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Anderson, James. —Drunk and incapable; Mounted-Constable Gilchrist, Kaiapoi Police; 24 hours’ imprisonment. Baxter, William. —Assault, with intent to commit a rape ; on warrant by Constable Walker, Southb ridge Police; fined £2.

Brady, William. —Drunk and disorderly; Constable Dance, Christchurch Police ; fined 405., or 1 week’s imprisonment. Buckridge, Edward. —Larceny of fruit; Sergeant Kennedy, Christchurch Police; discharged.

Bray, Elizabeth. —Using abusive and threatening language ; Sergeant Willis, Christchurch Police; fined £5, or 1 month’s imprisonment. Brew, Mark.— Drunk and disorderly; Sergt. Bamsay, Akaroa Police; fined 10s., or 48 hours’ imprisonment. Black, George. —Drunk and disorderly ; Constable Smith, Christchurch Police; fined 40s. *

Birmingham, Henry. —Larceny of a plane ; Chief-Detective Peast; discharged. Blaney, Alexander. —Drunk and indecent exposure; Constable J. Johnston, Christchurch Police; fined 20s. or 48 hours’ imprisonment.

Barton, John.— Lunacy ; Constable Walker, Southbridge Police ; committed to Asylum. Bayliss, Thomas. —Drunk and disorderly at Railway Station; Sergeant Pratt, Kaiapoi Police; fined 20s. Cumeskey, Matthew. —Drunk and illegally on the premises; Inspector Barsham, Lyttelton Police; fined 10s. Campbell, John. —Drunk and incapable ; Constable Eares, Lyttelton Police; fineu 10s.

Collins, John. —Breach of the peace, and assaulting and resisting the Police; Sergeant O’Connor, Arowhenua Police ; fined 255., and costs 28s.

Cain, William. —Lunacy from drink ; Sergeant Willis, Christchurch Police; cautioned and discharged.

Carmichael, James.- —Being a neglected child; Sergeant Wilson, Christchurch Police ; cautioned and discharged.

Comien, William. —Drunk and using obscene language; Constable O’Malley, Waimate Police ; awaiting disposal. Cardoza, Willixm; Jones, William; Toumans, Henry —continued refusal of duty on board Soukar; Constable Eares, Lyttelton Police; 1 month’s imprisonment each.

Coe, George Henry.— Breach of “ Merchant Shipping Act ” on board Dilharrie; Constable Eares, Lyttelton Police; 1 month and 14 days’ imprisonment.

Collins, Patrick.— Drunk and creating a disturbance on board Beautiful Star; Sergeant McDonald, Timaru Police ; dismissed ; no appearance of prosecutor. Catlow, William. —Drunk and resisting the Police in the execution of their duty; Sergeant McDonald, Timaru Police; fined 15s.

Devenish, George. Breaking into a dwelling and stealing therelrom ; Constable Hills, Timaru Police ; dismissed.

Dalton, Owen.— Drunk and disorderly; Constable Dance, Christchurch Police ; fined 40s.

Duggan, Edward.— Drunk and using obscene language; Constable Hughes, Christchurch Police ; fined 20s.

Davis, Henry. —Drunk and committing a breach of the peace ; Constable Wildermoth, Waimate Police; fined 11s. and costs. Poster, Thomas. —Refusal of duty on board ship China; Constable Eares, Lyttelton Police ; 1 week’s imprisonment.

Einnerty, Laurence. —Drunk and disorderly, and using obscene language in a public place; Constable Wildermoth, Waimate Police; fined 10s. and costs.

Pahr, Thomas. —Being a neglected child; Sergeant Wilson, Christchurch Police ; five years’ Industrial School.

Pannon, Thomas, alias Tracy. —Drunk and disorderly and using obscene language ; Mounted-Constable Morice, Ashburton Police; fined 20s.

PITZGERALD, WILLIAM AND JOHN. Being neglected children; Sergeant Wilson, Christchurch Police; remanded.

Greaves, Alexander, alias Young.— Drunk and using obscene language in a public place; Sergeant O’Connor, Arowhenua Police; fined 195., or 3 days’ imprisonment.

Gtripps, Hans Christian. —Drunk and exposing his person in a public place ; Sergeant O’Connor, Arowhenua Police ; 3 days’ imprisonment.

