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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

[From Gazette, 1897, pages 13, 18, 19, 32.] Amending Regulations under “ The Stamp Act, 1882.”


At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this twelfth day of December, 189 G.


The Honourable R. J. Seddon presiding in Council. WHEREAS by Order in Council bearing date the eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the thirteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, regulations were made under the provisions of “ The Stamp Act, 1882,” providing for the payment of certain duties, fees, fines, and penalties by means of stamps : And whereas it is expedient to amend such regulations in the manner hereinafter set forth :

Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by “ The Stamp Act, 1882,” and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the additional regulation set forth in the Schedule hereto, and doth hereby notify and declare that such additional regulation shall form part of the said recited regulations of the eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, and shall take effect on and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven.


No. 2a. The stamps for the fees payable in any Magistrate’s Court for mileage for service of any summons, process, or notice, or execution of any warrant, shall he affixed to the back of the Treasury voucher in favour of the person entitled to be paid such mileage. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Declaring that Lobsters and Crabs shall be subject to Provisions of “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894,” relating to Artificial Oyster-beds.


At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-first day of December, 1896.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council,

WHEREAS it is provided by section three of “ The Seafisheries Act Amendment Act, 1896,” that the Governor may from time to time, by Order in Council gazetted, declare any particular species or description of edible shell-fish (other than oysters) to be subject to such of the provisions of the principal Act (“ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894 ”) relating to oysters or oyster-beds as he thinks fit to specify in that behalf : And whereas it is desirable to declare that the edible shellfish known as lobsters and crabs shall be subject to the provisions of the principal Act hereinafter specified: Now, therefore, I, David, Earl of Glasgow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance of the herein-before-recited power and authority, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby declare that lobsters and crabs shall, as from the date of the gazetting of this Order in Council, be subject to the provisions of sections twenty-three to twentyfive, both inclusive, of “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894,” which said provisions relate to artificial oyster-beds.

ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Regulations under “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894.”


At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-first day of December, 1896.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council

WHEREAS by “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894 ” (hereinafter termed “the said Act”), it is among other things enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make regulations for the purposes therein mentioned, which shall have general force and effect throughout the colony, or particular force and effect only in any waters or places specified therein:

And whereas it is expedient to make the regulations hereinafter set forth with respect to oysters, fish, and seals inhabiting the waters of the colony herein mentioned : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the said Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations, and, with the like advice and consent, doth order that these regulations shall take effect on and after the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and doth hereby further order that from and after the date last aforesaid the several regulations set forth in the First Schedule hereto, and all regulations made under the said Act or the Acts thereby repealed, and inconsistent with the regulations hereby made, shall be and the same are hereby revoked.


General (Section I.)

1. In these regulations, if not inconsistent with the context, “ the said Act ” means “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894.” “Fish,” “tidal waters,” and “tidal lands,” and generally all words and expressions herein used which are defined in or by the said Act, shall have the like meaning and interpretation for the purposes of these regulations as they have 'in or by the said Act.

2. These l'egulations shall have force and effect in the Colony of New Zealand, and in all salt, fresh, or brackish waters in the said colony, and on all shores of such waters, and any part thereof, or that may be contiguous or adjacent to such waters. But nothing herein shall interfere with the application of any of these regulations to particular parts of the said colony. 3. The months of December, January, February, and March in each year are hereby prescribed as a close season for oysters in the North Island and islands adjacent thereto. During such close season it shall be unlawful for any person to take oysters. 4. The months of October, November, December, and January in each year are hereby prescribed as a close season for oysters in the South Island and Stewart Island, and islands adjacent thereto. During such close season it shall be unlawful for any person to take oysters. 5. No person shall take or burn live oysters for the purpose of converting the shells into lime. 6. No spade or other apparatus for taking rock-oysters shall be used of which the edge or blade shall exceed 2in. in width.

7. Every person engaged in taking oysters in the North Island and islands adjacent thereto shall first obtain a license from a Collector of Customs, which license shall be in the form set out in the Second Schedule hereto, and shall expire on the 30th day of November in each year. The fee to be paid for such license shall be 10s. 8. No person shall take or dredge for oysters between sunset and sunrise (except an owner on his own private ovsterbed).

