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March 11. Christening of the Governor’s Son. The christening of the infant son of the Governor and Lady Plunket was celebrated at All Saints’ Church on Saturday afternoon, the 6th inst., in the presence of a large number of invited guests. Punctually at 3 o'clock Lord and Lady Plunket, preceded by a mounted escort of Manawatu Mounted Rifles and accompanied by the Government House party —the Bishop and Mrs. Wallis, Lady Jane Gathorne-Hardy. Mr and Mrs Waterfield, Miss Hill and Captains

Gathorno Hardy and Shannon, A.D.C.’a — arrived at the church, where the ceremony was performed by Bishop Wallis, attended by the vicar (the Rev. C. C. Harper), Bishop's chaplain. Denis Kiwa were the names chosen for the baby, who behaved himself with dignity through the ceremony. His godmothers are the Hon. Helen Plunket (his oldest sister), and Miss Williams (sister of Airs. Wallis, wife of Bishop Wallis), and his Godfathers, the Hon. A. M. R. Bingham, who was formerly second A.DU. to his Excellency, and Mr. H. C. Waterfield, private secretary to Lord Plunket. ’J he font had Iwen beaut ifully decorated with white Howers by Lady Jane Gathorne Hardy and Miss Russell. After the ceremony at the church a garden party was held at ‘ Woodhey,” the Palmerston residence of their Excellencies. The weather was ideal—a brilliant sun tempered with a cool breeze. 'Die grounds looked beautiful, the sloping lawns bordered with beds, a glorious mass of colour. Seats were placed everywhere, both in shady places, on the lawns and down the lovely walks. r | he lake looked as cool and inviting, and many availed them Selves of the opportunity of a row. A large marquee was used for refreshments, baby’s christening cake occupying the centre of the table. The white cake rose from a bed of fern leaves, symbolical of New Zealand, on the front was a spray of green sham recks, ami on the top ’’Denis*’ and Kiwa” in dainty silver letters. The Palmerston band played gay music during the afternoon. THE GUESTS. Those who received invitations were: Air., Mrs., and Misses R. S. Abraham, Air. R. A. Abraham, Mr. and Mrs Lionel Abraham, Air and Mrs. H. E. Abraham, Mr., Airs, ami Miss Armstrong, Mr C. Anderson, Mr. I). Buick, M.P., Mrs. and Misses I). Buick, Miss G. Beswick, Air. and Airs G. Bagnall, Mr. and Mrs. P. Baldwin, Air A. N. Barrami, Mr, Mrs and Alisses Barber, Air. arid Mrs. Somerville Brown, Air. ami Mrs. VV. Benda’ll, Mr. and Airs. E. L. Broad, Mr. and Mrs. Brisco, Mr. and Airs J. L. Barnicoat. Mr. and Misses Bell, Air. and Airs. L. IL Bryant, Air and Airs. J. O. Batchelor, Air ami Mrs IL I). Bagnall, Air and Mrs A. E. Bennett, Mr and Airs F. Cooke. Air ami Mrs Al. Cohen, Mr and Mrs F. Connell, Mr ami Airs 11. Cooper, Mr and Airs (’.' A. Colbeck, Mr and Mrs (’.‘l . Clausen, Air and Mrs C. Collis, Rev. Father Costello, Air and Mis IL Davis, Rev. ami Mrs G. \V. Davidson, Air ami Airs Al. A. Eliott, Mr and Mrs VV. L. Fitzherbert, Mr and Airs E. Freeman, Miss 11. Fenton, the Alisses Eraser, Air and Alisses A. A. Glendinning, Colonel and Mrs. E. Gorton, Mr and Airs F. S. Goldingbam, Mr., Mrs., ami Misses Gillett, Aliss Goring, Air and Mrs A. Guy, Dr. and Mrs Grey, Air and Mrs F. Hewitt. Rev. and Airs C. C Harper, Capt., Mrs., and Aliss L. D. R Hewitt. Mr H. Hewitt, Mr ami Airs. A. Holmes, Air. V". E. Harman, Mr