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LONDON. J«d» SV n* voung?-; rv»m»Jrr in :k<e EoyJ Navy is, for tke time tw-isg. -.*ur oM friend Uensenans E. R. 1,. K. Evnns, R-N. «>».» va« in v'vnunand ci Captain St-sMCs Antarvtt-* 'xpedstioM. Lieut. Evans arrived :t» EnglinJ frmu New Z?«lrnJ a few daxs -. it.l it the Ktag's eummand repiirv-i t-« CiFiiff. wketv ae was received by HMajesty en the Kf»yal yacht, ansi, to 6tis *rva& .emtiffeation, received intitsMtswi x»f k > prousoticn to the task \>t cc-atmander. CewtaKsnder Brans was -ettier o&eef on beard the Terra N»>va v-a her out.ward voyage from New Ze-a'-and. a ad *s-cwn-.-.uniesi xautaia Seott -ti the <-Jtkers jourttey. t.aktng charge <d the Soai strp|«orting jxarty. He was- the last maw to see Captain Scott. on January 4. in latitude >?.JJ South 145 «eotfrat>’dea! siiSe* it-- ", tae PofelAt that point. Captain s :t -'.-twrlel Cexittnats-fer Evans so return ;. t . e > at tape Evans w..h two s rxtrucas, while Captain Sect* -r..1 <-a the ttaal stage to the Pole. The general outlines of the seven weeks’ hinideo return jeurney. whe-ss Ccmrsea&ier Evans and his two eoißpaai.’c.*- e-r>v:y wirhoofc anima! transpMrt, had t-> haul t xeir <ete .:.'-<• ii.r :■ ' ■ r-. It will be reesrUed that <>e»:aaa«ier tnaHy be aiad to be carried for four *iays -:-n the sledge, and uirirtiatc-i’y was vvnveyed to safety with t ie a.-m-tance of Dr. Atki®.oa- After a weeks eare at Hut Point. Commaa-ier E-ans improved stiff neatly to be ear* --1 >.<’. ooard rhe Terra Nova. Dur tag the voyage to New Zealand he was w&oitv Ltt-tapast-•i- : . ':■>■: «t ‘ -’ -.: ■rarrisg ia New Zealand be -xus weH enorrgu to -travel House. He has now practically recovered, a tad tat ends to 'eave Er-z-’-au-I ?n time ti- ,-ontmand the Terra Neva when she leaves :-t December to ti -fc ap OjKata S-tt end his purtv rerarwht? to New Zealand in March next- Dra’-t-g with Captain Ssjts's plans. Cotmrssnder Evans says:— ~I expect Ssxt reached th* l\we two weeks after I left bias. M hen I parrel front &ra hss idea was to go to the Pole aad back as exes as possible, so that I Hnagtne he probably returned to Hut Ddut about March Id. jnst too late to semi baek his final new* by the Terra Nova. The orgarusttr-n of the Southern journey was *:■• .-':?. every detail having been thought v by '?at> rain Secxt.~ Mr*. -Jtnius and the Bisti.-v ». ••hur.’b left -tuekland for X ancouver on April Idtis. and had a delightful journey aeross t&e Rockies. *ieer ■: ng at * --J.nxe«, FreU. mid Banff, so as to severe dayhghft for the eap'-yuteat of nsiguir-ent -xersery. The~ *oeat seme days at Toronto, Niagara. Montreal, and Q.--- ♦and ar- - ■ - ar-i . ' ’ ' — \ they arrived they have u.o*t of their time with the B-. - - . ax Ham. aad in Losd-on attenled the Church Worker? Coafereßse. t-lted the Rev. E. A. Seett at Bury S;. EdmnndsThey attended tae Christ's ' • -»*r>e Old Bvw-r dnraer. and were del*-.” -.i to mees there snaay ->U friend*. Later n the month they go to W»*rt*:u*£ and Rsare.e—unerth. ere., and in August - - t Bisbop Waßis at Devines. Later oa they to visit the Rev. T. P. Winter- at les.eester. IV'et-cs. for the *.P.G. MjxieJd, and rtetn-y other pfeaee* to x — * : esane-s-i and ocher engagements may -rai. them. They have taken passages by the 'ltatna f-w Australia, sailing <X< »r 25ca. and -pnapose to vksi A ---* In and Sydney, and to arrive in Christv'sundi by the emi of the year or very ear.y in January. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hataaa. • i Aaekhand, are on a trip ®f re-’- -r®* 4 pieaanrr, desigrted also to essjarge Mr. H 4-r»iaS experien-v and idea* tn ar. ;te>tiie by v dicing various rent is*. They have A —•-dii.'TC zmti** AilZh. '■’> ••♦ - E:i Devon, a’asl are now staying with < apt via Ambrose Holman, of Croydon- titer the - * e of tae English town*, a - - -S-sskand. They hope to rea--b Am-klan I by the firs; week in January. 1»IX Mr. XAn Wright, of the Taieri, is to be married the latter par --f Aaga«. an.l hi* honeymoon will i— -peat hr travelling over Eagtand. •scirh Wales, Iresxl. and Pari-- They hope io pt bw.-k to Duaeiin in the early port «• December. Mu-a J. Mandrr. daughter • f t> «*«- kawwn M.P, cf dockland arrived k*r« •