9. The months of February, March, April, May, and June, 1897, are hereby prescribed a close season for seals. 10. No person shall take, buy, sell, expose for sale, or have in possession any fish of any of the species enumerated in this regulation of a less weight or size than that set opposite the name of such fish :

* Measured from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail.

11. The mesh of every net or seine used for the purpose of taking fish in tidal waters shall measure, diagonally, when prepared for use, wetted and stretched, not less than 2in., unless such net be a bond fide garfish-net or herring-net, and used for taking garfish or herrings only. 12. The mesh of every garfish-net shall measure, diagonally, when prepared for use, wetted and stretched, not less than lin.

13. The mesh of every herring-net shall measure, diagonally, when prepared for use, wetted and stretched, not less than ljin. 14. The foregoing regulations in regard to the size of the mesh of nets shall not apply to Lake Ellesmere, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, but the mesh of every net used for taking fish in such lake shall measure, diagonally, when prepared for use, wetted and stretched, not less than 4in.: Provided that it shall be lawful to use in the said lake herring-nets the mesh of which shall measure, diagonally, when prepared for use, wetted and stretched, not less than ljin. 15. The size of mesh, in every case, shall be ascertained by measuring the length on the diagonal, or between knot and knot of opposite corners, the net being first wetted, and being tanned, barked, or otherwise prepared for use. In case of dispute or doubt, a Jib. weight shall be slung or attached to one knot of a mesh, in order to produce a fair strain or extension, and the space between the knots shall be measured forthwith while the mesh remains extended. If the net to be measured is dry, the part to be measured shall be soaked either in fresh or salt water for not less than ten minutes, and the mesh so soaked shall then be measured.

16. No person shall set any net by the process known as “ stalling,” whereby a net is staked or set across or within any bay, inlet, river, or creek in tidal waters in such a manner that fish enclosed by such net are or may be left stranded at low tide.

17. When a person is lawfully engaged in setting or placing his nets for the purpose of taking indigenous fish, no person shall impede him by the process known as “blocking,” whereby another person sets or places his nets outside, or round, or partly round the nets of the person first setting or placing his nets, so as to prevent fish getting through to such last-mentioned nets.

18. In order to effectuate a forfeiture under the provisions of the said Act, it shall be lawful for any officer appointed thereunder to seize and take possession of all fish unlawfully taken, and also all baskets, nets, receptacles, gear, tackle, or other apparatus which are being used, or which in the opinion of such officer are intended to be used, in contravention of the provisions of the said Act or any regulations made thereunder; and the production by such officer of his appointment shall be a sufficient warrant for his so acting in any of the cases aforesaid. 19. No scrim- or whitebait-net shall be used as set-net, or be set or placed in openings made in the banks of rivers or streams, or in dams constructed therein ; and no scrim hand-net having an opening of more than 5 square feet shall be used for the purpose of catching whitebait: Provided that scrim hand-nets having an opening of 9 square feet may be used for the purpose of catching whitebait within the Provincial District of Canterbury, or in any waters of the Waitaki River: Provided further that nothing in this regulation shall render it unlawful to take whitebait by means of set-nets having an opening of not more than 7 square feet, in the County of Westland, during the period from the 15th day of September to the 24th day of October in each year. 20. No person shall use, for the purpose of enabling him to catch whitebait, the device or appliance known as a “jigger,” which is an appliance formed of pieces of metal or other substance attached to a line and placed in a river or stream for the purpose of turning the fish into nets ; nor shall any other device or contrivance be used which tends to wholly prevent the movement of such fish up or down stream. 21. Any person committing a breach of the above regulations not relating to seals shall be liable to a penalty of not less than £1 and not exceeding £2O ; and any person committing a breach of such of these regulations as relate to seals shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £SOO, and a further penalty not exceeding £2O in respect of each seal illegally taken. Special (Section II.).