E. D. Hobeu, Air and Miss G. H. Humphries, Air. and Mrs. C. 11. Hewett, Mr and Airs J. H. Hankins, Mr and Airs G. W. Harden, Mr and Airs iL Haydon. Air and Mrs E. R. B. Hol-K-n, Mr and Mrs Hunter Brown, StallCaptain ami Mrs Henry, Mrs R. H. Homan, Nurse Henderson, Rev. ami Airs Hird, Mr and Mrs .1. P. Innes, Air and Airs J. M. Johnston. Mr and Mrs Goringilnhnston, Mr ami Mrs J. Jackson, Airs W. Johnston. Captain and Airs Alostyn ihmes. Rev. and Mrs I. Jolly, Air and Mrs Jickell, Miss Kelly, Mr and Airs Jt. N. Keeling, Mr. \V. K innear, Air and Mrs G. \\ . Keeling. Mr and Mrs C. Loughnan, Mr ami Mrs F. O. Loughnan, Air and Mrs R. Level n, Air and Airs F. 0. Levin, Mr and Airs Lloyd. Mrs A. It. Lyons, Mr \V. G. Lyons, Mr and Airs H. VV. Luxford, Rev. and Airs J. J. Lewis, Mr and Mrs 11. Harkins. Mr and Mrs C. Louisson, Mr and Mrs C. J. Monro, Dr. and Mrs Marlin Miss Macl.lgan, Mr 11. E. Me Kellar, Mr and Mrs Alellsop. Mr and Mrs Mclennan, Dr., Airs, ami Miss Maciidyre. Mr. D. Mac* intyre, Mr ami Mrs (>. Moura 11, Mr. and Airs G. Moore, Mr and Mrs Al. A. Moody. Mr ami Mrs A. IL Mayo, Mr and Mrs J. Mcßae, Rev. and Mrs. Macdonald. Mr., Mrs and Miss Matheson, Mr. W. Moffatt. Mr and Mrs J. A. Nash, Air and Mrs K Newman. Dr., Mis and Miss J. W. O’Brien. Mr’ S. O’Brien, Mr *>. S. O’laoughlin, - Mr ami Airs . Foster• Pratt. Mr .B. Foster Pratt. Mr., Mrs and Miss J. 11. Pascal. Mr L. Pascal, Dr. and Airs P. T. Putman, Dr. and Airs G. \V. Peach, Air and Airs O Porritt, Dr and Airs Pope, Air ami Airs A. Palmer. Mr., Mrs, and Alisses \V. Park, Captain Adju-

tant D. Pringle (commanding Manawatu Mounted Rifles) and Mrs. Pringle, Mr and Mrs J. Pickett, Air, Airs, and Misses A. Russell, Air. Reardon, Mrs and Alisses Randolph. Air and Airs D. Riddiford, Mr end Airs VV. Rutherford. Mr and Mrs A. L. Stedman, Dr and Airs VV. R. Starve. Mr and Airs W. Strang, Mr and Mrs P. L. Sim, Air, Mrs, and Aliss Snow. Mr, Mrs and Aliss C. Smith, Miss Stanford, Mr and Airs A. Strang, Air, Mrs and Miss U. Slack. Mr. VV. Slack, Mr. G. W. Slack. Mrs I). O. Shute. Mr J. A. Skerman, Mr and Airs VV. Stubbs, Ah and Airs A. Seifert. Air and Mrs L. Seifert, Air and Airs A. I). Thompson, Mrs Tripe, Air and Airs E. Tallott. Mr ami Airs C. Voss. Sir Joseph, Lady, ami Aliss Ward, Air. and Airs. VV. T. Wood, Mr. Airs and Aliss E. Warburton, Air. D. Warburton, Air. ami Mrs J. F. Waldegrave, Air. N. Waldegrave, Dr. and Airs Wilson, Air. R. Ward. Air K. ami Misses Wilson, Alr ami Airs H. Watson, Air Airs and Miss VV. T. Ward, Air and Airs A. Ward, Mr. R. VV. Wilson, Mr And Airs IL VV. White, Air, Airs and Miss C. E. Waldegrave. Mr, Airs and Miss H. R. Waldegrave, Mr, Mrs and Miss J. G. Wilson, Air ami Airs H. Wilson, Air and Mrs *J. Young, Dresses at the Garden Party. As 1 have already remarked, the day was glorious, consequently the smartest frocks could be worn without any anxiety'. Lady Plunket wore a fine white Indian muslin toilette, embroidered and trimmed with white lace ami insertion, bright blue straw hat, with rich pink roses, and silver foliage, pale pink parasol; Lady Jane Gatiiorne-Hardy, the palest green crepe de chine, floral hat to correspond; Airs. H. C. Waterfield, cream cloth, richly embroidered in cream silk, touch of old rose velvet at waist, rose coloured hat, with cream feather and strings of rose floral ribbon; Aliss Hill, an elaborately