11 of the Domestic Proceedings Act, 1939, is payable in New Zealand out of the Consolidated Fund, the attachment order shall be served on the Paymaster-General, and shall take effect so as to commence to bind the moneys so payable upon the expiration of fourteen clear days after the date of service ; and clause 7 of this Order shall apply to such service. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.





E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.

of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. Roberts @ Motu George William Arthur Houhora 14/12/40 obscene fined Maori gumdigger . 1918 ft. 8 copper . black brown . large right thigh mole jaw on ; Helensville 9/12/40 of Regulations gency fined N. storekeeper 1906 6 0| fair fair hazel medium. p. on p. Hartley, . Auckland 1/7/40 selling license fined Maori labourer 1918 5 9 copper . black brown . medium 6/12/40 license fined without liquor selling disNicholson, Harvey, Auckland charges) charged * V * 1/7/40 liquor fined Zealand andsalesman 1911 5 9 fresh black brown large p. Nichols Martin, 6/12/40 license fined mechanic without license liquor selling convicted (3 charges) charged the privy convicted IreneGollan, lawful sale of liquor (4 charges) charged Auckland lawful sale of liquor (4 charges) charged 6/12/40 license liquor fined N. shop1916 5 5 fresh auburn blue prominent liquor and assistant Elizabeth Bennett, Auckland charges) charged 6/12/40 selling liquor without license fined £2 N. Zealand domestic 1908 5 8 dark black brown .. medium 6/12/40 selling liquor without license fined £2 N. Zealand. domestic 1908 5 8 dark black brown .. medium McNeil, .. Auckland 6/12/40 pretences 1 year’s probation Zealand jockey ex- . 1910 5 1 fresh brown grey . medium tip missing. (See p. William James Auckland 6/12/40 obscene language fined N. fireman 1894 5 n fair brown blue medium. 73.) See 114. Green, Franz, Joseph Green, Josef Franz Auckland 6/12/40 language fined N. fireman ship’s 1912 5 fresh light brown brown .. medium.. Woman’s head, cards, &c., on right upper arm ; clasped hands, ship, and rose on left upper 00 fresh light brown brown .. medium.. Woman’s head, cards, &c., on right upper arm ; clasped hands, ship, and rose on left upper arm ; sailing-ship, heart, and MARGE, &c., on left forearm ; two stars on back of left 1 arm ; sailing-ship, heart, and MARGE, &c., on left forearm ; two stars on back of left Robert David, @ Robert Auckland 9/12/40 unlawfully converting motor-car probation N. Zealand motor-driver 1911 5 6 fresh black blue medium hand. p. 1940, p. Stanley Auckland 9/12/40 converting 1 probation Zealand labourer 1908 5 6£ fair brown blue medium, of Devine, James, @ Brady Auckland 10/12/40 motor-car theft . years’ . Eire painter 1904 5 7 fresh brown brown . pointed medium Auckland, and on on forearm and ; lump p. 'Cassidy, Benjamin Ben Auckland 10/12/40 theft 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 9 copper .. black brown .. flat p. 69.) A half-caste Maori; scar on right forearm (See P.G., 1940, p. 79, and Photos, 1939, Murfitt, Percy Auckland 11/12/40 idle and disorderly (in1 month N. Zealand showman .. 1896 5 6 dark dark brown grev medium.. p. 68.) Scar on left forefinger and knee. (See P.G., Selwyn, Victor AucklandAuckland 10/12/406/12/40 theft .sufficient means) 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 9 copper .. black brown .. flat p. 69.) A half-caste Maori; scar on right forearm (See P.G., 1940, p. 79. and Photos, 1939, P-68.) Scar on left forefinger and knee. (See P.G., 1940, p. 956.) A half-caste Maori. — obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1919 5 84 dark black brown .. medium.. 1940, p. 956.) A half-caste Maori. AucklandAuckland 11/12/406/12/40 idle (in1 month fined £2 N. Zealand N. Zealand showman .. labourer ... 1896 1919 5 5 6 84 dark dark dark brown black grey brown .. medium.. medium.. obscene language

Return of Persons summarily convicted.

Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Hindhaugh, Bradley Auckland 6/12/40 (Social statement 1 year's probation England .. labourer 1908 ft. in. 5 4 dark dark brown hazel .. medium Act)Security 1 year’s probation England .’. labourer 1908 ft. in. 5 4 dark dark brown hazel .. medium convicted and disfalse convicted and dis(11 charged fresh Spencer Auckland 6/12/40 (2establishing fined on Zealand baker 1895 11 light brown blue medium fresh light brown blue medium charges) using fined £5 con- place of liquor fined sale keeping -license no liquor selling charges) application to on each Rein- Richard Schreier, Auckland 12/12/40 fined Germany . labourer 1877 5 dark grey brown . short on pierced Peterson, hold, (Aliens registration for and ; ReynoldsRichard Regulations) 1924, (See p. Alexander George Auckland 12/12/40 ship-desertion to England steward 1912 9 fresh brown light grey . medium on ; 1 barman left side of face. year 1 year’s probation barman left side of face. KeithSankey, Auckland 12/12/40 theft N. Zealand labourer 1919 5 4-J-fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on right forearm; small cysts on left side of neck. F.P. 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1919 5 4£ fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on right forearm; small cysts on left side of neck. F.P. Mont- Arthur, Auckland 12/12/40 theft 1 year England seaman 1920 5 fresh brown grey medium. forehead on Tony, gomery, Frederick Arthur Institution on and on at FrankMitchell. Auckland 12/12/40 theft fined £10 Zealand labourer 1893 4 5 fresh brown, brown . medium F.P. grey Te Rangi Auckland 12/12/40 theft in Maori labourer 1918 Bi copper . black, wavy brown .. long Bones hand fingers in the Institution and at 13/12/40 p. charged Bert Auckland 12/12/40 packet 1 N. clerk 1909 5 fresh brown hazel medium on right charges) at 7/12/40. 450.) p. Reid William Reed, Auckland 13/12/40 mischief days 14 Zealand N. labourer 1879 5 fresh grey brown medium. Scar and eye. ' bootmaker P.G., 1938, p. 695.) t 4 *■ bootmaker P.G., 1938, p. 695.) Justin Waihi 11/12/40 charges) . admonished on Zealand motor 1923 64 5 fresh brown light blue medium each mechanic Gordon, Waihi 11/12/40 charges) . on Zealand N. motor 1924 5 9 dark dark brown . medium each mechanic Johnny Waihi 11/12/40 fighting fined £5 Maori labourer 1912 5 9 copper .. black, curly brown .. medium fighting to pay costs broad .. 2 p.c. Scar on right shin ; lame on left leg. fighting fined £5 to pav costs Maori labourer 1912 5 9 copper .. black, curly brown . • medium Jacob or Waihi 11/12/40 fined £5 Maori labourer 1914 5 9 copper .. black brown .. broad .. 2 p.c. Scar on right shin; lame on left leg. fighting fined to pay (See P.G., 1934, p. 32, and Photos, p. 12.) Maori labourer 1914 5 9 copper .. black brown .. threatening behaviour to pav costs (See P.G., 1934, p. 32, and Photos, p. 12.) Tuarea ..Pungarehu Waihi 1 assault . fined Maori labourer 1910 11 copper black brown medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

* Offender. Name Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing &c. 12/13/40 retired'black1885 ft. in. brown,—turnhazel — —- liilBu • .■ -Nr-Zealand o u J •medium • • "smith-* ing grey 1 12/13740carry mg on -business of bookretired blackft in. i\. Zealand lOOt) 6£ iresn tt -naze! -. "■smith--! ing grey George, Casey, Rotorua 10/12/40 disorderly idle months Zealand bushman 1886 7 fresh brown, turnbrown .'. medium.. Butterfly, star, and crossed swords on left 7 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium.. Butterfly, star, and crossed swords on left Kasey, Kasseybaum sufficient means) ing grey bust on knee. (See p. @ George, T u Waipiro Bay 10/12/40 unlawfully converting to come up if Maori labourer 1919 5 4 copper .. black, curly brown .. flat Right ring-finger crooked ; scars on right Te Karaka horse called on in 1 forearm. (See P.G., 1938, p. 261.) Waipiro Bay 10/12/40 unlawfully converting to come up if Maori labourer 1919 5 4 copper .. black, curly brown .. flat Right ring-finger crooked ; scars on right horse called on in 1 forearm. (See P.G., 1938, p. 261.) @ Gisborne 3/12/40 assault year ifto up Maori domestic 1889 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Mole on right side of nose. 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Mole on l ight side of nose. called 1 year GeorgeMoyes, Gisborne 14/12/40 idle 3 Zealand labourer 1891 10 fresh light brown grey .. medium.. Small scar on knee. (See P.G., 1940, p. 658.) 10 fresh light brown grey .. medium.. Small scar on knee. (See P.G., 1940, p. 658.) sufficient means) Arnold George Taumarunui 16/12/40 false fined Zealand labourer 1917 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Woman’s head on right forearm ; large mouth ; stammers slightly. 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Woman’s head on right forearm ; large mouth ; stammers slightly. @ Mohi Tokaanu 2/12/40 and fined Maori labourer 1913 11 copper .. black brown .. flat Mole above left eye. (See P.G., 1938, p. 546.) 11 copper .. black brown .. fiat Mole above left eye. (See P.G., 1938, p. 546.) Rawhara obscene fined police fined Scar on right side of groin. (See P.G., 1940, @ Richard John, Tokaanu 13/12/40 incorrigible 9 (cumuZealand labourer 1909 5 fresh brown brown . medium Scar on right side of groin. (See P.G., 1940, William- (a), Williams, custody) from lative with p. son, senDick tence) Wansborough, Jack Raetihi 10/12/40 keeping fined Zealand bookmaker 1901 8 dark brown hazel .. large See P.G., 1939, p. 724. 8 dark brown hazel .. large See P.G., 1939, p. 724. Gustave Kindberg, Raetihi 10/12/40 in gaming-house fined Zealand labourer 1881 6 fresh grey blue thick Gunshot wounds on right hip and thigh. 0 fresh grey blue thick Gunshot wounds on right hip and thigh. John Raetihi 10/12/40 gaming-house found fined Zealand farmer 1918 11 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Mole over left eye. 11 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Mole over left eye. Thomas . Raetihi 10/12/40 in fined Tasmania . labourer 1885 85 dark greyish black brown .. medium.. Little toe on left foot amputated. 8 dark greyish black brown .. medium.. Little toe on left foot amputated. King, Raetihi 10/12/40 gaming-house fined Zealand labourer 1898 5 5 dark dark hazel .. medium.. Left middle finger bent. 5 dark dark hazel .. medium.. Left middle finger bent. John Raetihi 10/12/40 gaming-house fined Australia . car-painter 1898 5 dark dark brown .. medium.. Ruptured on left side ; small scar on left side of neck. 00 •cfdark dark brown .. medium.. Ruptured on left side ; small scar on left side of neck. Maurice Rongonui, Raetihi 10/12/40 theft to Maori labourer 1921 10 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scars on forearms, on back of right hand, and 10 copper .. black brown .. broad Scars on forearms, on back of right hand, and in on 6 forehead. on (See months p. George Raetihi 10/12/40 theft fined Zealand hand mill 1898 5 fresh dark grey .. dented .. Left big toe amputated. 4 fresh dark grey .. dented .. Left big toe amputated. Leo Napier 26/11/40 without premises convicted Zealand wharf 1875 5 fresh grey, going blue medium.. Scar on right side of forehead. 10 fresh grey, going blue medium.. Scar on right side of forehead. intent charged to supervision of labourer bald Moananui Karal . intent charged to supervision of labourer bald Hastings 3/12/40 theft Maori labourer 1925 61 copper dark brown medium left Welfare 1 year left faint ;

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Oifende?. of Where tried. When. Oflence. Sentence; • : • v;) • ’ Native of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. — Oflance, • !. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eye*. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Jto. Toa Poke, Hastings 10/12/40 converting unlawfully motor-car month 1 Maori labourer 1919 ft. in. 7 copper .. black brown .. broad Faint scar on left forearm. in. 7 copper .. black brown .. broad Faint scar on left forearm. no fined fair John Wilfred Gray, Taihape 9/12/40 obscene fined N. Zealand motor-driver 1919 6 0£ fair blue medium o* fair fair blue medium i a Oswald, Taihape 16/12/40 theft months N. andlabourer linesman 1904 5 fresh dark, turning grey blue .. medium.. Scar on right knee, on back of right hand, and on upper lip ; portion of right middle and n fresh dark, turning grey blue .. medium. . Scar on right knee, on back of right hand, and on upper lip ; portion of right middle and Richard p. ancl Photos, p. @ Archibald, Cameron, @ Jack, Cameron, Wanganui 9/12/40 false pretences .. 3 years’ probation from 2/12/40 N. Zealand shepherd 1905 6 0i dark dark brown .. medium.. Strong build ; sear on left forearm, on thumb, and on right forefinger. (See P.G., 1941, KeithCameron, p. 12, and photos, 1936, p. 1.) Wanganui 9/12/40 false pretences 3 years’ probation from 2/12/40 N. Zealand shepherd 1905 6 oi dark dark brown .. medium.. Strong build; scar on left forearm, on thumb, and on right forefinger. (See P.G., 1941, 2>. 12, and photos, 1936, p. 1.) John Foxton 13/12/40 assault . fined Australia dealer 1882 0 fresh brown, turnhazel .. medium 0 fresh brown, turnhazel .. medium ley mg Austin Philip Selwyn, Levin 20/12/40 charges) theft . month each 1 on Wales labourer 1887 6i 5 fresh black, going bald blue medium.. See P.G., 1941, p. 30. 6± fresh black, going blue medium.. See P.G., 1941, p. 30. Victor Albert Boyd, Masterton 18/12/40 unlawfully weeks N. andlabourer 1907 8 fresh fair blue medium.. Cleft in chin ; scar on right forefinger ; left 8 fresh fair blue medium.. Cleft in chin ; scar on right forefinger; left motor-car chimney- ; mischief to damage door)garage theft damage sweep p. Ernest Upper . . 13/12/40 ifto up N. labourer 1897 5 dark black grey .. wide A half-caste Maori ; mole on upper lip ; scar Si dark black grey .. wide A half-caste Maori; mole on upper lip ; sear in left eves, months p. Thomas Clyma, Upper 13/12/40 language fined Zealand carpenter 1915 65 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Thin features ; scar on right shin. 6 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Thin features ; sear on right shin. Frank Upper . 13/12/40 theft . fined England . fitter soldier 1887 5 fresh black, turning grey brown .. medium.. Stout build; small scar on left side ; small scars on left calf. Si fresh black, turning grey brown .. medium.. Stout build ; small scar on left side ; small scars on left calf. Thomas Boon, Lower 12/12/40 of in charge fined £15, Zealand N. plumber 1887 8 fresh brown, turnblue medium 8 fresh brown, turnblue medium motor-vehicle endorsed, and mg grey disqualified from driving months 4 mg grey Charles Leo Wellington 12/12/40 theft entering, to Zealand labourer 1924 0 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Slight build ; scar on inside of left forearm; 0 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Slight build ; scar on inside of left forearm ; (19 ; entering and mischief with ; theft and charges); charges) and Welfare Superintendent wears NoelJones, Wellington . 12/12/40 to Zealand salesman 1924 10 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Scars under chin ; operation-scar on abdomen. 10 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Scars under chin ; operation-scar on abdomen. ; SuperF.P. charges) (4 intendent hand fresh dark F.P. Victor Wellington 12/12/40 theft and breaking, ofto supervision N. 1924 0 hazel .. — 0 dark hazel .. — F.P. charges) Welfare for 1 each on year \ Vi V ' ; f; ! '

