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APPENDIX —continued

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,444 copies), £l4O.

By Authority: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, Wellington. —1950, Price Is. 3d.)

— ( j Date Provisional Scheme Issued. Date Final Scheme Issued. Date Order in Council Gazetted. XVII. Miscellaneous —continued (xxxvi) Poutu Rabbit District .. 1 Referred for action under 30/3/50 section 29, Rabbit 1 Nuisance Amendment Act, 1947 (xxxvii) Dunstan Rabbit District Ditto .. 30/3/50 (xxxviii) Cairnhill Rabbit District „ 25/8/49 (xxxix) Downs Rabbit District Referred for action under section 30, Rabbit Nuisance Amendment Act, 1947 (xl) Blackstone Rabbit District Dicto .. (xli) Waihopai Rabbit District 13/4/49 (b) Union of Districts : Not involving Public Inquiries and Action Taken in Pursuance of Section 24 of the Local Government Commission Act, 1946 (i) Harapepe and Pirongia Rabbit Districts .. Referred for action under 19/5/49 section 28, Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1928 (ii) fLiliikihi, Hairini. Mangapiko, and Pukeatua Ditto .. 29/9/49 Rabbit Districts