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From the administrative point of view it can be said that the elections were well conducted despite the fact that preparations were appreciably retarded by the work of the special polls earlier in the year. However, a redeeming feature of those polls was that the majority of polling officers acquired useful knowledge and experience of their duties in the booths and proved more efficient at the general election. Licensing Committees' Elections In terms of the Licensing Act, 1908, which provides for elections of Licensing Committees after every licensing poll, these elections were held on the 14th March, 1950, in 27 licensing districts where the number of candidates nominated exceeded the 5 required for a Committee. X. EXPLOSIVES, DANGEROUS GOODS, CINEMATOGRAPH THEATRES Licences The following licences were issued during the year:— Importation of Explosives.—Polar gelignite, 1,341,250 lb.; polar gelatine dynamite, 141,650 lb.; polar ajax, 133,900 lb.; polar quarry monobel, 172,450 lb. ; polar A2 monobel, 568,750 lb. ; geobel, 5,000 lb. ; blasting-powder, 82,500 lb.; sporting-powder, 41,538 lb.; plain detonators, 821,000 ; E.D. fuses, 1,242,000 ; safety-fuse, 28,688 lb.; fireworks, 77,108 lb. Other licences issued during the year were : Conveyance, 161 ; sale, 488 ; storage, 438. Dangerous Goods.—During the year, 2,482 licences were issued as against 2,328 for the preceding year. Cinematograph Films. —Licences issued under the Cinematograph Films Act for the year ended 30th September, 1949, were as follows : Exhibitors', 511 (561); itinerant exhibitors', 36 (25); renters', 8 (17); storage, 21 (12) ; miscellaneous, 10 (7). The figures in parenthesis are the corresponding ones for the previous year. Explosives-testing Station Further progress towards the re-establishment of these facilities has been achieved during the year. Authority for the necessary alterations and additions to the testingstation building has been obtained, and work on this part of the project is expected to commence shortly. A small amount of equipment was received during the year but delivery of the majority of the items ordered will apparently be protracted owing to production difficulties overseas. Use op Explosives This office continued, as in the past to assist the Post and Telegraph Department in the training of employees in the use of explosives. Investigations into complaints of defective explosives have also been conducted at the request of the Works Department. Inspection Work As envisaged in the last annual report it has been possible to extend inspection coverage throughout New Zealand. Although it has not yet been possible to achieve the aim of complete coverage once a year, satisfactory progress towards this end is being made, and with recent increases in inspection staff the desired objective should be achieved in the near future.