Gatherer, James.— Larceny of fruit; Sergeant Kennedy, Christchurch Police; discharged.

Galloway, Thomas. —Drunk and using obscene language ; Sergeant Mullin, Oxford Police ; fined 20s. and costs.

Green, Henry.— Wilful damage to property and resisting and assaulting the Police; Sergeant Mullin, Oxford Police ; awaiting disposal.

Gossling, William.— Drunk and creating a disturbance in a licensed house; Mounted-Constable Kennedy, Arowhenua Police; fined 20s. and costs.

Glass, Jane. Vagrancy ; Constable Hughes, Christchurch Police ; fined 20s.

Hicks, Charles. —lllegally on the premises; Sergeant Ramsay, Akaroa Police ; cautioned.

Hanks, Prederick. —Drunk and exposing his person in a public place ; Constable O’Malley, Waimate Police; awaiting disposal.

Horseman, Richard. —Drunk and using obscene language in a public place; Sergeant Scott, Waimate Police; awaiting disposal.

Hutton, William. —Drunk and indecent exposure; Constable Hughes, Christchurch Police ; fined 40s. or 96 hours’ imprisonment.

Hart, John Henry —Drunk and using threatening language ; Constable Haldane, Christchurch Police ; fined 405., and bound over to keep the peace for 12 months. ■

Hanna, David. —Larceny in a dwelling; Constable John Johnston, Christchurch Police ; five years’ Industrial School.

Hilton, Annie. —Lunacy ; Sergeant Willis, Christchurch Police; committed to Asylum.

Jackson, William. —Drunk and disorderly; Constable Hills, Timaru Police; fined 20s. or 48 hours’ imprisonment.

Johnston, James.— Drunk and using obscene language in a public place; Sergeant O’Connor, Arowhenua Police ; fined 15s. or 72 hours’ imprisonment. Kearney, Elizabeth. —Attempt to commit suicide; Constable Haldane, Christchurch Police ; committed to Asylum. Kelkenberg, Erederick ; Collins, Jacob ; Blackie, John; Roberts, William; Cole, Robert ; Andrews, John ; Butler, Elias ; Brown, Daniel ; Parsons, Matthew ; Bjormstar Martin —for combining to disobey lawful orders on board Helen Burns ; Constable Maguire, Lyttelton Police; 1 month’s imprisonment each. Kelly, Robert. —Drunk and using obscene language in a public place ; Sergeant O’Connor, Arowhenua Police; fined 195., or 3 days’ imprisonment. Laird, Charles. —Drunk and incapable ; Sergeant Greenwood, Ashburton Police; fined 10s.

Loyde, Erederick George. —Drunk and creating a disturbance in a licensed house, and assaulting and resisting the Police; Constable Hill, Waimate Police; fined 10s., and costs 15s.

Lyle, Peter Adams. —Drunk and disorderly ; Constable R. Johnston, Timaru Police; fined 20s.

Lee, William. —Escaping from legal custody of a bailiff, on warrant by Sergeant Burtenshaw, Courtenay Police; discharged.

Leatham, Joseph. —Larceny, on warrant by Chief-Detective Eeast, 3 months’ imprisonment.

McCurdey, George.— Drunk and disorderly ; Constable O’Malley, Waimate Police ; awaiting disposal.

McCartney, William.— Assault and using profane language ; Mounted-Constable Gilchrist, Kaiapoi Police; fined 20s. and costs.

Moore, William James ; and Gallagher, James.— Breach of “ Merchant Shipping Act” on board Bilharrie; Constable Eares, Lyttelton Police; 14 days’ imprisonment each.

Murphy, PniLip.— Drunk and illegally on the premises; Sergeant Greenwood, Ashburton Police ; fined 10s.

Murphy, Michael. —Drunk and using obscene language in a public place, and resisting the police; MountedConstable Kennedy, Arowhenua Police; fined 30s.

McManus, John.— Illegally on the premises ; Sergeant O’Connor, Arowhenua Police; three months’ imprisonment.

McEwen, Charles. —Drunk and illegally on the premises ; Sergeant Kennedy, Christchurch Police ; fined 20s.

McKenzie, Roderick.— Drunk and wilful destruction of property; Constable Haldane, Christchurch Police; fined 20s.