embroidered brown costume, moss green silk hat with brown feathers; Airs. Mallis, pale grey coat and skirt, baided in grey, grey hat with white wings. Others I noticed were Airs. Dan Riddiford (Marton), wearing a black and white silk muslin frock over black silk, the bodice trimmed with beautiful lace, also silver 1 embroidery ami eflectiv'O touches of turquoise blue velvet, large black hat lined with pale blue and trimmed with‘black feathers; Airs. Al. Cohen, a lovely pale blue satin toilette, white ostrich feather boa large pale blue satin, with crown of whits? fur and pale blue wings; Mrs. Alan Strang, a striking pale blue silk costume, white ostrich feather boa, large black hat with feather and black ospreys; Airs. J. A. Nash (Alayoress), pah* grey crepe de chine, black hat with tips; Mrs. P. Baldwin, pale heliotrope floral muslin trimmed with insertion of deeper shade, heliotrope hat with flowers ami ospreys of same colour; Airs. C. J. Monro, fawn striped silk muslin, with band of brown,, edged with - pale blue at foot of skirt, touches of blue on bodice, cream bat with black wings; Aliss Monro, a ' particularly pretty frock of soft white over silk, the Empire bodice finished with bands and long ends of cerise velvet, large cerise hat; Mrs. H. Cooper, pale pink glace silk, < ream lace and pipings of brown trimmings, mauve silk hat with shaded roses; Aliss Fraser pale grey silk, with black silk fringe, black plumed hat ; Ali;ss F. Fraser, palest pink crepe de chine and cream lace, black hat with feathers; Mrs. Randolph, black cloth costunie, richly embroidered in black, the waistcoat showing touch of emerald-green velvet, bold beaded chiffon vest, black hht with feathers; Aliss Randolph, chiffon taffeta, embroidered in same shade, the bodice trimmed with t reajn lace and tucked chiffon, large bla&k plumed hat ; Miss F. Randolph, pale bliie crepe de chine, cream lace panel down front of skirt, finished with deep blue silk fringe, lace and fringe finishing bodice, black hat with tulle ami feathers; Mrs. Hewitt, black canvas voile frock with cream lace, neat black and white bat; Miss Hewitt, the palest pink silk muslin, the skirt made with many tucks, creain lace and pink silk tassels finishing bodice, largo pink silk bat; the Alisses Russell wearing turquoise blue Shantung frocks, mole-colbured luits, wreath(!(l with pink roses and foliage; Miss Mclennan, pah' #rey crepe'dc chine Empire toilette, gold creaip ( chiffon, scarf, large black hat; Alrjji. jSiostyn .Join’s, pale pink crepe de chine, with cream lace yoke thread(Mi .witjh narrow brown velvet ribbon, creain hat with pink roses; Mrs. Louissuu. white muslin and lace, largo

black hat with black feathers; and black ospreys; Mrs Warburton, a becoming champagne silk toilette with handsome lace design on skirt, large hat with emerald green wings, emerald green silk ruffle; ’ M iss Warburton, white embroidered muslin, white ostrich feather boa, large black hat lined with pale blue and trimmed with pale blue roses: Mrs H. R. Waldegrave. black crepe de chine, the bodice finished with cream lace ami pale blue silk, large black hat with black plumes; Miss Waldegrave. turquoise blue silk Empire frock, with yoke of spotted net, large cream hat with' blue silk bows and pale pink roses; Mrs C. E. Waldegrave, black silk muslin over blaek silk, cream lace vest, black