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Anderson, James. —Using profane and abusive Janguage; arrested by Sergeant Scott, Waimate Police, and sentenced to pay a fine of £4, or one month’s imprisonment.

Combra Andrew. —Absent without leave from ship Napier and refusing to do duty; arrested by Sergeant-Major Barsham, Lyttelton Police, and sentenced to one month’s imprisonment, liard labour

Donovan, Cornelius. —Breach of “ Destitute Persons Belief Ordinance; ” arrested, on warrant, by ActingSergeant Quinn, Arowhenua Police, and ordered to pay £3 155., amount due.

Earnshaw, Lucy. —Larceny ; arrested by Sergeant Wilson, Christchurch Police, and sentenced to one month’s imprisonment.

Gronwell, Victor. —Breach of “Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance arrested, on warrant, by Sergeant Greenwood, Ashburton Police. Sentence: Distress warrant to issue, returnable in a week if amount paid.

Hassall, William. —Lunacy ; arrested by Sergeant O’Connor, Christchurch Police, and committed to Asylum.

Henderson, Henry. —Drunk and disorderly and wilful destruction of private property ; arrested by Constable Morice, Christchurch Police, and sentenced to 14 days’ imprisonment, hard labour.

Howard, Daniel —Rape; arrested, on warrant, by Detective Peast, Christchurch Police; case dismissed.

Howard, Prank Gordon. —Vagrancy; arrested by Sergeant-Major Barsham, Lyttelton Police, and sentenced to 14 da} ; s’ imprisonment.

Howard, Gordon. —Vagrancy and larceny ; arrested by Constable Wildermoth, Kaiapoi Police, and sentenced to one month’s imprisonment, hard labour.

Ingham, William. —Larceny of a clock ; arrested by Detective Peast, Christchurch Police, and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, hard labour.

Kerr, Joseph. —Larceny ; arrested by Sergeant Barlow, Leeston Police, and sentenced to one month’s imprisonment, hard labour.

McKenzie, Alexander Walter. —Bestiality ; arrested by Constable Wildermoth, Kaiapoi Police, and committed for trial.

Moeeat, William.— Breach of “ Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance ;” arrested,

on warrant, by Detective Peast, Christchurch Police; information withdrawn by permission of Bench.

Nelson, Prederick. —Larceny as a bailee ; arrested, on warrant, by Sergeant Scott, Waimate Police, remanded to Timaru, and committed for trial.

Newton, James. —Breach of “Resident Magistrates’ Courts Act; ” arrested by Sergeant Ramsay, Akaroa Police, on warrant for an unsatisfied judgment ; sentenced to three months’ imprisonment, unless debt and costs be sooner paid.

Nolan, James. —Drunk and using obscene language, and assaulting the Police in the execution of their duty; arrested by Constable Sheppard, Timaru Police, and sentenced to pay a fine of £5, or one month’s imprisonment hard labour for each offence.

Noonan, Charles —Lunacy ; arrested by Sergeant Willis, Timaru Police, and committed to Asylum.

Payne, Edward. —Violent assault; arrested, on warrant, by Inspector Pender, and sentenced to pay a fine of £5 and costs.

Perrett, Prank. —Assaulting a bailiff; arrested by Constable Davidson, Rangiora Police, and fined £2O and costs, or three months’ imprisonment, hard labour.

Porter, Alered. —Breach of “Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance ; ” arrested, on warrant, by Sergeant Mullin, Oxford Police; case remanded.

Sullivan, Jeremiah. —Illegally on the premises of the Borough Hotel; arrested by Constable Hughes, Christchurch Police, and sentenced to three months’ imprisonment, hard labour.

Smith, Alered.— -Obtaining money by false pretences, and embezzlement; arrested by Senior-Sergeant Bullen, Oamaru Police ; remanded to Timaru, and committed for trial.

Taylor, John. —Indecently exposing his person ; arrested by Constable Ilanagan, Akaroa Police, and sentenced to one week’s imprisonment.

Wilson, John.— Indecently exposing his person in a public thoroughfare ; arrested by Sergeant Willis, Timaru Police, and sentenced to two months’ imprisonment, hard labour.