1. No oyster shall be taken in the South Island, Stewart Island, and the waters thereof respectively, and the islands, waters, tidal lands, and tidal waters adjacent thereto, which can be passed through a metal ring having a clear inside diameter of lfin. 2. The North Island and islands adjacent are hereby excluded from the operation of the Bth, 9th, and 10th sections of the said Act. 3. The South Island and Stewart Island and the islands adjacent thereto are hereby excluded from the operation of the Bth, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 33rd, and 34th sections of the said Act.

• 4. The period from the Ist day of February, 1897, to the 30th day of November, 1897, is hereby prescribed a close season for oysters in Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel, and in all bays and inlets therein. During such close season it shall be unlawful for any person to take any oysters in such sound, channel, bays, and inlets. 5. The period from the Ist day of April to the 30th day of November, 1897, is hereby prescribed a close season for oysters in all bays, estuaries, and tidal waters of Manukau Harbour situated inside a straight line drawn from the summit of Paratutu, on the North Head, to the lighthouse on the South Head of that harbour: Provided that such close season shall not apply to the areas in such harbour which are held under licenses issued under regulations which were made by the Governor in pursuance of the said Act on the 14th day of May, 1896, and published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 36, of the 21st day of the same month. * 6. The months of Deoember, January, and February in each year are hereby prescribed a close season for the fish of the species of the Mugil known as mullet or kanae. During such close season it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, or have in possession any mullet. And this regulation shall have effect in all salt, fresh, or brackish waters in that part of Kaipara Harbour inside a straight line drawn from the trigonometrical station on Oewa Mound to the trigonometrical station on Komiti Bluff.

Second Schedule,

Whereas has applied to me to grant him a license to take oysters, and has paid into my hands the sum of 10s. for the same: Now, therefore, I do hereby license the said to take oysters in any oyster-fishery situate within the North Island of the colony, and wherein it is lawful to take oysters during the months of and of this present year, subject to the provisions of “The Seafisheries Act, 1894,” and the regulations in force thereunder respectively. Dated in the Port of , this

day of , 189 Collector of Customs ALEX. WILLIS,

Clerk of the Executive Council

Fallow Deer liberated in the Grey Acclimatisation District to be vested in the Grey District Acclimatisation Society.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 22nd December, 1896. HIS Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that fallow deer have been turned at large in the County of Grey, and that the property in such deer and their offspring is deemed to be absolutely vested in the Chairman of the Grey District Acclimatisation Society for a period of three years from the date hereof, as provided by section 38 of “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880.” W. C. WALKER, Acting Colonial Secretary.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington

Description of Fish. Weight in Ounces or Pounds Avoirdupois. Length in Inches. Hapuku .. Five pounds. Kahawai Six ounces. Snapper .. One pound. Tarakihi .. Four ounces. Trumpeter One pound. Moki Eight ounces. Barraoouta Eight ounces. Horse-mackerel .. Four ounces. Trevally .. Four ounces. Kingfish .. Three pounds. Warehou Four ounces. Mackerel Eight ounces. Blue-cod .. Eight ounces. Rock-cod.. Eight ounces. Red-cod .. Eight ounces. Gurnard .. Four ounces. Mullet Four ounces. Butterfish Four ounces. Flounder Nine inches.* Soles Nine inches.* Garfish .. Nine inches.* Herring .. Five inches.*

Nature of Regulations. Date of Gazette in which published. General regulations 12th Jan., 1888. Regulations respecting oysters in North Island 8th Sept., 1892. Regulations respecting oysters in South Island and Stewart Island 8 th „ * Regulations excluding certain parts of North Island from certain sections of “ The Oyster Fisheries Act, 1892 ” 29th „ " Regulations prescribing minimum size at which kahawai may be taken 21st Dec., 1893. Regulations as to seizure of forfeited fish, nets, &c. 21st June, 1894. Regulations as to “ blocking ” .. 26th July, /f Regulations as to whitebait-nets 30th Aug., . Regulations as to weight at which cod may be taken 25th Oct., Regulations prescribing a close season for oysters in Tory Channel 21st Dec., Regulations prescribing minimum weight and size at which fish may be taken 2nd May, 1895. Regulations prescribing close season for mullet in part of Kaipara Harbour 12th Sept., « Regulations as to whitebait-nets in Canterbury 26th „ Regulations making close season for seals 11th June, 1896. Regulations as to whitebait-fishing in Westland County 13th Aug., " Regulations as to herring-nets in Lake Ellesmere 15th Oct., *

First Schedule.

Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. f Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland ... Eru Hare Warakihi ... Gisborne Aug. 5. '895 forgery and false pre2 years N. Zealand labourer '877 ft 5 in. si copper black dark br. fiat Right forefinger crippled ; right leg tences (6 charges) Hark brown small, short; stout build. 4 p.c (See Police Gazette, 1893, page 98.) Auckland ... A rth urSam ueIC raw ford Pukekohe Dec. 17, 1806 assault 14 days England ... labourer 1859 5 ■4 pale It. grey ...t Auckland .. June 15. '1*9.5 theft 6 weeks N. Zealand cabman '875 5 7i f res'n dark brown dark br. large Mole on each arm ; scarlon each middle Monaghan Onehunga ... Aug. 18, 1896 furious driving ... fine, or 7 days • and left little fingers. Auckland Aug. 11. 1896 uttering counterfeit 4 months Auckland ... Auckland Nov. 27, '893 robberv 4 years Sydney labourer 18.34 5 64 sallow dark brown blue large Auckl’d, 13.8.92 16 p.c. Two patches of white hair back alias James Thompson blueof head ; left wrist has been broken. (See Police Gazette, 1892,page 130.) Auckland ... Mabel Grey, alias Coromandel ... Nov. 2, 1896 theft from a dwelling 2 months Christch’ch domestic 1880 4 to4 fair fair small Stout build. Stevens Auckland Nov. 4, 1896 theft (2 charges) 1 month servant grey Auckland .. William Horne, alias Coromandel... Dec. 3, 1896 mischief fine, or 1 month ... England ... labourer 1869 5 3* fres) dark brown, brown long Auckl’d, 24.12.95 10 p.c. Anchor, sailor, AS, &c., on right Horn,<i/iaj Davis, curly brow n arm; AH, cross, &c„ on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 187.) Auckland ... Ann Drum, alias Drummond Kate Hinch Auckland Oct. 5. '89b vagrancy 3 months England .. prostitute 1862 s fresh light brown long 6 p.c. Mole on right cheek. Auckland ... Auckland N ov. 5, '896 habitual drunkenness 1 month ... N. Zealand prostitute 1837 4 11 sallow gre> dk. blue long 90 p.c. Scars on each cheek. (2 charges) 1 month dark br. Five dots tattooed on left arm. Auckland ... Kakamutu Te Awamutu Dec. 23, 1896 assault fine, or 14 days N. Zealand laboure t 1866 5 7* copper black broad Auckland ... Matengaro te Haate ... Te Awamutu Dec. 23, 1896 assault fine, or 14 days ... N. Zealand labourer 1855 s 44 copper black dark br. flat Clubfooted; KOTIR1 and T on left Auckland ... Harawera Waraua Te Awamutu Dec. 23, 1896 assault fine, or 14 days N. Zealand tabouret 1864 s 81 copper black dark br. flat Scar below- right thumo; stout build. Auckland ... Te Wharau Rapata ... Te Awamutu Dec. 23, 1896 assault fine, or 14 days ... N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 54 lt.copper black dark br. long Auckl’d, 27.3.95 1 p.c. Three-quarter-caste Maori; RAPATA on left arm; burn-scar on throat. Auckland ... Ahipu Te Awamutu Dec. 23, 1896 assault fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1866 5 ioi copper black dark br. broad KARAWH1RA on left arm ; XXX on right arm. Auckland ... John Stewart Auckland Jan. 2, 1897 pocket-picking! 