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, James . Wellington 12/12/40 and entering, of to Zealand postal 1924 ft. 8 fair fair blue F.P. attempted Welfare Supermessenger and and intendent damage breaking, entering, and Welfare Superintendent messenger Lewis George Martin Rings, Wellington . damage 12/12/40 to supervision of N. Zealand factory hand 1926 5 7 dark dark brown .. F.P. breaking, and entering, of supervision Welfare N. Zealand factory hand 1926 5 7 dark dark brown .. — F.P. and attempted Welfare Officer 1 year on each breaking and entering Officer for 1 year on each Ian Pearson, Wellington 12/12/40 and of to Zealand N. student 1924 5 dark dark hazel — F.P. Wellington . and Welfare for 1 each ' Ray 18/12/40 theft months 6 Zealand mechanic . 1914 5 fresh black hazel . medium and 1929, upper 17/5/40 theft 1 year’s probation arm ; eagle on right forearm ; scar on back of left hand. F.P. Frederick Price, Wellington 17/5/4019/12/40 false pretences 1 month N. Zealand motor 1906 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. Small features. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 468, mechanic and Photos, 1927, p. 13.) theft 1 year’s probation arm ; eagle on right forearm ; scar on back of left hand. F.P. 19/12/40 false pretences 1 month N. Zealand motor 1906 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. Small features. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 468, mechanic and Photos, 1927, p. 13.) * electri- and cian Stuart Lyn Wellington . 20/12/40 theft 1 probation Zealand clerk 1920 10 fresh brown blue medium.. Operation-scar on James Cavanagh, Wellington 20/12/40 premises on ifto up England . and 1901 5 fresh brown grey . medium. Two intent 3 fireman ship’s J. on Wellington . months of ; right hand. p. John 20/12/40 without on ifto come up Zealand brickmaker 1882 2* 5 dark dark brown brown . medium. Woman, butterfly intent in 3 months p. Emil Nilssen, Wellington . 13/12/40 mischief damage to pay . Sweden seaman 1896 9 dark black grey medium John Gilbertson, Wellington . 13/12/40 suicideattempted ifto Australia labourer 1892 5 dark dark hazel medium. Scars forearm. on right 3 in months Stanley Wellington 14/12/40 theft come up Zealand slaughterman 1916 9 fresh fair blue medium. Scar back of right in months Michael Smith, Wellington . 14/12/40 ship-desertion and Wales seaman 1921 o 7£ pale light brown.. blue medium.. F.P. placed on ship fined £2 Wales seaman 1921 5 7£ pale light brown.. blue medium.. F.P. Reginald . Wellington placed on ship 16/12/40 language Wales seaman 1914 5 84 fresh fair, curly .. brown .. medium fined £2 Wales seaman 1914 5 84 fresh fair, curly .. brown .. medium Daniel, Wellington . 16/12/40 obscene language fined Wales seaman 1929 84 fresh brown brown medium. Black mark eye. Grant, Irvine Wellington 16/12/40 languageobscene . fined Zealand taxi-driver 1916 6 fresh dark grey . medium John James assault . fined £5 Wellington 16/12/40 attempting month Zealand labourer 1917 65 fair fair blue medium. p. convert 53.) p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Same Where tried. When. O Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. *3 3 © Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. a M P « Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Harks, &o. Ah (a Wellington 16/12/40 premises fined China laundryman 1893 in. 5 sallow . black brown medium. (See Chung Gae @ Joe Bolton, James opium smoking 157.) p. Wellington . 16/12/40 assault . fined £2 N. grocer 1911 9 dark dark brown medium. on upper window damage to carriage Clasped hands ; heart and woman’s bust on John carriage Clasped hands ; heart and woman’s bust on Wellington . 17/12/40 language fined England . labourer 1896 31 5 fresh fair blue short IN tombstone, MOTHER MY onMEMORY leg. on right Photos, p. p. Watson Wellington . 20/12/40 fighting fined England seaman 1918 9 dark dark hazel medium Cornelius Wellington 20/12/40 fighting fined £1 Eire slaughterman 1895 4 fresh brown hazel . medium James Wellington . 20/12/40 stolen .receiving year’s probation Zealand labourer 1922 7 fresh dark hazel . medium. of ; right i" II- thigh. Patrick Wellington . 20/12/40 stolen . property to Zealand labourer 1924 5 fresh dark brown . medium . head dagger Superpierced ; intendent and on heart, William . Carpenter, Takaka 10/12/40 theft 1 N. Zealand electrician . 1901 10 fresh dark brown brown . medium Bertram, Roy Nelson 13/12/40 pane ifto N. Zealand factory 1920 9 pale brown blue medium. left ; glass called 1 and of p. year 39.) p. of procuring fined permit Buchanan, . Nelson 13/12/40 of pane ofto Zealand blacksmith’s 1924 7 fresh brown hazel medium. growing (not gazetted). and Child Welfare apprentice on unusually of possession Officer 1 permit each year on A Stewart, William @ Nelson 13/12/40 converting in N. labourer 1923 5 dark black brown . medium . William Stewart Tipene, motor-truck Institution 747.) p. Ralph Westport 18/12/40 gaming-house fined N. billiard-room 1887 5 fresh brown, hazel medium . See 1934, p. proprietor grey WilfredHainsworth, Westport 18/12/40 of fined Australia . billiard1901 111 fresh going brown . medium gaming-house marker bald Higgins, . Westport 18/12/40 gaming-house keeping fined N. billiard-room 1883 8 dark dark, turning blue medium . See 1927, p. proprietor grey Irene Ryan, Westport 18/12/40 gaming-house keeping fined £20 Zealand married 1898 81 fresh fair blue medium Potter, George Westport 18/12/40 theft 1 probation England . foreman 1897 11 fresh brown brown . medium left tattoo- on and

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

of Name Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. &c. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. G O « Height. Complexion. Hair. Eye3. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. &c. D’Arcy Greymouth 16/12/40 of convicted and disZealand motor 1914 ft. in. 9 dark dark brown medium hand on right charged mechanic lip neck. and p. Walter Culverden 21/11/40 assault .. fined Zealand tractor-driver 1923 5 8 swarthy black brown medium. back on ring-finger. WilliamMacBrayne, Christchurch 9/12/40 in of license fined £20, Scotland . butcher 1892 5 7 fresh fair blue medium motor-car endorsed, disqualified driving 14 years Leonard Christchurch 9/12/40 intoxicated charge of fined license £20, N. Zealand builder 1888 5 6 sallow . grey brown . medium Thin ; right motor-car andendorsed, operation-scar on left side of abdomen. disqualified from driving for 14 years operation-scar on left side of abdomen. - disqualified from driving for 1£ years Ronald Christchurch 12/12/40 attempted if N. Zealand clerk 1923 6 0 fresh brown brown . medium knee. right on years Lamb, Christchurch 14/12/40 theft fined Zealand hosiery 1923 5 9 fresh brown brown medium mechanic Henry Christchurch 14/12/40 theft if Zealand labourer 1917 5 84 dark dark brown medium. elbow. ; Slight 1 year theft and charged - Bell, Joseph, Bell, Ashburton 13/12/40 disorderly 1 Zealand labourer 1881 5 H fresh grey blue medium and on on; forefinger Thomas Hiram, (insufficient means) of body. p. p. Jack Agnar, Ashburton 16/12/40 illegally on month Sweden and 1890 5 8 dark, black, turning grey . medium of left ; Julius Hansen, @ intent bushman florid grey neck right right broken. (See p. 18.) p. Willis, Henry Temuka 10/12/40 receiving property if Maori labourer 1900 5 5 copper . black brown . medium. eye. 1 1936, p. 27.) year Eire labourer and 1936, p. 27.) James, @ Dunedin 9/12/40 assault month 1 1894 5 84 fresh grey blue medium.. Small scar on left side of head ; scar on nose Eire labourer and 1894 5 GO fresh grey blue medium.. Small scar on left side of head ; scar on nose @ seaman and (See 1941, p. Audrey Wilma Dunedin 11/12/40 theft months’ probaZealand domestic 1920 5 5 fresh brown brown . medium. Operation-scar abdomen. tion Dunedin, (See p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

of Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Horn. Height.| Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing &n. to supervision of Child Welfare N. Zealand apprentice jockey 1923 ft. in. fresh brown hazel .. Scar on left calf. F.P. John Dunedin 16/12/40 theft 5 1 medium.. of supervision to Officer for Child Welfare N. Zealand apprentice jockey 1923 ft 5 in. 1 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on left calf. F.P. Officer for 2 years 1 year’s R.D. .. McGee John Guyton, Dunedin 17/12/40 converting N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 4* fair fair blue medium.. Two scars on abdomen and on left forefinger. 1 year’s R.D. N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 4* fair fair blue medium.. Two scars on abdomen and on left forefinger. motor-car p. converting and p. motor-car charged 1 . Daniel Dunedin 17/12/40 converting unlawfully Zealand labourer 1918 5 fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, 17/12/40. (See P.G. 5h fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, 17/12/40. (See P.G. motor-car p. unlawfully convicted and charges) charged on Thomas Dunedin 19/12/40 theft months Zealand bootmaker . 1883 5 3 fresh brown, turnbrown medium. Dunedin, Photo at ing grey (See p. Sydney Dunedin 19/12/40 theft month Zealand bootmaker 1904 5 H fresh dark blue broken . F.P. Photo Dunedin, 19/12/40. DickNobilo, Gore 9/12/40 for fined Yugoslavia restaurateur 1907 5 7 fresh brown hazel medium. p. no-license James Invercargill . . 13/12/40 charges) and disZealand labourer 1920 5 Si sallow light brown grey medium. 1937, p. on p. theft in Institution

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

of tried. When. Offenoe. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. discharged. Convictions. and ind that taken.) Auckland— Laurence Paulsen, Rotorua . 31/10/40 default 28 days Zealand hand . 1908 in. 8 fresh brown blue medium. 9/12/40 ; William Frederick, Ellis, M.C. .. 9/12/37 false . years’ . N. labourer 1895 5 sallow . brown blue-grey medium.. 9/12/40 of and ring (See 12/11/40. and p. p. forehead, right on Frank, @ @ Wilson, Riches Thomas Stanley, Waverley New Plymouth M.C. Auckland 8/12/37 20/12/37 7/6/40 on racecourse charges) subversivepublishing days 7 each 3 and license can- ary celled 9 England . trade union 1887 Gi 5 fresh brown, turnblue medium. 10/12/40 F.P. back on chin, prohibited. p. 75.) p. of Large ; Meads, M.C.Tokaanu 12/9/40 statement theft 3 N. secretary labourer 1919 10 copper grey black brown medium.. 11/12/40 license. on p. Maori A half-caste right Leonard, Auckland 25/10/40 unlawfully to Sweden engineer 1913 5 pale fair blue medium. . 13/12/40 (See right ; @ Frederick Auckland 18/10/40 Zealand theft . deportation months N. pensioner 1873 5 fresh grey blue medium. 17/12/40 ball right knee, (See lip. 1940, p. left and ladder, Thomas Riley, Auckland 18/11/40 ship-desertion .. 1 England . seaman 1902 4 dark black brown . medium, 17/12/40 on ; upper left forearm ring on ; 1940, forehead. (See 884.) p. left Black 1 eye. Osborne, Auckland 18/11/40 ship-desertion 1 Eire seaman 1892 6 sallow brown, blue broken medium.. 17/12/40 (See p. side 1 right Operation-scar Jones, Auckland 18/11/40 board on entering month 1 Wales labourer 1914 10 fresh grey black brown . medium.. 17/12/40 ; on ; hands on hand. p. Clasped William Auckland 18/11/40 (Ship- permit Emergency ping Regulations) and 1 N. seaman 1918 94 fair fair blue medium, 17/12/40 forearm ; and abdomen right (See 1940, p. 3 Lowry Mokomoko Popo Wellington Auckland 9/2/40 19/9/40 to permit possession dance-hall vicinity burglary 4 months Maori labourer 1919 4 copper black brown broken flat 18/12/40 PHYLLIS, LOVE, snake, pierced two (See Photos, and p. left 4 Large Mokomoko and 1940, 824.)


Name of Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) M O PQ Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland continued. ft. in. in. John Jack or . . Wellington 2/8/39 maintenance .default 3 or Zealand labourer 1914 5 fresh light brown.. brown .. medium.. 18/12/40 1 p.c. Scar under left jaw. F.P. (See 4i fresh light brown.. brown .. medium. . 18/12/40 1 p.c. Scar under left jaw. F.P. (See Auckland 19/9/40 ; months 3 and" 824, p. assault on female Mitchell Wray, Whakatane 10/9/40 abduction months Zealand motor-driver 1915 104 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 18/12/40 Scar on left side of upper lip. F.P. (See 104 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 18/12/40 Scar on left side of upper lip. F.P. (See M.C. and 824.) p. S.C.Auckland 19/9/40 from . 3 mechanic John S.C.Hamilton 19/7/38 with intent ; 14 years proZealand labourer 1880 5 fresh grey blue large 18/12/40 48 p.c. Mole and scar on right upper arm ; H fresh grey blue large 18/12/40 48 p.c. Mole and scar on right upper arm ; Millar, @ @ and assault bationary license scar on right ankle and temple ; woman’s ' and assault bationary license scar on right ankle and temple ; woman’s @ Keefe, Kelly, Owens Myra Auckland M.C. cancelled bust, horseshoe, and scroll on right forearm; right middle finger injured. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1938, p. 606, and Photos, 1920, p. 36.) 7/6/40 cancelled bust, horseshoe, and scroll on right forearm; right middle finger injured. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1938, p. 606, and Photos, 1920, p. 36.) theft . months’ 9 . Zealand domestic 1912 5 fresh brown brown .. medium. . 18/12/40 5 p.c. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 2* fresh brown brown .. medium. . 18/12/40 5 p.c. F.P. Released on license. (SeeP.G., Brent Auckland intoxicated in charge of 1940, p. 524, and Photos, 1939, p. 56.) 13/12/40 intoxicated in charge of 1940, p. 524, and Photos, 1939, p. 56.) Stuart . 7 days and disEngland .. salesman 1909 5 4 fresh brown grey .. medium. . 19/12/40 1 p.c. Scar on back of head. F.P. (See motor-car qualified from driving for 1 y’r P.G., 1940, p. 871.) ‘ 13/12/40 7 days and disEngland .. salesman 1909 5 4 fresh brown grey .. medium. . 19/12/40 1 n.c. Scar on back of head. F.P. (See William Auckland motor-car qualified from driving for 1 y’r P.G., 1940, p. 871.) ' 16/12/36 female on and Zealand labourer 1884 5 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium.. 19/12/40 13 p.c. Large mouth ; man, horse, FAITH, 5 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium.. 19/12/40 13 p.c. Large mouth ; man, horse, FAITH, Woolley, bationary license ing grey HOPE, and CHARITY on right foreRobinson, Phillipsson, cancelled arm ; woman on chair on left forearm ; scar on bridge of nose, on left side of head, and on left palm. F.P. Released Raymond Auckland S.C. 2/5/39 on license. (See P.G., 1937, p. 251, and Photos, 1918, p. 46.) bationary license cancelled ing grey HOPE, and CHARITY on right forearm ; woman on chair on left forearm ; scar on bridge of nose, on left side of head, and on left palm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1937, p. 251, and Photos, 1918, p. 46.) 5 p.c. Scar above left eye and on left little actual 2 years Zealand carpenter 1904 10 fresh brown, going hazel .. medium.. 19/12/40 10 fresh brown, going hazel .. medium.. 19/12/40 5 p.c. Scar above left eye and on left little George, bodily indecent ; bald on Released Leslie, Raymond, Bowden Burton, @ female on ; assault and p. 62.) p. Ivers Victor, . @ Auckland M.C. 21/10/40 charges) month 1 England . storeman . 1920 1 fair light brown.. grey .. medium.. 20/12/40 26 p.c. Portion of right forefinger off ; 1 fair light brown.. grey .. medium. . 20/12/40 26 p.c. Portion of right forefinger off ; Clifton Leslie Payne, M.C. 10/3/38 (cumulative) on 11.) p. p. idle disorderly months proZealand labourer 1902 5 fresh browm, turngrey .. straight.. 20/12/40 48 p.c. Lump above left eye ; fourth toe H fresh brown, turngrey .. straight.. 20/12/40 48 p.c. Lump above left eye ; fourth toe Henderson means) bationary license grey side ; missing cancelled of face and on left little finger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1938, Raymond Woodward, Woods, @ @ Auckland 23/10/40 cancelled of face and on left- little finger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1938, p. 227, and Photos, 1935, p. 34.) theft months Zealand labourer 1898 Si 5 fresh wavy.. grey . medium. . 21/12/40 Photos, p. p. lip upper right lip; upper MAY in circle on right forearm. F.P. Cook p. Jolmson, M.C. 16/12/40 of 7 days Zealand labourer 1918 6 fresh light brown.. grey .. medium.. 21/12/40 1927, p. 4.) Strong build ; scar on right cheek ; portion 0 fresh light brown.. grey .. medium.. 21/12/40 1927, p. 4.) Strong build ; scar on right cheek ; portion motor-car * of off. forefinger


