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June 2l>« At the Show. The National Dairy Show was opened on Tuesday by His Excellency the Governor. Lord Islington, in favourable weather. The attendance has beaten all previous records. On Wednesday afternoon the annual football match between the Te Ante and Wanganui College teams proved a great draw. Amongst the onlookers J noticed: Mrs Williamson.wearing a long sealskin coat over a dark costume. and a high-crowned black hat with a pale yellow. shading to cream, feather mount: Mrs Walter Strang, navy blue coat and skirt, sable fur and motif, and a black hat with cream feather mount; Airs Handyside (Invercargill )• navy coat x»nd skirt, seal stole and mull’, black hat trimmed very high with yellow and green r ings; Mrs Jack Strang, navy skirt. Fable coat, emerald green felt hat; Mrs 'foxwood, navy eoat and skirt, black hat with black ami white wings; Mrs C. Lotiisson. I’rench grey coat and skirt, stone marten fur and mulT, largo grey rat with cerise satin and ospreys: Mrs Levcin. navy coat and skirt, black fox •fur and mull', small hat with grey blue silk trimming: Mrs Hewitt, long mauve coat worn over black frock, black hat with mauve Paisley silk: Mrs Barker, green coat and skirt, emerald green hat with black >ilk bows; Mrs Frances Hewitt, grey green tweed coat and skirt, I lack hat with coronation blue osprey; Mrs Porritt. navy skirt, sable coat, black hat with black wings; Mrs A. D. Thomson. brown coat and skirt, beaver hat with deep rose-pink flowers; Miss Witson, navy coat and skirt, toque with emerald green feather mount: Mrs H. IL Waldegrave. navy skirt, black astrakan coat, blue hat with silk scarf: Miss T. Waldegrave. navy coat and skirt, with cream cloth collar and culls, black velvet toque with cerise flowers; Mrs C. W. Walker, black braided coat and skirt, seal stole and toque: Miss Randolph, navy coal and skirt, s al stole and muff, black hat with black ami cerise striped ]>ows; Miss F. Randolph, navy coat and skirt. C anadian fox fur. black hat with deep pink roso: Mrs Alymer (Feilding). bright nav\ coal and skirt, white fox fur, grey satin hat with black lancer plume; Mrs Goodhehere (Feilding’. brown iwe=d coat and skirt, brown hat with brown wing>: Mrs Mcßeth ( Kimbolton I, navy coat ami skirt, saxe blue hat; Miss V. Mcßeth • Kimlndton). save blue coat ami skirl, seal stole, black velvet hat v.ith cream feather: Miss E. Shannau GStanway). naw coat and skirt, seal stole and hat : Mrs If. Cooper, navy ,skirt, sabel coat, huge black hat with saxe blue wing.-; Mrs R. S. Abraham, navy coat and skirl, black hat with coronation him feather: Mis A. Bari and. grey coat -and skirt, black fox fur and nuill. black toque with cream feather ornament : Miss Sybil Abraham, navy coat and skirl, black fox fur. black velvet hat with emerald green silk bows; Miss Alice Coombs, naw coat and skirt, emerald green felt hat: Mrs Levin (Taonuß. navv skirt, sealskin coat, black hat with jink flowers: Mrs Warburton, navy coat and -kirf. black fur. mole hat with mob and ceiise wings; Miss Warburton, navy coal and skirt, mole hat: Mrs 11. S. 1 itzherberi (New Plymouth), black coat and skirt, black hat : Mrs W. L. Fitzherbert. navy coat and skirt, touch of emerald green on collar, black hat : .Mrs Mont gomery. cream toilette, ami cream toque; Airs ( . E. Waldegrave. navy coat and skirt, seal fur. mull’ and hat; Airs Bendall. brown coat and skirt, brown hat v ith brown wings; Miss Collins, navy c tat ami skin, black felt hat ; Mrs Mcknight. naw coat and skirt, black fox fur and mull’, black hat with white swansdown trimming: Miss A. McKnight, navy Norfolk coat and skirt, .seal hat; Mrs Alorrah. navy coat ami skirt, emerald green ami blacK hat with green feather mount : Miss Moriah, navy coat and skirt. large black hat with cerise flowers; Mr.