2 chgs) remanded America ... tailor 1840 5 ti fresh dark brown brown medium Stout build ; slightly bald ; scar back of head. Bailed. Auckland ... William Atkins Auckland Jan. 2, 1897 pocket-picking remanded Capetown ... prospector 1869 5 84 fresh black blue long Square shoulders. Bailed. Auckland ... C -arles Edward Smith Auckland Jan. 13, 1896 theft (5 charges) 3 months Auckland ... groom 1870 54 fair fair brown prominent 2 p.c. Slight build ; large mole on left Mar. 10, 1896 receiving 12 months shoulder, three on right arm, and one on left arm. (.See Police Gazette, 1894, page 74.1 Shortland ... John Thompson, alias Yates William Calverley Paeroa Dec. 9, 1896 theft 1 month ... England ... blacksmith 1844 5 9 frest gr rey hazel medium Lame. Rotorua ... Rotorua Dec. 21, >896 theft 10 days America ... miner 1836 3 s fresh grey blue medium Eagle and coat of arms on left arm. N. Plymouth Archibald McGiven N. Plymouth April 20, 1896 habitual drunkenness 7 days Scotland ... driver 1831 5 4 fresh grey gre> medium Bald head ; scar on forehead ; varicose Sept. 30, 1896 breaking and entering 3 months veins on right leg. N.Plymouth William Lowry N. Plymouth Dec. 26, 1896 default of tax 7 days N. Zealand laboitret 1859 3 6 copper black brown flat 1 p.c. S’ar on upper lip; KOPIRE on right arm ; T on left arm. Third right finger crushed ; mole on N.Plymouth Robert Coltart Manaia Dec. 30, 1896 obscene language ... 7 days Scotland ... labourer 1842 5 64 fresh brown blue medium right side and on back of neck. N.Plymouth Mary McCurdie. alias McKirdv James Hill N. Plymouth Oct. 1, 1896 vagrancy 3 months Scotland ... 1864 S 14 fresl light brown brown medium 8 p.c. Gisborne ... Gisborne Dec. 22, 1896 theft 7 days and 12 N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 2 fair brown blue Scar on each knee. Gisborne ... Henry Mills Gisborne Jan. S. '897 disobedience on ship... 2 days England ... sailor 1842 s 9 dark dark brown brown long Flags and anchor on left arm ; nearly all « front teeth out. Napier Louis Bartholomew Jersey Napier Dec. 22, 1896 false tepresentations 7 days Guernsey ... sailmaker '855 5 74 swarthy grey, curly bluegrey large Athletic build ; an upper front tooth out; anchor, heart, cross, See., on right hand ; sailor, &c., on left hand; profusely tattooed on arms, tfegs, &c. Napier Thomas Rodgers, alias Hastings Dec. 23, '896 default of costs 7 days England ... labourer l83! S 54 swarthy dark brown brown large. to p.c. 1 BRIAN, JH, and anchor on Ryan, alias Smith aquiline left arm; small wound on nose; scar on left brow. > • Napier Archibald McAlister ... Napier Dec. 4, 1896 vagrancy 1 month Scotland ... labourer 1855 5 .3 freckled light brown grey thick 23 p.c. Stout build; left wrist and leg Napier drunkenness fine, or 24 hours have been broken ; scar on right brow ; dentin forehead. John McDonald, alias Hastings Oct. 6, 1896 indecent language ... 3 months Ireland labourer 1835 s 54 fresh dark,turning grey large Large mouth; tw-o D’s on leftside; flagNapier Bernard Gunning grey staff on right arm ; wen on neck. An old soldier. Thomas Carter, alias Napier Dec. 31, 1896 resisting police fine, or 7 days England ... labourer '8.34 s 34 fair fair blue large, Several p.c. Squints; scars on left hand; George Jones drunkenness fine, or 7 days broken boil-marks on right leg.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. j Height. Com- j plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Frank Freter, alias Napier Nov. it, 1896 assault 2 months Germany ... sailor 1867 5 61 fresh auburn, curly j brown thick 4 p c. Broad features; high cheel*Napier Frater Waipawa Nov. 25, 1896 drunkenness fine, or 48 hours ... Ireland labourer 1841 5 7 freckled brown hazel large bones ; mole in bend of left arm. 1 p.c. First joint of left forefinger ampuMcCluskey trespass fine, <>r 14 days tated; scar on left of chin; is indecency 1 month 