of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. L 4-3 jC tp a Complexion. Hair. . Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (J?.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) M O H Height. Complexion. Hair. . Eye3. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Waikeria ft. McKay, Wellington 9/4/40 bigamy year’s Zealand overseer 1908 6£ 5 fresh brown blue medium. 18/12/40 and Released (See p. Charles Auckland 2/8/40 theft months’ on each Zealand motor mechanic 1913 9 fresh brown blue medium. 18/12/40 side on ; upper slightly stooped; sharp license. 1940, (See Photos, 89.) p. WilliamDaniels, Auckland 18/4/40 entering, theft months 9 Maori labourer 1914 5 6} copper . black brown . medium 20/12/40 of- on ; large right Discharged p. Borstal— Burton, Christchurch M.C. 30/12/39 theft . in Institution (not years’ as recorded) . Zealand bootmaker . 1917 85 fresh dark hazel . . medium.. 10/12/40 head and inside head right and on 22.) p. George William Napier Wellington 15/9/38 attempted Borstal in Institution Zealand labourer 1918 4 fresh brown brown . medium. 16/12/40 and bridge and ears. large (See on and 770, p. p. Henry @Butler, George, Vivian, @ Victor Paparua — Dannevirke M.C. 22/10/40 theft months Zealand salesman 1895 H fresh brown brown medium. 21/12/40 Dot on ; left p. and 68.) p. Boyd, Christchurch M.C. 18/9/40 default months Zealand labourer 1883 11 fresh grey blue medium. 16/12/40 Scar on right (See 1939, 194.) p. Carr, John, James, Marshall, James, @ Christchurch M.C. 18/11/40 drunkenness days Australia . . labourer 1904 3 fair auburn blue medium 17/12/40 left (See P.G., 978, p. p. James McGilligan, John Christchurch M.C. 2/9/40 of .. 2 or Zealand motor-driver 1892 10 fresh brown, going bald hazel medium. 17/12/40 Arrested, Heron, @ Herron Dunedin S.C. .. 3/5/40 forgery theft .. 9 months’ R.D. .. 6 months’ R.D. N. Zealand share salesman 1892 5 9£ sallow .. fair, turning grey blue large 20/12/40 15 p.c. Dove on left forearm ; right arm deformed ; scar on base of left thumb. F.P. Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1940, p. 480, and Photos, 1930, p. 73.) • Dunedin S.C. .. 3/5/40 forgery theft .. 9 months’ R.D. .. 6 months’ R.D. N. Zealand share salesman 1892 5 94 sallow .. fair, turning grey blue large 20/12/40 15 p.c. Dove on left forearm ; right arm deformed ; scar on base of left thumb. F.P. Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1940, p. 480, and Photos, 1930, p. 73.)


fl £ When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Hair. Byes. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, of Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. o « a plexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. O P tS plexion. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Paparua continued. Joseph Lambert, Madden, @ McGill, Daniel Christchurch 12/2/38 disorderly idle and 1 Zealand driver 1884 ft. 6 fresh grey blue medium.. 20/12/40 19 p.c. Clasped hands, TRUE LOVE, and in. 6 fresh grey blue medium.. 20/12/40 19 p.c. Clasped hands, TRUE LOVE, and M.C. means) licensebationary eagle on right forearm ; slight scar on cancelled eagle slight and eye. license (See on and p. 1938, p. 159, and Photos, 1912, p. 22.) 3 p.c. Operation-scar on left side of Le Bas, Timaru . 23/10/40 fraud by days Zealand hairdresser 1898 GO fair light brown.. blue medium.. 21/12/40 3 p.c. Operation-scar on left side of 5 84 fair light brown.. blue medium.. 21/12/40 @ Reg, (a) Auckland 7/2/39 of m’thsarrears chef and abdomen. DonButler, charges) on (See 438.) Dunedin England . ruddy .. 1888 5 6 ruddy .. • Hamilton, Dunedin 13/11/40 false pretences 1 labourer fair, going blue medium.. 12/12/40 Scar on chin and on left shin. F.P. (See 1888 o 0 fair, going blue medium.. 12/12/40 Scar on chin and on left shin. F.P. (See George bald P.G., and p. Hamilton 54.) Alexander McCabe, Wellington 22/4/40 of . or Zealand labourer 1910 0 fair fair, curly .. blue medium.. 12/12/40 Protruding ears ; slouching gait. Arrested, 0 fair fair, curly .. blue medium.. 12/12/40 Protruding ears ; slouching gait. Arrested, Stewart paid. RobertHennessey, Dunedin . M.C. 30/11/40 without from 14 Australia . seaman 1911 5 fresh brown blue medium.. 13/12/40 Flag, MOTHER, and Australian Coat-of-94 fresh brown blue medium.. 13/12/40 Flag, MOTHER, and Australian Coat-of-Reuben leave placed on forearm on ; of on 1941, on ship. 17.) Roger Dunedin . 14/12/40 on days Canada seaman 1919 4 fresh dark brown .. medium.. 14/12/40 4 fresh dark brown .. medium.. 14/12/40 intent out


of Offender, Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c.Distinguishing ft. in. Morgan, Auckland 14/11/40 incest charges). on .years Maori andlabourer 1899 ft. in. 5 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Regimental badge on left forearm, bearing 5 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Regimental badge on left forearm, bearing Rewi farmer words TE HOKO-WHITU-A-TU-N.Z.N.C.; bullet-wound in left knee ; operation-scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. William Auckland 14/11/40 breaking, each . Australia . farmerseaman 1912 6 n fresh brown brown .. small 9 p.c. in Australia. Strong build; small mouth, seaman 1912 6 4 fresh brown brown .. small words TE HOKO-WHITU-A-TU-N.Z.N.C. ; bullet-wound in left knee ; operation-scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. 9 p.c. in Australia. Strong build; small mouth, Larsen, mitting a crime ; unlawkangaroo, and coat-of-arms on right upper William, Henry, fully in possession of arm; tip of left little finger amputated. F.P. Ken- @ Atkinson, housebreaking implements; and unlawfully in (SeeP.G., 1940, p.’804, and Photos, 1939, p. 7.) possession of explosive substance with intent Peri, Auckland 14/11/40 mitting crime a ; andbreaking, entering, 1 year’s R.D. from Maori labourer 1919 5 10 copper .. black, curly brown .. medium.. Scar on back of right hand and on inside of fully possession charge the 31/10/40 right thigh. F.P. Photo at Auckland, imple- 875) p. 26/10/40. (See P.G. 1940, p. 956.) ments; and unlawfully in possession of explosive substance with intent breaking, entering, and 1 year’s R.D. from Maori labourer 1919 5 10 copper .. black, curly brown .. medium.. kangaroo, and coat-of-arms on right upper arm; tip of left little finger amputated. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 804, and Photos, 1939, p. 7.) Scar on back of right hand and on inside of Hensley, Auckland 28/11/40 in the charge dwelling from 3 months on each N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar on left side of face. F.P. (See P.G. 1940, P.G., 1939, p. 875) theft from dwelling (3 31/10/40 3 months on each N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. right thigh. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 26/10/40. (See P.G. 1940, p. 956.) Scar on left side of face. F.P. (See P.G. 1940, charges) (cumulative) p. 183, and Photos, 1929, p. 28.) Raymond, Auckland 28/11/40 charges) entering, 1 £ years N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 9 copper .. black brown .. flat A half-caste Maori; strong build. F.P. Photo breaking, entering, and (cumulative) 1 £ years N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 9 copper .. black brown .. flat p. 183, and Photos, 1929, p. 28.) A half-caste Maori: strong build. F.P. Photo mond theft at Auckland, 30/10/40. (See P.G. 1940, p. 944.) MasonArcher, Auckland 28/11/40 theft male on assault 3 years on each .. N. Zealand engineer and 1912 5 00 dark brown hazel .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 17/10/40. maleindecent and attempted 3 years on each .. N. Zealand engineer and 1912 5 81dark brown hazel .. medium.. at Auckland, 30/10/40. (See P.G. 1940, p. 944.) F.P. Photo at Auckland, 17/10/40. buggery indecent assault on male (4 van-driver Ivan . Auckland 28/11/40 2 years’ R.D. on N. Zealand film - operator 1912 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. thin F.P. Photo at Auckland, 17/10/40. (7 charges); and attempted buggerycharges) each indecent assault on male (4 2 years’ R.D. on N. Zealand van-driver film - operator 1912 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. thin F.P. Photo at Auckland, 17/10/40. William, @ Auckland 12/12/40 charges) theft each months England .. labourer 1876 5 6 fresh grey, going brown .. medium.. Scars on right breast, on left hip, and on foot; 3 months England .. labourer 1876 5 6 fresh grey, going brown .. medium.. Scars on right breast, on left hip, and on foot; McDonald, Ryan, bald woman’s head on left forearm. F.P. (See Watson, P.G. 1940, p. 511, and Photos, 1921, p. 100.) Riddell, . Stephen Auckland 12/12/40 theft each Zealand clerk. postal 1900 5 9 fresh bald brown brown .. medium.. woman’s head on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G. 1940, p. 511, and Photos, 1921, p. 100.) F.P. 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium.. F.P, - John Joseph Napier 13/12/40 actual bodily causing probation, Maori labourer 1902 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right forearm and on left elbow; left 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right forearm and on left elbow; left Whelan, Roy James Wellington .. 17/12/40 harm theft, and escaping from and to take out prohibition order 6 months’ on each N. Zealand labourer and 1910 5 71 fresh black hazel .. broken .. third toe missing. (Sec P.G., 1940, p. 397.) See P.G., 1940, p. 106, and Photos, 1937, p. 64. Reid, Stanley Winwood MacWellington .. 17/12/40 custody assault with intent to com5 years’ R.D. -and N. Zealand steward b r i c k 1 a ver 1904 6 01 sallow .. brown grey .- medium.. Scar on left knee, on each thumb, on left foot, V .kissack harm ! and to take out prohibition order third toe missing. (Sec P.G., 1940, p. 397.) Roy Sinclair, Robert W. ellington Wellington . 17/12/4019/12/40 from and theft, escaping mit rape 6 months’ on each N. Zealand labourer and 1910 5 71 • 2 fresh black hazel .. broken .. See P.G., 1940, p. 106, and Photos, 1937, p. 64. indecent assault on male .. deekwed- -- an h a-b- i • fr-m-a-1 «j4minal 2 years’ R.D. .. Scotland .. and carp e n t e r ’ s labourer journalist .. 1867 5 3j fresh grey brown .. — and behind left ear ; varicose veins in legs. (vSee P.G., 1940, p. 435, and Photos, 1923, p. 41.) custody steward * Stanley Raniara Taurau, @ Wellington .Wellington . 17/12/4019/12/40 with intent assault dwellinghouse byentering years’ years’ Zealand N. Zealand k a b yerlabourer 19041914 5 8 copper .. black brown .. Scars on right side of nose and on left hip ; 6 04 sallow .. brown grey medium.. Scar on left knee, on each thumb, on left foot, kissack“ Brownie mit e P AfrrO&YvC#/ with night right leg broken below knee. PHtfo and carand behind left ear ; varicose veins in legs. declared— —an h-a- 1>- i-t— u-a-1 p e n t e r ’ s (See P.G., 1940, p. 435, and Photos, 1923, p. fliaminaL labourer 41.) 2 Hh Wellington .. 19/12/40 indecent assault on male .. 2 years’ R.D. .. Scotland .. journalist ~r. 1867 5 n fresh grey brown .. — Sinclair, Raniara Taurau, Mundy, 19/12/40 entering dwellinghouse by 2 years’ R.D. N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 8 copper .. black brown .. Scars on right side of nose and on left hip ; Wellington .. ' • * night with intent right leg broken below knee. PHp-fo “ Brownie ”


of Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Dixon, Russell Christchurch 13/12/40 intent with probation Zealand. clerk 1922 ft. 7 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium in. 7 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium ard Christchurch 13/12/40 housebreaking in years N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1940, page 773. Institution 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1940, page 773. RobertHamilton, Christchurch 13/12/40 perjury . N. Zealand farmer 1907 5 7 fresh brown blue medium 6 months N. Zealand farmer 1907 5 7 fresh brown blue medium Manuel Poihipi, Dunedin 13/12/40 actual causing years’ . Zealand labourer 1921 4 dark brown brown .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, 4 dark brown brown .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori. E.P. (See P.G., 1941, harm page @ George Dunedin 13/12/40 bodilyassault causing R.D. years’ . N. labourer 1919 5 sallow .. brown, curly brotvn .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori; R.B., 1935, and N.Z. 9 sallow .. brown, curly brown .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori; R.B., 1935, and N.Z. George William harm on left forearm ; S in heart and cross on Glenn right forearm ; small scar on back of neck. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, page 25, and Photos, 1939, p. 28.) on left forearm ; S in heart and cross on right forearm ; small scar on back of neck. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, page 25, and Photos, 1939, p. 28.) harm


Offender. i Where tried, j When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing VVi Silva Houhora 19/12/40 idle and disorderly (insuf3 months Maori labourer 1914 ft. in. 5 8 copper .. black brown .. fiat Scars on each shin and on back of right thumb. 19/12/40 idle and disorderly (insuf3 months Maori labourer 1914 ft. in. 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat Scars on each shin and on back of right thumb. Taylor, Whangarei ficient means) left 1940, 910.) p. 16/12/40 converting Borstal Zealand labourer 1925 5 8 fresh brown. light blue medium p. Charles launch unlawfully Institution on motor-truck converting each theft and admonished on and as- ; sault each John Yates, Fielding, Whangarei . 17/12/40 assaulting month 1 Zealand labourer 1913 5 7 fresh light brown blue medium fore, middle, fingers amputated John Yates, and resisting and convicted p. Craven chief charged on each Photos, p. 30.) Auckland 18/12/40 misuse of telephone convicted and disunlawfully keeping postal chief packet of misuse telephone another person charged on charged dis- and months Photos, p. 30.) charged - unlawfully keeping postal 2 months Whangarei .. packet JackParata, 27/12/40 striking another person fined £2 10s. Maori labourer 1918 6 0i copper .. black brown .. flat Large scars on each thigh ; mole on forehead. Whangarei .. 27/12/40 fined £2 10s. Maori labourer 1918 6 Oi copper .. black brown .. flat Large scars on each thigh ; mole on forehead. ZoeWilson, Dargaville . 21/12/40 theft and Zealand nurse 1918 5 8 dark dark blue-grey medium. Strong Edgar charged Auckland 13/12/40 assault .. fined £3 Zealand labourer 1900 5 10 dark going bald brown. fight blue Roman build. Stanley Auckland 13/12/40 theft fined Zealand labourer 1921 5 7 fresh brown .. medium. and p. 20.) Leo Auckland 13/12/40 theft 1 N. window 1921 5 7 sallow brown grey .. medium. on ; dresser thumb. HughBickley, Auckland 13/12/40 theft probation Zealand motor-driver 1922 5 7 freckled. dark brown, blue medium of eye, and at side, curly Ben- James Auckland 13/12/40 theft probation Zealand storeman 1922 5 6 fresh brown brown . medium jamin l Joan Dorothy Auckland 13/12/40 license fined Zealand shop-assistant 1916 5 6 fair fair blue sharp features. Sharp Ethel, Auckland 16/12/40 of breach probation come up Zealand domestic 1918 5 0 copper . black brown medium.. A p. Ethel @ 1 Photos, p. 0 year Konrad Auckland 16/12/40 ship-desertion convicted and disNorway .. seaman 1919 6 0 fair fair blue medium.. Scar on forehead. charged Zealand and be kept charged to be kept in cusNorway .. seaman 1919 6 0 fair fair blue medium.. Scar on forehead. Thomas, @ permit pending deportation Auckland 16/12/40 theft L. Maori labourer 1917 5 91 copper . black brown .. flat of right Karena @ theft 1 year’s R.D. convicted and diss' . . (See P.G., 1940, p. 622, and Photos, 1939, p. 33.) 18/12/40 i ■ charged 1 . ■ “ ! theft 1 year’s R.D. convicted and dis(See P.G., 1940, p. 622, and Photos, 1939, p. 33.) charged

Return of Persons summarily convicted.

Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 1 Height. i Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. &c. Miller, Clara .. ., Auckland 16/12/40 using premises as gaminghouse fined £40 England .. shopkeeper.. 1906 ft. in. 5 1 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Operation-scar on abdomen. Peters, Victor Auckland 16/12/40 idle and disorderly (insufficonvicted and disCanada labourer and 1921 5 6 dark dark brown.. brown .. long, thick Scar on left side of forehead ; small scars on cient means) charged deck- boy legs. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 16/12/40. theft 3 months (See P.G., 1940, p. 451.) Paltridge, Joseph .... Auckland 17/12/40 ship-desertion 1 year’s probation N. Zealand seaman 1916 5 9 fresh brown blue medium Williams, Leonard Edward .. Auckland 18/12/40 using premises as gamingfined £10 N. Zealand tobacconist 1904 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium. . Left eye artificial. (See P.G., 1932, p. 238.) house Fletcher, Harry George Auckland 18/12/40 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 10 sallow .. dark brown.. blue medium.. Two scars on left ankle ; prominent nose; thin features. F.P. Hills, Robert William Auckland 19/12/40 misuse of crew -pass (Shipfined £5 England .. steward 19,19 5 8 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on right forearm. F.P. ping Safety Emergency Regulations) McMahon, Francis William.. Auckland 19/12/40 misuse of crew- pass (Shipfined £5 Eire milk - rounds1918 5 54 fresh fair blue medium.. MARGARET and flowers on right forearm; ping Safety Emergency man “ Mickey Mouse ” on left forearm ; scar on Regulations) right forearm and shin. F.P. Jamieson, Victor James, @ Auckland 19/12/40 breach of probation to come up if N. Zealand painter and 1895 5 104 dark grey brown .. long Scar on each forearm, on upper lip, and on left Jameson, James Victor, @ called on in 1 labourer leg; impediment in speech. (See P.G., 1937, Rear, Charles Valentine year p. 060, and Photos, 1918, p. 26.) Henderson, George, @ NgaAuckland 19/12/40 indecent act with intent to 9 months Maori labourer 1908 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on forehead, on right wrist, and on left rimu, George, @ Ngarimu insult foi’efinger. (See P.G., 1940, p. 78, and Tame, @ Woodley Photos, 1928, p. 79.) Ross, Samuel John Auckland 19/12/40 theft 1 year’s R.D. Eire labourer 1904 5 Bi fresh brown grey medium.. Scar on left eyebrow; right forefinger injured. (See P.G., 1940, p. 931, and Photos, 1933, p. 58.) See P.G., 1939, p. 315, and Photos, 1934, p. 16. Clarke, William Marne, @ Auckland 19/12/40 false pretences 1 3'ear’s R.D. R. Zealand labourer 1914 6 0 fair fair blue medium.. Clark false pretences (3 charges) convicted and discharged 6 months’ H.L. Clarke. John Francis Auckland 19/12/40 theft England .. labourer 1909 o 34 fresh brown blue-grey medium.. See P.G., 1940, p. 058, and Photos, 1933, p. 67. and 2 years’ R.D. theft (10 charges) 3 months Ganesh Givan Auckland 20/12/40 drunkenness breach of prohibition order 2 months convicted and disIndia labourer 1900 5 44 copper .. black brown .. pug See P.G., 1940, p. 987, and Photos, 1937, p. 67. charged Freeney, Matthew Myers Auckland 20/12/40 assault .. fined £3 England .. saddler 1873 5 84 fresh ginger blue medium Porter, John Joseph Auckland 20/12/40 ship-desertion 1 month Eire seaman 1889 5 6 fresh dark, going bald blue medium.. Scar on left shin; operation-scar on abdomen. ... , r i . , , , ,, , , . , , , .. ■ ■ 1 r i r. ,AUCkJtl-liu . . coiia lbtccl cinet dis* -charged .operator • Photos, I9J2—P. 76.) Edwards Paaki Auckland 20/12/40 unlawfully converting motorfined £5 N. Zealand soldier and 1919 5 0 copper .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. car labourer Where tried. \ When. - • Oflence. Sentence. | Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. 1 ■■ — g — Hair. ! Eye3. Nose. ’•’) Distinguishing Marks. &c. , Clara .Miller, t 16/12/40 using premises as gaminghouse fined £40 England .. shopkeeper .. 1906 ft. in. 5 1 fresh brown . j. brown .. i medium.. Operation-scar on abdomen. Auckland Auckland 16/12/40 idle and disorderly (insufficonvicted and disCanada labourer and 1921 5 6 dark dark brown.. brown .. long, thick Scar on left side of forehead ; small scars on cient means) charged deck-boy legs. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 16/12/40. theft 3 months (See P.G., 1940, p. 451.) Victor . .Peters, Joseph .Paltridge, 17/12/40 ship-desertion 1 year’s probation N. Zealand seaman 1916 5 9 fresh brown blue medium Auckland Auckland 18/12/40 using premises as gamingfined £10 N. Zealand tobacconist 1904 5 10 fresh brown brown .'. medium.. Left eye artificial. (See P.G., 1932, p. 238.) house Edward Leonard Williams, GeorgeFletcher, 18/12/40 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 10 sallow .. dark brown.. blue medium.. Two scars on left ankle; prominent nose ; thin features. F.P. Auckland Auckland 19/12/40 misuse of crew -pass (Shipfined £5 England .. steward 19.19 5 8 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on right forearm. F.P. ping Safety Emergency Regulatons) William Robert Hills, William.. Francis McMahon, 19/12/40 misuse of crew- pass (Shipfined £5 Eire milk - rounds1918 5 54 fresh fair blue medium.. MARGARET and flowers on right forearm; ping Safety Emergency man “ Mickey Mouse ” on left forearm ; scar on Regulations) right forearm and shin. F.P. Auckland Auckland 19/12/40 breach of probation to come up if N. Zealand painter and 1895 5 104 dark grey brown .. long Scar on each forearm, on upper lip, and on left Victor Jamieson, @ Victor, Jameson, @ labourer leg; impediment in speech. (See P.G., 1937, called on in 1 year p. 660, and Photos, 1918, p. 26.) Charles Rear, @ George, 19/12/40 indecent act with intent to 9 months Maori labourer 1908 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on forehead, on right wrist, and on left Auckland insult forefinger. (See P.G., 1940, p. 78, and Ngarimu George, Woodley Tame, Photos, 1928, p. 79.) Auckland 19/12/40 theft 1 year’s R.D. Eire labourer 1904 5 5J fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left eyebrow; right forefinger injured. (See P.G., 1940, p. 931, and Photos, 1933, p. 58.) See P.G., 1939, p. 315, and Photos, 1934, p. 16. John Samuel Ross, Marne, Clarke, @ 19/12/40 false pretences .. .. 1 R.D. N. Zealand labourer 1914 6 0 fair fair blue medium.. Auckland false pretences (3 charges) convicted and dis- ■ :>■ • vrjrrjr ; charged 6 months’ H.L. Clark Francis Clarke. 19/12/40 theft .. .. .. England .. labourer 1909 5 34 fresh brown blue-grey medium.. See P.G., 1940, p. 658, and Photos, 1933, p. 67. * and 2 years’ R.D. theft (10 charges) 3 months Auckland Auckland 20/12/40 drunkenness breach of prohibition order 2 months convicted and disIndia labourer 1900 5 44 copper .. black brown ... pug See P.G., 1940, p. 987, and Photos, 1937, p. 67. charged GivanGanesh Matthew ere My Freeney, 20/12/40 assault .. fined £3 England .. \ saddler 1873 Ol 00 twfresh ginger blue medium Auckland Auckland 20/12/40 ship-desertion 1 month Eire seaman 1889 5 6 fresh dark, going bald blue medium.. Scar on left shin ; operation-scar on abdomen. Joseph John , . , Z J, ,, .. „ ,. . . , „ , . , T7 1 1 oi Gcicli oi pro Dcition »• -charged .operator _on right foot (Rrp. P G j-lO.ift—p-aso. ‘ ' , • \ n 1 * i ] 5 Photos,-1932-J-P.-76.) AlH^FOV— * r- jtilSllOOf' PaakiEdwards 20/12/40 unlawfully converting motorfined £5 N. Zealand soldier and 1919 5 6 copper .. black ■ brown .. medium. ". F.P. v •' Auckland car labourer . i ‘

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

Offender. Where i When. | Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose,. Distinguishing Marks &c. o pa Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. NoseDistinguishing Marks. <fcc. Alfred Delaney, Arthur Hunter, Murphy Morris, Maurice, Maurice Allison Alison, Raymond Thompson, Joe GeorgeHutchinson, . LloydHayman, Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland 20/12/40 20/12/40 21/12/40 21/12/40 23/12/40 13/12/40 13/12/40 13/12/40 mischief mischief assault .. drunkenness unlawfully converting motorcycle theft theft theft fined £2 10s. fined £2 10s. fined £5 1 month fined £5 6 months’ probation 6 months’ probation 6 months’ probation N. Zealand N. Zealand Australia .. N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand . amotor driver labourer cook engineer salesman and soldier soldier soldier soldier — r — 1922 1923 1915 1885 1920 1919 1920 1921 ft. in. 5 11 5 0 5 8 5. 6| 5 10* 6 1 o 9 5 6 ■K 7ir fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh copper .. fre»h dark brown brown fair dark brown.. brown black fair dark i.i.. .j, blue hazel .. hazel •. hazel .. brown .. brown .. grey .. brown .. medium.. medium.. pug medium.. medium.. medium.. medium.. medium.. Left cheek pock-marked. Woman’s head on right upper arm. Snake and sword on left forearm ; snake and eagle on right forearm ; lion on chest; ears deformed; left thumb, fore, and middle fingers missing; tip of right forefinger missing. (See P.G., 1935, p. 317, and Photos, p. 40.) Rose, thistle, and shamrock on right forearm; two flags on left forearm; scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1930, p. 101.) Scar on left wrist. F.P. A half-caste Maori. Slight build. Jewish appearance. (See P.G., 1941, p. 11.) Ectwai'dMa*sdeftr'RaRgi' ,l i y -ttersesiioc, -w mpf—antt— i on leil lure*QrrW Edwin,Marcdonj-Rangi MfRcngn. lYTfltpnga An- William Ryan, Auckland Auckland 23/12/40 obscene language.. fined £5 N. Zealand hawker 1896 5 8 fresh fair blue medium.. See P.G., 1934, p. 341. Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland 20/12/40 20/12/40 21/12/40 21/12/40 23/12/40 13/12/40 13/12/40 13/12/40 mischief mischief assault .. drunkenness unlawfully converting motorcycle theft theft theft lined £2 10s. fined £2 10s. fined £5 1 month fined £5 6 months’ probation 6 months’ probation 6 months’ probation N. Zealand N. Zealand Australia .. N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand motor driver labourer cook engineer salesman and soldier soldier soldier soldier 1922 1923 1915 1885 1920 1919 1920 1921 ft. in. 5 11 5 0 5 8 5. 6| 5 10-’-6 1 5 9 5 6 it 7±fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh copper .. fresh dark brown brown fair dark brown.. brown black fair dark blue hazel .. hazel .. hazel .. brown .. brown .. grey .. brown .. medium.. medium.. pug medium.. medium.. medium.. medium.. medium.. Left cheek pock-marked. Woman’s head on right upper arm. Snake and sword on left forearm ; snake and eagle on right forearm ; lion on chest ; ears deformed; left thumb, fore, and middle fingers missing ; tip of right forefinger missing. (See P.G., 1935, p. 317, and Photos, p. 40.) Rose, thistle, and shamrock on right forearm ; two flags on left forearm ; scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1930, p. 101.) Scar on left wrist. F.P. A half-caste Maori. Slight build. Jewish appearance. (See P.G., 1941, p. 11.) orripr ° '2 arm.- —(See- P. 1-949^- p.— § Tfh—and— Photos, -d939rprfiLP An-Ryan, drew drew * Bert Teague, . Auckland Auckland 23/12/40 23/12/40 obscene language.. fined £5 N. Zealand hawker 1896 5 8 fresh fair blue medium.. See P.G., 1934, p. 341. theft convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1890 5 10 fair brown, going; blue large Scar on right side of nose ; long features. I See charged bald P.G., 1940, p. 775, and Photos, 1927, p. 63.) theft 3 months’ H.L. and 1 vear’s R.D. BertTeague, John .Stratton, Auckland Auckland 23/12/40 23/12/40 theft theft 1 month and to be Australia .. seaman 1900 5 Si fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Roses, ships, 1912, and lifebuoy on right foreplaced on his arm ; sinking ship, lifebuoy, lighthouse, and ship sailor’s grave on left forearm. F.P. Photo theft assault . . convicted and discharged month 1 at Auckland, 23/12/40. 3 months’ H.L. and 1 vear’s R.D. N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 10 fair brown, going bald blue large Scar on right side of nose ; long features. (See P.G., 1940, p. 775, and Photos, 1927, p. 63.) JohnStratton, John Corr, Auckland Auckland 23/12/40 23/12/40 theft theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on left ring-finger, on base of left thumb, and on right heel. F.P. assault .. 1 month and to be placed on his ship 1 month Australia .. seaman 1900 5 SI fresh brown hazel .. medium. . Roses, ships, 1912, and lifebuoy on right forearm ; sinking ship, lifebuoy, lighthouse, and sailor’s grave on left forearm. E.P. Photo at Auckland, 23/12/40. John Corr, Alexander Eric Nisbett. Auckland Auckland 23/12/40 23/12/40 theft theft . ... year’s 1 probation 1 Zealand Zealand labourer boilermaker 1915 1921 "5 5 7 fresh dark brown black blue brown .. medium. medium. Scar left ring-finger, of left Heart, and ; right and on right heel. F.P. Nisbett, Eric Alexander William scar on left forefinger and on right middle finger. F.P. Auckland 23/12/40 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand boilermaker 1921 5 7 dark black brown .. medium.. Heart, MOTHER, and spray on right forearm ; scar on left forefinger and on right middle finger. F.P. Ernest Auckland 23/12/40 theft year’s 1 Australia boilermaker 1913 3 dark dark . hazel . medium Mole ear. Rattray, Charles Auckland 23/12/40 theft probation 1 Zealand labourer 1901 5 5 fresh brown.. blue medium. forearm on Photo at (See 1929, p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