- I-. E. Wat-on. grev coat and skirt, black bat with black Lathers; Miss W. Matson, golden brown coat and skirt, black Iw-aver hat with gold cord; Mrs Lyon-, grey -trij»c<| coat and skirt, grej loqu«* with black wings; Miss Ar nisi rung, j.avy coat and skirt, black velvet hat v. ith cream feat hej 1 ; Miss Bond, navy coat and >}<irt. white fur. black hat with • nierald green silk Im>ws; Mrs Pratt, black coat and skirt, black hat with Pack and white wings; Mis H. Abraham blue coat and skirl, black braver hat: Mi*s Christie (Wanganui), navy coat and skirt, seal t>lok and hat;

Mrs J. Nash, navy coat and skirt, black hat with black feathers: Mrs Pope, long sealskin coat, black hat with black and cerise silk bows; Mrs Godfrey Baldwin, r.avy coat and skirt, beaver hat; Miss McLean, navy coat and skirt, hat with emerald green: Miss Tripe, grey tweed coat and skirt, seal hat: Mrs B. VValdegrave, navy coat and skirt, black hat with saxe blue silk bow; Miss Jiekell, brown coat and skirt, black hat with brown wings: Miss Park, navy coat and skirt, hat with black and grey silk; Miss D. Park, cream and black striped coat and skirt, hat with black silk bows; Miss L. Park, in navy blue frock, and a hat with saxe blue bow: Mrs 11. N. Watson, long sealskin coat, black hat with white wings; Archdeacon and Mrs Harper (Wellington), Mr and Mrs C. J. Monro, Miss 1.. Monro, Mrs Homan. Mrs McMillan, the Misses Drew, Mrs Bagnall, Mrs Hume, Miss Knight. Miss Archer, Miss Holben, Mrs A. McDonald. Mr and Mrs A. Guy. Miss Alma Guy. Mrs and the Misses Dempsey, Miss Preece. On Thursday the hunting competition •was very interesting, and was witnessed by a great crowd. Mr and Mrs T. Moore. Mr and Mrs Montgomery. Mrs and the Misses Hayward, Mrs A. D. Thomson. Miss Wilson. Mrs Miltton, Mrs J. P. Innes. Mrs 1!. S. Abraham, Miss Ethel Abraham, Mrs Pratt, the Misses Buick. Mrs Penny, were a few of those there. A Dance. Mrs Gifford-Moore gave a smalt com-ing-out dance on Tuesday for her eldest daughter. Miss Nina Moore. Included in the guests were: Mr and Mrs Jack •Strang, Mr and Mrs Walter Strang, Dr. and Mrs Martin Dr. and Mrs Putnam, Mr and Airs B. Beale. Mr and Mrs Porlitt, Mr and Mrs A. Barraud, Miss Barnicoat, Miss Alison Barnicoat, Miss T. Waldegrave, Miss Tripe, Miss Pascal, Miss Mawhianey, Miss Dorothy Waldegrave. Miss W. Watson. Miss D. Morrali, the Misses Bates (Wanganui), Miss Sybil Abraham. Personal. Mrs llaudyside (Invercargill) is the guest of Mrs: Waiter Strong. The Misses Bates (Wanganui) are staying with Mrs Gifford-Moore. Mrs A. Guy has returned from Hawke’s Dav. Mr and Mrs W. Potts are the guests < f Mrs Geoffrey Potts. SOUTH JTaRANAKI. HAWERA, June 29, At Golf. There were quite a number on the links last Tue.>da\. Delicious afternoon tea was given by Mr-. it. McLean and Mrs. Johnson. Amongst those present were: Mr.- Kimbell. Mrs (>. Havvkcii, Mrs. Page, Mrs. Glasson. Mrs. Duck worth. Airs. Bright, Mrs. Sui-trd, Mrs. Foy.-ter, Mi>. Wallace. Mrs. Worthy, Mr.