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No. 5.

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1856. 1. The House rret pursuants to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-three members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Native Feud at New Plymouth Mr. Richmond presented a petition from certain inhabitants or the Bell a „d Hua Blocks in the Province of New Plymouth, stating the existence ot serious hostilities amongst the natives in that district; the danger of the European settlers being drawn into collision with the natives ; and praying the house to cause enquiry to be made into the nature and extent of these feuds. Petition received and read. 3 " P Srfmm rh r maS MC , DO, r"' Co ™ mander in the R °y al Nav )' ••-Mr. Carleton presented a petition from Commander McDonnell, R. N„ praying for indemnification for losses sustained by 1830 conse l uence ot the depredations of the natives on his property, purchased in the year Petition received and read. 4. Petition of James Busby Mr. Daldy presented a petition from James Busby, prayin<r the House not to decide on any measure, having for its object the provision of retiring pensions for certain officers of the Executive Government, until his, and other evidence has been taken relative to alleged malversion of office on the part of such retiring officers. Petition received and read. Message The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read (1.) Returns, being answers to addresses. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 8. Governor. In conformity with the wish expressed in various resolutions of the late House of Representathrfollowing'returns^" 8 "" 18 ' information of tlle P resen t House, tile accompanying copies of Correspondence relative to the exportation of gunpowder from New South Wales. e Ul . a s 'jwing expenditure on account of Surveyor General's Department during the financial yeai ending ,30th June, 1855, and part of the current financial year up to the 31st March, 1856. Correspondence relative to certain pre-emption and old Land Claims. Correspondence relative to Dr. Bacot's claim to house and land at Howick. Correspondence relative to the final settlement of Captain Salmon's land claim at Wananake. Correspondence relative to the land claim of the widow Meurant. Government House, Auckland, 28th April, 185 C. 6. Pensions Bill Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved as a resolution, That the question of pensions to t le old officials will not be entertained by this House until due enquiry shall have been made into the state of the public accounts and other matters. Mj-Hall moved that the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the ■vvou that, with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof:—" this House is prepared to admit the expediency of granting to the principal officers of the Government the retring alow ances. which are required by the Imperial Government as a condition of the removal of t lose officers, and that this House is prepared to assent to a legislative measure having that object in view. But that inasmuch as serious charges of misconduct are now pending against the abovementioned officers, any measure of the nature above alluded to shall contain a proviso, that t e payment of such retiring allowances shall in no case commence until the charges above referred to have been satisfactorily disposed of." Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and On the original question being put, House divided. Ayes, 13.