Names. Country. Offence. * Sentence. Date of Discharge. Age. Height. Make. Com- , plexion. Hair. Eyes. Remakes. Rodolph East Engiaiu Larceny 6 months hard labour, June 3, 1872, R.M.C., Ch. Ch. Oct. 1, 1872 (By pardon) 22 5ft llfin Stout Fresh Black Grey Clerk Mar y‘Cunningham ... Ireland Vagrancy 6 months hard labour, April 30, 1872, R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. Oct. 29, 1872 32 5ft 2Jin Do. Pale Dark Do. Servant Alexander Morrison... W. Indies Drunk and disorderly 24 hours hard labour, Oct. 28, 1872, R.M.O., Ch. Ch. Oct. 29, 1872 24 5ft Sin Slight Swarthy Black Brown Seaman Thomas Brown, alias Parker England Do. 14days, Oct. 17,1872, R.M.C., Ch. Ch. Oct. 30, 1872 44 5ft 6in Stout Fresh L. brown Blue Cabinetmaker Charles Brown Do. Do. 48 hours, hard labour, Oct. 29,1872, R.M.C., Ch. Ch. Oct. 31,1872 59 5ft Sin Medium Pale Do. Hazel Labourer or haw er John Sinclair Scotland Breach of Railway Regulations 48 hours, Oct. 30, 1872, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Nov. 1, 1872 42 6ft 3in Stout Fresh Dark Grey Labourer George Ogilvie, alias James M'Dowell Do. Drunk and disorderly 48 hoftrs hard labour, Oct. 31, 1872, R.M.C., Ch. Ch. Nov. 2, 1872 35 5ft 4Jin Do. Sallow Do. Dark Labourer Minnie Edwards Do. Vagrancy 12 months hard labour, Jan. 11,1872, R.M.C., Ch. Ch. Nov. 2, 1872 35 5ft 2in Do. Pale Do. Blue Matron Mary Edwards England Do. 6 months, June 4, 1872, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Nov. 2, 1872 50 5ft 4in Do. Do. Do. Dark Cook James Nolan Victoria Drunk and using obscene language in a licensed house 1 month hard labour, Sept. 16, 1872, Oct. 15, 1872 32 5ft 5 Jin Do. Fresh Sandy Grey Labourer Jeremiah Sullivan ... Ireland Illegally on premises Remanded, Oct. 19, 1872, Ch. Ch. Oct. 21, 1872 40 6ft ljin Do. Do. Dark Blue Labourer Clara Nock ... England Perj ury .8 months, April 5, .872, Supreme Court Oct. 23, 1872 (By pardon) Oct. 24, 1872 20 4ft 11 in Do. Pale Do Brown Bookbinder William Prideaux Do. Drunk and disorderly 48 hours, Sept. 22, 1872, R. M.C., Ch.Ch. 43 5ft 8in Do. Fair Light Grey Labourer Hugh O’Neil Ireland Do. 48 hours, Oct. 23, 1872, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Oct. 25, 1872 32 5ft Sin Do. Fresh D. browL Do. Labourer Margaret Dempsey ... England Do. 48 hours, Oct. 25, L872,R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Oct. 26, 1872 45 5ft 3 Jin Do. Do. Grey Blue —-

