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Defence Services. —Following discussions with the three Services, the Defence Services Specifications Co-ordination Committee was instituted and called together to inaugurate a programme of work covering the formulation of specifications for the purchase of nonwarlike stores for the armed forces. This important matter is being organized on a Commonwealth basis, and New Zealand is playing its part. General By-laws Sectional Committee Code of General By-laws.—Satisfactory progress was made with the formulation of a standard code of general by-laws for municipalities, referred to in the last report. Sixteen parts were reviewed for issue in the light of comments received following their circulation to municipalities and other interested parties. Parts recommended for issue were : good rule and government; household refuse purchasers ; hawkers, pedlars, and itinerant traders ; billiard rooms ; shooting galleries ; nuisances ; offensive trades ; sale of secondhand clothing and bedding and hiring out of clothing ; removal of refuse ; cemeteries ; lawn cemeteries ; cremation and crematoria ; street stalls ; public baths and swimming pools ; water collection areas ; abattoirs. Parts completed in draft form circulated for comment were : interpretation; public places, miscellaneous : scaffolding and deposit of building materials ; street photographers ; baths, bathing and control; signs and hoardings ; licensed vehicles and stands ; water supply ; parks and reserves. Representations have been made by the Municipal Association of New Zealand concerning the desirability of a simpler procedure for the adoption of standard codes of by-laws by local authorities. Full discussions have been held with all interests concerned as to the amendments to the Standards Act, 1941, necessary to facilitate the adoption of the codes by local authorities by the citation method in accordance with the intention of the existing Sections 12 and 13 of the Act. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION Following the extension of the activities of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Standards Council reviewed the extent to which New Zealand could participate effectively in the various international projects under consideration. As a result, full participating membership was accepted in 9 of the 71 technical committees of ISO, as follows : ISO/TC/ll —Test pressures for the acceptance of stationary boilers and unification of boiler construction codes. ISO/TC/23 —Agricultural machines. * ISO/TC/34 —Agricultural products. ISO/TC/35 —Raw materials for paints, finishes, and lacquers. ISO/TC/38— I Textiles. ISO/TC/52 —Hermetically sealed metal food containers. ISO/TC/59 —Building construction. ISO/TC/69 —General definitions relating to chemical and physical test results. The work of the foregoing committees is of direct interest to New Zealand, and full participation is justified. It is necessary to ensure that international standards are not adopted in a form that would involve costly handicap to this country. In respect of the majority of the other international committees, " + " membership has been accepted which means that we will be kept advised of all developments. We are at liberty to offer comments and may nominate observers. This limited participation will secure for New Zealand the benefits to be derived from international standardization