Name of Where tried. j Offence. Sentence. ofNative 1 |Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. Davis, George Auckland 23/12/40 theft months Zealand labourer 1914 in. 6 0 fresh curly hazel medium on ; Strong two finger right on upper left arm swords p. Gurney, Auckland 23/12/40 assault . fined N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8| fresh brown blue medium p. p. Malcolm, Douglas Koop, Auckland 16/12/40 false pretences to come up if England .. farmer 1898 5 10 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on and plate in back of head. (See P.G., King, called on in months fined £5 6 1940, p. 346, and Photos, 1927, p. 22.) Auckland 16/12/40 false pretences to come up called on in if 6 England .. farmer 1898 5 10 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on and plate in back of head. (See P.G., 1940, p. 346, and Photos, 1927, p. 22.) Sydney Barrington . months Auckland 26/12/40 assault fined £5 N. Zealand labourer and 1915 5 6J fresh fair blue medium.. Star and heart on right forearm ; lifebuoy and at N. Zealand labourer and 1915 5 6.1 fresh fair blue medium.. Star and heart on right forearm ; lifebuoy and Charles Leng, of dance-hall fined carpenter left Onehunga 9/12/40 fighting fined 10s. N. tram1915 5 10£ fresh brown hazel medium. calf. on ; thigh Frederick Wintere, Onehunga 9/12/40 !fighting fined Zealand conductor butcher 1918 5 11 fresh dark hazel medium on forefinger. Mika Rangi Coromandel . 24/12/40 fighting fined Maori labourer 1918 5 copper .. black brown .. medium Hi copper .. black brown .. medium Toto, John, Toto, @ Jack Coromandel . 24/12/40 fighting fined Maori labourer 1919 5 11 copper black brown, flat (See 281.) large Johnny Pukekohe 16/12/40 theft month Zealand labourer 1918 5 7 copper black brown . medium. A JackKahi, Pukekohe 27/12/40 obscene language fined Maori labourer 1893 5 7 copper . dark, brown . medium. of Tana Huntly 5/11/40 theft fined Maori miner 1881 5 8 copper grey black brown medium John Huntly 26/11/40 damage fined Zealand labourer 1909 6 0 fair dark blue medium Tom Huntly 19/12/40 mischief fined Maori trucker 1917 5 8 copper . black brown . medium Ridge, Leslie Charles Huntly 18/11/40 language fined Zealand trucker 1912 5 9 fresh dark . brown . medium Stevens, Thomas Huntly 16/12/40 theft fined England . miner 1914 5 9 fresh dark .. blue medium. See p. Cathro, James Morrinsville . 28/11/40 in of charge motor-car fined £15 N. Zealand horse-trainer 1895 5 5 sallow .. grey grey .. medium.. Small scar on right upper lip. of fined £15 N. Zealand horse-trainer 1895 5 5 sallow .. grey grey .. medium.. Small scar on right upper lip. Poulson, Theo Morrinsville . 16/12/40 indecent language to if Zealand labourer 1920 5 4 fresh brown blue medium. See p. called in 6 Wall, Morrinsville . 20/12/40 false (4 . months to up if England . farmer 1900 5 9 fresh brown hazel medium. of and forefinger on 1 on (See year p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

of tried. j When, Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c.Distinguishing McLean, Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 in found gaming-house fined N. labourer 1901 ft 5 in. 8 fair fair grey . medium Archie Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house in fined N. labourer 1912 5 7 fair fair grey . medium Dick Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house in found fined Maori labourer 1912 5 8 copper .. dark brown broad Francis . Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 in fined Zealand slaughterman 1913 5 7 fair fair grey . medium Alexander Williams, Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house found fined Zealand clerk 1899 6 0 sallow . dark brown . medium See 749. p. KennethHawthorne, Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house found fined Zealand chamber 1908 5 7 fair fair, going grey .. medium bald grey .. medium Peter Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house found fined Dalmatia . restaurateur 1907 6 0 dark dark brown . medium. leg AugustSteiner, Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 in fined Zealand labourer 1918 5 9 dark brown grey medium. New on JohnPiggott, Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 in found fined N. labourer 1877 5 8 fresh going bald brown . medium John .Armstrong, Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house in fined Australia slaughterman 1903 5 8 fresh brown grey . medium. build. Joseph Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house in found fined England labourer 1899 5 8 fresh brown, ing grey blue medium dark brown.. blue medium Robert Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house in found fined Zealand labourer 1915 5 10 fresh blue .. medium.. Strong build. dark brown.. blue .. medium.. Strong build. Robert Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 gaming-house found fined Zealand labourer 1909 5 8 fresh brown blue medium RataKura Ngaruawahia 19/12/40 in fined Maori labourer 1873 5 7 copper grey brown medium Hammond, . Hamilton 18/12/40 assault 1 Zealand N. salesman 1895 5 6 fresh black brown . medium. build assault convicted and dis-tion-scar on right side. (See P.G., 1938, language and charged year’s probation 1 p. 545.) probation 1 tion-scar on right side. (See P.G., 1938, p. 545.) and prohibited driving fined King Hamilton 18/12/40 opium in possession fined China fruiterer 1895 5 8 sallow black brown medium F.P. Christopher Hamilton 19/12/40 a house fined Zealand and bookmaker 1897 5 9 ruddy . black brown . medium. of forefinger and 1940, p. Raymond Percy Hamilton 19/12/40 of management assisting gaming-house fined Zealand stableman . 1912 5 8 fresh dark . brown blue medium. and on (See 187.) medium Williamson, . Hamilton 19/12/40 gaming-house in fined Zealand N. body-builder 1888 5 8 fresh brown blue medium Ronald Hamilton 19/12/40 using fined £100 N. bookmaker . 1906 5 9 sallow dark brown medium. p. house

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

— Complexion. i • ' J of Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. *—•o Complexion. Hair. i w j Eyes. Nose. i . . Distinguishing Marks. &c. tb Hair. j Eyes, i i Nose. 1 Distinguishing Marks. <fcc. i * a I O’Brien, James Roderick Hamilton 19/12/40 found fined Zealand carpenter . 1904 ft. 5 fresh brown grey .. medium in. 8i fresh brown grey .. medium John Hamerton, Hamilton 19/12/40 in 14 Zealand plasterer 1913 8 5 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Arms freckled. 0 8 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Arms freckled. Reserve Williams Tauranga 11/12/40 unlawfully probation Maori wharf 1922 5 5 copper .. black brown .. medium 5 copper .. black brown .. medium cycle motor-vehicle fined labourer out theft fined GeorgeRobson, Whakatane . 10/9/40 fighting fined £1 Australia carpenter . 1913 8 fair fair blue medium.. Left for Australia on 21/9/40. 8 fair fair blue medium.. Left for Australia on 21/9/40. Morley Louis Whakatane . 10/9/40 fighting fined £1 Zealand labourer 1914 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A three-quarter caste Maori; strong build. 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A three-quarter caste Maori ; strong build. Alexander Thomson, Whakatane 10/12/40 attempted to if up Zealand labourer 1888 9 fresh auburn brown .. medium.. Has auburn moustache ; slight build. 9 fresh auburn brown .. medium.. Has auburn moustache ; slight build. 1 V Raymond Whakatane . 16/12/40 false pretences year 1 Zealand labourer 1919 5 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left upper arm and on each foot. (See 00 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left upper arm and on each foot. (See theft discharged ifto up p. Sonny W . 21/12/40 theft Zealand labourer 1916 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Strong build ; a three-quarter caste Maori. 8* copper .. black brown .. medium.. Strong build ; a three-quarter caste Maori. 6 months Joseph, Whakatane . 21/12/40 gamingfined Dalmatia tobacconist. 1898 10 sallow .. brown bluemedium.. Strong build. (See P.G., 1939, p. 91.) 10 sallow .. brown bluemedium.. Strong build. (See P.G., 1939, p. 91.) house grey Rotorua 23/12/40 found fined Ohorere Whakatane 24/12/40 disorderly and Maori labourer 1913 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on left shoulder, on right forearm, and on 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on left shoulder, on right forearm, and on charged forehead; strong resisting police 1 month Whakatane Poihipi Opotiki resisting police 1 month 23/12/40 assault . fined Maori labourer 1910 6 0 copper .. black brown .. flat See P.G., 1938, p. 726. 0 copper .. black brown .. flat See P.G., 1938, p. 726. Phillip Raymond Te Awamutu 18/12/40 illegally on weeks Zealand and 1914 5 pale black hazel .. medium.. Scar on base of left thumb. 3 pale black hazel .. medium.. Scar on base of left thumb. intent barman McCormick, Armstrong Te 18/12/40 (escaping months (cumuZealand labourer 1920 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on back of right hand. (See P.G., 1940, 3 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on back of right hand. (See P.G., 1940, prison) with presentence) and p. Scar on right side of forehead and under chin; CharlesKawenga, Te 18/12/40 incorrigible months (cumuMaori labourer 1920 5| 5 copper .. black brown .. broad .. 5| copper .. black brown .. broad Scar on right side of forehead and under chin; from prison) with premole on (See sentence) and p. JohnNealon, Te 24/12/40 charge and Zealand stock-agent 1914 85 dark black brown .. medium.. Operation-scar on right side of abdomen; scar 8 dark black brown .. medium.. Operation-scar on right side of abdomen; scar a qualified in ; eye 1 glasses. Gilbert Rotorua 16/12/40 police jear days Scotland labourer 1898 in fair fair grey .. broken .. See P.G., 1936, p. 494. 11* fair fair grey .. broken .. See P.G., 1936, p. 494. and disorderly fined £1 - mischief damage pay

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, or Rotorua 23/12/40 of fined Zealand motor 1913 ft. 10 5 dark black grey . small and p. p. James mechanic Anthony, Francis, Rotorua 23/12/40 found fined Zealand sack1908 9 fresh fight brown.. blue medium.. Slight build. (See P.G., 1937, p. 48.) 9 fresh fight brown.. blue medium.. Slight build. (See P.G., 1937, p. 48.) cevic merchant Lancaster, Rotorua 23/12/40 gaming-house fined Tasmania bushman 1893 9£ 5 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Gold in teeth. 9£ fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Gold in teeth. Hector Rotorua 23/12/40 found fined Zealand labourer 1904 9 dark black brown .. medium.. Butterfly on left forearm. 9 dark black brown .. medium.. Butterfly on left forearm. Winter Rotorua 23/12/40 found gaming-house fined Scotland fishman 1880 85 fresh grey grey .. large See P.G., 1937, p. 671. 8 fresh grey grey .. large See P.G., 1937, p. 671. Wirihana . Rotorua 23/12/40 in fined Maori labourer 1907 10 copper .. black brown .. medium 10 copper .. black brown .. medium Sam @ Rotorua 23/12/40 gaming-house in fined Maori labourer 1903 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1937, p. 670. 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1937, p. 670. Rangirehua JohnHeena, Murray,'George^^.,.. Rotorua Rcjtortia 23/12/40 23/12/4^ in in gamijjgdlouse fined fnjed'fJf^ Eire Maori bricklayer .. labourer- —"TT 1910 1900 6 5 H dark dark „ black jjlaek —' .. grey .. brown^— medium medium. Snar on left-side' of jaese. fix Eire Maori'" bricklayer .. labour£E-'-"'rT 1910 1900 6 li 5^ dark tiark „ black Jilaek- — .. grey .. brown^medium medium. $ear'6n lefL-snhTofjiose. or @ Rotorua 23/12/40 gaming-house found in fined Maori labourer 1902 5 copper .. black brown .. flat Portion of right little finger deformed. (See 4 copper .. black brown .. flat Portion of right little finger deformed. (See Whakane p. Edwards Rotorua 23/12/40 gaming-house found fined Maori labourer 1890 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Portion of right thumb, fore, middle, and ring fingers missing. (See P.G., 1937, p. 670.) 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Portion of right thumb, fore, middle, and ring fingers missing. (See P.G., 1937, p. 670.) Tobin, Rotorua 23/12/40 in fined England . upholsterer 1877 65 sallow .. grey blue, weak medium.. Left middle and ring fingers amputated. (See P.G., 1937, p. 670.) 6 sallow .. grey blue, weak medium.. Left middle and ring fingers amputated. (See P.G., 1937, p. 670.) PaBay 26/12/40 assault 1 Maori labourer 1914 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on back of head and on left forearm. (See P.G., 1940, p. 818.) 3 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on back of head and on left forearm. Morrell (See P.G., 1940, p. 818.) Mann Gisborne 16/12/40 intoxicated fined £20 and disMaori labourer and 1892 5 9 copper .. black, turning brown .. broad .. See P.G., 1939, p^221^£*^^^_^ motor-car fined and qualified fromqualified driving 1 farmer grey Maori labourer and farmer 1892 5 9 copper .. black, turning grey brown .. broad .. See P.G., 1939, p^22^3^*driving for 1 ■ V/ Marie Gisborne 18/12/40 assault . year come Maori domestic 1919 4 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on inside of right elbow. 4 copper .. black brown .. broad Scar on inside of right elbow. 1 Priday, Lionel Ralph Gisborne 18/12/40 converting 2 years probation N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 2 fresh brown brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1939, p. 854. cycle theft year 2 years probation N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 2 fresh brown brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1939, p. 854. Burrows, Moore, @ Gisborne 19/12/40 2 years probation N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 9 fair fair hazel .. medium.. Scar on left forearm, on back of right hand, and cycle theft 2 years probation N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 9 fair fair hazel .. medium.. Scar on left forearm, on back of right hand, and Allan on base of right finger. (See P.G., p. 270, and Photos, p. 35.) . on base of right finger. (See P.G., 1937, p. 270, and Photos, p. 35.) Waikato Tipi Gisborne 19/12/40 theft; and breaking, to supervision of Maori labourer 1924 5 0 copper .. black brown .. medium theft of supervision to Maori labourer 1924 5 0 copper .. black brown .. medium Welfare Child Officer for Officer for years years

