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(From Gazette, 1914, pages 3876 and 3878.) Regulations for Trout-fishing , Rotorua Acclimatization


LIVERPOOL, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this twenty-seventh day of October, 1914.

Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council.

IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by the Fisheries Act, 1908, and its amendments, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Rotorua Acclimatization District and the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the first day of November, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, supersede all regulations at variance therewith, and such regulations are hereby revoked.


1. Licenses to fish for trout in all waters within that district or part of the North Island known as the Rotorua Acclimatization District, described in the First Schedule hereto, and comprising the Counties of Rotorua, Whakatane, and East Taupo, and parts of the Counties of Wairoa, West Taupo, and Matamata, may be issued under the hand of the General Manager of the Department of Tourist and Health Resorts, or any one authorized in writing by the said General Manager in that behalf; provided that the General Manager, or his appointee, may refuse to issue a license to any person who within the previous two years has been convicted of any breach of the provisions of any Act relating to fishing for trout, or of any regulation made thereunder. 2. The fee to be charged for a license as aforesaid to each male person over the age of sixteen years shall be £l. Licenses may also be issued to boys attending school or under the age of sixteen, or to women, at a reduced fee of ss. for each license so issued; provided that it shall be lawful for the said General Manager, or his appointee, in any case where application is made for a license on or after the Ist February in any year, to issue a license to any man for the sum of 12s. 6d., but so that such license shall extend only from the time of granting the same until the termination of the then trout-fishing season. No license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. The General Manager, or his appointee, may issue to any one applying for the same a monthly license on payment of a fee of 12s. 6d. for each month’s fishing, a weekly license on payment of a fee of 7s. 6d. for each week’s fishing, or a day license on payment of a fee of 2s. 6d. for each day’s fishing. 3. Any holder of a license may fish for trout in the abovenamed waters from the Ist November in any year to the 31st May in the following year, both inclusive; but every such license shall be for one season only, and shall expire on the 31st May following the date on which it was issued, subject, however, to the special limitations and restrictions hereinafter mentioned.

4. Trout shall not be fished for, taken, or killed otherwise than with one rod and line ; but a landing-net or gaff may be used to secure any trout caught with such rod and line. No lures or baits shall be used other than the natural or artificial fly, natural or artificial minnow, any small indigenous fish, insect, grasshopper, beetle, or spider, and any form of spoon bait, and such lures or baits shall only be used upon a running line attached to a rod and reel. No set rod or line shall be used for taking trout in any of the waters aforesaid. The use of the shell-fish koura, worms, the creeper, and the huhu or matai grub as baits shall be a breach of the regulations. 5. No person shall use any bait or lure other than artificial fly in any of the streams following—namely, the Kaituna Stream from Lake Rotoiti to the electric-power station at the Okere Falls, the Waimakariri, Waitahanui, and Tahana-atara Streams, and the Ohau Channel. 6. No person shall spin or troll in any stream, spring, or river flowing into or from Lakes Rotorua, Rotoiti, Rotoehu, Rotoma, Rotokakahi, Tarawera, and Taupo, nor within a radius of 300 yards, shore to shore, from the centre of the said streams or outlets or inlets of any of them, all of such being reserved for fly fishing only. 7. No person shall use any bait or lure other than artificial fly within a radius of 300 yards from Te Ngae sunken reef in Lake Rotorua, as indicated by posts in the water.

8. No license shall be transferable, or be deemed to authorize any person other than the person named therein to fish. 9. No person shall take, fish for, or catch any Salmonidce or trout, or in any way injure or disturb the same, between the Ist June and the 31st October in any year, which period is hereby appointed a close season for all such fish. No person shall have in his possession any Salmonidce or trout between the sth June and the Ist November following, except as provided for by the regulations regarding keeping trout in freezing or cool chambers after close of season, which were made by the Governor in Council on the 6th October, 1908, on the 6th September, 1909, and on the Bth June, 1914, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the Bth October, 1908, the 16th September, 1909, and the 11th June, 1914, respectively. Provided always that this regulation shall not apply to fish caught by the General Manager, or his appointee, or officers of the Marine Department, or officers of the Department of Internal Affairs, for purposes of acclimatization. 10. No person shall cast or throw into any stream or waters, or shall allow to flow into or place near the bank or margin of any stream or waters, any sawdust or sawmill refuse, lime, sheep-dip, flax-mill refuse, or any other matter or liquid that is noxious, poisonous, or injurious to fish ; provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to prohibit the depositing in such stream of debris from any mining claim.

11. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever ; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

12. No person shall fish for trout without a license ; and every person fishing shall, on the demand of any Ranger, constable, officer of the Department of Tourist and Health Resorts, or of any person producing a license, give his true name and place of residence, and, on the like demand, produce and show to such Ranger, officer, constable, or person his license, and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing such trout.

13. Every trout not exceeding 10 in. in length from nose to tip of tail taken or caught by any person shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

14. No cross-line or hand-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout; nor shall any of the above-mentioned baits be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 15. Except as aforesaid, no person shall fish with or use any net, or any instrument, or device, or means for taking Salmonidce or trout in any lake, river, or stream within the district aforesaid, or at the mouth or entrance of any such river or stream; provided that nothing contained in this clause shall apply to the Under-Secretary of the Department of Internal Affairs, or to any person authorized in writing by the said Under-Secretary to net fish on behalf of the Department. 16. Nothing herein contained, or contained in any license issued under these regulations, shall be deemed to authorize any person to fish for or take Salmonidce or trout from the Wairoa Stream between the waterfalls and Lake Tarawera.

17. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, or shall fish for the purpose of obtaining for sale, any trout, or any part thereof; provided always that it shall be lawful for any person to buy and sell fresh trout and smoked trout taken and branded by or under the direction of the Department of Internal Affairs. 18. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not be less than £1 or more them £SO.

19. If any person shall be convioted of an offence against these regulations, the license (if any) held by the offender shall thereupon become void and shall be returned to the General Manager.


Rotorua Acclimatization District.

All that area bounded towards the north generally by Tauranga County from the north-eastern boundary of Matamata County to the sea; thence by the sea to the northwestern corner of Opotiki County; thence towards the east by Opotiki County to its south-western corner; thence towards the north-east by Waikohu and Cook Counties to the sea ; thence towards the east and south-east generally by the sea to Moeangiangi; thence towards the south generally by the leading spur and the southern watershed of the Waikare River to the summit of Taraponui Mountain ; thence by the leading spur to the confluence of the Mobaka River and the Waipunga River ; thence by a right line to Tataraokino Mountain ; thence by the eastern watershed of

the Mokomokonui Stream to the summit of Pohokura Mountain ; thence by a line running due east to the Pukahunui Stream ; thence by the leading spur and the western watershed of the Te Hoe River to Maungataniwha Trig. Station ; thence by the north-eastern boundary of Heruiwi No. 4 Block to the northern boundary of Wairoa County; thence by the Wairoa County to the Napier-Taupo Road; thence by Hawke’s Bay, Rangitikei, Waimarino, and Kaitieke Counties to the confluence of the Wanganui and Ongaruhe Rivers ; thence towards the west generally by Ohura and Waitomo Counties to the summit of Rangitoto Mountain ; thence by a right line to the summit of Puwhenua Mountain ; and thence by Matamata County to the southern boundary of Tauranga County, the place of commencement.


Men’s [Women’s] [Boys’] [Hale-sea son] [Monthly] [Weekly] [Day] License to pish. The Fisheries Act, 1908, and Amendments.

The holder of this license [Name in full], of [Address], [Calling or occupation], having this day paid the sum of , is hereby authorized to fish for trout within the Rotorua Acclimatization District from the day of , 19 ,to the day of , 19 , subject to the said Acts and to the regulations made thereunder for the time being in force in the said district. Dated at this day of ,19 . Department of Tourist and Health Resorts. J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Animals Protection Act.—Declaring Reserve for Native and Imported. Game, Hawlcshury Domain.


