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13. Commissions appointing the said William Swainson, Alexander Shepherd, and Andrew Sinclair, after the passing of the Constitution Act for the said Colony in 1852, to the respective offices of Attorney-General, Colonial Treasurer, and Colonial Secretary of and for such Colony. 3. Mr. Fox to move for leave to bring up the Report of the Committee on disputed Election on the next sitting day. 4. Me. Fitzherbert to move, That the petition of Lazarus Berlowitz be printed and referred to a Select Committee, to consist of Mr. Wells, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Richmond, Mr. John Cargill, and the mover. 5. Mr. Bell to move, That Mr. Macandrew and Mr. Brittin be added to the New Zealand Company's Debt Committee. 6. Mr. Brodie to move a respecful address to his Excellency the Governor, requesting return of all correspondence relative to Captain Salmon's land claim at Waranakai, and to his exchange of land at Waranakai for land at the Wairoa, and whether a Crown Grant has been issued for the land at the Wairoa, and by whom. 7. Mr. Brodie to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, how many Crown Grants have been cancelled, by whom cancelled, and to whom made. Also, whether such cancelled Grants have been attached to the Grants which have been issued in lieu of them, or destroyed. The above from the foundation of the Colony.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 4 in Committee of Supply. 2. Adjourned debate on question that his Excellency's Message No. 7 be considered in Committee of the whole House. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.