Maguire, Thomas. — Lunacy from drink ; Constable A. Beck, Christchurch Police ; fined 20s.

Nolan, James. —Lunacy from drink; Sergeant McDonald, Timaru Police; remanded for seven days.

Nlttell, John. —Larceny ; Chief Detective Least; 3 months’ imprisonment.

Nolan, William. —Drunk and using obscene language; Sergeant Greenwood, Ashburton Police; fined 20s.

Osbourn, Alfred. Vagrancy; ChiefDetective Least ; one year’s imprisonment.

Osborne, Anne. —Using obscene language in a public place; Constable Smith, Christchurch Police ; fined 10s.

Osborne, G-eorge. —Larceny of fruit; Sergeant Kennedy, Christchurch Police ; 6 months’ imprisonment.

O’Neil, Edward. —Violent assault; Sergeant Barlow, Leeston Police; fined £lO.

Parks, Robert. —Creating a disturbance in a licensed house and resisting the Police ; Mounted-Constable Benjamin, Rangiora Police ; fined 10s. and costs.

Poel, James. —Drunk and indecent exposure ; Constable A. Beck, Christchurch Police; fined £5.

Ramsay, William.— Drunk and using obscene language; Sergeant McDonald, Timaru Police ; fined 15s.

Robinson, John. —Drunk and disorderly ; Sergeant-Major O’Grady, Leithfield Police ; fined ss. and costs.

Salway, Alfred. —Drunk and wilful damage to private property; Sergeant Wallace, Rangiora Police; fined 20s. and costs, and make good the damage.

Stannett, Silas.— Drunk and exposing his person in a public place; Constable Wildermoth, Waimate Police; 7 days’ imprisonment.

Seal, William M. —Drunk and disorderly and wilful destruction of Government property; Constable Smith, Christchurch Police; fined 205., and cab fare Is. 6d. Smith, Richard. —Drunk and disorderly and using obscene language ; Constable Hughes, Christchurch Police ; fined 10s.

Sparks, Elizabeth. —Deserting her child ; on warrant by Mounted-Constable Haddrell, Christchurch Police; remanded.

Sullivan, Cornelius. —Drunk and using obscene language; Mounted-Constable Morice, Ashburton Police; fined 10s.

Simpson, Mary Ann. —Drunk, and larceny of a pipe and thimble ; Sergeant Greenwood, Ashburton Police ; fined ss. for first offence, and cautioned and discharged on account of small value of property.

Shanahan, Michael. Drunk and disorderly ; Constable J. Johnston, Christchurch Police ; fined 40s. or 96 hours’ imprisonment.

Sweeney, Brien. —Drunk and disorderly ; Constable Eares, Lyttelton Police; fined 205., or 90 hours.

Thompson, William. —Drunk and using obscene language in a public place; Sergeant Scott, Waimate Police; awaiting disposal.

Thomas, David. —Larceny in a dwelling; Mounted-Constable Dorn, Timaru Police ; 3 months’ imprisonment.

Treacy, Thomas. —Drunk and disorderly ; Sergeant Greenwood, Ashburton Police; fined 20s.

Tuckett, W. —Refusal of duty on board ship China; Constable Eares, Lyttelton Police ; 1 week’s imprisonment.

Veitch, Annie. —Being a neglected child ; Sergeant McDonald, Timaru Police; dismissed.

Wilson, James. —Larceny in a dwelling ; Sergeant Wilson, Christchurch Police ; cautioned and discharged.

Watt, John. —Lunacy from drink; Constable Smith, Christchurch Police; remanded to gaol for 8 days.

Walton, William G-eo. —Being a neglected child ; Sergeant Wilson, Christchurch Police; three years’ Industrial School.

Walsh, Michael.— Drunk and resisting the Police in the execution of their duty; Constable Wildermoth, Washdyke Police; fined 15s.

R„ C. SHEARMAN, Commissioner of Police.