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

of Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. | Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Te (a) Gisborne 23/12/40 of breach on Maori labourer 1918 ft. in. 6 copper .. black brown fiat on p. Sydney, Hirini rangi probation (cumulative) Lionel Taumarunui. 30/12/40 assault . fined N. Zealand timber1915 5 fresh brown.. blue medium. and toe theft fined worker left deformed. ; offensive fined HaroldWilliams, Wairoa 18/12/40 false pretences year’s 1 probation N. metal1916 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on back of right leg. PUoTo flvcK /) /2 polisher 1916 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on back of right leg. PUofa, five K, /]•}£■ PaulLemuel, Wairoa 21/12/40 obscene fined Maori farmer 1897 85 copper black brown . broad . build. Strong Jack .Johnson, Wairoa 23/12/40 in of weeks 6 and N. lorry-driver 1922 7 copper . black brown . medium. A motor-car from todriving 13/6/43 1 disChristieHawkins, Wairoa 27/12/40 intoxicated of N. Zealand labourer 1916 5 copper black brown medium. A 761.) motor-car from 1driving Peter Wairoa 27/12/40 in of year fined and N. Zealand labourer 1903 6 1 copper black brown . medium . A p. motor-truck qualified 1 William Stratford 26/12/40 breach of probation year convicted and disEire labourer 1891 5 11 dark brown, turnbrown .. medium.. Scar on right side of head, on right forearm, and Logan Stratford year 26/12/40 breach of probation convicted and discharged Eire labourer 1891 5 11 dark brown, turning grey brown .. medium.. Scar on right side of head, on right forearm, and ankle, and on back of left thumb; two Hopkins, . Opunake scars on left leg. (See P.G., 1940, p. 707, and Photos, 1932, p. 109.) charged ing grey ankle, and on back of left thumb; two scars on left leg. (See P.G., 1940, p. 707, and Photos, 1932, p. 109.) 19/12/40 unlawfully converting fined N. and 1922 5 5 fresh brown light hazel, medium Protruding motor-car dairylarge driving if up factory license in months employee HelenLittlejohn, Hawera 11/12/40 theft fined N. domestic 1911 7 fresh light brown medium theft fined Leslie Ware, Hawera 26/12/40 assault . year’s 1 N. assist- - shop 1916 7 fair brown hazel medium • obscene language fined £5 ant and motor-driver John obscene language fined £5 ant and motor-driver Napier 23/12/40 buggery to N. labourer 1923 7 fresh dark hazel long i n Welfare intendent Napier 23/12/40 pretences 1 year’s N. labourer 1895 8J- 5 sallow . dark, grey . medium.. FIFTH on Stanley on grey 61.) John Napier 23/12/40 charges) 1 on N. bricklayer . 1908 5 9 fresh dark grey . medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

of Name Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eves. Nose. Distinguishing Walter Blakey, Hastings 17/12/40 theft of Zealand labourer 1923 in. ft. 15 Fresh fair hazel . medium. of on of upper John Conway Hastings 17/12/40 theft Welfare intendent probation 1 Zealand labourer 1922 7£ 5 fresh red grey . large chin. p. forefinger. on Teretia Paku Hastings 17/12/40 assault if up Maori labourer 1893 10 copper turning brown . broad . eye William, @ Kingi, Hastings 24/12/40 of called in months and Maori tractor-driver 1900 11 copper . grey black brown . broad birthmark on ring-finger NormanBlackler, Wanganui 16/12/40 motor-vehicle fighting qualified 1 year fined N. labourer 1902 85 fresh brown grey . medium. left missing. HenryLogan, Wanganui 16/12/40 fighting fined Zealand N. labourer 1896 91 5 fresh brown grey . medium 916.) forearm. on Cecil Wanganui . 16/12/40 charges conAustralia^.. labourer-^... 1895 fresh brown, going brown .. medium^. Scar on right middle finger. 5_£L -fresh. ,,. • • brown, going brown .. medium.. Scar on right middle finger. Graham Wanganui 23/12/40 the^elfar^s^iflrT.GVd^i. pT926) unlawfully order be years’ Zealand N. plumber’s 1922 5 fresh bald brown grey medium.. William . Wanganui . 28/12/40 motor-cycle (3 in intoxicated charge and to cycle during period fined England . apprentice carrier 1897 4 5 fresh brown brown medium Brough, Marton 18/12/40 motor-van theft and Scotland andlabourer 1898 5 fresh fair blue medium p. Roland Marton 18/12/40 theft in intoxicated charged months and N. soldier signwriter . 1916 9£ 5 fresh brown fight grey medium. and p. left on scar spectacles JohnParlato, N 9/12/40 motor-car ; language qualified 1 year on N. driver 1920 65 fresh brown blue medium JohnKokiri, NPalmerston 21/12/40 disorderly wilful . damage . Maori soldier n 1919 10 copper . black brown flat and on on Scars William . N 21/12/4C assault vagabond and on of ifto in year years’ 3 on probation exN. fireman traveller 1925 8 fair fair hazel . medium.. 1941, p. eye. false tended years years’ 1940, p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

of tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing &c. 21/12/40 theft fined £2 N. Zealand labourer and 1906 ft. in. 5 7 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left side of upper lip. (See P.G., 1940, N. radio electrician p. 682, and Photos, 1935, p. 15.) 21/12/40 theft fined £2 N. Zealand labourer and 1906 ft. in. 5 7 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left side of upper lip. (See P.G., 1940, @ Keir, Ronald Duncan, radio p. 682, and Photos, 1935, p. 15.) McDonald andria, @ Slight build; lump on forehead; slightly stooped. (See P.G., 1940, p. 162.) McDonald andria, @ Alfred Janies Dewar, electrician Palmerston N. 23/12/40 carrying on business of bookfined £100 N. Zealand commission agent 1885 5 4 fresh light brown grey .. medium.. AlfredDewar, JohnRoy-Barber, N.Palmerston N.Palmerston 23/12/4023/12/40 book- on carrying obscene exposure fined years’ probation Zealand Zealand commissionstudent 1922 5 8 pale black blue medium.. Slight build. agent 1885 5 4 fresh light brown grey .. medium.. Slight build; lump on forehead; slightly stooped. (See P.G., 1940, p. 162.) JohnRoy-Barber, @ William, Francis Quilty, N.Palmerston Pahiatua 23/12/4029/11/40 obscene exposure 3 years’ probation N. Zealand student 1922 5 8 pale black blue medium.. Slight build. theft 3 months Newfoundland seaman 1916 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Eagle, snake, ship, star, and clasped hands on left forearm ; BUFFALO BILL on back of @ William, Francis Quilty, left hand; NEWFOUNDLAND and bird on back of right hand. (See P.G.,- 1940, p. 912.) Pahiatua 29/11/40 theft 3 months Newfoundland seaman 1916 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Eagle, snake, ship, star, and clasped hands on left forearm ; BUFFALO BILL on back of Frank Quilty, Harold David, Joseph left hand; NEWFOUNDLAND and bird on back of right hand. (See P.G., 1940, p. 912.) See P.G., 1939, p. 817. Pahiatua 18/12/40 keeping gaming-house fined £100 N. Zealand restaurateur 1902 5 3 fresh black brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1939, p. 817. Harold Joseph Rowland Edwin Murch, PahiatuaPahiatua 18/12/4018/12/40 gaming-house keeping gaming-house fined fined Zealand Zealand restaurateur ironmonger’s 1902 5 3 fresh black brown .. medium.. assistant 1916 5 8i fresh dark hazel .. medium.. Scar on back of head. Rowland Edwin Murch, SamuelGovernor, PahiatuaPahiatua 18/12/4018/12/40 gaming-house of in intoxicated charge fined and Zealand Maori ironmonger’s labourer 19161904 55 0010 freshcopper darkblack hazel .hazel . medium.medium. head. Scar right on motor-vehicle qualified from driving for 1 SamuelGovernor, Frederick Shepherd, PahiatuaOtaki 18/12/4026/12/40 of charge of charge in intoxicated fined £10 and disMaori labourer 1904 5 10 copper .. black hazel .. medium.. Scar on inside of right wrist. motor-vehiclemotor-vehicle qualified from driving for 1 year fined £20 .. England .. butcher 1899 5 H pale brown blue medium.. Strong build. Thomas Frederick Shepherd, Cecil, Willoughby Otaki 26/12/40 intoxicated in charge of motor-vehicle year fined £20 England .. butcher 1899 5 n pale brown blue medium.. Strong build. Cecil, Willoughby Upper Hutt .. 17/12/40 theft (2 charges) .. ■ • • convicted and discharged on each N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 6 fresh dark brown .. broken .. Operation-scar on left thigh; left leg shorter than right leg; birthmark on face, neck, and hands. Sefton, William, @ Sefton, Upper Hutt .. 17/12/40 theft (2 charges) .. convicted and discharged on each N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 6 fresh dark brown .. broken .. Operation-scar on left thigh ; left leg shorter than right leg; birthmark on face, neck, and hands. ” King Francis Lower . 30/12/40 theft . and Australia plumber 1910 6 0 medium. brown, grey medium. on theft on charged 14 days grey blue medium. glasses. Charles LennoxHenderson, Lower . 2/1/41 of in and N. accountant 1915 6 1 fair fair motor-car fromqualified driving to 2/1/42 medium beak ; right on right abdomen. Joseph Petone 30/12/40 unlawfully bicycle fined N. boilermaker 1906 5 6 fresh brown brown . James Morton, Zz/z/6/ Bain Harold Duff, Wellington . ' 21/12/40 mischief damage to pay . England fireman 1895 5 00 fresh brown grey medium on right (See p. Wellington . 21/12/40 charges) theft 1 Zealand storeman 1897 5 5 dark turn-brown, hazel medium on tion mg hazel . medium John Foote, Wellington 23/12/40 of charge in fined £20 and disN. Zealand carpet1907 5 5 fair dark motor-car and qualified qualified for driving planner N. Zealand carpetplanner 1907 5 5 fair dark for 1driving year year

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

of Where When. Offence. Sentence. j j Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing James Meaclem, Wellington 23/12/40 fighting fined £1 Zealand driver 1915 in. 9 ruddy brown hazel medium abdomen. William, Condon, Wellington . . 23/12/40 fighting fined Zealand labourer 1912 5 fresh brown blue medium.. ROSE and MOTHER on left arm ; flags and 9 fresh brown blue medium.. ROSE and MOTHER on left arm ; flags and William, ; Walter @ and ; William and 21, p. p. Cecelia Wellington . 23/12/40 languageobscene fined Zealand domestic 1892 5 4£ ruddy .. brown hazel .. medium.. Small scar above right eye. 4 ruddy .. brown hazel .. medium.. Small scar above right eye. Rogers, Wellington . 24/12/40 theft . probation N. labourer 1919 5 dark black brown . medium. A Edward Wellington . 26/12/40 in of disMaori labourer 1911 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scars on back of each hand. 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scars on back of each hand. motor-car qualified 1driving year .... year Vivian Wellington . 26/12/40 and ifto up Zealand N. clerk 1890 8 pale brown grey .. medium.. KIA ORA in two fern-leaves, ship, and anchor 8 pale brown grey .. medium.. KIA ORA in two fern-leaves, ship, and anchor language in on on left forearm ; star and dragon on right forearm. (See P.G., 1940, p. 708.) , . on left forearm; star and dragon on right forearm. (See P.G., 1940, p. 708.) mischief pay Daniel Wellington . 27/12/40 in of disZealand porter1918 5 fresh black blue medium 14 fresh black blue medium motor-car fromqualified 1driving barman year no fined GuthrieMcClure, Wellington 30/12/40 fighting fined Zealand company 1910 6 fresh brown brown .. medium, Scar on right shin. 3 fresh brown brown .. medium, Scar on right shin. manager broken Jack Wellington . 30/12/40 fighting fined £1 N. Zealand soldier 1912 6 0 fresh dark grey .. medium, Scar on back of left leg above knee. broken .. fined £1 N. Zealand soldier 1912 6 0 fresh dark grey .. medium, Scar on back of left leg above knee. broken Male, Wellington . 31/12/40 on ifto come up England . wharf 1869 5 pale grey hazel .. medium.. Small scar on left cheek. Scar on tip of nose. Si pale grey hazel .. medium.. Small scar on left cheek. Scar on tip of nose. intent 3 months labourer Joseph Wellington . 1/1/41 assault 14 days England and 1905 5 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar above right eye ; left ring-finger missing. 7 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar above right eye ; left ring-finger missing. wharf labourer 307.) William Clark, Nelson 17/12/40 theft fined N. labourer 1917 5 fresh black brown .. medium.. Scar above right knee and above and below right eye ; operation-scar on right side of abdomen ; butterfly on left forearm. (See ' P.G., 1938, p. 113, and Photos, 1934, p. 66.) Scar on forehead and on upper lip ; woman’s 5 fresh black brown .. medium.. Scar above right knee and above and below right eye ; operation-scar on right side of abdomen ; butterfly on left forearm. (See P.G., 1938, p. 113, and Photos, 1934, p. 66.) Scar on forehead and on upper lip ; woman’s Joseph Nelson 24/12/40 exposure 3 months N. Zealand labourer and 1882 5 4 fresh grey grey .. broken .. .. 3 months N. Zealand labourer and 1882 5 5£ fresh grey grey .. broken .. Cogle, Andrew carpenter head and NELLIE on left upper arm; lame on right leg. (See P.G., 1922, p. 481.) Kaikoura carpenter head and NELLIE on left upper arm; lame on right leg. (See P.G., 1922, p. 481.) Tip of right forefinger missing. (See P.G., 1930, 18/12/40 theft and N. labourer 1877 6£ 5 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Tip of right forefinger missing. (See P.G., 1930, 6* fresh brown grey .. medium.. James charged p. Amberley 28/12/40 in intoxicated of fined disEngland . saddler 1905 5 pale dark brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1936, p. 344, and Photos, p. 40. 11 pale dark brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1936, p. 344, and Photos, p. 40. motor-car qualified driving to 28/6/42 prohibition of breach fined

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. jHeight, Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing &c. Leonard Christchurch 23/12/40 assault fined N. Zealand plate-layer 1913 ft. in. 7 fresh dark brown blue medium. middle on; Anthony mischief pay left on upper on ; cupid Reginald Christchurch 23/12/40 of charge fined license £10, England . and 1898 65 fresh brown brown . medium. on on ; motor-car and disqualified from £ 3, /^7 cook - A tyi' '?4 arm. (See P.G., 1926, p. 799, and Photos, p. 47.) J-year-to come up if £ “"A "A '94 At arm. (See P.G., 1926, p. 799, and Photos, p. 47.) Edward Christchurch 4-year 23/12/40 theft * / N. Zealand salesman 1914 5 8 ruddy .. brown blue medium.. Pierced hearts on left upper arm ; bird on if come up left forearm. F.P. Photo at Christchurch, N. Zealand salesman 1914 5 8 ruddy .. brown blue medium.. Pierced hearts on left upper arm ; bird on called on in 3 left forearm. F.P. Photo at Christchurch, Archibald Stewart, Christchurch 27/12/40 drunkenness years 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 9£ fresh grey blue medium.. 23/12/40. Scar on left thumb. (See P.G., 1940, p. 268.) 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 9J fresh grey blue medium.. 23/12/40. Scar on left thumb. (See P.G., 1940, p. 268.) Anderson, Timaru 23/12/40 and (into if up Zealand labourer 1890 10 sallow . dark blue medium. 766.) p. Lewis, Thomas (a). Henry, Taffy means) in on 6 months Waimate 26/12/40 intoxicated in 2 and disWales saddler 1885 5 7* fresh grey grey . medium. and on ; motor-truck qualified flag and ; 1 on right Allison, Oamaru 17/12/40 false (3 charges) and Zealand andpainter 1894 6 fresh dark brown medium. 415.) shoulder injured. Security charged on paperhanger baldgoing Crook, Balclutha 18/12/40 in participating subversive 1 month England . slaughterman 1912 8 fresh fair brown . medium. Tip of Grey, Ronald Jehovah’s Witnesses Invercargill 19/12/40 theft convicted disAustralia . labourer 1921 5 7* dark dark brown medium. left on on right charged 1941, p. 68.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

