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Ayes, 1. Noes, 16. Mr. Dady (teller). Mr. Stafford, Mr. Campbell, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Cuff, Mr, Bell, Mr, Curtis, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Graham, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Hall, Mr. Merriman, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Brown, Mr. Beckham, Mr. H enderson, Mr. Williamson (teller.) Clause 2, Item 2, Motion made and question put. That the numeral "3" he inserted after the ■numeral " l"in the item. (Mr. Smith.) Committee divided. Ayes, 11. Noes, 10. Mr. Smith, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Meriiman, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Bell, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Hall, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Ward, Mr. Graham, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Daldy, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Lee, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Fox (teller). Mr. Brown (teller). Clause 2, Item 6. Motion made and question put, That the numeral "2" be substituted for the numeral " 4 'in the item. (Mr. Lee.) Committee divided. Ayes, 4. Noes, 12. Mr. Graham, Mr. Cuff, Mr- Williamson, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Bell, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Daldy (teller). Mr. Brown, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Taylor, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Hall, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Smith, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Curtis (teller.) Question put and passed, That numeral "3" be substituted for numeral "4" in item 6. (Mr. Merriman.) FRIDAY, AUGUST Bth, 1856. House in Committee of Supply. Native Expenditure. His Excellency's Message, No. 28. 1. Motion made and question proposed, That, on consideration of his Excellency s Message No. 28, the sum of £1500 be granted to his Excellency for general contingencies; such sum to be expended at his Excellency's absolute discretion for Native purposes, subject only to an account of such expenditure being laid before the Houses of Assembly, (The Colonial Treasurer.) Amendment proposed, That the question be amended by the omission of the figures " 1500 -with a view of inserting " 500" in lieu thereof. (Mr. Fox.) Question put, That the question be amended by the omission of the figures c, 1500,' and the insertion of " 500" in lieu thereof. Committee