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W.C. Seats. —Following the adoption of a British standard for plastic W.C. seats, preliminary attention was given to the preparation of a New Zealand standard specification for wood and laminated seats. Water Heaters.—The standard specification for thermal storage electric water heaters, referred to in the last report, was issued during the year. The need for this standard specification had been stressed by the Housing Division, the Ministry of Works, and by electric supply authorities, because of the very substantial saving of electricity which would be achieved by requiring all future equipment to conform to its provisions. A supplementary draft code of practice for the installation of the water heating systems was completed and circulated to the interested parties for comment. Consideration of the comments received has been completed and the standard code of practice should be issued in the coming year. Timber Sectional Committee Plywoods.—The Plywoods Committee considered the transfer of the existing emergency standard specification for commercial plywoods to the regular series. It decided that a special subcommittee should first compare the New Zealand standard with a later British standard. Pinus radiata. —Arising out of experience of the initial use of the grading rules for Pinus radiata timber, set out in Part VII of the National Grading Rules (N.Z.S.S. 169), two amendments were made to remove minor inconsistencies. The committee also decided to investigate the possibility of issuing an interim standard specification for stress grading of timber which would be of great assistance to local authorities and builders. Profiles of Joinery and Mouldings.—At the instigation of the master builders, the Joinery and Profiles Committee made several amendments to the standard specification for profiles of mouldings and joinery (N.Z.S.S. 496) which will facilitate practical building work. Timber Preservation.—After considering the existing emergency standard for the preservative pre-treatment of timber by the cold dipping process (N.Z.S.S. E. 202), the responsible subcommittee recommended that it should not be transferred to the regular series until provisions had been completed relating to the more effective pressure treatment and hot dipping processes. Paints and Coatings Sectional Committee Executive Committee.—The Executive Committee examined 6 draft British standards, 1 draft South African standard, and 18 British standards, of which 4 were recommended for adoption. Ready Mixed Paints.—The standard specification for ready mixed paint for undercoats and finishing coats for exterior use on woodwork (white and light tints), (N.Z.S.S. 521), after it had been in use for a year, was amended in minor respects. A draft revision of the emergency standard specification for ready mixed paint for priming coats for woodwork (excluding totara) is now being circulated for comment. Paint Undercoats. —Although there are separate standard specifications for most of the constituents generally used in the manufacture of paints, these are not quite complete. Consideration was therefore given to a number of overseas standards. It was decided to prepare original standard specifications for mica pigment, dehydrated castor oil and bodied linseed oil. Code of Practice. —Following representations from the trades concerned the preparation of a standard code of practice has been undertaken which will cover all types of painting, including staining and finishing wood, painting and distempering wall and