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No. 2 Count G. De Rege to Mr F. W. Doidge Monsieur le Ministre, I have the honour to refer to your letter of April 19th, 1950, concerning certain assets held under custodian control in New Zealand on account of Italian nationals and proposing that an agreement for the release of the said assets should be concluded between our two countries in the following terms: — [As in No. 1] 2. I have the honour to inform you that the Italian Government are prepared to accept the foregoing provisions, which refer to the Schedule set out hereunder, and that the Italian Government consider your letter and my present reply as constituting between the two Governments an agreement which will take effect on April 19th, 1950. I have, See., G. De Rege, Consul of Italy. [Here follow the same Schedules which are referred to in Note No. 1]

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (900 copies), £6.

By Authority: E. E. Owen, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9so. Price 3d.]