Offence. Trade. S Complexion. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. of Name tried. When. Sentence. Native of M S Hair. Eyes. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) OSence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Kaeoft. in. AndrewWalker, Kaeo 21/11/40 to month 1 Maori labourer 1918 5 8 copper curlyblack, brown . large 20/12/40 Two ; large left (See Abraham Pawa, Kaeo 21/11/40 to cruelty month Maori labourer 1916 5 6 copper black brown flat 20/12/40 back hand on p. Beta, . Kaeo . 4/12/40 theft 14 Maori labourer 1922 5 8 copper black brown medium. 17/12/40 on p. Auckland— Arthur, George Auckland M.C. 17/7/40 theft .. 6 months Scotland .. labourer and 1903 5 7 fresh dark brown, grey medium.. 23/12/40 7 p.c. Scar on back of each forefinger and George, @ baker turning on left eyebrow. F.P. Discharged on George @ grey remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 635, and Photos, 1926, p. 92.) Auckland M.C. 17/7/40 theft .. 6 months Scotland .. labourer and baker 1903 5 n fresh dark brown, turning grey grey .. medium.. 23/12/40 7 p.c. Scar on back of each forefinger and on left eyebrow. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 635, and Photos, 1926, p. 92.) George, Auckland S.C. 7/5/40 theft .. 6 months (probaN. Zealand labourer 1894 5 9$ dark black brown .. medium.. 23/12/40 13 p.c. Strong build; scar on each foreGeorge,Caffery, tionary license arm F.P. Released on license. (See @ Johnstone, @ cancelled) P.G., 1940, d. 547, and Photos, 1922, Jackson Auckland S.C. 7/5/40 theft .. 6 months (probationary license cancelled) N. Zealand labourer 1894 5 9* dark black brown .. medium.. 23/12/40 13 p.c. Strong build ; scar on each forearm F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 547, and Photos, 1922, p. 6.) Nolan, Auckland 19/12/40 intoxicated charge 7 days, driver’s N. Zealand baker’s . 1919 5 7* fresh brown blue medium.. 24/12/40 p. 6.) Scar on left eyebrow. F.P. motor-car days, 7 endorsed, disqualified and disqualified forfrom driving from driving for 1 year assistant fresh 6 months N. Zealand baker’s assistant 1919 5 n fresh brown blue medium.. 24/12/40 Scar on left eyebrow. F.P. James Auckland 8/8/40 carnal N. Zealand carpenter and soldier 1916 5 14 fresh black brown .. medium.. 24/12/40 Strong build; scar on right knee and forefinger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1946, p. 734, • and Photos, p. 97.) 6 months N. Zealand carpenter and 1916 5 11$ black brown .. medium.. 24/12/40 Strong build; scar on right knee and soldier forefinger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 734, • and Photos, p. 97.) Hamilton James Glover, Auckland 28/5/40 false R.D. months’ Zealand N. steward 1900 5 H fair brown blue medium. 24/12/40 8 ; abdomen F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 504, and Photos, p. 68.) Large mouth ; shield, anchor, scroll, and KIA ORA on left forearm ; nude woman on right upper arm ; MARGARETTE on right forearm. Arrested, 29/11/40. Boyd, Alexander Auckland M.C. 4/10/40 default of maintenance .. arrears or 28 days England .. labourer 1913 5 9 fresh brown grey medium.. 26/12/40 Reid, William Anson, @ Reed Auckland M.C. 13/12/40 mischief —.. 14 days N. Zealand bootmaker .. 1879 5 6i fresh grey brown .. medium.. 26/12/40 35 p.c. Scar on right shoulder and above left eve. (See P.G., 1941. p. 44.) Carroll, David Auckland M.C. 28/11/40 theft .. .. 1 month Maori labourer 1920 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat 27/12/40 3 p.c. Round chin ; scar on left jaw near ear; MILLIE over anchor on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 975, and Photos, 1939, p. 48.) Whakatane - Hona, Joe Whakatane M.C. 11/11/40 assault 1 month Maori labourer 1917 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 10/12/40 See P.G., 1940, p. 975, and Photos, 1936, p. 32. Paul Arona Waikeria — Whakatane M.C. 29/11/40 assault 1 month Maori mill hand .. 1918 5 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 28/12/40 See P.G., 1941, p. 12. Mihaka Hihi .. Auckland S.C. 11/7/40 carnal knowledge 6 months Maori labourer 1920 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad .. 27/12/40 Scar above right eye and on right wrist. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 668, and Photos, 1936, p. 46.) \ abdomen F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 504, and Photos, p. 68.) Large mouth ; shield, anchor, scroll, and Bovd, Alexander Auckland M.C. 4/10/40 default of maintenance .. arrears or 28 days England .. labourer 1913 5 9 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 26/12/40 KIA ORA on left forearm ; nude woman on right upper arm ; MARGARETTE on right forearm. Arrested, 29/11/40. Reid, William Anson, @ Auckland M.C. 13/12/40 mischief 14. days N. Zealand bootmaker .. 1879 5 fresh grey brown .. medium.. 26/12/40 35 p.c. Scar on right shoulder and above Reed - 27/12/40 left eye. (See P.G., 1941, p. 44.) Carroll, David Auckland M.C. 28/11/40 theft .. .. •. 1 month Maori labourer 1920 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat 3 p.c. Round chin ; scar on left jaw near ear; MILLIE over anchor on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 975, and Photos, 1939, p. 48.) ' ' ‘ ■ ■ ■Whakatane— Whakatane 11/11/40 assault 1 month Maori labourer 1917 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 10/12/40 See P.G., 1940, p. 975, and Photos, 1936, M.C. p. 32. JoeHona, Paul Whakatane M.C. 29/11/40 assault 1 month Maori mill hand .. 1918 5 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 28/12/40 See P.G:, 1941, p. 12. 6 months Scar above right eye and on right wrist. Waikeria —Mihaka . 11/7/40 carnal knowledge Maori j ■ . labourer 1920 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad .. 27/12/40 F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 668, and Photos, 1936, V p. 46.) Auckland S.C.


and Prisoner. tried. When. OSenoe.. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When charged. and been finger-impressions taken.) Rotorua 14 days and disqualified from driving to 26/11/42 ft. in. 26/11/40 intoxicated in charge of motor-lorry 14 days and disqualified from driving to 26/11/42 France ft. in. Beaumont, RodgerRodger William Rotorua contractor .. 1887 5 9 fresh grey grey .. medium.. 9/12/40 Strong build. (See P.G., 1941, p. 12.) 26/11/40 intoxicated in charge of motor-lorry France contractor .. 1887 5 9 fresh grey grey .. medium.. 9/12/40 Strong build. (See P.G., 1941, p. 12.) Paul . Plymouth— M.C.Rotorua .. 19/11/40 theft . 21 Maori carpenter . 1922 9 copper . black, brown . medium.. 9/12/40 See p. Tommy Hawera M.C. .. 11/12/40 assault 14 days Maori labourer 1914 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat 24/12/40 Small scar on right side of forehead. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 207.) Rangipo — M.C. Hawera .Te M.C... 11/12/40 assault 14 days Maori labourer 1914 5 8 copper .. black brown .. fiat 24/12/40 Small scar on right side of forehead. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 207.) WilliamRaymond, 22/7/40 obscene language; and resisting police 3 months on each (cumulative) N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 10 copper .. black brown .. flat 24/12/40 A half-caste Maori. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 652, and Photos, 1926, p. 22.) Waikune— TePuke M.C... 22/7/40 obscene language; and resisting police 3 months on each (cumulative) / N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 10 copper .. black brown .. flat 24/12/40 A half-caste Maori. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 652, and Photos, 1926, p. 22.) James McKenzie, mond, Drummond, James @ McKenzie, Auckland 5/2/40 breaking, entering, charges) each N. salesman 1912 8} 5 fresh brown blue-grey medium 23/12/40 and on Scar right ring-finger. left 1940, (See on charged p. Napier - Hastings James Gorman, Joseph 4/10/40 and (insufficient 3 Eire labourer 1906 14 fresh brown blue-grey medium. 24/12/40 on p. Jamieson, Jack, O’Grady, McDonald ke M.C. 30/11/40 premises on intent out 1 Scotland labourer 1889 5 8£ fresh grey, going bald blue wide 28/12/40 Scar above left eye; little fingers contracted ; left little toe missing. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 13, and Photos, 1926, p. 85.) 00 fresh grey, going bald blue wide 28/12/40 Scar above left eye; little fingers contracted ; left little toe missing. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 13, and Photos, 1926, p. 85.) James, Wanganui— Napier 16/12/40 obscene mischief days 14 to pay N. labourer 1887 4 5 ruddy . brown hazel medium 28/12/40 left on on elbow, right ; 1925, and 315, p. 64.) p. harematangi W Hickey Hamilton 3/2/38 charges) each 11 years (probationary cancelled) Maori labourer 1889 11-1 copper black, going bald brown . broad 18/12/40 and ; Strong injured ; Released left on and (See Photos, 48.) Sydney George Taihape M.C. .. 27/11/40 assaulting police 1 month Australia .. carpenter .. 1913 5 6 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 26/12/40 Scar on left side of upper lip; TRUE LOVE on two hearts on left forearm ; bird and kewpie on right upper arm. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 976.) j Taihape M.C. .. 27/11/40 assaulting police 1 month Australia .. carpenter .. 1913 5 6 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 26/12/40 Scar on left side of upper lip; TRUE LOVE on two hearts on left forearm ; bird and kewpie on right upper arm. E-P' • (See P.G.< 1940, p. 976.) Anthony, . Wanganui 16/12/40 obstructing 14 Zealand labourer 1904 54 sallow brown blue long 28/12/40 abdomen, lower on (See hand( p.


Offence. Sentence. 40 A Complexion. When discharged. Remarks and Previous Convictions. of and Gaol, tried. When. Native of Trade. M O » ’3 a • Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wi ft. in. ft in. John Shepherd. Wellington M.C. 25/9/40 theft .. .. .. 3 months N. Zealand labourer and 1917 5 6 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 17/12/40 8 p.c. Writes with left hand ; cross and Samuel cook rising sun on right forearm; star on back of right hand. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 815, and Photos, 1936, p. 59.) Wellington M.C. 25/9/40 theft .. .. .» 3 months N. Zealand labourer and cook 1917 5 6 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 17/12/40 8 p.c. Writes with left hand ; cross and rising sun on right forearm ; star on back of right hand. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 815, and Photos, 1936, p. 59.) John Palmerston 25/9/40 obscene exposure (2 3 months on each N. Zealand labourer and 1919 5 11 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 18/12/40 2 p.c. Strong build. Released on license. North charges) cook F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 828, and Photos, p. 99.) 25/9/40 obscene exposure (2 charges) 3 months on each N. Zealand labourer and cook 1919 5 11 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 18/12/40 2 p.c. Strong build. Released on license. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 828, and Photos, p. 99.) Allen, . George M.C.Wellington 10/9/40 theft . 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 7 fresh light brown.. grey .. medium.. 24/12/40 16 p.c. Two moles on left cheek ; mole on theft months 3 month 1 chin ; ship, scroll, and clasped hands on month(cumulative) right forearm; ballet-girl on left forearm; scar on tip of left forefinger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 796, and Photos, 1936, p. 55.) (cumulative) N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 7 fresh light brown.. grey .. medium.. 24/12/40 16 p.c. Two moles on left cheek ; mole on chin ; ship, scroll, and clasped hands on right forearm ; ballet-girl on left forearm; scar on tip of left forefinger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 796, and Photos. 1936, p. 55.) Ronald Wellington 3/10/40 unlawfully 3 months Maori ■ labourer 1919 5 H bronze .. black brown .. flat 27/12/40 16 p.c. Strong build ; crescent and five-motor-ear pointed star on left forearm ; scar on 3 months Maori labourer 1919 5 5£ bronze .. black brown .. flat 27/12/40 16 p.c. Strong build ; crescent and fivepointed star on left forearm ; scar on left knee and ring-finger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 829, and Photos, 1937, p. 33.) Wellington— arrears or 6 weeks Kendall, Thomas Palmerston North M.C. 22/8/40 default of maintenance .. N. Zealand linesman and motordriver 1890 5 5£ ruddy .. grey hazel .. large 16/12/40 5 p.e. Heart and anchor on right forearm ; scar on chin ; large scar above left ankle. Arrested, 5/11/40. (See P.G., 1939, p. 671.) Scoullar, John Gordon, @ Sehoullar Masterton M.C. 26/9/40 illegally on premises without intent 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 6 sallow .. grey grey .. large 16/12/40 14 p.c. Tips of left middle, ring, and little fingers missing ; scar on right eyebrow. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 886, and Photos, 1922, p. 37.) Scar on abdomen; Indian’s head, N.Z.A.S.C., butterfly, and NGAIRE on left forearm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 828, and Photos, p. 103.) Russell, Robert Harold Wellington M.C. 30/9/40 unlawfully converting motor-car 3 months N. Zealand storeman and soldier 1922 5 7 pale brown grey .. medium. . 16/12/40 McCormack, Eugene James, @ McCormick, Thomas John, @ McDougall, John Thomas Court-martial, Trentham 18/11/40 absent from Army 30 days N. Zealand bushman and soldier 1898 5 8 dark grey blue Pug, broken 17/12/40 8 p.e. Scar on forehead, on left leg, above left eye, and on right shoulder. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, p. 751, and 1932, p. 469, and Photos, 1932, p. 72.) Ward, Harold Frederick William Wellington M.C. 13/12/40 intoxicated in charge of motor-car no driver’s license 7 days and disqualified from driving for 1 y’r convicted and discharged N. Zealand plumber and porter 1900 QO dark dark grey .. medium. . 19/12/40 3 p.c. Strong build ; scar on right thumb ; right little finger injured ; birthmark on back. F.P. (See P.G., 1933, p. 179.) Smith, Richard Michael Wellington M.C. 14/12/40 ship-desertion .. 1 month and to be placed on ship Wales cook 1921 5 7 fresh fair blue medium.. 19/12/40 Placed on ship. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 47.) left knee and ring-finger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 829, and Photos, 1937, p. 33.) - Wfellington— arrears or 6 weeks Palmerston 22/8/40 default of maintenance .. N. Zealand linesman and 1890 5 H ruddy .. grey hazel .. large 16/12/40 5 p.c. Heart and anchor on right forearm ; North M.C. motorscar on chin ; large scar above left ankle. ♦ driver Arrested, 5/11/40. (See P.G., 1939, p. 671.) ThomasKendall, John Gordon,Scoullar, 26/9/40 illegally on premises with3 months N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 6 sallow .. grey grey .. large 16/12/40 14 p.c. Tips of left middle, ring, and little Masterton M.C. out intent fingers missing; scar on right eyebrow. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 886, and Photos, 1922, p. 37.) Scar on abdomen; 'Indian’s head, Schoullar @ Russell, 30/9/40 unlawfully converting 3 months N. Zealand storeman and 1922 5 7 pale brown grey .. medium.. 16/12/40 motor-car soldier , N.Z.A.S.C., butterfly, and NGAIRE on left forearm. F.P, Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 828, and Photos, p. 103.) Wellington M.C. Court-martial, 18/11/40 absent from Army 30 days N. Zealand bushman and 1898 5 8 dark grey blue Pug, broken 17/12/40 8 p.c. Scar on forehead, on left leg, above McCormick, James, @ John, @ JohnMcDougall, Trentham soldier left eye, and on right shoulder. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, p. 751, and 1932, p. 469, and Photos, 1932, p. 72.) Thomas Frederick Harold Ward, 13/12/40 intoxicated in charge of 7 days and disN. Zealand plumber and 1900 5 dark dark .. grey .. medium.. 19/12/40 3 p.c. Strong build ; scar on right thumb ; Wellington M.C. motor-car - qualified from porter right little finger injured ; birthmark on driving for 1 y’r back. F.P. (See P.G., 1933, p. 179.) no driver’s license convicted and discharged ,. 1 month and to be William Smith, Richard Michael 14/12/40 ship-desertion .. Wales’’ .. cook 1921 5 7 fresh fair •* vi‘ V blue medium.. 19/12/40 Placed on ship. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, - placed on ship P- 47.) Wellington M.C.


