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The Commission investigated tlie various proposals and recommended the alteration of the boundaries of sixteen rabbit districts, the constitution of thirty-four rabbit districts, and the union of six rabbit districts to form two new rabbit districts. Reference is made to these proposals in detail in the Appendix, pages 57 and 58. As at 31st March, 1950, six of the requests made to the Commission by the DirectorGeneral of Agriculture had not been the subject of recommendations by the Commission. One of these requests had been received just prior to the conclusion of the year under review and had not been considered by the Commission, four were awaiting further information requested from the Director-General of Agriculture, and one was under consideration as to whether action to give effect to the proposal should be taken by the promulgation of a provisional scheme in pursuance of the Local Government Commission Act, 1946. (3) Constitution of District Committees Reference has previously been made to the constitution of district committees under the heading of " Christchurch Metropolitan Local Government" (pages 10-14). (4) Unimproved-value Rating System—Poll of Ratepayers : Christchurch Drainage District Reference has previously been made to the unimproved-value rating system under the heading of " Christchurch Metropolitan Local Government" (pages 10-14). (5) Electric-power Supply Reference has previously been made to electric-power supply under the heading of " Alteration of Boundaries : General" (page 10), and also under the heading of " Christchurch Metropolitan Local Government " (pages 10-14). (6) Tauranga Borough : Mount Maunganui Borough Tauranga Borough Council : Tauranga Harbour Board Early in the year under review a request was made to the Commission by the Tauranga Borough Council for consideration to be given to a proposal for the amalgamation of the Tauranga and Mount Maunganui Boroughs, and for the transfer of the functions of the Tauranga Harbour Board to the Tauranga Borough Council. Communications were received from the Mount Maunganui Borough Council and the Tauranga Harbour Board indicating their strong opposition to the Tauranga Borough Council's proposals. The proposed transfer of the functions of the Tauranga Harbour Board to the Tauranga Borough Council was also opposed by the Rotorua Borough Council, the Mount Maunganui Chamber of Commerce, and the Bay of Plenty Provincial Branch of the Federated Farmers (Inc.). Before the Commission had commenced its investigations into the matter the Tauranga Borough Council withdrew its request, and the Commission decided not to take any further action in regard to the request. |7) Waihi Borough In the year 1948 representations were made to the Government by the Waihi Borough Council concerning the financial and economic position of the Waihi Borough. The Council had submitted certain proposals to the Government with a view to assisting the borough during the period of transition from a mining town to a rural and industrial centre. There was every indication at the time that the Martha Gold-mine, employing some 350 men, would be closed down. The finances of the borough had been a matter of considerable concern for some years past owing to the progressive decline in gold