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jects to utilize their available funds. Special efforts should be made, with the aid of technical assistance, to formulate specific and welldocumented agricultural and related projects and to submit these to financial institutions for consideration. A number of delegations emphasized that relatively slight attention has been paid to agriculture in development programmes and that a small proportion of the funds actually committed for both national and international investment are for agriculture. ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION Commission II dealt with the activities of the technical divisions of the Organization through a series of working panels. Before the Commission was thus subdivided the work carried out during 1948-49 was examined and approved as being fully in line with the objectives of the Organization and giving effect to the recommendations made at the last Conference. The draft programme of work for 1950 was also examined and approved subject to various amendments. One of the principal subjects was the means by which the increased programme of technical assistance should be implemented by FAO, and a number of resolutions designed to set up the necessary machinery were passed. In considering on a broad basis the type of activity which should receive priority, the following categories were decided upon : (1) Measures to secure early increases in the production of food and other requirements of local populations. (2) Measures which are likely to result within the foreseeable future in an appreciable increase in the external income of the country seeking assistance, in the economic development of natural resources which might result in increasing exports, in reducing the need for importing goods that can be economically produced in the country, and generally in assisting in the creation of favourable conditions for investment and the expansion of trade. (3) Measures of a long-term nature —mainly research and investigational projects. The second question of major importance discussed by Commission II was in connection with extension and advisory services, because it was fully realized that no programme could be effective unless Governments strengthen on create these services. On the regional activities of FAO, the Conference welcomed the establishment of pre-conference regional meetings. It was also gratified to note the establishment of regional councils or commissions on fisheries, forestry and forest products, and on certain phases of agriculture.