Names. Country. Offence. Sentence. Date of Discharge. Age. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Remarks. William Lomasney Ireland .Assault 2 months’ hard labour, March 11,1874 37 6ft 8in Stout Fresh Black Blue Lost first joint fourth finger, Jan. 12, 1874, left hand; left leg broken Maliciously damaging the -K. M. C., ChCh. * William Cardoza England 12 weeks’ hard labour, March 12, 1874, 23 5ft 5^m Do. Pale Black Hazel Tattooed: Crown and flags of running gear of the ship Dec. 29, 1873, R.M.C., Lyttelton by order of R.M. short all nations on right arm; SouJcar for further prosecurly female bust and two birds William Jones Wales Do. Do. cution of voyage on left arm; eut scar on back of right leg. Seaman. Do. 21 5ft 6fin Do. Swarthy Black L. Grey Rupture on right side of testicurly cle. Seaman. Henry Youmans England Do. Do. Do. 22 5ft 6^in Do. Pale Black Grey Small cut scar right forearm. Brien Sweeney Ireland Drunk and disorderly 96 hours’ hard labour, curly Seaman. March 13, 1874 52 5ft 7in Do. Swarthy Grey Blue Cross and thistle tattooed on March 9, 1874, left arm; cut scar left John Watt R.M.C., Lyttelton temple; scar left eyebrow. Seaman. England Delirium tremens On remand, March 9, 1874, March 17, 1874 39 5ft 9Jin Do. Fresh Iron grey Grey Upper front teeth out. Tailor. John Ryan R. M. C., ChCh. Do. INeglect of duty, &c., ship 6 weeks’ hard labour, March 18, 1874 26 5ft 6in Do. Pale Black Brown Scars on forehead and left eyeJames Hawthorne Isles of the South Feb. 5, 1874, R.M.C., Lyttelton. brow. Seaman. Do. Do. Do. Do. 22 6ft 3fin Do. Fresh L. brown Blue Tattooed: Two flags and anchor right arm; 2 flags, anchor, crown, and sailor, left arm. Charles McEwen Seaman. Do. Delirium tremens On remand, March 20, 1874 64 5ft 8£in Medium Do. Brown Grey Bald on forehead; cut scar William Jas. Moore March 12, 1874, R. M. C., ChCh. over right eye. Tailor. England Embezzling stores ship 14 days’ hard labour, March 26, 1874 21 5ft 5|in Stout Fresh Black Grey Seaman. Dilharrie March 13, 1874, James Gallagher Do. Do. R.M.C., Lyttelton Do. Do. 21 5ft 7fin Do. Do. D. brown L. grey Seaman. Edward Rope Do. Refusing duty barque On remand, Do. 22 5ft lO^in Do. Do. Auburn Grey Anchor and cable tattooed on John Knox March 25, 1874, (Sent back to left arm; also scar of dog R.M.C., Lyttelton ship) bite on same arm. Sea- * man.


Names. Count y. Offence. Sentence. Date of Discharge. Age. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Remarks. Chomas Foster England Disobedience of orders ship China 7 days’ hard labour, March 21, H74, R.M.C., Lyttelton March 27, 1874 26 5ft lliit Stout Fair Red Blue Ship’s steward. William Tuckett J ersey Do. Do. Do. 25 5ft 3|in Do. Sallow Black Black Tattooed : on right arm ship and English coat of arms ; eagle left arm ; marked with small pox. Ship’s cook. John Meehan Ireland Assault 1 month’s hard labour, Feb. 11, 1874, R.M.C., Leeston March 10, 1874 34 5ft 8in Do. Do, Sandy Blue Nose deformed. Labourer. Dharles McEwen England Drunk and disorderly 24 hours’ hard labour, March 9, 1874, R. M. C., ChCh. Do. 64 5ft 8in Stout Do. Light Grey Cut scar on right eyebrow. Labourer. Richard Harper Do. Vagrancy 3 months’ hard labour, Dec. 12, 1873, R. M. C., ChCh. March 11, 1874 44 5ft Sin Do. Do. Do, Blue Anchor and sailor on right arm. Fisherman. Elizabeth Bennett England Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ hard labour, March 9, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. March 11, 1874 65 4ft lOin Stout Pale Dark Dark Cut scar near right ear. Matron. V Michael Shannagban Ireland Do. Do. Do. 30 6ft 8^in Medium Do. Do. Blue Cut scar over left eye. Labourer. Henry F. Allen England Do. Remanded, March 11, 1874, R.M.C. ChCh. March 11, 1874 32 5ft 82-in Stout Fresh Brown Do. Dentist. Rasimo Joyensen Denmark Larceny 1 month’s hard labour, Feb. 14, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. March 13, 1874 21 5ft 7in Do. Pale Dark Do. Cut scar on chin. Labourer. Jacob Swensen Norway Violent assault 48 hours’ hard labour, March 12, 1874, R.M.C. ChCh. March 14, 1874 52 5ft 9|in Do. Do. Grey Grey Left hand cut off at wrist. Seaman. John Meehan Do. Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ hard labour, March 13, 1874, R.M.C. ChCh. Do. 62 5ft 9-2-in Do. Do. Do. Do. Nose deformed. Labourer. James Wilson JN ewZealand Larceny Remanded. March 18, 1874, R.M.C., ChCh. Do. 11 3ft 8in Slight Do. Dark Dark Schoolboy. Martha Jones Scotland Vagrancy 1 month’s hard labour, Feb. 17, 1874, R M.C., ChCh March 16, 1874 37 6ft Stout Fresh Brown Blue Prostitute. Michael Shannagban Ireland Drunk and disorderly 96 hours’ hard labour, March 16, 1874, R.M.C., ChCh. March 20, 1874 30 5ft 83m Medium Pale Dark Do. Cus scar over left eye. Labourer.


