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Calls are made at Niue principally to enable copra and basketware to be shipped from the island to New Zealand. During the first half of the year the island is served at regular intervals by a Union Steam Shi]) Co. vessel, which is the only one available to carry bananas from Fiji, Tonga, and Western Samoa to New Zealand, and is, therefore unable to accept copra from Niue, and only a limited quantity of basket mail. As copra and basketware are the most important items of export from Niue, the value of the " Maui Pomare " to the island can hardly be overstressed. 8. WESTERN SAMOA BANANA SCHEME In 1926 the New Zealand Government set up a Banana Export Committee to encourage the Samoan banana industry and thus improve the economic position in the Territory. Earlier, small exports of bananas to New Zealand had indicated that such a trade was possible. As a result of the Committee's work the building of a specially designed vessel was authorized, and in 1928 the N.Z.G.M.V. " Maui Pomare " made her first voyage with Samoan bananas to New Zealand. At the outset the price paid to growers was ss. per case f.o.b. Apia for bare fruit, with the New Zealand Government taking all risks and disposing of shipments. Since 1936, however, the whole crop has been purchased by the New Zealand Marketing Department. Early in the scheme there were considerable losses, resulting largely from breakdowns in the " Maui Pomare's " engines and refrigerating machinery, but by 1941 an accumulated surplus of £17,424 Bs. 7d. was shown. In succeeding years there have been losses on occasions, with the result that at 31st March, 1949, the accumulated funds of the scheme had been reduced to £12,811 19s. lid. Costings of on-charges have been very fine and it has taken very little variation in conditions to turn an estimated surplus for a year into a loss. The following table shows the prices paid to growers per case, the cost to the scheme f.o.b. Apia, and the price received from the Marketing Department:—

Quantity of Bananas Shipped


Price to Growers. Cost to Scheme f.o.b. Apia : Average. Price Paid f.o.b. by Marketing Department. s. d. s. d. 1 s. d. 1945-46 .. 6 6 13 6-70 13 10 1946-47 6 6 13 8-75 13 10 r 13 10 April-1947-48 6 6 14 6-02^ June. L 14 10 July. 1948-49 7 0 15 1-57 15 7 1949-50— 1st January, 1950 7 0 16 0-23* 1st March, 1950 7 0 16 2-23* 1st May, 1950 7 0 16 8-23* 16 8 * Increases due to increases in cost of cases.

— Cases. Value. 1 — Cases. Value. £ £ 1941 177,416 89,252 1946 172,823 86,421 1942 79,897 25,343 1947 101,754 70,317 1943 64,373 17,702 1948 99,507 69,004 1944 32,486 12,136 1949 87,121 64,644 1945 109,838 67,472