plumed hat; Mrs J. Waldegrave, a dainty white muslin frock, elaborately trimmed with tine lace and insertion, white ostrich feather boa, large white hat with white feathers; Mrs Lionel Abraham, a. pretty frock of the palest blue silk, black and white hat; Miss Abraham, white muslin with floral border of the palest lavender, brown hat with flowers and brown feathers; Miss Marjory Abraham, turquoise blue chiffon Empire toilette, hat with long pale blue silk streamers; Mis C. Smith, black crepe de chine Empire frock, cream laee yoke with touches of blaek velvet ribbon, black hat; Miss Smith, blue floral muslin, with silk trimming of darker shade, cream hat with profusion of blue flowers; Mrs Bagnall, Copenhagen, blue cloth costume, trimmed with spotted net and Oriental smbroidery, black plumed hat; Mrs A. Ward, cream canvas voile and cream lace, brown hat; Mrs W. Park, heliotrope floral voile and lace, becoming black and white hat with feathers; Afiss Park, cream cloth Eton costume; cream hat with pale green silk bow and pink flowers; Mrs Holmes, champagne toilette, black hat with black wings; Mrs Barber, grey and black check silk, black plumed hat; the Misses Barber. white embroidered muslin-frocks, black hats; Miss Dolly Wilson, pale pink silk muslin, green silk belt, green silk hat; Mrs Stowe, Cream canvas voile and laee, pale blue silk boa, black hat with feathers; Mrs Barnicoat, cinnamon brown crepe de chine, cream spotted net and ornamental embroidery trimming bodice, brown hat with tulle and pale pink poppies; Mrs T. W. Harden, cream canvas voile, ostrich feather boa, cerise floral toque with black wings';" Airs’A. D. Thompson, cream’ serge Eton coat and skirt, brown hat; Mrs Eliott, heliotrope floral muslin with trimmings of a deeper shade of velvet ribbon, blaek lace hat with black feathers; the Misses Glendinning. blaek and white floral silk toilettes, floral hats; Mrs Pickett, cream serge" Eton costume with pipings of pale blue, cream hat with flowers and green foliage: Mrs (Dr.) Wilson. a stylish coat and skirt of slate grey cloth, the coaF ornamented with silver buttons, large hat with grey and white striped silk and black quills: Mrs J. M. Johnston, black and white striped coat and skirt, with black strappings. black and white hat with feather; Mrs C. Loughnan, turquoise blue Shantung silk Empire . frock, stylish blaek hat with emerald green wing; Mrs F. 0. B. Loughnan. black crepe de with cream lace vest, small black hat with blaek tips; Miss Loughnan, dainty white muslin frock, white net ruffle, black hat with white tips; Mrs. Porritt, white Indian muslin and lace over green silk, white hat with silk and pink and crimson roses; Mrs. (Dr.) Greig, French grey Eton coat and skirt, blue hat with fawn quilts; Mrs. Buick, blaek chiffon taffeta toilette, black and white hat: Miss. C. Buick, cream and pink floral muslin, pink hat with white feathers; Miss I. Buick, white muslin and lace, floral bat; Airs. R. Davis, a pale striped heliotrope Empire frock, hat with heliotrope wings; Airs. Broad, green and white striped silk .frock with touches of darker shade of green velvet ribbon, large white plumed hat; Mrs. Homan, pale grey and white silk toilette with lovely lace insertion, white lace coat, black hat with white feathers; Airs. Gif-

