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The main body of the Force is stationed at Apia. In addition to the gaoler and the warders, a sergeant and a corporal are assigned to the prison at Yaimea and the prison farm at Tafaigata. There are two out-stations in Upolu, one at Lalomanu, in the Aleipata district, and the other at the Faleolo Airport. Each is staffed by one constable. In Savai'i there is a Force composed of one sergeant and one corporal, six constables, and four messengers. Their headquarters are at Tuasivi, where they are under the immediate direction of the Resident Commissioner. One of the constables is normally stationed at Fagamalo, twenty miles to the north of Tuasivi. There were during the year one conviction for murder, two for manslaughter, and three for negligent driving causing death. There have been no instances of collective violence or disorder. Minor offences against the person and minor thefts continue to be fairly prevalent and showed an increase over last year. Other categories of crime, however, showed a decrease, with a resulting net decrease in crime for 1949-50 over 1948-49. A table showing the number of convictions in the High Court under the various main headings is given in Appendix V. Firearms, Ammunition, and Explosives A strict control is maintained over the importation and possession of firearms,, ammunition, and explosives. The relevant statistics for the year are as follows : Firearms : Licences issued to registered holders : Shotguns .. .. .. .. .. 1,108 Rifles .. .. .. .. .. .. 73 Pistols .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Ammunition : Imports during the year : Shot cartridges .. .. .. .. .. 299,000 Rifle and pistol cartridges .. .. .. 45,150 Explosives : Imports during the year : Gelignite (lb.) .. .. .. .. .. 18,000 Detonators .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 E. POLITICAL ADVANCEMENT General Administration The year 1949-50 represents the first full year during which the new political organs established by the Samoa Amendment Act, 1947 (see page 9 et seq), have been continuously in force and operation. It has been, in many ways, a notable year because, while it has naturally been found that there are certain defects in the organization, the new scheme has been found not only workable, but capable, in the present stage of Western Samoa's development, of producing results quite as satisfactory as those which were hoped for. Three meetings of the Assembly were held during the year, and the business transacted at those meetings is summarized in Appendix IV. The debates upon all financial provisions, including the estimates and the supplementary estimates, have been keen and intelligent, with nearly every member participating. The Assembly as a whole has shown a distinct tendency to be most conservative in the matter of expenditure and to scrutinize the Government accounts with a critical eye. Debates upon Ordinances have not, in general, been so freely participated in, perhaps because, as is natural, some of the members do not feel quite at home in discussing questions of general law. Nevertheless, from the first year's proceedings can be drawn the conclusion that the Assembly is fully competent to exercise its function, which is described in the enabling Act as "to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of Western Samoa." All the Ordinances passed were introduced and sponsored by the Government, but many of the motions upon which some of the keenest debates were held were introduced by private members.