PURSUANT to the powers conferred upon him by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand doth hereby r otify that native and imported game shall not be taken or killed within the area described in the Schedule hereto, being part of the Hawksbury Domain.

SCHEDULE. All that area in the Otago Land Di strict, being Sections Nos. 7 and 8, Block VI, Hawksbury Survey District, the road lying between these two sections, the road forming the southea tcrn boundaries of the said sections, and the area lying between the last mentioned road, the Hawksbury Lagoon, and the seashore.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-fourth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs


Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. A. 1914. Abbott, William Frederick Theft Palmerston N. Page 512. Allen. Andrew Tait Walker Default of maintenance Auckland • .. ,. 440. Anderson, Anders William Wife-desertion Tauranga ,. 642. Anderson, Christopher Vagrancy Waihi „ 523. Angelo, Bette Ship-desertion Wellington „ 574. Apps, Thomas Theft from the person Otaki ., 642. Armstrong, Kenneth .. Theft Christchurch .. „ 643. Anton, Samuel Default of maintenance Christchurch .. „ 524. B. Bailey, Douglas Boy .. Default of maintenance Wellington „ 460. Barker, William Default of maintenance Westport „ 548. Barker, William Default of fine and costs Auckland „ 642. Beaton, Forbes Forgery .. Oamaru „ 480. Bissett, Ernest Sylvester Failing to maintain Wellington „ 480. Blades, Frank Default of fine and costs Auckland ., 599. Bloomfield, William .. Ship-desertion Wellington „ 574. Bloor, William Merrick Naval desertion Wellington „ 463, 495. Boyd, Walter, alias McGregor .. Default of maintenance Wellington „ 560. Boyes, William Default of fine Christchurch .. „ 615. Bradley, Hugh Default of fine and costs Picton „ 674. Brassell, Leonard Joseph Forgery and uttering Hamilton „ 459. Bray, James Default of fine Christchurch .. „ 574. Browne, Fred. W. False pretences Wellington „ 588. Burrows, W. .. Ship-desertion Wellington „ 614. Bush, Harry Albert . . Default of maintenance Wanganui „ 559. 0. Cameron, Henry William Naval desertion Wellington „ 482, 514. Cartwright, Frederick Default of fine and costs Kaitaia „ 641. Choat, James Theft Wellington „ 440. Clark, A. Ship-desertion Wellington „ 460. Clark. William Default of fine and costs Auckland „ 492. Clarke, Alfred Default of fine and costs Hastings „ 492. Cliff, T. H. .. False pretences Auckland „ 613. Colson, William Default of fine and costs Wellington „ 524. Conway, F. .. Theft Auckland „ 573. Corlett, Charles Default of maintenance Ormondville .. „ 534. Courtney, Martha . . Default of fine , . Christchurch .. „ 560. Cunningham, Duncan Ship-desertion Wellington „ 460. Curran. George Amos Default of fine and costs Dannevirke „ 614. Currie, Edward Default of maintenance Auckland „ 547. D. Davidson, Charles Default of maintenance Christchurch .. ., 588. Delaney, John Joseph Default of maintenance Dunedin „ 534. Dennis, William, alias Denny . . Failing to comply with an Auckland „ 523. order of the Court Donovan, J. Ship-desertion Wellington „ 460. Dorino, Indico Ship-desertion Wellington „ 560. Duder, William Default of fine and costs Reefton „ 524. Dunn, James, alias Burns Forgery .. Dunedin „ 561. E. Ede, John Default of maintenance Dunedin ,, 534. Edwards, John Clark . . Default of maintenance Auckland „ 459. Everett, Frank Default of maintenance Christchurch .. „ 615. F. Farrell, John Default of fine Christchurch .. „ 600. Forster, Leonard George Breach of Bankruptcy Act Napier „ 574. Forward, Edwin Default of maintenance Wanganui „ 534. Francisco, Versari Ship-desertion Wellington „ 614. Fulljames, John Default of fine and costs Ongarue „ 599. G. Gibson, Patrick Idle and disorderly Wellington „ 492. Gibson, William Hamilton Ferguson Default of maintenance Christchurch .. „ 574. Giovanni, Colvino Ship-desertion Wellington „ 574. Giovanni, Puledda Ship-desertion Wellington „ 560. Graham, Henry Ship-desertion Auckland „ 641. Green, David H§ Naval desertion Wellington „ 482. Green, Richard False pretences Dunedin „ 548. Gregory, A. C. Breaking and entering Christchurch .. ' „ 560. Griffen, Edmond Default of fine and costs Taumarunui .. „ 642. Gurnick, William Default of maintenance Auckland „ 559, 613. Guy, John Donald Default of maintenance Napier „ 524. Gwynne, Albert Default of maintenance Auckland „ 573.


Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference, H. 1914, Hamblin, Sydney Edward Default of maintenance Pukekohe Page 656, Hammond, Max Ship-desertion Port Chalmers. „ 615. Hanna, Robert Cousins Default of maintenance Invercargill . . „ 524. Harlen, Jesse Default of maintenance Wellington ., 643. Harper, George, alias Williams, Will iam Charles .. Default of maintenance Wanganui 492. Harvey, Frederick John Failing to maintain Upper Hutt .. 524. Harvey, Joseph Henry Default of maintenance Christchurch . . „ 512. Haughey, John Default of fine Christchurch . . „ 588. Hay, Richard Default of fine and costs Christchurch .. .. 613. Heaps, William, alias Stratton .. Default of fine and costs Palmerston N. ,. 600. Hecker, Arthur Default of maintenance Christchurch .. 480. Henderson, Charles Theft Wellington „ 588. Henderson, Robert . . ■ .. Default of fine Christchurch .. 574. Hill, Thomas Forgery .. Wanganui ., 512. Hodges, Thomas Ship-desertion Wellington „ 440. Holmes, Charles Default of fine Christchurch .. „ 588. J. Jeffries, Harold Default of fine and costs Palmerston N. ., 547. Johnson, J. .. Forgery and uttering Kawhia ,. 573. Johnson, John Forgery . . Greymouth ,, 560. Johnston, George Default of fine Christchurch . . „ 615. K. Kemp, Bert .. Failing to maintain Auckland „ 587. Kempthorne, Henry .. Default of fine and costs Hokitika ., 615. Kenny, James Naval desertion Wellington „ 463. Kett, Victor Default of fine and costs (2). . Thames ., 656. King, George Default of medical expenses Christchurch . . „ 600. M. Mahon, Charles Henry John Default of maintenance Auckland ,. 425. Mahoney, Bartholmew Default of fine and costs Wellington „ 588. Man (name unknown).. Horse-stealing Matawai ., 511. Man (name unknown).. Horse-stealing Matawai „ 511. Manson, Vivian Default of maintenance Christchurch .. ., 588. Martin, William Default of maintenance Auckland „ 491. Martin, William Default of fine and costs Auckland ., 642. Mason, Gordon Default of maintenance Temuka „ 492. Meade, F. Ship-desertion Lyttelton „ 512. Miller, J. Theft Palmerston N. 479. Molloy, Alfred Edward Default of fine and costs Waihi „ 656. Moloney, John Assault .. Dunedin „ 512. Morgan, John Peter .. Default of fine and costs (2). . Hamilton .. 614. • Morrisey, Peter John .. Default of maintenance Timaru „ 548. Morton, William Bowden Default of maintenance Auckland 559. Muzzu, Guiseppi Ship-desertion Dunedin „ 534. Me. McBain, —- .. Failing to maintain Balclutha ,, 588. McCurdy, Daniel Default of fine and costs Auckland ,. 599. McGrath, James Default of fine Christchurch .. „ 615. McGuire, Frank Default of fine and costs Wellington ., 480. McLeod, Alexander Default of medical expenses Christchurch . . „ 574. McMillan, Alister Failing to maintain Invercargill . . „ 480. N. Neale, William Augustus Ship-desertion Port Chalmers „ 615. Newman, George, alias Howard Default of fine Christchurch . . ,, 574. Nicholls, Albert Default of fine and costs Te Kuiti „ 534. 0. Oakley, John O’Connor, John Failing to maintain Nelson ., 512. Failing to maintain Oamaru ,. 600. O’Dowd, Patrick Failing to maintain Dunedin ., 535. O’Leary, Arthur James Failing to maintain Gisborne „ 614. Olive, John .. Default of fine and costs Whakatane .. 533 Olsen, Carl Frithoif Breach of Bankruptcy Act .. Auckland „ 479. P. Palmer, Herbert J. Naval desertion Wellington ,. 482. Parker, Alice Default of maintenance Wellington ., 600. Parker, Arnold Leonard Default of maintenance Waimate ,. 548. Parkes, Robert Edward Default of fine and costs Stratford ,. 479. Penn, T. Ship-desertion Wellington „ 460. Percy, Herbert, alias Pearce False pretences Wanganui „ 588. Perry, John .. Ship-desertion Wellington „ 614. Peterkin, A. .. Ship-desertion .... Wellington „ 460. Peterson, Anderson Default of fine and costs Auckland „ 479. Pickering, Harry Theft Carterton „ 588. Picton, Edward John Default of maintenance Christchurch .. „ 440. Pimm, Frederick Default of maintenance Christchurch .. „ 492,


Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. 1 1 1914. Potter, Arthur Theft Ohakune Page 588. Pratt, Charles Default of fine and costs Wellington „ 480. Preston, Robert John.. Default of fine and costs Auckland I .. 642. Price, William Henry Deacon .. Default of maintenance Christchurch . . „ 480. R. Rees, Henry Joseph .. Failing to maintain Hastings „ 642. Reid, Reginald, alias Read Failing to maintain Auckland 491. Rhodes, William Cecil Default of fine and costs Otorohanga .. ,. 559. Rhodes, William Cecil Default of fine and costs Te Kniti 573. Richardson, George Theft Dunedin 615. Riddell, George Walter Failing to maintain Clinton .. 492. Riley, Joseph Default of fine and costs Te Kuiti „ 642. Roach, David Evans .. Default of maintenance Auckland „ 656. Robertson, George Default of fine and costs Te Kuiti „ 534. Ross, Thomas Henderson Default of fine and costs Auckland „ 642. Rowlands, George Failing to maintain Gisborne „ 547. S. Sands, Arthur Norman Default of maintenance Auckland ., 492. Shaw, Edward Default of maintenance Auckland „ 523. Shaw, James Default of maintenance Temuka „ 560. Simons, William Charles Failing to maintain New Plymouth 523. Smith, Frederick Default of fine and costs Auckland ., 642. Smith, Patrick Ship-desertion Wellington ., 560. Smyth, Thomas Default of fine and costs Auckland ., 533. Stewart, Donald Tasman Default of maintenance Wellington „ 588. Stowe, Edgar Default of maintenance Christchurch .. „ 512. Strickland, Jay Default of maintenance Auckland „ 642. Swell, Gilbert John Default of maintenance Dunedin „ 535. T. Thomas, Charles Failing to maintain Whakatane „ 656. Turmell, James Failing to maintain Auckland „ 587. V. Verrina, Antonia Guiseppi Ship-desertion Dunedin „ 534. W. Wadland, George Default of maintenance Auckland „ 613. Walsh, Richard Default of fine Dunedin „ 574. Wells, John . . Ship-desertion Tirnaru „ 615. Whall, Walter Ship-desertion Port Chalmers 588. Williams, May Default of fine and costs Auckland „ 641. Wilson, Alfred Default of fine and costs Wellington „ 642. Wilson, J. Theft Auckland ., 599. Wilson, James Default of fine and costs Hamilton „ 613. Wilson, John Default of fine Dunedin „ 560. Y. Young, R. A. Naval desertion Wellington „ 482, 495.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIX, Issue 43, 4 November 1914, Page 693

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIX, Issue 43, 4 November 1914, Page 693

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIX, Issue 43, 4 November 1914, Page 693