-. Dr. Campbell. Airs. Gibson, Mrs. T. Campbell, Mi-- Capicn. Mi-- Douglas, Mi-sps Good (2). Ali-- Nolan, Miss Nolan (Gisborne), Mis- Raim*. Misses Young (2). Miss Hunter. Afternoon Tea. Chi Thursday Mrs. Tonks gave an afternoon tea for her neice. Miss Nolan, of Gisborne. who is staying in Hawera with Mrs. R. If. Nolan. Mrs. Tonks was wearing a pretty black crepe de chine frock, with touches of gold: Miss Tonks, black velvet, with pipings of pale blue: Miss Nolan, frock of grey ninon trimmed with gold embroidery. Some of those present were:- Airs. Welsh. Mrs. Guodson, Mr-. Lennon. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Willis. Afrs. and Miss C'aplen, Mrs. W. Hamilton (Opunake), Mrs. Tonks, Mrs. and Mi.-s Dingle, Mrs. and Aliss Aloorv.'Mls.-es Nolan (2), Miss Hamilton. Aliss Buchanan. Misses Good (2), Miss Baine and others. Personal. Mrs. O‘( allagliau ha- returned to Hawera after a fortnight’.- holiday spent in (. hristchurch. Miss Q. Glenn is spending a short holiday 'in Auckland. Miss E. C'aplen has returned from New Vlymouth. Mrs. Gillie- i- visiting relatives in the South Island. WANGANUI. June 29. On the Links. There were a large number at the Beliuont link* on Kclurday, when a match was played between 17 golfers

from the Manawatu (lub and a local team. The game resulted in a win for Wanganui by 13 to 4. The ladies dul. provided afternoon tea. Amongst, those present were: Mrs. Harold, Mrs. D'Arcy. Mrs. Meldrum, Miss Montgomery-Moore. Miss R. Fairburn, Miss L. Williams, Miss G. Christie, Miss Ida Stevenson, Miss D. Brettargh, Miss Parsons, Messrs. Harold Butterworth, Barraud (Manawatu), A. Seifert (Manawatu), G. Saunders. <1 Druce (Manawatu). Imlay Saunders, L. Seifert (Manawatu), W. Strang (Manawatu), A. Lewis, J. Goss, J. Strang (Manawatu), Meldrum. W. Strang (Manawatu). H. G. Moore (Manawatu), Latham. D'Arcy, Earle. Abraham (Manawatu), Poulson (Manawatu), Howarth, Harden (Manawatu). Harrison, Cameron, D. Seifert (Manawatu). Paterson, Levin (Manawatu). R. G. Moore (Manawatu). Ritchie. McHardy (Manawatu), Payne, Slack (Manawatu), Bayly. Lyons (Manawatu), Fairburn, Good. Allison, Goodwin and others. Bridge Party. On Friday evening Mrs. D. Ritchie, St. John Hill, gave a small bridge party. Amongst the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Latham, Mr. and Mrs. A. Izard, Miss (England), Miss D. Christie. There were a fair number at the Belmont links on Wednesday, when afternoon tea was given by Mrs. Meldnim. Miss Burr, and Miss Armstrong. Amongst, those present were Mrs. D’Arcy. Mrs. Meldrum, Mrs. IV. Anderson, Mrs. Hogg, Mrs. John Anderson, Miss H. Anderson, Miss R. Fairburn, Miss Milne, Miss R. Nixon, Miss W. Anderson, Mrs. Lomax, Miss Cave, Miss Armstrong, Miss Burr, Mi.-s Lambert, Miss — Lambert, Miss — Hogg. Inter-College Football. A very large number went from Wanganui to Palmerston North to witness the annual inter-college football matches between the Te Aute and Collegiate school teams. Amongst those present were: Rev. H. Dove and Mrs. Dove, Mrs. and Miss Williams, Mrs. and Miss Ashcroft, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson, Miss W. Bayly, Miss Parsons, Mr. R. Stevenson, Miss Ida Stevenson. Miss Brettargh, Miss W. Brettargh. Mrs. E. Cowper, Mrs. Christie, Miss D. Christie. Miss G. