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Presented to. both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

Marine Department, Wellington, 30th June, 1950. Your Excellency,— I do myself the honour to transmit for Your Excellency's information the report of the Marine Department for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, W. S. GoOSMAN, Minister of Marine. His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand.


The Secretary, Marine Department, to the Hon. the Minister of Marine. Sir, — . Marine Department, Wellington, 29th June, 1950. I have the honour to submit the report of the Marine Department for the year ended 31st March, 1950. During the year the main Harbour Boards have endeavoured to improve their financial position to enable them to meet operating expenses in full, and to carry out necessary maintenance work which for various reasons had to be deferred during the war period. Owing to Price Control Regulations there had been difficulty in obtaining approval to increased revenue sufficient to cover these factors, but towards the end of last session price control of Harbour Board by-law charges was relaxed. Since that date many Boards have taken the opportunity to increase their charges. The Department's attitude on Boards' applications for increased revenue by way of by-law charges is that, in the main, Harbour Boards should be able to conduct their own business with as little departmental interference as possible, and then only to ensure that the proposals are not ultra vires and are equitable as between those sections of the people which pay. The necessity for improvements to port facilities to assist in the quick turn-round of vessels has been realized, and many of the Harbour Boards have proposals in hand—some in the embryonic stage, others actually in progress.