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Class of Cargo. Unit. Basic Rate Under Wage System. Rate of Work and Percentage Increase Under Contracting System.. 1947-48. 1948-49. 1949-50. 1948-50. Rate of Work. Percentage Increase on Basic Rate. Rate of Work. Percentage Increase on Basic Rate. Kate of Work. Percentage Increase on Basic Rate. Rate of Work. Percentage Increase on Basic Rate. General Lead Hides Tallow Wool Cheese Butter Mutton and lamb Beef Frozen sundries Over-all increase Tons Bales Cts. Boxes Carcasses .. Qrs. F. c/c 12 10 10 12 65 210 550 550 110 320 14-34 10-55 14-04 80 260 714 801 156 458 19-50 5-50 17-00 23-08 23-81 29-82 45-64 41-82 43-13 16-24 li-86 14-59 80 271 722 829 167 476 35-33 18-60 21-58 23-08 29-05 31-27 50-73 51-82 48-75 15-20 12-58 11-54 14-40 80 257 723 833 153 476 26-67 25-80 15-40 20-00 23-08 22-38 31-45 51-45 39-09 48-75 14-74 12-58 11-27 14-33 80 262 720 821 159 469 22-83 25-80 12-70 19-42 23-08 24-76 30-91 49-27 44-55 46-56 29-40 34-83 32-40 31-54