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(iv) Administrative costs are equivalent to 3-83 per cent, of " total income " and 4-15 per cent, of " total expenditure," a decrease of 0-28 per cent, and 0-44 per cent, respectively :

(v) After appropriations, it was necessary to transfer £30,472 back from Accumulated Funds Account to Appropriation Account. The reason for thie transfer is given in Section (e), National Administration Fund. (b) BUILDINGS FUND (see Appendix, page 78) During the year ended 31st March, 1950, the erection of one further building was completed —namely, Tauranga —the official opening ceremony being performed on 4th February, 1950. Additional expenditure on works in progress on a building at Whangarei amounted to £1,894.

The total cost of buildings erected or in progress as at 31st March, 1950, was £73,354. The following buildings are included in this total: —


Percentag e of Total Percentage of Total Income. Expenditure. Fund. 1948-49. 1949-50. 1948-49. 1949-50. Consolidated (vote, 0-47 0-43 0-52 0-47 " Labour and Employment ") National Administration.. 3-64 3-40 4-07 3-68 Totals 4-11 3-83 4-59 4-15

Port. Type of Building. Union Membership, 31st December, 1949. Date Opened or Position as at 31st March, 1950. Wellington .. Napier Westport Timaru Greymouth .. Gisborne Nelson Bluff Tauranga Whangarei .. Labour-engagement shelter Assembly hall and offices Assembly hall and offices Central Pay Office Assembly hall and offices Central Pay Office Assembly hall and offices Assembly hall and offices Assembly hall Assembly hall 1,840 250 70 120 120 82 84 250 17 30 Completed 19th June, 1941. Opened 2nd September, 1944. Opened 16th March, 1946. Opened 23rd May, 1946. Opened 19th October, 1946. Opened 28th February, 1948. Opened 17th April, 1948. Opened 16th October, 1948. Opened 4th February, 1950. Construction almost completed—opened 22nd April, 1950. 2,863