1831 sallow bl u e, large large Napier John Lewis Napier Jan, 4, 1897 attempting suicide ... discharged England ... gardener 5 .si grey Slight build; blind right eye ; bulletscar on back of neck. Wanganui... Awhe Patea Dec. 17, i8g6 keeping unregistered dogs assault 14 days N. Zealand farmer 1870 6 1 copper black brown very broad Scar on forehead and on right thumb. Wellington Alfred Lane Wellington ... Dec. 22, 1896 fine, or 1 month .,, England ... fireman 1871 s si fair light brown brown large Crucifix, tomb, &c., on right arm; lifefireman 1873 fair fair brown small buoy on leftarm. Fine paid. Wellington Daniel Santry Wellington ... Dec. 22, 1896 assault fine, or 14 days England ... 5 4i Clasped hands, heart, DS, &c., on right arm; emblems on left aim. Fine paid. Two blue dots on left arm. 1865 fair brown medium Wellington Wellington theft 7 days Tasmania ... labourer 5 5i gre> Thomas Callaghan Wellington ... Dec. 28, 1896 obscene exposure remanded N. Zealand seaman i860 5 7i dark brown brown medium 1 p.c. Two ships, anchor, 8cc., on left 1875 6i fair fair large aim; two rings on left hand; scar over left eye. Wellington Henry Holland Wellington ... Dec. 30, 1896 drunkenness 24 hours N. Zealand labourer S grey Lyttelton, 20.11.96 S p.c. 1 eft arm injured; scar on left wrist and left palm. (See Police Gaassaulting police fine, or 7 days fair light brown, small xette, 1896, page 212.) Wellington Herbert Allendale, alias Wellington ... Dec. 3'. 1896 vagrancy remanded England ... cabinet1861 5 5 grey Lyttelton, 8.12.96 3 p.c. (See Police Gazelle, 1896, page 218.) John Williams, alias maker and curly Wellington George Morrison Charles C. L. How Wellington ... Jan. 4, 1897 threatening language remanded ... Channel waiter painter 1868 5 Si fresh brown grey small Two scars on left hand. 5, 1896 theft (3 charges) 3 months Ireland labourer 1836 5 8 fresh grey grey medium 4 p.c. I.eft little finger crooked. Wellington Rasmun Jorgensen Napier June 17, 189s horse-stealing 2 years Denmark ... shoemaker 1853 5 6J swarthy dark brown brown large Napier, 6.7.9s Repeatedly convicted. Sear on chin ; knockkneed ; several back teeth out. prostitute fresh darkbrown Gone to Napier. Wellington Margaret Robinson Wellington ... Dec. 11, 1896 drunkenness 1 month Ireland 1857 s I small, pug Numerous p.c. drunkenness 1 month N, Zealand prostitute 1869 3i fresh brown blue pug, large medium 7 p.c. Scar on top of nose. Wellington ... Jan. 8, 1897 lunacy discharged N. Zealand labouret 1869 5 S fresh light brown brown Left forefinger injured. Wellington ... Dec. 30, 1S96 soliciting prostitution fine, or 1 month ... N. Zealand prostitute 1867 5 4 swarthy dark brown grey medium JL on upper right arm. Fine paid. Picton Patrick Sullivan Blenheim Dec. 23,1896 indecency 14 days Ireland labourei 1840 5 6i fair grey blue medium Scar on right temple. Picton Max Hegglun Blenheim ... Dec. 22, 1896 housebreaking committed for trial Norway ... carpenter 1838 5 Si fair grey grey broad Cut on inside of right foot; stout build. RnilnH Picton Edith Anstice Blenheim Dec. 10, 1896 theft 1 month ... England ... servant 1877 s I fair light brown It. hazel medium Scar on left side of head and left wrist; receding chin. W stport ... Mary Rice Westport Dec. 18,1896 drunkenness 48 hours Ireland '84s S oi sandy red blue medium Several p.c. Hokitika ... Thomas Broom hall Westport July 13, 1896 false pretences 6 months England ... clerk and 1844 6 0 swarthy brown blue large Timaru, 19.9.92 Several p.c. TBS, 1853, anchor, wreath, Smith,<i/iai Steel, alias Lord Wortley rabbiter &c., on left arm ; three white patches of hair behind right ear; varicose veins both legs. Hokitika ... Edward Portney, alias Kumara June 26, 1896 assault 1 month Nova Scotia sailor 185s 5 ni fair brown, turnblue large Several p.c. M. E. PORTNEY, &c., on Quinn 14 days, and ing grey right arm ; star on right hand ; woman. 