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to date indicates that unattended operation in this manner is quite practical and satisfactory. Vertical steel mast radiators of 175 ft. height are used at Hamilton and Whangarei and one of 110 ft. at Wanganui. At Gisborne, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, and Nelson the low-power transmitters, which have completed their useful lives, were replaced with new 2 kW. transmitters. These were located on improved sites a short distance from the towns and equipped with 175 ft. masts. These transmitters also are remote operated. The installation of new technical equipment for the studios was completed at Gisborne, and similar work is at present proceeding at Nelson. The improved coverage resulting from these new stations and modifications is welcomed by very many listeners. New transmitters for 2YA (60 kW.) and IYA, IZB, 2ZB, 3YA, 3ZB, 4YA, and 4ZB (each 10 kW.) have been installed in the transmitting-stations at Titahi Bay, Henderson, Gebbies Pass, and Highcliff. The work of erecting the new steel mast radiators and the extensive earthing systems at these stations is proceeding. As in the case of the Paengaroa mast, these also will be of the sectionalized inductance loaded type and of a height of 500 ft. at Henderson and 400 ft. at the other three locations. Special arrangements are being made to operate two transmitters from each mast and thus effect a further economy. At Henderson, Gebbies Pass, and Highcliff, additional land has been acquired to accommodate these masts. It is expected that this new plant will be in operation by the end of 1950, certain delays having occurred in the supply of material from overseas. Short-wave Service Two high-frequency transmitters have been in regular daily operation carrying the programmes of Radio New Zealand. These transmissions are directed essentially to the Pacific and Australian areas. Additional transmitting aerials have been erected and have resulted in an improved service to the Pacific area. The task of assignment of future operating frequencies for short-wave services throughout the world is still under action by the International High-frequency Broadcasting Conference. Great importance is attached to the securing of adequate future operating frequencies for New Zealand short-wave services, and accordingly New Zealand is taking an active part in this Conference. The first session was opened in Mexico at the end of 1948, and was followed by a Planning Committee session in Paris in 1949. The second session of the main Conference will open in Florence, Italy, on the Ist April, 1950. The general use and importance attached to short-wave broadcasting has increased by such a great extent in recent years that there are now more stations in operation, and projected, than there are operating channels, with the result that many stations interfere with each other. The purpose of the Conference is to effect an orderly allocation to the various countries in an endeavour to eliminate this trouble. The Conference is faced with considerable difficulties, as many countries have different ideas on the principles on which such allocations should be decided and have strong objections to any reduction of their services already in operation or projected. Recording Equipment All stations are finding that recording facilities are of great assistance in the preparation and production of programmes, and the installation of additional high-grade, recording equipment at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin is nearing completion. Both disk and magnetic-tape systems are already in regular use. Other stations will also be equipped when suitable equipment is obtainable. Recording facilities were used very extensively in Auckland to cover effectively the Empire Games and contributed very largely to the success of these broadcasts,