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Rev. W. Williams, Rev. K. Williams, Messrs. Butterworth, Watson. Harold. Wilson. Edgar Latham. Long. Hodges. Turnbull, Dr. Earles Mr. Bannister. Mr. Glenn, and others. Afternoon Tea. The Misses Jones gave an afternoon tea at the Naumai tea-rooms on Thursday. There was a competition which was won by Miss R. Fairburn. Amongst those present were: Miss Hawken. Miss G. C hristie, Miss L. ’Williams, Miss Ashcroft, Miss Kerr, Miss Brettargh, Miss A. Brettargh, Miss Polson. Miss W. Bayly, Miss Barnard Brown anl others. A Dance. On Tuesday night Mr. and Airs. Bignell, of Gonville. gave a dance for their daughter, Miss Rene Bignell, in honour of her coming of age. The large dining room was converted into a ballroom, and supper was laid in the breakfast room. The drawing room w;\s used for sitting out and so was the verandah, which was closed in and decorated. Mrs. Bignell received her guests in a Wack charmeuse robe with black ninon veiling it, and touch of black jet on her corsage; (Miss Bignell. pale blue satin gown, with tunic of pale pink ninon; Miss Winnie. Bignell, pretty pale pink silk frock, with ninon on her corsage; Aliss Williams, white satin gown, with tunic of lace: Aliss Hatrick wore a lovely gown of maize charmeuse. with golden brown Tosca net overdress; Aliss Cameron wore a rose-pink charmeuse robe with lace and insertion; Mrs. llatrick, ■black satin with blaek ninon, edged with jet; Mrs. Rodwell, black satin frock, with bands of Oriental trimming; Miss Tucker, cream silk, with lace; Aliss Paul, black and white silk with pointed ninon tunic; Aliss D. Paul, beautiful cream charmeuse gown, with tunic of spangled ninon; Aliss Porter wore a black velvet robe, with laee on her corsage; Aliss Al. Mcßeth, cream satin frock, with ninon tunic edged with bugle fringe; iMiss J. Collier, pink charmeuse gown with tunic 'of ninon edged with fringe; Aliss J. Collier, white satin robe, with chiffon on her decollete; Miss Kemble, pale Idue satin with overdress of net; Miss O. Williams wore a white satin frock; Aliss N. Murray, cream satin gown with overdress of net; Miss J. Murray,, pale grey satin frock with floral chiffon

tunic; Miss B. Keesing, black velvet gown, with lace; Miss Towsey, white satin robe with tunic-of netj.Misa M. Rowe, pale blue ninon over satin the same shade; Miss McMillan' wore a striped silk gown with, touch of lace on her corsage. Personal. Mr. >s. Tlrorne George, of Auckland, has been staying in Wanganui recently. Mr. D. Riddiford, of the AVairarapa, has been in Wanganui for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of Mangaweka, are staying in Wanganui with relations. Mrs. H. F. Christie, St. John's Hill, Wanganui, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Steadman, in Palmerston North. Mr. T. Barker, of Christchurch, has been staying in Wanganui with Mr. and Mrs. A. Izard. Mrs. J. Cameron, of England, who has been the guest of Mrs. H. F. Christie, St. John's Hill, Wanganui, has returned to the South Island. Miss Millar, of Feilding, who has been staying in Wanganui with Miss Kerr, has returned to her home. Miss Scott, of Gisborne, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Innes, in Wanganui, has returned to her home. Miss Kerr, of Wanganui, has returned from her visit to Feilding. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Peake, of Te Awannrtu, who have been visiting relations in Wanganui, returned this week to their home. Mrs. Robert Peake, of Cambridge, is the guest of Mrs. Henry Peake in \\ anganu i.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 1, 3 July 1912, Page 66

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PALMERSTON NORTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 1, 3 July 1912, Page 66

PALMERSTON NORTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 1, 3 July 1912, Page 66