ford Moore, white muslin and lace, black hat lined with white and trimmed with black feathers; Mrs. O’Brien, black crepe de chine, vest and sleeves of white net inserted with fine black lace insertion, black plumed hat; Miss M’Brien. cream and pink spotted muslin.'with pink floral border, black hat with roses, scarlet parasol; Mrs. F. Pratt, black and white striped silk, white yoke veiled in fine black lace and finished with touches of turquoise blue, black hat with feathers; Mrs. W. T. Ward, pink floral muslin, black hat; Miss Ward, white muslin and lace, blue silk belt, blue hat; Mrs. (Dr.) Putnam, old ro-e costume, yoke of cream lace, pink hat with quills; Mrs. 1. Jolly, dark green toilette, green hat; Mrs. F. Cooke, pale heliotrope silk, hat with wings of same shade; Mrs. Batchelor. black merveilleux frock, black hat with tips; Mrs. A. E. Bennett, white Ihlen coat and skirt, black plumed hat; Mrs. S. W. Luxford, green chiffon taffeta, cream lace vest, black hltt: Mrs. Coring Johnston, pale grey silk, cream hat wreathed with pink roses; Mrs. R. Levin, pale blue doth frock, white feather boa, white hat with white feathers; Miss Humphries, white muslin and lace, white hat with silk rosette .and pale mauve flowers. Croquet. On the same day a party of croquet players from Wanganui played a match against a local team on the Recreation Ground. Owing to the protracted length of some of the games several matches were not finished, and others not even commenced. Of those decided, Palmerston had the best of it, with 0 wins, 2 losses, 6 draws. The visitors were Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Sargeant, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Paterson, Miss Knapp, Miss Gresson, Mrs. Lomax, Miss Skeet, Messrs. Stevenson, Izard, Goodwin, Bayley, Sargeant. Palmerston players were Mrs. Tripe. Mrs. Mellsop, Mrs. Innes, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Mcßae, Mrs. H. Fitzherbert, Mrs. W. L. Fitzherbert, Mrs. Bell, Messrs. Bell, Loughnan, Munro, Daniel, Elliott. Mrs. and the Misses Gemmel, Mrs. Morrah. Mrs. McKnight, Mrs. Daniel, Miss Bell, Miss D. Tripe, Mrs. Coombs, Mrs. Bayley and Mrs. Mackay (Wanganui), Mr. and Mrs. J. Lang, Mrs. Rennell were those present. Other Events. Mrs. H. P. Fitzherbert (New Plymouth) was the guest of honour at a small progressive bridge party given by Mrs. J. H. Hankins on Tuesday night. Mrs. Putnam and Mr. Bond were prizewinners. The players included Mr. and Mrs. Hankins, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fitzherbert,, Mr. and Mrs. Mcßae, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sim. Dr. and Mrs. Putnam, Mr. Bond, Mr. Wither and a few others. Mrs. F. Cooke, Fitzherbert-street, entertained friends at tennis on Wednesday afternoon. Personal Items. Mr. and Mrs. C. Colbeck left for England last week. Mr. R. S. Abraham and Miss Abraham sail from Wellington to-day on a trip to England. Mr. and Mrs. M. Moir returned from their wedding trip to Napier on last Saturday. They stayed at the Grand Hotel till Tuesday, and then left for their future home in Christchurch.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 11, 17 March 1909, Page 65

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PALMERSTON NORTH New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 11, 17 March 1909, Page 65

PALMERSTON NORTH New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 11, 17 March 1909, Page 65