Mathew Longdon .... Do. Violent assault 6 months, May 23, Oct. 26, 1872 30 5ft 2in Do. Do. Brown Brown Hawker 1872, E.M.C., Ch.Ch (By pardon) Samuel Corrigan Do. Larceny 1 month hard labour, Oct. 25, 1872 43 6ft 9in Muscula Freckled Grey Grey Carpenter Sept. 26, 1872, B.M.C., Kaiapoi Henry Stanton Do. Felony 6monthshardlabour, Oct. 24, 1872 25 6ft 6fin Stout Fresh L. browr Blue Labourer Thomas Bray Victoria Drunkenness 24 hours Oct. 26, 1872 — 6ft bin Medium Do. Black Do. John Bob rts, alias Thomas Wales Do. 24 hours Oct. 26, 1872 34 6ft 4^in Do. Dark D. browr Grey Wm. Leary, alias Wm. Thompson America Indecent assault 6 months hard labour, Oct. 23, 1872 32 6ft 6in Stout Swarthy Black Brown May 10, 1872, D.C., Timaru Arthur Hill England Drunk and disorderly 48 hours hard labour, Oct. 10, 1872 40 6ft 9in Do. Pale Brown Hazel Labourer Oc t. 8, 1872, Victor Gronwell Sweden Neglecting to support his Bemanded, Oct. 8, Oct. 11,1872 25 6ft lOin Do. Fresh Light Blue Labourer illegitimate child 1872 John M'Donald Edward Duggan Tasmania Drunkenness 24 hours 9 months hard labour, Oct. 6, 1872 27 5ft 7Jin Medium Fair Do. Grey See 12th August, 1872 Wm. Doherty Ireland Larceny Oct. 12, 1872 33 5ft 65m Stout Fresh Brown Do. Bootmaker April 2, 1872 (By pardon) Andrew Cambro Madeira Defusing duty on hoard 1 month hard labour, Oct. 15, 1872 29 6ft 7|in Do.* Swarthy Black Brown Seaman ship Napier Oct. 7, 1872 Sent back to ship Frank Gordan Howard Canada Vagrancy 14 days hard labour, Oct. 17, 1872 30 6ft 7fin Do. Fresh Sandy Large Clerk Oct. 4, 1872 Blue John M'Manns Ireland Drunk and disorderly 14 days hard labour, Oct. 14, 1872 42 6ft 7in Do. Pale Grey Brown Labourer Oct. 1, 1872 Mary Ann Kirkwood Scotland Vagrancy 6 mon ths hard labour, Oct. 15, 1872 34 5ft ljin Medium Do. Dark Hazel Prostitute Wm. Brady April 16, 1872 Ireland Drunk and disorderly 14 days, Oct. 3, 1872 Oct. 16, 1872 44 5ft 3fin Stout Do. Do. Grey Labourer Frederick, alias John King W. Indies Illegally on premises 1 month hard labour, Oct. 18, 1872 33 6ft 5in Do. Black Black & Black Cook George Stevens Sept. 19, 1872 woolly England Drunk and disorderly 1 month, Sept. 21, 1872 14 days hard labour, Oct. 19, 1872 45 5ft 8|in Do. Fresh Brown Blue Labourer Henry Henderson ... Australia Do. Oct. 19, 1872 28 5ft 6iin Do. Pale Dark Grey Butcher A. Help Oct. 7, 1872 Canada Vagrancy 7 days hard labour, Oct. 2, 1872 22 5ft 7in Do, Fresh Black Blue Labourer B. Maclay Ireland Sept. 26, 1872 Assault 1 month hard labour, Oct. 3, 1872 31 5ft llin Do. Do. Brown L. grey Shopkeeper Sept. 4, 1872 bald on Dominick Huchard ... Africa Vagrancy 3 months, July 4, Sept. 3, 1872 28 6ft 6in Do. Copper forehead B ack & Black Labourer Charles Parsons England Larceny 1872 2 months hard Oct. 5, 1872 35 6ft 7in Slight Sallow woolly L. brown Grey Labourer Henry Henderson ... Australia Drunk and abusive language labour, Aug. 7, 1872 1 week and 48 hours, Oct. 5, 1872 27 6ft 6|in Stout Pale Dark Do. Butcher Thomas Henry Morrison New Zealand Larceny as a bailee Sept. 27, 1872 1 month hard labour Oct. 2, 1872 25 6ft 3in Slight Fair L brown Blue — Wm. Thompson Ann Beally Charles Brown Italy T 1 l Forging and uttering 4 years Oct. 4, 1872 26 6 ft 8jin Stout Very dark D. brown D. hazel Ireland England Drunkenness Vagrancy 24 hours 3 months hard Oct, 4, 1872 Oct. 7, 1872 38 56 6ft lin 6ft 65m Medium Stout Sallow Fresh Brown Do. Grey Do. Blacksmith Harry Beeves ... Germany Obtaining money by false labour, July 8, 1872 6 months hard Oct. 8, 1872 30 5ft 9in Do. Pale Do. Do. Watchmaker pretences labour, and 12 months hard labour, Anthony Ferrock ... Ireland Default of sureties to keep Sept. 4, 1871 6 months imprisonOct. 8, 1872 36 5ft 5in Do. Do. j. brown Blue Labourer Henry Taudy England the peace Larceny ment, May 2, 1872 6 months hard Oct. 8, 1872 32 6ft 9fin Do. Fresh ). brown L. grey Labourer labour, May 6, 1872


Name. Offence. < Where Committed. When Committed. ■ Constable haying Charge of Case. Plea. Convicted or Acquitted. Ssntbncb. 1 Charles Ocean Thompson Forgery and uttering, 2 charges ... Christchurch ... Aug. 30, 1872 ... Detective Feast Guilty ... Convicted 3 years’ imprisonment hard labour 2 Charles Henry Matthews Housebreaking, with intent to commit a felony Christchurch ... Sept. 2, 1872 Detective Feast Not guilty Acquitted 3 Henry Hecc, alias Hack Bigamy Christchurch .. Sept. 27, 1872 ... Constable McDonald ... Guilty Convicted 4 years’ imprisonment hard labour 4 Janies Millar Assault Christchurch ... Sept. 21, 1872 ... Sergeant Barlow Not guilty Acquitted 5 Henry Exon Larceny Timaru Sept. 27, 1872 ... Sergeant Willis Guilty Convicted 1 month’s imprisonment hard labour 6 Henry Martin Receiving stolen goods ... Timaru Sept. 27, 1872 ... Sergeant Willis Not guilty Convicted 1 year’s imprisonment hard labour 7 Alexander Walter McKenzie... Bestiality Kaiapoi Oct. 3, 1872 Constable Wildermoth... Guilty Convicted 10 years’ imprisonment hard labour


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 11, 1 November 1872, Page 47

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Apprehensions. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 11, 1 November 1872, Page 47

Apprehensions. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 11, 1 November 1872, Page 47