Names. Country. Offence. Sentence. Date of Discharge. Age. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Eemaeks. Alexander Blaney Ireland Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ hard labour, March 18, 1874 25 5ft 9£in Medium Pale Dark Grey Labourer. March 18, 1874, E.M.C., ChCh. Henry Birmingham Do. Larceny Demanded, March 21, 1874* 39 6ft 8in Stout Do. Grey Bo. FEEEDOM, HOPE, FAITH, March 20, 1874, MY HOME, female, anchor, B.M.C., ChCh. cross flags, man and woman holding flags, on right arm; V.E., H.F., J.L., E.E., anchor, star, halt-moon, hearts with two darts, on the left arm. Baker. Charles McEwin England Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ hard labour, Do. 54 5ft 8in Do. Fresh L. brown Grey Cut scar on right eyebrow. March 20, 1874, E.M.C., ChCh. Tailor. William Hutton England Drunk and exposing 96 hours’ hard labour, March 27, 1874 34 5ft 4|in Stout Fresh Sandy Hazel Labourer. himself March 23, 1874, E.M.C., ChCh. William Manks Isle of Man Illegally on premises 3 months’ hard labour, March 28, 1874 28 5ft 6in Medium Do. Dark Brown Ship, three legs of man on the Dec. 30, 1873, right arm; anchor and E.M.C., Ch.Ch. seaman on the left arm. Miner. John Brooke Hunter NewZealand Larceny as a bailee Committed for trial, March 10, 1874, 29 5ft 8|in Medium Dark Dark Grey Scar on right thumb and Feb. 26, 1874, E.M.C., Timaru found not guilty, Dist. Ct., Timaru wrist. Printer. William Jackson Ireland Drunk and disorderly Fined 20s„ in default March 13, 1874, 44 6ft 2in Stout Fresh Brown Hazel Labourer. 48 hours’ hard labour, March 13, 1874, E M.C., Timaru paid his fine James Johnstone Scotland Drunk and disorderly 72 hours’ hard labour, March 16, 1874 33 5ft 7in Slender Fair Dark Brown Tattooed: Female, on right and using obscene lanMarch 15, 1874, arm; Tree of Life, left guage E.M.C., Timaru arm. Flat nose. Shepherd. James Nolan Australia Lunatic Eemanded, March 18, 1874 34 5ft 6|in Stout Fresh Sandy Grey Labourer. ' March 14, 1874, E.M.C., Timaru Flat nose. Labourer. Henry Young England Drunk and disorderly 24 hours’ hard labour, March 19, 1874 46 5ft 6in Medium Do. Brown Blue March 18, 1874, V E.M.C., Timaru. Styles, Stamnett England Exposing his person 7 days’ hard labour, March 18, 1874, March 24, 1874 25 6ft 5in Medium Fair Brown Blue Labourer. E.M.C., Timaru


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 7, 1 April 1874, Page 47

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Apprehensions. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 7, 1 April 1874, Page 47

Apprehensions. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 7, 1 April 1874, Page 47