Gaol, and Wnere tried. VUen. Offence. Sen ten oe. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion, Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Bemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) - Wellington . 21 days and disft. in. Wa«re triedVlien. Offenoe. Sentenoe. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion, Hair. Byes. | Nose. Whan discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Schofield, ft. in. Wellington M.C. 29/11/40 intoxicated in charge of England .. fitter 1892 5 8i fresh brown, turnblue medium.. 20/12/40 15 p.c. Scar on nose, on left forearm, and Schofield, Thomas motor-car qualified from driving for 3 ing grey on right wrist. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 14, and Photos, 1939, p. 64.) years Wellington M.C. 29/11/40 intoxicated in charge of 21 days and disEngland .. fitter 1892 5 fresh brown, turnblue medium.. 20/12/40 15 p.c. Scar on nose, on left forearm, and Greenwood Devon, Aloysius, James motor-car qualified from driving for 3 ing grey on right wrist. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 14, and Photos, 1939, p. 64.) years Lower Hutt 22/11/40 theft .. 1 month Scotland .. salesman 1897 5 8 fresh grey, going hazel .. long 21/12/40 Several p.c. Scar on nose and on right Devon, James Aloysius, Lower Hutt 22/11/40 theft .. 1 month Scotland .. salesman 1897 5 8 fresh grey, going hazel .. long 21/12/40 Several p.c. Scar on nose and on right M.C. Wellington M.C. bald side of neck; gunshot-wound on left thigh. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 960, and Photo3, 1932, p. 31.) 8 p.c. 24/886 and pierced heart on left Devon, John @ Henry. Claude inton, . 6/11/39 default of maintenance .. 6 months N. Zealand carpenter .. 1895 5 8 fresh dark grey .. long 23/12/40 forearm ; bullet-wound on right forearm. Henry. Claude . George orPapadopoulos, M.C.Wellington 15/8/40 prohibited immigrant to be deported .. Greece ship’s steward 1914 5 5 dark dark brown .. long 24/12/40 (See P.G., 1937, p. 166.) Mole on left cheek. Discharged on remisWellington M.C. default of maintenance .. 6 months bald side of neck; gunshot-wound on left thigh. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 960, and Photos, 1932, p. 31.) 6/11/39 N. Zealand carpenter .. 1895 5 8 fresh dark grey long 23/12/40 8 p.e. 24/886 and pierced heart on left forearm ; bullet-wound on right forearm. Papadopoulos, George or Wellington M.C. 15/8/40 prohibited immigrant to be deported .. Greece ship’s steward 1914 5 5 dark dark brown .. long 24/12/40 (See P.G., 1937, p. 166.) Mole on left cheek. Discharged on remisGeorgio 1940, p. Borstal Institution Elizabeth Christchurch 11/12/39 in years Zealand domestic 1921 5 1 sallow . brown grey . medium. 16/12/40 on M.C. brothel of Institution on p. Paparua— Dudley, Dudley Timaru . 14/4/38 of . . month 1 Zealand labourer 1910 5 7 dark dark brown medium. 23/12/40 Arrested, 13/12/40. paid. Scroll, 1 LOVE, p.c. Alfred Roy Christchurch M.C. 26/11/40 theft days Zealand labourer 1911 5 00 fresh dark brown .. medium.. 24/12/40 U.S.A., F.E.G., and bee, &e., on left forearm; anchor, star, clasped hands, snake, HONOLULU 1928, &e., on right forearm. F.P. Photo at Christchurch, Uffresh dark brown .. medium.. 24/12/40 U.S.A., F.E.G., and bee, &c., on left forearm; anchor, star, clasped hands, snake, HONOLULU 1928, &c., on right forearm. F.P. Photo at Christchurch, John Kerins, Hokitika M.C. 25/11/40 drunkenness month 1 Zealand labourer 1895 5 7 ruddy brown blue medium. 24/12/40 (See p. build. Strong Dunedin— Percy Dunedin . M.C. 19/12/40 theft days England boot-finisher 1904 5 8 fresh brown blue medium. 24/12/40 Dunedin, at 19/12/40. Borstal tution— Moses, @ Auckland 22/11/38 unlawfully in Borstal years Maori labourer 1921 5 1 copper . black brown flat 22/12/40 of on Mohi and ; bicycle Institution on license. 1938, (See Sidney motor- ; theft. each and 25.) Wanganui 24/1/39 unlawfully 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 H fresh light brown.. green .. medium.. 22/12/40 Sailing-ship, eagle, dagger, and snake round motor-car Borstal in years Institution . heart on right arm ; battleship, dagger through head, and sword through heart on left arm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1939, p. 125, and Photos, p. 27.) Institution N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 CO fresh light brown.. green .. medium.. 22/12/40 Sailing-ship, eagle, dagger, and snake round heart on right arm ; battleship, dagger 1 through head, and sword through heart on left arm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G.. 1939, p. 125, and Photos, p. 27.)


Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Prisoner. of Name Gaol, tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) ’3 a Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Borstal Invercargill tution ft. in. KeithMason, Wellington 15/6/39 female; in Zealand labourer 1921 ft. 9J 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 23/12/40 Right hand injured; scar on right wrist, 5 9i fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 23/12/40 Right hand injured; scar on right wrist, and attempted indecent Institution on back of right hand, on left knee, and assault on female on base of right thumb ; drooping right eyelid. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1939, p. 552, and Photos, p. 71.) William Auckland 16/3/39 and indecent attempted unlawfully 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand shop assistant 1921 5 4£ pale brown brown .. medium.. 23/12/40 Scar on right forefinger, on base of left female charges)motor-car Institution on little finger, and on right side of abdomen. each F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., unlawfully converting Institution 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand shop assistant 1921 5 H pale brown brown .. medium.. 23/12/40 on back of right hand, on left knee, and on base of right thumb ; drooping right eyelid. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1939, p. 552, and Photos, p. 71.) Scar on right forefinger, on base of left Invercargill 21/6/39 escaping from Borstal 1 vear in Borstal 1939, p. 540, and Photos, p. 9.) M.C. Institution Institution (cumulative) James Invercargill Plymouth 19/3/40 theft .. 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand mechanic .. 1924 5 10£ fresh dark brown .. medium.. 24/12/40 Strong build; scar on right wrist and on M.C. M.C. Institution right side of forehead; scars on left thumb and elbow ; birthmark under left upper arm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 323, and Photos, p. 41.) New Plymouth 21/6/39 19/3/40 motor-car (2 charges) escaping from Borstal Institution theft .. Institution on each 1 year in Borstal Institution (cumulative) 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand mechanic .. 1924 5 10£ fresh dark brown .. medium.. 24/12/40 little finger, and on right side of abdomen. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1939, p. 540, and Photos, p. 9.) Strong build; scar on right wrist and on Henry M.C. Wanganui 6/2/40 unlawfully converting 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 11 pale light brown.. blue medium.. 27/12/40 Birthmark on right side of throat; scar bicycle ; and breach of Institution on below left eye. F.P. Released on probation each license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 201, and Photos, p. 56.) Wanganui M.C. 6/2/40 unlawfully converting Institution 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 11 pale light brown.. blue medium.. 27/12/40 right side of forehead; scars on left thumb and elbow ; birthmark under left upper arm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 323, and Photos, p. 41.) Birthmark on right side of throat; scar • bicycle ; and breach of probation Institution on each below left eye. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 201, and Photos, p. 56.)


Native of Trade. a ■E Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Prisoner. Name Gaol, "Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. o « *© w plesion. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) /AucklandWhere tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Completion. Hair. Byes. Nose, When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F J > . indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Brown, Leonard Vincent Hamilton M.C. 1/11/40 assault 2 months N. Zealand mechanical 1921 ft. in. 5 6£ fair fair hazel .. medium.. 31/12/40 Moles on left cheek; operation-scar on arrears or 1 month Australia .. engineer 1888 5 7* fresh left hip. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 12.) Speight, Sydney Rhodes Auckland M.C. 28/11/40 default of maintenance .. watchmaker brown, turnbrown .. medium.. 1/1/41 Scar above upper lip ; operation-scar on failing to register in Na14 days N. Zealand fair mg grey right side of abdomen. Arrested 2/12/40. Hamilton M.C. 19/12/40 plasterer 1913 5 8i ginger brown .. long 1/1/41 Scar on right upper arm ; burn-scar on Robert, @ Hamerton tional Reserve 1 month N. Zealand fresh right calf. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 62.) Battersby, Raymond H ilAuckland M.C. 3/12/40 theft labourer 1911 5 7 brown blue-grey medium 2/1/41 7 p.c. Scar on left wrist and on left Auckland- Peter liam thumb ; cyst on left little finger. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 10, and Photos, 1934, Leonard Brown, Rupert, Norman Cottle, M.C.Hamilton M.C.Auckland 1/11/403/12/40 assaulttheft . months month ZealandAustralia mechanicallabourer 19211916 ft. 8o fresh brown hazel .. thick . i 2/1/41 p. 43.) 20 p.c. Scar above left eye, on nose, on 5 6£ fair fair hazel .. medium.. 31/12/40 Moles on left cheek; operation-scar on left hip. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 12.) arrears or 1 month Australia .. 1888 5 7i fresh Rhodes Speight, Cot- Jack, Reid, (5), forehead, and on left foot, thumb, and Auckland M.C. 28/11/40 default of maintenance .. watchmaker brown, turnbrown .. medium.. 1/1/41 Scar above upper lip ; operation-scar on right side of abdomen. Arrested mg grey failing to register in Na14 days N. Zealand fair 2/12/40. ohn J Hammerton, @ Norman, tie, forefinger. Dancing woman on right Hamerton @ Robert, Wilford, Purdy, forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 10, Wil- Raymond Battersby, Patterson @ and Photos, 1939, p. 84.) Hamilton M.C. 19/12/40 plasterer 1913 5 Si ginger brown .. long 1/1/41 Scar on right upper arm ; burn-scar on tional Reserve 1 month N. Zealand fresh right calf. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 62.) Auckland M.C. 3/12/40 theft labourer 1911 5 7 brown blue-grey medium 2/1/41 7 p.c. Scar on left wrist and on left Peter liam Reginald thumb ; cyst on left little finger. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 10, and Photos, 1934, p. 43.) 20 p.c. Scar above left eye, on nose, on Hamilton S.C. 8/6/31 murder death (commuted Canada painter and 1894 5 5£ dark dark, curly, hazel .. medium.. 31/12/40 Highland soldier, ship, and half bracelet on Rupert,Cottle, Norman Thomas to paperturning right forearm ; bust of trooper, arrow, M.C.Auckland Auckland ment for life) N. Zealand hanger 5 4J grey pierced heart over LOVE, &c., on left forearm ; ring on right ring-finger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 459, and Photos, 1940, p. 74.) 3/12/40 theft .. .. .. 1 month Australia .. labourer 1916 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. thick . i 2/1/41 Cot- Reid, (5), WalterTomuri, forehead, and on left foot, thumb, and 25/7/40 forgery and uttering 6 months on each labourer 1904 copper .. black brown .. flat 3/1/41 A three-quarter-caste Maori; large mouth; [ i *' left fore and ring fingers injured. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., Rotorua M.C... fresh 1940, p. 669, and Photos, p. 104.) @ Norman, Joseph Grant Alan Kerr, forefinger. Dancing woman on right 5/11/40 theft .. 2 months N. Zealand painter a n d 1920 5 8J black brown .. medium.. 4/1/41 5 p.c. Operation-scar on right side of Hamilton M.C. labourer fresh abdomen; two small soars between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 938, and Photos, 1938. p. 27.) Wilford, Purdy, George . forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 10, 23/12/40 obscene language 14 days Wales labourer 1885 5 6 brown, turn-blue-grey medium.. 4/1/41 Portion of right middle finger off ; scar V A "• ing grey and going inside of right little finger. F.P. Patterson (cv, Waikeria — bald Hamilton S.C. death (commuted and Photos, 1939, p. 84.) Reginald Howard Allan York, 8/6/31 murder Canada painter and 1894 5 5 i dark dark, curly, hazel .. medium.. 31/12/40 Highland soldier, ship, and half bracelet on Auckland S.C. 16/7/40 housebreaking with intent 8 months N. Zealand van-driver .. 1909 5 64 fresh black brown .. straight 1/1/41 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., Wellington S.C. 1940, p. 698, and Photos, p. 104.) Norman Thomas Irimana Wi Hirini, @ to paperturning right forearm ; bust of trooper, arrow, ment for life) hanger grey piercedheart over LOVE, &c., on left fore23/4/40 breaking, entering, and 1 year on each Maori labourer 1893 o 0 copper .. grey brown .. medium.. 1/1/41 3 p.c. Scar above left eve. F.P. ReAuckland S.C.Auckland J arm; ring on right ring-finger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 459, and Photos, 1940, p. 74.) theft (2 charges) j leased on license. (See P.G., 1915, p. 811, and 1940. p. 424, and Photos, p. 64.) WalterTomuri, Gordon Paterson, 25/7/4025/7/40 uttering forgery theft . each 6 on months months 6 N. Zealand N. labourerstationer 19041901 4i 5 4^ O copper fresh brown, going hazel .. long 3/1/41 Slight build ; small growth on right ear. black brown . . flat 3/1/41 A three-quarter-caste Maori; large mouth; Rotorua M.C. .. / 5/11/4$ r ■■ a , fresh left fore and ring fingers injured. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 669, and Photos, p. 104.) Grant Alan Kerr, Pharaoh mond bald F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 669, and Photos, p. 91.) theft' .. 2 months N. Zealand painter a n di 1920 5 8| black brown .. medium .. 4/1/41 5 p.c. Operation-scar on right side of Hamilton M.C. . 4 ' labourer fresh . i abdomen; two small scars between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 938, and Photos, 1938, p. 27.) Fred . George Tako— 23/12/40 obscene language 14 days '. Wales labourer 1885 5 6 brown, turn-blue-grey medium.. 4/1/41 Portion of right middle finger off ; scar i •, ■ 1 ing grey ; inside of right little finger. F.P. V i ) and going Waikeria— Cyril . bald i Palmerston N. 12/4/40 default of maintenance .. 6 months N. Zealand horse-breaker 1908 5 5 fresh black, wavy brown .. short 2/1/41 1 p.c. Small build ; scar on forehead and M.C. on right shin; dimple in chin. Arrested, 24/7/40. Discharged on remission. (See P.G. 1932, p. 592.) Auckland S.C. 16/7/40 housebreaking with intent 8 months N. Zealand van-driver .. 1909 5 64 fresh .., black brown .. straight 1/1/41 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., Wellington S.C. 1940, p, 698, and Photos, p. 104.) Howard Allan York, Irimana Wi Hirini, @ breaking, entering, and 1 year on each Maori labourer 1893 o o copper .. grey brown .. medium.. 1/1/41 3 p.c. Scar above left eye. F.P. Re23/4/40 theft (2 charges) i leased on license.(SeeP.G., 1915, p. 811, and 1940, p. 424, and Photos, p. 64.) Auckland S.C. 25/7/40 theft .. 6 months N. Zealand stationer 1901 5 4| fresh brown, going hazel .. long 3/1/41 Slight build ; small growth on right ear. Gordon Paterson, Pharaoh mond F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 669, and Photos, p. 91.) ‘ > bald ... Tako— Wi Cyril 12/4/40 default of maintenance .. 6 months N. Zealand horse-breaker 1908 5 5 fresh black, wavy brown .. short ■ 2/1/41 1 p.c. Small build ; scar on forehead and Palmerston N. on right shin; dimple in chin. Arrested, 24/7 /40. Discharged on remission. (See P.G. 1932, p. 592.) M.C.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 2, 15 January 1941, Page 39

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THE GOVERNMENT SUPERANNUATION FUNDS (ANNUITIES FOR DEPENDANTS) REGULATIONS 1940. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 2, 15 January 1941, Page 39

THE GOVERNMENT SUPERANNUATION FUNDS (ANNUITIES FOR DEPENDANTS) REGULATIONS 1940. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 2, 15 January 1941, Page 39