few day* tgo with a New ZewlamS novel. Which *be —*pes to place with Loudo* publzstsers. If successful. she will stay in England. if unsuccessful she intends to leave for New York in September. There nil! be study for some yrors at the Coltunbia L'aiverrity. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Andrew, of New Zealaci. are leaving London on the ISth last- to join the Mala* at Marseilles, en roue for Singapore. They expect to i.e -■ ' ruble time in the Bast ladies. Mr. George T. Farvin. of Auckland, arrived i". I in the beginning of June- and has been staying here ami ia Bexhsl! ard Hastings with Mends. Tie left for Hetrfejr. Oxford, and Windsor this week. He next week goes to the North of s -eland. where a month will Nf spent bef re doing the pnreipsl sights -- Ixmdrar. Faris. Berlin, Switzerland, and Hollars! are to be visited next month, and later the Lakes ■*■ Ireland. In October he leaves for Canada and Ameri’ca. - ending two months there, n - : ’. arriving in A-tckiatt-l early in IMd Mr K ■ O. Fhil’ips, of Auckland, ' -., - . — u'-nta! cxp-srienee. and later infeeds to go to Arne:, a and Germany for the same reason. Bef-.-re arriving in England. Mr rhiir'ps spent five week- t '-tiring Italy and the lower parts of Pw t- •■ ■ -.-'•< ’-.■■■ . ’’ '■• - - ...: <••-.. -.1: '. ■ ’ - ' till September next. Mr. F. Binns, of Auckland. spent June in sightseeing in London, and has now gnu to the North of S » After a second visit to London, he Isler goes to Pari-. Berlin and other Ctaatrnental centres, afterwards visiting America, and arriving in New Zealand agj early next yea r. CaUecs at the High C ■-•rtttiihssioner’a offices t’.i - week have been: —Mr. and Mrs V, Thorne. Miss J and Mrs. F. Vasey. M . and Mrs. H. ItasMt .Foxtout. Mr. and Mrs. \\. i- Evans he's Mr and Mrs. I*. Wat- .- ■;. - Mi . . Mrs > K. Garrick krtrvh - Mr- It. 1- MeLS?.:_- : — . s;_ Mr. J. ' ..*,. - -tt.ris-.-.h-sr.L . Mr. V’-.-.s st Mis* Talbot iTuuanit. Mi-s Gwen Taylor r -. ’ - v i>. .■ -d Mr - ?. rr. . '• .Mrs. Ainb’iry iAucUandi, Mr. 11.. O. Fatlkps < Auckland*. Mr. I. E. Li.-*. ■-. . - e - iington-. '-* I’ Kent!* We .g:o"'. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine, Mr. IL D. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. and Miss Sirierdon • Auckland . Mr. vY. R. Hayward Thrist<i’,: ’.• . Mr. Geo, Darrin V:. x’„i: i , Mr. F ' . - ■ -.- ' it-ii"-X ' ' .r. K. Gt>-’. - Wei: .'gtori-. Mr < . M-.siti.g-. Mr. ar t Mr-. McGill «Mi?f>u . Mr. John Wright it. ig--■. Mr.. Mrs. and Cre Miss-.s ?l-Wairarapat- Mr. ; I Mrs. -t. V-«or.‘ Mr A. R. .the ' -- - ' sDuiiklt. . M. Harold Runet! (.Napiert, Mr. .. Mrs . . - ' . land Mrs - irt Hawi w ;>tg---- .Mr ■ 1 Mm. K R. Lnseontho Sydney - - - Wefli- _ Miss A ' ■ -’i gton . Mrs. i F_ A. <- - and the Mrs- - >. ' I - - Mrs. y. .». Lywnar and J- H. P. Lysnar fGfeboraei, Miss G. ttestaflMr. Arthur ISime-tt. vc Au s a -d. who was for - itie time a dsrk ii. the railway traffie manager’s oSee in W etliugtoa. aar-i ra;-r a stationmaster on the ■Wellingtou line, is at pvemnt visiting loedorv lie is now ii- d the Argentine raitv.ays Ar a spe>rml meeting of delegates held at Aberdeen t’uiversily a few days ago. t&e degree of l.L_l>. was conferred upon Mr Charles Chilton, Professor of RioUxry ■ r--1 Fa’-aeontology at I niverstty fVd’eg.-, < antersury. Mr. Chilton alrerdy boasts .. >-jgthv' alphabeti.-a! hoaours tail, long vLt, IKSe. IN-Z.I. M.B, CAI. <■ Edinburgh!, and 1-1— *- The New Zealand Shipping Co.’* R-M.s, Turakiaa left Lindon yesterday for Nev Zealand, with th- following pa - —Mi -I. F. Buchanan. Mr-. Buebinau. Mrs. S. Harding, lies. W. J. and Mr-. Mr. W. 11. Boner. Mr. J. Farrington. Mrs. «l. r Hail. Mrs. Hay. Mr. < . H. Henniker. Mr. J. KeUv. Miss M. Leight a. Mr. W Miller. Mr. W. C IKborn. Mr. J. J- Pegg. Mr. A. J S-. Riehanfcin. Mi- Riggs. Mr. F. M. Roberrtwm, Mr. 11. Koskillv. Mrs. Roafcflly. Mr t*. H. Sayerw. Mr. if. J. Staveley. Mr. H. D. Stride. Mr*. M- C. Tide. Mr E. F. J. Town—ml. Mr. f. Walter-. Mr. and Mrs H. S. Winter•Mhaar. Mr. T. C- WorraD, aad 321 third ci as*.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7, 14 August 1912, Page 6

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NEW ZEALAND ABROAD. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7, 14 August 1912, Page 6

NEW ZEALAND ABROAD. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7, 14 August 1912, Page 6