6 months or bail star, &c., on left hand. Hokitika ... James Fleming Kumara Jan. 2, 1897 drunkenness 24 hours Scotland ... labourer 1837 5 6 fresh lightbrown blue medium Right little finger stiff ; top of left middle finger off; slightly bald. Hokitika ... Theresa Torrens Hokitika Nov. 11, 1896 disorderly conduct ... 2 months ... Tasmania ... housekeeper 1856 4 IOj fair fair grey long See Police Gazelle, 1896, page 198. Lyttelton ... Christchurch Nov. 28, 1896 drunkenness fine, or 7 days Scotland ... labourei 1851 S 10 dark dark brown It. blue medium 9 p.c. Scar on left wrist and on nose. Manson assaulting police 1 month Fine in latter case paid. fine, or i month dark brown dk. blue straight 6 p.c. Slight build. Lyttelton ... James Cummins, alias Waimate Oct. 1, 1896 vagrancy 3 months New South jockey 1866 3 6i sallow Denis Swanson, alias Wales Lyttelton ... Sydney Wilson, &c. David Brown Rangiora Dec. 1, 1896 theft (2 charges) 1 month N. Zealand labourei 1881 5 4 fair, fair medium Lyttelton ... Karl Johansen Lyttelton Dec. 26, 1896 theft 7 days Norway ... seaman 1873 S 6i fresh brown blue long Slight build. Lyttelton ... William Williams ... Timaru June 11.189s theft 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1876 S 2 fresh dark brown hazel medium Lyttelton, 13.4.93 4 p.c. Anchor on right wrist; tattoomarks on left wrist; ruptured on right side. 2 p.c. Blind of left eye; tattooed on each arm and breast. Lyttelton ... Peter Hagland Akaroa Dec. 3. 1896 theft 1 month ... Sweden fisherman 184s 5 61 fresh dark brown, turning grey blue medium Lyttelton ... William Boardman Christchurch Oct. S, 1896 rogue and vagabond... 3 months ... N. Zealand labourer 187s 5 9 fresh dark brown brown prominent Lyttelton, 2.7.96 i p.c. Slight build. Lyttelton ... Thomas Whyte, alias Thomas Whyte, MeChristchurch Oct. 6, 1896 assaulting police 3 months Scotland ... cook • 875 5 8i fresh brown, curly blue medium Lyttelton, 9-9.96 3 p.c. Scar on nose; dots between each thumb and forefinger ; anchor and Nov. 16,1896 breaking and entering acquitted at S.C. Lellan, alias John Walker (3 charges) cross on left hand; ring on second left finger; scar on right arm.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. I Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. fi. in. Lyttelton ... Thomas Rooney Lyttelton Dec. 24, 1896 giving tobacco to fine, orudqys Ireland labourei 1858 5 7l dark dark brown blue medium Lyttelton, 2.4.91 9 p.c. Stout build; scar on temple; prisoners fine, or 14 days ... N. Zealand labourer freckled red bl ue cut on nose and near light eye. 4 p.c. Scar on right cheekbone. Lyttelton ... John Korktan, aliat Lyttelton Dec. 23,1895 procuring liquor for a 1880 S Si medium prohibited person Ireland fair light brown, blue Lyttelton ... Robert McDowell Lyttelton Jan. 6, 1897 disobedience on ship... 14 days seaman 1872 S 9i medium Bracelet and star on left wrist; bracelet turninggrey and anchor on right wrist, &c. Lyttelton ... George Rowe Lyttelton Jan. 6, 1897 disobedience on ship... 14 days England ... seaman 1872 5 t°i dark black brown medium Star on left hand ; ring on second right finger, &c. JHAon left wrist; dots on left hand; Lyttelton ... Joseph Hands Lyttelton Dec. 7, 1896 assault fine, or 5 weeks ... England ... fireman 1873 S 73 fresh brown brown large scar above left eye; tattoc ed on each Oamaru ... Patrick McKay Oamaru Dec. 18, 1896 intimidation committed for trial Ireland bootmaker 1866 s s fresh brown, curly blue large, fiat arm. Bailed. Oamaru ... Thomas Brown Oamaru Dec. 31, 1896 disobedience on ship... 3 days Wales sailor 1857 s s fresh brown blue pointed Oamaru ... Hugh Wallace Oamaru Jan. 6, 1897 assault (2 charges) ... fine, or sureties ... Ireland labourer 1857 5 S3 florid sandy blue medium 3 p.c. Not gazetted. Oamaru ... Edward Henry Oamaru Jan. 5. 1897 theft from a dwelling committed for trial N. Zealand blacksmith 187s 5 9 fresh brown grey medium Scar on right thumb. Bailed. Oamaru John Shepherd Oamaru Jan. s. 1897 theft from a dwelling discharged Victoria ... sailor 187c 5 7 dark dark brown medium Dunedin ... Daniel Spence, alias Oamaru Mar. 10,1896 theft from a dwelling 12 months Scotland ... labourer 1848 5 6J swarthy dark brown It. brown medium Napier, 15.10.92 21 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page Robert Curry, alias George Grant, &c. N. Zealand labourer 198.) Dunedin ... Edward Edmunds, alias Dunedin Oct. 5, 1896 obscene language ... 1 month 1877 S <5 dark brown brown medium 2 p.c. Right arm off from the shoulder. Reese damaging uniform ... resisting police 1 month 1 month Ireland medium (See Police Gaxette , 1896, page 153.) Dunedin ... El en Finnegan Dunedin Nov. 3. <896 drunkenness 7 days prostitute 1852 5 4 fresh brown grey 28 p.c. Part of left little finger off. vagrancy 2 months Wales prostitute Dunedin ... Bridget Madden Dunedin Dec. 9, 1896 drunkenness 1 month 1839 S 4i fresh brown blue pug ... 15 p.c. Two scars on forehead; scar on England ... prostitute fair blue upper lip. Dunedin ... Ellen McGee Dunedin Dec. It,1896 drunkenness t month 1866 5 0 fresh pug 20 p.c. (See Police Gaxette, 1896, page 219.) Scar on back of head. Dunedin ... John McGilvey Dunedin Dec. 10,1896 default of maintenance 1 month ... N. Zealand labourei •87s S 9* fair dark auburn grey medium Dunedin ... John Mora Port Chalmers Dec. ig, 1896 theft 14 days * Chili ... sailor 1862 4 III dark black brown squat Scar on forehead. Dunedin ... Edward Gullan, alias Dunedin Jan. 1, 1897 drunkenness 24 hours See Police Gaxette, 1897, page 9. Gollan resisting police 7 days large Dunedin ... Robert Mahone Dunedin Jan. 1, 1897 drunkenness 24 hours N. Zealand labourer 1872 6 2 fresh brown grey 6p.c. (See Police Gaxette, 1896, page 139.) resisting police 7 days Victoria ... long Dunedin ... Sarah Windsor, alias Dunedin Dec. 29, 1896 attempted suicide discharged laundress 1840 S 4 pale brown grey I p.c. Sarah Ann Boyd Invercargill Charles McLean Invercargill ... Sept. 28, 1896 theft (3 charges) 3 months N.Zealand blacksmith 1879 s s3 fair fair It.brown medium Small chin; ring on left middle finger; Oct. 9, 1896 theft 3 months heart on left hand. Sentences concurrent.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 2, 20 January 1897, Page 15

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 2, 20 January 1897, Page 15

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 2, 20 January 1897, Page 15